MTL - The Thrilling Sword-Chapter 1139 : Do you want to kill?

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Zongsan thought for a while, and then said: "It's impossible to talk about, this uneasy premonition lingers in my heart, but I can't tell what is going on, maybe I think too much. Stop it, brother Ye, we Let's discuss the Nine Star Dynasty. "

"What do you think we should do next?" Ye Xuan said curiously when he heard Zongsan's words.

Zongsan grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, and said, "If not what I expected, the next step, the Jiuxing Dynasty, without any investigation results, will certainly find a way to ask the heavenly Taoist priests to figure out who are you Now, the nine-star dynasty is not stupid enough to keep us in the dark, and they will definitely think of a way to kick us out. "

"Oh? What do you think is their chance of success?" Ye Xuan said in surprise.

"With me, it is not easy for them to succeed." Zong San said slowly, "but ..."

Ye Xuan heard this Sanyu stop and said, "But what?"

"However, we need a bait." Zong San said calmly, when he said this, his eyes did not blink.

"Bait?" Ye Xuan froze.

Zong Sanning solemnly said: "Yes, it is a bait. We need a bait to attract the desperate actions of the Jiuxing Dynasty. In fact, with me, the heavenly Taoist of the Jiuxing Dynasty, it is impossible to calculate your position. The calculation method left to me has the method that can absolutely prevent it from being calculated, and these are the fires that I cultivate. I can take my life to ensure that as long as I do n’t deliberately release water, the nine-star dynasty does not want to calculate you. "

"You mean, you have to deliberately ask them to investigate something?" Ye Xuan said with an eyebrow.

Zong San nodded his head and said, "That's right, Brother Ye told me about seniors. I think this bait is just right for seniors."

"How do you say that?" Gui Su suddenly said.

Zongsan said in a hurry: "Brother Ye and Brother Ghost can imagine that the seniors of Qiu Zhen had played against the Jiuxing Dynasty, and the result was that the seniors of Qiu Zhen were defeated by the two holy places of the Jiuxing Dynasty. In the end, they had to flee, and the two places of sanctuary were also very vitally injured. Only the little sister-in-law who returned to the gods was sent to hunt and kill, and finally the seniors of the enemy line almost fell.

"I know what you said, but what does it have to do with your plan?" Ye Xuan asked.

Zong Sanyi said solemnly: "Of course, it is related. At least one thing can be confirmed. The Jiuxing Dynasty knew the seniors of Qiu Zhen, and also knew the methods and practice methods of the seniors of Qiu Zhen. The seniors of Qiu Zhen were the easiest to analyze. The person who calculated it. You know, there is a holiday for the seniors of Jiuzhen and the Jiuxing Dynasty. As long as we do not deliberately conceal the existence of the seniors in Jiuzhen, it is easy to be convinced that everything in the previous time is the seniors of Qiuzhen. made."

"What you mean is to create a few days ago, all things are the illusion of Qiu Zhen, cover up me and the ghost brake and find the true existence with Qiu Zhen, and finally use Jiu Zhen as a bait to lure Jiuxing The dynasty started. At this time, Ghost Brake and I were ambushing. No matter what, let ’s kill a divine sacred place with the advantage of numbers first. ”Ye Xuan was not a fool. Hearing this, he gradually analyzed Zongsan. the goal of.

Hearing Zongsan's thoughts now, Ye Xuan could not help but take a deep breath.

Even he has to admit that this plan is absolutely feasible.

Even the expressionless Ghost Brake always nodded secretly, and now he has also looked at Zongsan a little bit.

"That's right." Zongsan grinned. "Actually, it's complicated to do it, but it's also for the sake of Brother Ye. Brother Ye also knows that the power of the Nine-Star Dynasty is always unknown to us. How many of them are there? The sanctuary of the earth, we don't know at all. If we lose the advantage of the dark place and confront them, it will not do us any good. "

Hearing this, Ye Xuan secretly agreed.

Zong Sanyan said without change: "So, killing a holy land first is an absolute advantage for us. In any case, we are unknown about the power of the Jiuxing Dynasty, and no one knows how much they have. Hand, and we first remove one of the earth's holy realms. At that time, we will lose the advantages of this dark place, confront them with them, and overthrow the nine-star dynasty, and there will be no fear. "

When Ye Xuan heard this, he meditated.

