MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 15 february first rain

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Juey hates rainy days, because of the rainy days in winter, and if there is a Quidditch match on this day, she hates it even more. Today happens to be the day that hates coming home.

Angelina started to call Zhu Yi to get up early in the morning, but listening to the cold wind blowing outside, Zhu Yi didn't want to move the nest at all, she really hoped that she was a bird that hasn't hatched yet The chick can stay in the nest all the time.

"I don't have to eat it." Zhu Yi's voice came from the quilt, and seemed to be aggrieved.

"Then you don't plan to go to the match? Today is the last match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. If we lose, we will miss the Quidditch Cup. Yo!" Angelina stuck her waist, satisfied to see the constantly wriggling quilt caterpillar froze.

Ju Yi's messy hair came out first, and then a face that looked like death. After a few sniffles, Zhu Yi slowly crawled out and started getting dressed.

"This weather is so terrible, I really hope that all the Slytherin members can't get out of bed like me, or they all catch a cold and cover their faces with runny noses!" Zhu Yi muttered. The words went on and on, oh, the bedroom is so warm, but she wanted to cry when she thought about going to watch the game outside!

"Hurry up! Don't linger! I don't want to wait for you any longer! I'll go first!" Angelina felt that her mission had been completed, so she grabbed her hat, gloves, scarf and ran quickly When she left the bedroom, she was starving to death!

"Okay, okay, let's go eat first, and leave me a pork chop!" Zhu Yi shouted loudly at her back, and was relieved after receiving a vague response from Angelina wash.

Juey was not slow, Angelina had just started eating her second croissant when she came to the table.

Angelina bumped Jue, chin up towards Slytherin, and said, "Look."

Juey knew what Angelina meant by looking at it.

All the Quidditch players at the Slytherin long table have had breakfast and are listening to their captain's instructions.

Well well, Slytherin has a lot to hate, but people are never late. Jue reluctantly admitted.

Angelina's chin twitched again to the other side of the Gryffindor table.

Gryffindor keeper Oliver Wood was rubbing his nose, and a lot of crumpled paper was thrown next to him. Charlie is hating the slap on the head. Joey swears that Charlie's going to use some kind of spell to plug Wood's snot back in, if allowed.

"You are really a prophecy of God!" Angelina exclaimed, "If Charlie knew, I don't know how grateful you will be!"

Juey buried her head in the pile of bread, begging Angelina humbly to stay.

Angelina "Gege" laughed non-stop, and immediately put on the air, sometimes instructing Zhu Yi to take the pumpkin juice, and sometimes instructing Zhu Yi to hand over tomato sauce.

Fred and George arrived just in time.

Fred, who was very close to the ketchup, handed it over and asked curiously, "What game did you play today? House elf playing game?"

"The queen plays with her maid." Zhu Yi flattered to Angelina.

Angelina nodded in satisfaction.

Fred and George expressed their inability to understand the world of girls and quickly turned their attention to food.

"Your clothes are wet, come back from outside? I'll help you dry!" Jue pulled out her wand and tried to cast a drying spell on them.

Fred quickly pressed her hand and pleaded with George in unison: "Don't, please, leave us a pair of underwear!"

God knows she has been trying to learn since she saw Professor Flitwick's super drying spell since the beginning of school, and the object of contact gradually changed from the doll to the two of them. Then the two of them were burned by her wand all their clothes! Yes that's right, all—yes. If he and George hadn't reacted quickly and blocked key parts with their schoolbags in time, she would have seen them all!

What else did she say? It's not like I haven't seen it. Is that something a lady can say? It's clearly a hooligan!

Ju Yi also seemed to remember the same thing, put down her wand shyly, touched her nose and said, "I have been practicing intensively recently, maybe I can leave you underwear this time. ."

Angelina was very curious about the story of the panties, but the three of them were reluctant to speak anyway. Because it's so embarrassing! Let it be a boy's secret!

Together in the stands waiting for the game to start.

Oh, the lion marshmallow is a new work by the twins. It was specially developed for the Quidditch competition. It may be a college feeling. Now only the representative Gryffindor lion marshmallow has been successfully developed.

As long as you eat it, you can turn your head into a lion and make a roar, but one can only last for three minutes. Jue and the twins brought a bag full of them to give to all Gryffindor students as soon as they got to the stands. Everyone accepted it happily, and even a third-grade boy ate one immediately. He turned into a lion head and roared at the surroundings, making everyone around him amused.

"Hey! That's all you have. When everyone turns into a lion, just sit there!" Zhu Yi said angrily. They don't have much stock, and it's all for free! Their pocket money has been smashed here! How dare this guy waste it!

The lion boy folded his hands together in a pleading gesture, and the roar in his mouth became pitiful.

Fred ran over to smooth the game, gave him another one, and said, "This is the last one, don't waste it."

The lion boy nodded, his mane drooping down, and he looked like he really knew something was wrong.

At this time, the Gryffindor players flew up at the whistle of Professor Hooch, and the crimson uniforms and capes of each of them squeaked in the wind.

