MTL - The System is One Year Ahead of Schedule, But It’s Not the End of the World Yet!-Chapter 237 Plans can’t keep up with changes!

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Chapter 237 The plan cannot keep up with the changes!

Seeing that the defense system is about to be unable to hold up, even if the nuclear bomb is not fully prepared, it has to be used.

But there is still a huge trouble in front of us, that is, the opposite captain has copied Liu Qinlan's state recall ability.

This ability exists. As long as this guy doesn't die, even if the nuclear bomb blows up the alien spacecraft and kills four other people, it will be in vain.

This captain only needs to review the status to directly reset all the damage just now.

It would be great if Ye Tong's ability nullification could work, but it's a pity that these aliens are all tenth level and there is no way.

Considering this, everyone can’t help but feel a headache.

At this moment, Zhao Yue suddenly had a flash of inspiration and looked at Zhong Yi who was standing aside: "How did you steal my mecha warriors without anyone noticing before? Is there any way to use this method again? If you can use them The captain was forcibly taken away, and we killed his other teammates first, and it would not be too late for the remaining captains to deal with them slowly."

“According to what you said, these aliens are all at level 10. I’m afraid it’s very difficult.”

As he spoke, Zhong Yi communicated with Gu Liu’s vine spirit: “Senior Gu Liu, are there any soul-level superpowers among them?”

"No, among the five of them, one has a rebound ability, one has a copying ability, one has a perception ability, one has an energy sharing ability, and one has a healing and resurrection ability."

 “So that’s it, that looks like it might be feasible.”

After communicating with Gu Liu, Zhong Yi immediately looked at Zhao Yue and said: "I have a person with out-of-body ability who can directly penetrate all non-soul-level protection and approach the target silently.

 He was the one who first entered your mecha warrior storage area, and then we used the shared vision to find someone with teleportation ability to go in and take away the things.

 It’s just that this time, if our goal is their captain, it will be difficult to achieve it alone.

After all, we who are capable of teleportation may not be able to take him away forcibly if he is a tenth-level warrior. "

“You don’t have to take him away, you just need to find a way to trap him. Otherwise, after he copies Liu Qinlan’s backtracking ability, he will be invincible.”

"Then what abilities do you have that can trap him? I shouldn't be able to find such a person over there." Zhong Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Zhao Yue frowned and her mind started working quickly, and soon she thought of a feasible solution.

 He asked Lin Xiaotian to open the passage and invite a person over, it was Yue Yuqing.

“Xiaoyue, what’s going on today? Why does it look like a war broke out?”

Yue Yuqing looked at Zhao Yue in confusion and asked.

 “Something big happened, aliens invaded.”

"What!? Aliens!" Yue Yuqing looked at the flying saucer in the sky in disbelief.

"I don't have time to explain now. I just asked you to come here to help you do something."

"you say."

 “Can you change anything with your shape-shifting ability?”

“Theoretically, everything can be changed, but my power level is only ninth level, so the upper limit of what can be changed is not very large. It can be as big as a mountain at most.”

“I don’t need you to become very big, I want you to become something that can trap a living thing inside you.”

 “Trapped a creature? How about turning it into a diamond cage?”

“No, diamond is not hard enough, so use carbyne.” “Carboyne? What is that?”

“This is a material dozens of times harder than diamond.” Lin Xiaotian seems to be quite studious and knows a little more.

However, Akafiel had already arrived at this time. Because of Liu Qinlan's incident, he did not dare to stay on the front line. His superpower was immortality.

If his abilities were also copied away, the alien who copied the abilities would be truly invincible, so he retreated directly to the rear.

After hearing the conversation between several people, he shook his head and said: "Carboyne is only the hardest thing that we humans have ever researched before. In fact, among the materials left by the city lord to make spaceships, there is something called secret gold, which is extremely hard and tough. It’s abnormal, but we don’t have the technology to create it, so I don’t know if you can change it directly.”

“If there are relevant structures that can be introduced to me, I should be able to give it a try.” Yue Yuqing thought for a while and said.

“It’s all here, take a look.” Akafiel immediately introduced relevant materials to Yue Yuqing to take a look at.

Soon everyone saw that Yue Yuqing had transformed into a strange metal cage, directly covering Zhong Yi next to him.

No matter how Zhong Yi punches, kicks or uses laser eyes to attack, he can't escape from this secret gold cage.

 The next moment Yue Yuqing had changed back to his original appearance.

“The hardness and toughness of this material are very strong. Even tenth-level experts should not be able to get out without special output capabilities.” Zhong Yi exclaimed.

But as he spoke, he also felt a sense of crisis.

Mocheng is indeed full of talents. If the aliens are defeated, he will become less and less confident in fighting the subsequent civil war on Earth.

Especially when I saw Lin Xinru making nuclear bombs and doing the same thing.

If Lin Xinru cooperates with Lin Xiaotian, they can simply rain nuclear bombs on the Survivor Alliance every day.

Who can withstand this?

But there is no time to think too much about this at this time. There is a strong enemy on the side. Whether the method everyone thinks of will be completely effective is still a matter of two opinions. It is not yet to the point of falling out immediately.

 After the plan was finalized, everyone immediately started executing it.

The person with out-of-body ability and shared perception ability was also called over by Zhong Yi to help under the influence of Lin Xiaotian's powers.

Although Gu Liu could originally judge the positions of the five people in the spacecraft clearly by relying on his perception ability, it was still not as clear as a person with out-of-body ability who could see it in person.

After the souls of those with out-of-body abilities floated into the spacecraft, Lin Xiaotian and others also clearly saw the internal structure of the spacecraft based on the images shared by those with shared perception abilities.

And the ability of the soul to leave the body is really suitable for sneaking in. Neither this alien spacecraft nor the five aliens have the ability to resist the soul level.

 Or it’s not necessarily that they have no concept of soul at all.

 Awakening of powers, there are many unique powers based on cognitive awakening.

  If aliens do not have the concept of soul, it will naturally not be easy for them to awaken their unique abilities in this area.

 The plan cannot keep up with the changes. Now that the enemy's abilities have changed, it is natural to adjust accordingly. After quickly adjusting the new plan, Lin Xiaotian has locked the opponent's captain with the help of the vision sharing of the out-of-body ability user.

"Are you ready?" Lin Xiaotian took a deep breath and looked at Lin Xinru and Yue Yuqing beside him. The next step was to see how they performed!

 (End of this chapter)

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