He was thinking about the pros and cons of what Zong San said.

Also thinking about whether Zong San's plans might be disrupted.

Now, Ye Xuan turned to look at Guicha and said, "Do you think this plan is feasible?"

"Feasibility." Guicha said calmly: "The only thing is that you are sure that you can blind the heavenly priests of the Nine-Star Dynasty and let them investigate only one enemy."

"I wouldn't say this without my absolute confidence. After all, all the key points of this plan are here." Zongsan said slowly.

Ghost brake glanced at Zongsan's eyes and said with a negative hand: "I have nothing to say. The worst result of this plan is that we only had a showdown with the Jiuxing Dynasty in advance, and there was no loss. It can be said that it is a hundred profits without harm. , And if it succeeds, there are of course many benefits. "

Ye Xuan said: "Since the ghost brake said so, naturally I have nothing to say, and I will ask the enemy afterwards, after all, to let him be a bait, he still needs his consent."

"Well," Zong San nodded.

Ye Xuan thought a little and said, "So, if these plans succeed, what will be your next plans?"

"If the identity of Big Brother Ye can't be concealed after the plan is successful, then, as I said just now, it is against the nine-star dynasty. I don't know much about the nine-star dynasty, I only know that, nine-star The foundation of the dynasty lies in the Jiuxing Temple. "Zongsan slowly said," This is something I have carefully studied through calculations for more than a decade, and risking not being discovered by the priests of the Jiuxing Dynasty. "

"Jiuxing Temple?" Ye Xuan froze.

He didn't even know about the Nine-Star dynasty, and he didn't know much about the Nine-Star Temple. If you want to know more about the Jiuxing Dynasty, there is only hatred.

Zong 3115 said: "Yes, the Jiuxing Temple, located at the center of the Zhongdu area, is where all the power of the Jiuxing Dynasty converges. The orientation built by the Jiuxing Temple is well-founded and difficult to break through."

"What does this mean?" Ye Xuan said puzzledly.

"Because the vicinity of the Jiuxing Temple is almost all the power of the Jiuxing Dynasty. If you want to fight it, you must kill it all the way. It is almost impossible if Brother Ye tries to directly destroy the Jiuxing Temple." Zongsan said: "This There are dozens of deacon halls near the nine-star shrine, and each deacon hall has a temple master during the period of deities. These deacon halls obey the nine-star dynasty. "

Ye Xuan nodded silently, waiting for Zongsan to talk.

"In addition to the Deacon Hall, there are six affiliated families of the Jiuxing Dynasty and eight affiliated gates. The power of these gates and clan should not be underestimated. It is the so-called ants who have bitten to death. The temple must not ignore their existence, because their positions are the best support for the nine-star temple. "Zong Sanyi meticulously preached.

Ye Xuan heard this ~ ~ lost in thought.

He had thought about whether it would be possible to kill the strongest in the Holy Land of the Nine-Star Dynasty and attack the Nine-Star Temple of the Nine-Star Dynasty directly and uproot the Nine-Star Temple. Then the Nine-Star Dynasty was destroyed naturally.

In doing so, it is natural that the province will launch a slaying of killing and kill all the way.

Obviously, it seems a bit unlikely.

You know, if you do n’t pull up the outer forces first, then when you have to attack the Jiuxing Temple, you will have to deal with those ancestors of the Holy Land, but there will be a lot of monks in the period of returning to God and imaginary union. Even the strong in the Holy Land can't bear it.

After all, as the number increases, it naturally becomes terrible.

"So, it is impossible to destroy those deacons halls without killing them." Ye Xuanshen said.

Zong San nodded helplessly and said, "This is also the beginning of my plan. I let Brother Ye and Brother Ghost start with those deacon halls. I know what Brother Ye thinks. Brother Ye does not want to hurt so many innocent people. However, Brother Ye must know that before these forces saw Brother Ye absolutely crush the strength of the Nine-Star Dynasty, their first aid was still the Nine-Star Dynasty. "

"and so……"

Zong Sanning said solemnly: "Brother Ye must also know that it is difficult to control the force to step on the ants without breaking them."


I thought it was going to be written for a while, and suddenly felt like it was here again, hahaha, three more!