MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 14 January 20 overcast

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The holidays always end so suddenly. When Ryan showed up at the door of the Gryffindor lounge with Linda's letter to block Jue, she realized the vacation was over.

Ryan felt so tired when he looked at the three troublemakers who looked like snowmen in front of him. Especially when they pushed each other from time to time.

Your lounge is in the tower, can you still have good arms and legs if you are pushed down? Although a broken arm and a broken leg can be solved by a few bottles of potion to the Pomfleofers, this kind of game is already very boring!

Ryan couldn't understand the point of Gryffindor's joke very much. finished the corridor.

Luckily no one was pushed down, Ryan thought, and he spent all this time wondering what spell he would use to make her fall less bad if it were his sister. Miserable, or you may receive another roaring letter.

"Oh no!" The first thing Jue saw Ryan was howling.

Ryan's face became ugly, is this the attitude of a younger sister and a brother whom she hasn't seen in a long time?

The twins patted Zhu Yi on the shoulder sympathetically, and said the password to the fat woman without hesitation, and climbed into the lounge without hesitation.

"Hey, aren't you two going in?" The fat woman opened the door for a long time and asked the two brothers and sisters who were staring at the door.

"No, thank you." Although Ryan looked ugly, he politely responded to the fat woman.

The fat woman just closed the door, but she still curiously ran to the painting next to her, and sat with the goat girl in the painting to listen to the gossip about the brother and sister.

"This is a letter from mother." Ryan handed an envelope printed with laurel leaves to Zhu Yi, brushed the snow off her head expressionlessly, and said accusingly, " During the two-week vacation, you haven't written a letter to your family once, are you crazy?"

"I'm busy with my homework, we have a lot of homework this time!" Zhu Yi reluctantly stuffed the letter into his pocket, talking nonsense.

"Doing homework in the snow?" Ryan asked her back.

"Uh... Practicing the Floating Charm in the snow! I used the Floating Charm today so well, I could almost bury Fred and George with a snowball!" said proudly.

Ryan just looked at her quietly and didn't speak.

Ju Yi slowly felt a little guilty under his gaze, scratched the braid that was about to unravel, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I'll go back and write a letter right away."

She admitted that she was really crazy, the Marauder map allowed them to discover more secret passages in Hogwarts, and they could successfully avoid all the dangerous people when they went to the Forbidden Forest at night.

In the past two weeks, they have gone to the Forbidden Forest four times and obtained a lot of rare materials. The twins have prepared five-pay crackling poker and are ready to make a fortune. They thank the four Marauder Map founders every day: Fork, Bigfoot, Moonface, and Wormtail.

Ryan's face softened a little, knowing that his entire vacation was not so good.

First of all, the Christmas gift that Dad gave almost bit his head off, the monster book, only a father like Luther would give such a gift to his second-grade son!

And then every day my mother would say why Joey hasn't written back, and then kept asking him how Joey spent every day at Hogwarts. Aren't they the same college? How could he know what happened to her? He said this, and Luther began to accuse him of not caring about his sister.

"You must never have gone to her, I heard from your mother, the fat lady's password is the best way to get it, you only need to say two words to a Gryffindor girl If you listen, you will know!"

What makes Ryan helpless is that every time at this time, Linda, who is always calm and wise, will also agree on the side. So you also think it's okay for me to sacrifice hue for a broken password? And, as far as he knew, Jue was like a duck to water in Gryffindor, and your worries were superfluous at all!

You didn't make trouble this holiday, did you?" Ryan wanted to complain to his sister about the mental abuse he suffered during the holiday, but after seeing several Gryffindor girls approaching, he pressed his words back to maintain his high coldness. Xueba character design.

"Of course not, I've been doing my homework at school obediently throughout the holidays!" Zhu Yi answered very succinctly.

Ryan patted her head with relief and said, "That's good, it's not worth the fact that I kept saying good things about you at home, and my mother didn't buy a magic ring ruler."

That has recently become popular in the Chinese magic world. As long as you write the rules on the ruler, children who violate the rules will be chased and beaten all the time.

"Hi Jue, I heard you flew Filch's cat into the sky?" a Gryffindor girl asked with a smile as they passed them.

"Oh, that's what Peeves did, it doesn't matter to me, I've explained it to Filch, he didn't wrong me to a great extent." Zhu Yi winked at the girl said.

This is a nonsense of course, Mrs Norris is always around her and the twins, and she is so angry that she puts her in a bag full of magic snowballs and sends her to fly free in the sky . Filch threw the pot at Peeves as soon as she appeared furious. Of course, Peeves didn't dare to disobey her order. Filch certainly didn't believe it when he took over this **** pot, but he had no evidence, so he could only fight with Peeves angrily.

The version that Gryffindor students know is, of course, the real version that Joey herself shows off.

