MTL - The Trainer’s Surname is Uchiha-Chapter 278 thanks for the encounter

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   Chapter 278 Thanks for the encounter

   "Whatever you think, in fact, I am a good talker."

   Yu shook his head and patted his neck lightly: "Little Dream?"


  Dream Demon came out of Yu's chest sleepily, looking around in confusion, where is this?

   "Your heart is really getting bigger and bigger... But I'm right next to you, so you really don't need to be too vigilant."

  Yu sighed. If you are big, you can be big, how can you be caught by poachers if you are not big, and how can you follow yourself out of the tower of heaven regardless of the consequences?

  Yu has done his best to treat the Pokémon he truly approves of, and wants to treat them all as trusted companions and even relatives.

   In fact, he has done a good job of treating his spirits as relatives, but if they are treated equally...

   After all, he is also a human being, and he also has feelings. He is indeed closer to the elf who has been with him for the longest time when he treats the dream demon who followed him when he was weak.

   Yu always felt that this was not good. After all, every elves who decided to follow him regarded him and his companions as the only ones in their lives. He should not favor one over the other.

  So, in order to solve this problem, Yu thought that since we can’t favor one over the other, then it’s better to be more generous together!

   But, he is always a little bit thicker about the dream demon...

Yu suddenly remembered that when the Dream Demon was still a Dream Demon, he once instructed the other party with the idea of ​​"the best solution": If I die, don't be impulsive and desperate, but save your own life first, and then find a way to resurrect me, If you can't be resurrected, if you want to give up, then give up.

  If you die, I can't fight against the strong enemy who killed you, I will choose to escape, and then I will find a way to resurrect you, and you can rest assured that I will not give up if I live one day.

   After you are resurrected, we will gather up our strength to fight back together.

   Of course Yu thought so, that was when he was the weakest, and if he was not careful, he would be irreversible, that's why we had that conversation.

   Even now, Yu still thinks that is the best solution, and it seems stupid to die in vain because of impulse.

   But now, he can't be sure, if one day, the dream demon is killed in front of him, can he stay rational and choose to retreat?

   "It's useless to lie and deceive others, I can perceive the answer in my heart."

  Uchiha Yu sighed: "So I'm not as rational as I thought, maybe this is the ridiculous thing about human beings...

   However, if there is a day, I believe that I will not regret any of my choices, even if it is not the so-called optimal solution.

   And what I am doing now is to put an end to the occurrence of that kind of if, to borrow a word from Hu Di, to erase all the fates that I do not want to see! "

   The pursuit of strength in his heart is even stronger, and Yu slightly calms down his heart. Those so-called conspirators in the ninja world are no longer his enemies, and his goal is eternity!


   Yu smiled helplessly, looking at the dream demon with tenderness in his eyes, everyone said that he was sensible enough not to indulge in power, but to be its slave.

   But no matter how rational and IQ he was in his previous life, he was only in the category of mortals. If he was really just him at that time, I am afraid that he would have sunk in the pursuit of power.

  Because he has experienced the feeling of a surge in strength more than once, he knows the toxicity of that addiction even more!

   If nothing else, even now he has hundreds of ways to distort his once fragile soul and mind.

   But he finally came to this point, not only the enhancement of strength, but also the growth of his will and spirit did not stop.

   There are many reasons for his continuous growth, but Yu thinks the most important thing is probably the Pokémon around him.

   They completely surrendered their body and mind to Uchiha Yu, trusting him unreservedly, without reason, and without conditions!

   When Uchiha Yu was on the right path, Pokémon followed closely and happily followed him to the top.

  His Uchiha Yu went the wrong way, and Pokémon also never gave up, and followed him into the abyss without any regrets or regrets.

   Under such circumstances, how dare he be careless, how dare he be arrogant?

   Yu once had arrogance in his heart more than once, but when he saw these elves who trusted him, he instantly suppressed all his impetuousness, leaving only a deep fear.

   Don't look at the tone of "Oh, but that's it" every time he evaluates an enemy.

   But it was really right, his behavior was outrageous, and he kept reminding himself in his mind, "Don't be careless, everyone may kill me."

   After making choices, battles, and growing up again and again, Yu Neng has come to this day. In addition to his plans and efforts, I really have to thank fate.

  Thanks to fate for letting him meet the little dream demon and letting him discover Ishimaruko...

  Thanks for this encounter!

   Yu thought more than once, what would he be like without the help of the elves?

   Maybe he was killed a long time ago, maybe he escaped from the dead and disappeared, maybe he really grew up according to the original plan, and also stood at the current height.

   These are all unknowns, maybe…

   But what Yu can be sure of is that he will never be happier than he is now, nor will he have those precious memories and touches.

  Perhaps, he will be assimilated by this indifferent world and become a truly decisive and absolutely rational powerhouse, but that is not what he wants.


The voice of the   Dream Demon interrupted Yu's thoughts. The former already had a general understanding of the current situation, and the little head lightly rested on Yu's forehead, which made Yu a little amused.

   is just sharing the memories obtained from Shennong, there is no need to stick the forehead on the forehead like this.

   But, who made her like it.


  Dream Demon's eyes lit up, knowing that Yu had prepared another big meal for her when she was sleeping—Zero Tai!

  According to the information obtained, after combining the resurrection scroll of Zero-tail and the technique of summoning Zero-tail, a person full of negative emotions is needed as a carrier to produce "Dark Chakra", which is the so-called Zero-tail.

   After knowing all these operations, the dream demon closed her eyes and whispered a spell softly. Countless negative emotions were released from the orb on her chest, and there was no need to find a desperate person as a carrier.

   If she has negative emotions, she has as much as she wants here!

   Devoured the Box of Bliss and assimilated the dream demon of the underworld. In a sense, she represents the despair of the ninja world!

   And Zero Tail is just a thief who usurped her power, and now she has come to her door to take back the power called Dark Chakra!

The    spells were mixed in the murmured incantation, and the zero-tail resurrection scroll in Orochimaru's hand also automatically floated up and flew to an open space.

   An evil and cold Chakra gathered, gradually forming a hideous monster.


   Zero tail made the first roar after rebirth, and the voice was a bit sharp!

   And this is also the final sound of his life.


The terrifying sense of oppression struck, making Zero Tail suddenly like a duck whose throat was strangled, his body froze suddenly, he turned his "head" (if he really had one), and "looked" to the side of the smiling dream. demon.

  Suddenly, a sense of surrender from the depths of the soul forced it to crawl to the ground, as if it had encountered a ferocious predator at the bottom of the food chain.


   As if something shattered, and as if something was swallowed.

   Zero tail, pawn!

   (end of this chapter)