MTL - The Sweetest Thing In the World-Chapter 17 she is so beautiful

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Before washing her hands in the sink, Min Yue was dazed with a sterile hand washing brush in her hand.

Ruined! I was so busy practicing skin sewing that I completely forgot what the steps of hand brushing are!

Min Yue timidly glanced at Xu Mai next to her, she would definitely be scolded if she asked her now, if she didn't ask, it would definitely be bad for the patient if the disinfection is not in place...

To ask, or not to ask?

Min Yue stood there blankly, facing the most difficult choice in her life.

Seeing her holding the hand brush in a daze, Xu Mai pointed it out: "Can't brush your hands?"

found out...

With a mournful face, Min Yue replied in great frustration: "Master, I'm sorry... I haven't had surgery for a long time, I forgot..."

Such a basic thing has been learned at the undergraduate level. It stands to reason that it should develop muscle memory like holding chopsticks, and should not be forgotten. But Min Yue focused on practicing stitching, and other things seemed to be emptied, letting the memory come out. Now immersed in Xu Mai's coercion again, his head froze immediately, unable to recall life and death.

Hearing this, the itinerant nurse silently squinted at her, eyes full of disdain. Min Yue caught her gaze, and her heart sank instantly.

Just wanted to say that the first question was well answered, it was a good start, and it turned out...

Xu Mai's anger did not appear as expected, she just remained silent for a while, and said lightly: "Then you see what I do."

Min Yue didn't dare to make any omissions, and stared closely at Xu Mai's movements, her eyes turned into high-definition video recorders, capturing every detail clearly.

Start from the nails, then to the nail grooves, finger crevices, fingers, palms, and brush to the position 10cm above the elbow joint. Alternate hands at the same time, brush the feet for 3 minutes, wash off the foam on the arms and hands under running water, and then take a sterile towel to wipe off the remaining water.

Xu Mai rubbed and said, "You brush it once and I'll take a look."

"Oh, good." Min Yue followed the steps just memorized, brushed his hands and arms in all directions without dead ends, and then rinsed them under running water.

As soon as she stretched out her hand, Xu Mai frowned. "No, the hand can't be in the lowest position, the foam on the arm will flow over, and the hand will be polluted again."

Min Yue raised her hands in the air helplessly, not knowing what to do.

Seeing her panicked face, Xu Mai felt that his tone was too harsh, so he slowed down his tone and said, "Swipe it again."

"Okay." Min Yue did as ordered, this time remembering that the palms were on the top and the elbows were on the bottom, but when she wiped her hands, something went wrong again.

Seeing her wiping her arm back and forth with a towel, Xu Mai immediately pressed her hand. "You can't wipe back, don't you know?"

Min Yue was about to cry. "I know... accidentally..."

"Do you know how to wipe with a towel?" Xu Mai asked again.

Unlike wiping your face at home, there is a standard requirement to wipe your hands with a sterile towel.

Min Yue used to wipe with two towels in practice before, and never practiced using one towel, but she made several low-level mistakes in a row, so she didn't dare to shake her head at this moment, and stared at Xu Mai pitifully.

Xu Mai walked a few steps closer, hugged her from behind, and said softly, "I'll teach you, watch carefully."

Through the mask, Xu Mai's voice was filtered very lightly, reaching Min Yue's ears, but it caused intense ripples in her heart.

She didn't dare to move, and stood quietly in Xu Mai's arms.

Xu Mai first wiped Min Yue's hands clean with a towel, then folded the towel in half into a triangle, put it on her wrist, pinched the two drooping corners of the towel with his left hand, and pulled it toward the upper arm. After wiping one side, turn the towel over and use the same motion to wipe the other side.

Min Yue turned her head slightly and looked at Xu Mai behind her.

She wore the mask and hat meticulously, and every strand of hair was carefully tucked away, with only one pair of eyes exposed.

She is so beautiful. Min Yue was a little dazed.

The famous ice beauty of the First Affiliated Hospital is really beautiful.