The girl received the signal from Zhu Yi, only to see Ryan standing next to her with a blue face, she quickly closed her mouth, and pulled her companions into the lounge door together.

Ryan's hand was still on Zhu Yi's head at this time, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he gave Zhu Yi a few slaps on the head, roaring: "I will believe your answer again. I am a pig!"

Ryan left the beaten head and squatted on the spot, baring his teeth and grinning in pain, he was so angry that he didn't turn his head back. He decided to write to Linda immediately and send the magic ring ruler immediately, his sister needed a gift urgently!

"Hey, Zhu Yi, is your brother so grumpy?" Several girls hiding behind the lounge door got out again and quickly helped Zhu Yi up and dragged him into the lounge.

"Oh, it's not bad!" Zhu Yi thought about what it was like to beat him twice, and the pain was gone. What she was most afraid of was that Ryan gave her extra homework, and she would have no pocket money if she couldn't finish it.

Oh, yes, her pocket money was sent directly to Ryan by her mother for safekeeping. She is the poor little girl whose economic lifeline was restrained.

But it's not like that when I hear other people's ears, so the rumor that Zhu Yi's brother, Ryan of Ravenclaw, is a tyrant quietly spread like this. The character that Ryan worked so hard to build with strength was ruined by an unintentional remark from his sister, and he still doesn't know anything.


Juey's favorite class is Transfiguration, but her favorite professor is Professor Stroop, because she is the only professor who didn't deduct her points.

The twins' favorite class is Defense Against the Dark Arts, and their favorite professor is also Professor Stroup, because they can always pick up something from the class without worrying about being discovered.

So, herbalism is the common interest of Zhu Yi and the twins, these three people are always quiet and serious in the herbalism class, only in this way everyone will not notice that they put What branches and leaves are cut off and put into pockets.

Today's potions class is planting Baixian, its leaves look like radish leaves, and the root is a big taro, and the underage Baixian will spit on you. Professor Stroop asked them to catch the baixian today, which is a kind of aphid that likes to eat the leaves of the baixian. But it can fly, so grabbing it requires a very quick movement, or a little stillness spell.

Gryffindor first-year herbal medicine and Ravenclaw were taken together. At this time, the styles of the two houses were completely different. Gryffindor students always teased aphids first. It has to fly, and then rely on fast speed to catch aphids in various positions. Ravenclaw, on the other hand, has been unhurriedly using the stillness spell to clean up slowly.

"Hey, here." On the bustling Gryffindor side, Fred quietly swept the aphids and the "accidentally" knocked off white leaves into what he had prepared. in the bag.

Zhu Yi also took the opportunity to break off a small piece of white fresh root, which was inevitably sprayed with saliva, um, stinky.

"This is a good thing." Zhu Yi wiped his face with his sleeve, and threw the small piece of white freshness accurately into Fred's open-mouthed bag.

Cedric, who was opposite her, saw their small movements and thought it was quite interesting, and calmly used the floating spell to send the aphids he caught there.

"That's right, that's right, we can't afford to buy fresh white food. Oh, thank you, Cedric, you are such a nice guy!" George blew a kiss to Cedric enthusiastically , Zhu Yi saw that Cedric shivered obviously.

"By the way, have you heard that several parents of Slytherin students have been arrested recently?" George said suddenly.

Joey and Fred shook their heads at the same time.

George said with a smile: "I heard from Jordan, doesn't he have an aunt who works in the Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic. His aunt got drunk at Christmas and said that she recently arrested an important The Death Eater seemed to be called Peter Pettigrew or Pete, he couldn't catch it. The man had confessed a lot of his former accomplices, but the Ministry of Magic was worried about causing a commotion, there was no publicity, and even arresting people was an Auror secret Among them are the parents of these Slytherin students."

"Touch!" Cedric on the opposite side was holding the white fresh potted plant in his hand and wanted to put it back on the flower stand, but it suddenly fell to the ground, and the white fresh pot fell several petals and scattered on the ground , every petal is spitting weakly.

, another savings.

Professor Sprout hurried over, quickly cleaned up the Baixian, replanted it in a new pot, and comforted the lost Cedric: "It's okay, dear, Baixian is a kind of plant that can recover quickly, even if a few pieces are missing, they can grow back."

Juey saw Cedric's numb nod, thinking in her heart, this poor little boy must have done nothing wrong, so he was frightened. You still have to be like her, making big mistakes and small mistakes constantly, so that the psychological endurance will be stronger!

Oops, Bai Xian in my pocket spit again, and I have to do laundry when I go back, I'm so annoying!

The author has something to say:

No manuscripts, no manuscripts, no manuscripts, no manuscripts... I want to cry... What position should I use to sleep when the code is 4 o'clock...