Charlie, as the captain, took all the team members to tour the stadium for a week, what does Zhu Yi care about the lion head boy, rainy days, only this team is in her eyes, and she cheers with her classmates with enthusiasm scream.

“啊啊啊啊啊啊—查理你太帅了—”朱伊扒在栏杆上双手拢成圆筒在嘴巴上大声喊叫。 Fred and George tugged at her robes tightly each side, fearful of her falling.

Charlie seemed to hear her voice and waved his hand here. Zhu Yi and the girls screamed louder at the same time, which is the charm of the Quidditch captain.

The fly in the ointment is that Wood is as snotted as Juey wishes (Juey: I didn’t—), and when he flies up, it affects his sight very much. Fortunately, he is a goalkeeper and doesn’t need to fly too far. distance.

The Slytherin team also flew up quickly, and the Slytherin stand was also boiling. I don't know what the Gryffindor team got when they passed by their stands just now. Anyway, when they flew over here in Gryffindor, Zhu Yi stuck out his tongue desperately, cheered, and there were boos from the side.

The Slytherin captain's face was gloomy, and the thick, thick brows that were about to grow together were frowned tightly. You can see that he is desperately trying to endure the desire to scold back, which is very rare. Jue remembers the last time before Christmas, when he played against Hufflepuff, the captain scolded Hufflepuff a lot. if.

Come back quickly."

Fred and George wanted to climb over the railing and punch him, but when they heard the screams behind them, they subconsciously hugged Zhu Yi, Sure enough, this girl has already climbed on the railing! This is high altitude! ! Yes... high, high anyway!

"You're the hillbilly! Your whole family is hillbilly!" Zhu Yi was dragged back by Fred and George together, and she was still trying to rush back. Let her give this guy a wasp spell, where's her wand! Jue roared while digging out his pockets.

Fred had anticipated what she was going to do, and took out her wand and hid it in George's pocket.

"Delton Shafik, don't go too far!" a fourth-year Gryffindor girl exclaimed, "Did your father get caught and released a while ago?"

The brown-haired Delton Shafiq turned pale, his eyes swept over everyone in the Gryffindor stand, and said coldly: "Don't be too complacent, Sooner or later one day..."

"Delton!" The Slytherin captain finally found the straggler, and he rushed over in time and shouted sharply, "Go back! The game is about to start! Are you just playing tricks?"

Delton sneered at his captain, said, "Traitors." And walked away.

The captain of Slytherin contorted his face angrily, and said sternly behind him: "Knock them down on the field! This is honor! Asshole!"

The students of Gryffindor are even more angry, what are you saying in front of people's houses and get down! Why is the face so big!

"We beat you down! Gryffindors are fearless! Gryffindors are invincible!" Gryffindor students shouted slogans one after another. Zhu Yi stopped beating people, standing on the seat of the stand, waving a scarf and shouting along.

Professor McGonagall from the teachers' stand smiled and said to Professor Snape, "Look, how enthusiastic our students are!"

"Hmph, as enthusiastic as a monkey." Professor Snape snorted coldly, frowning at Delton, who had always been dark-faced, and said solemnly, "Just as naive."

"Hehe, don't be so strict, they are still children!" Professor Flitwick also smiled and drank a cup of hot cocoa, his short legs swaying leisurely. It's not a competition from your own academy, it looks like it's easy! Better weather would be better.

The game was far more exciting and violent than expected. Charlie, as captain and Seeker, has been flying high in the sky. While looking for the Snitch, he went down to fill in time to help the Chaser dodge Slytherin's Quaffle.

Under Charlie's devil training during this period, the Gryffindor Chasers scored frequently. Wood was also undisturbed by the snot, saving a couple of super thrilling balls. At this time, a clear lion appeared in the Gryffindor stand, and everyone roared together, which looked very spectacular! Professor McGonagall pointed to this side and smiled very happily.

The Slytherin side looks very strange, it seems to be divided into two camps, one is led by the captain to organize the attack in an orderly manner, and there are few fouls, and it can even be seen that they are deliberately avoiding conflicts . The other camp, led by batsman Shafiq, was brutal and rampaged with no regard for Mrs Hooch's foul whistle.

All three of Gryffindor's Chasers were taken off the field with unpredictable injuries. Charlie also successfully caught the Golden Snitch at this time, and immediately went down and threw the broom with Slytherin's chasing luck.

The Slytherin captain said a few words to them, and they even hit the Quaffle directly on the captain's head. group. Everyone in the stands craned their necks desperately for a good show.

Professor Snape ran over quickly and said something with a cold face. It was so far away that Zhu Yi couldn't hear. All I could see was that the Slytherin players stopped and followed their dean back to the castle in silence.

"Hey! Joey, don't look! Go back and celebrate the victory!" Fredra led Joey and followed George down the stand, and all the Gryffindors were delighted ran to their heroes.

Yes yes yes! They won! Long live! Jue's attention quickly turned here, laughing and bursting into the festive crowd with the twins.

The author has something to say:

This is a warm palm, covering her face and running