But she was not indifferent, her movements of wiping were very gentle, and the strength of her hug was very gentle, as soft as her sweet dream that night, the dream that Xu Mai would smile at her.

"Do you remember?"

There was a cold question in his ear, Min Yue acted cleverly, came back to his senses, and murmured guiltily: "Remember..."

Because of the physical contact, Xu Mai had no choice but to brush his hands again, lowered his head and carefully scrubbed his fingertips, and said, "Do it again, let me see."

"Oh, good." Seeing that she was going to check and accept the teaching results, Min Yue didn't dare to delay, and acted quickly.

The two of them brushed their hands again and dried them. Min Yue imitated Xu Mai's movements, took the disinfectant, and applied it from the fingertips to 1/2 of the upper arm.

While waiting for their hands to dry naturally, the two saw Chen Sitian who had arrived late. She said she was sorry and hurriedly sanitized her hands.

After she finished packing up, the three of them put their hands on the sterile field in front of their chests and walked into the first operating room.

Xu Mai and Chen Sitian shook off the surgical gowns, put their arms into the cuffs, and waited for the itinerant nurse to help fasten the collar and waist belt. Then they put on sterile gloves and washed the talcum powder on the surface with sterile saline to reduce the risk of infection. Incision irritation.

Min Yue followed suit.

In an operation, the chief surgeon is in charge of the method and process of the operation; the first assistant is responsible for cooperation, allowing the chief surgeon to perform with ease; the second assistant... is responsible for watching and sewing the skin.

So before the task of sewing skin was issued, Min Yue honestly stood next to Chen Sitian and dutifully performed the task of watching.

At exactly 9 o'clock, Xu Mai announced the start of the operation. As soon as he raised his hand, the equipment nurse skillfully handed over the scalpel. Xu Mai chose the conventional median chest incision. After the chest was disinfected, he used a traditional scalpel to cut the skin, and then switched to an electric knife to cut the subcutaneous muscle.

The moment Xu Mai was stabbed, Chen Sitian raised the suction device with his left hand, and wiped the bleeding spot with gauze in his right hand. The two cooperated tacitly and moved quickly. Before Min Yue could smell the "barbecue smell", Xu Mai had already cut the sternal periosteum.

"Electric saw." Xu Mai raised his hand and waited for the equipment nurse to hand over tools, then turned to the anesthesiologist and said, "Dr. Zhang, I am going to saw the sternum, please help me stop my breathing."

"Okay!" Doctor Zhang obeyed.

Xu Mai sawed the sternum longitudinally along the midline, and Chen Sitian immediately applied a layer of bone wax to stop the bleeding. Then the two cooperated to release the scarf and support, free the thymus, cut the pericardium, and establish extracorporeal circulation after exploration.

The whole process was smooth and seamless, and Min Yue watched it enviously, if only she could participate in it.

Xu Mai straightened up, and the nurse helped her put on the magnifying glass from behind. Min Yue stood opposite her, exchanged glances with her, and couldn't help being a nympho.

Mom! The master wearing glasses is so handsome!

Under the shadowless lamp, which was brighter than the noon daylight, Xu Mai's straight nose was covered with a black frame, a foldable optical lens was hung on the frame, and a transparent blood shield was sealed on the temple.

Her skin is extremely white, in striking contrast with the obsidian-like color of her glasses, she looks very calm and stern.

When I was in school, the students would discuss which department they would choose to go to in the future. Many people said that they would definitely choose surgery, not for anything else, but for the handsome posture and advanced equipment, which felt very impressive.

Later, during the internship, I watched the operation. No matter what the chief surgeon looked like, he was wrapped in surgical gowns, hats, and masks. They all looked the same. Min Yue couldn't even tell who was who.

But at this moment, she recognized Xu Mai.

Even though Xu Mai was wrapped in surgical gowns, hats, and masks, she could recognize at a glance that it was her master.

No one's eyes are as beautiful as Master's.

No one's temperament, even across the vast crowd, still hit her heart at once.

There is only Xu Mai, the only and best Xu Mai in the world.