MTL - The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts-Chapter 56 Cloudy May 20

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As final exams get closer, most Gryffindor students will wish they had a good Ravenclaw friend! Zhu Yi feels that she is super lucky, because she has one Cedric, who has good grades and handsome looks! Oh, and she has an older brother in Ravenclaw too, but that one is negligible.

In the library after school every afternoon, Cedric was surrounded by four Gryffindors, enjoying the joy of raising low-minded cubs.

No! Cedric sighed a lot today. He really couldn't understand how these Gryffindors did it. At the end of May, most of the textbooks were still brand new!

"What are you doing in class?" Cedric finally couldn't help but ask.

Fred, who copied the notes and got a sour hand, raised his head with a smile and said, "You will understand when we play a game of crackling poker! Our skills are perfect!"

"Yes, I can do it if the exam is the fastest way to fall asleep!" Zhu Yi changed a quill and said regretfully, "It's a pity there is no such class."

"Okay." Cedric was taught, he shouldn't have asked this stupid question.

Angelina was the first to finish the copy. She stretched a lot and asked Cedric casually: "I heard that you have been taught by Dumbledore himself recently, is it true? ?"

Juey and the twins were also drawn to the question, and they heard it, and the Hufflepuffs were still speculating that Cedric might be the headmaster's bastard.

Cedric's face stiffened for a moment, but soon returned to a relaxed answer: "Oh, Dumbledore is only concerned about my injury, after all, it was... Voldemort was injured."

"Oh, don't say that name!" Angelina exclaimed in a low voice, "He hasn't been caught yet!"

"He won't spare your life just because you dare not call his name." Cedric's expression was unprecedentedly serious, he said, "If you want to save your life, you can only let yourself have it. More self-defense capabilities.”

"Cool!" The twins and Jue responded immediately.

Angelina was also stunned by Cedric's words, she was speechless for a long time, and finally said to Cedric in admiration: "You are right."

"He has no hair, he has no body, he is like a black snake shadow! He has no nose, he has no mouth, his face is on the back of his head! Voldemort Voldemort, he is a ridiculous bald man !" Fred also improvised a Voldemort song, after which George and Joey applauded so enthusiastically that Mrs Pince glared at them several times.

Cedric looked at their carefree appearance and was really envious. He thought of the scene when he just woke up in the ward.

It was late at night when he opened his eyes, and the surroundings were very quiet, so quiet that he thought he was dead again.

"Son, you're finally awake."

Cedric was taken aback by the sudden voice, he turned his stiff neck and found that it was Dumbledore! Has he been in the ward the whole time? Why?

With a "click", a spot of light floated from Dumbledore's hand, all the way to the sconce on the wall, the ward was a little brighter, Cedric noticed his hand Holding a long lighter.

"Oh, are you interested in this?" Dumbledore handed the lighter to Cedric and asked with a smile.

Cedric didn't take it, he looked at Dumbledore's face with a little apprehension, and asked softly, "Have you been waiting for me here?" He vaguely knew why .

"Yes." Dumbledore answered very readily. Seeing that Cedric really didn't intend to ask for this lighter, he put it in his robe pocket, walked to the hospital bed, and looked at Cedric. K's eyes said softly, "I heard Harry say you saved him, you were brave."

"This is what I should do, but I know that's not what you mean, sir." Cedric said sincerely, "Please don't test me."

Dumbledore's expression was a little moved, his originally wise blue eyes became very gentle, like soft sea water, he smiled and said: "Okay, child, I hope you can Tell me why you know that Harry has the Love Protection Charm on him."

Cedric took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, Dumbledore waited quietly, without any urgency.

"What happened to me is a bit bizarre, but I believe that if it is you, it must be understandable." Cedric slowly said his biggest secret, "I died once Man, died at the hands of Lord Voldemort's servant Peter Perdilu when I was in sixth grade."

Dumbledore's calm expression fluctuated, but he still did not interrupt Cedric.

"I didn't disappear after I died. My soul saw Voldemort born again with Peter's flesh, Harry's blood, and his father's bones." Cedric began to tremble at this point. , Dumbledore immediately took his hand and patted his shoulder soothingly, he slowly calmed down again, gritted his teeth and continued, "Then he summoned a lot of Death Eaters and fought Harry. , Harry's parents and I, and an old Muggle man helped Harry, and Harry escaped. I thought I was going to Merlin's, but it turned out to be back when I was five years old."

Dumbledore's eyes began to glow, and he asked excitedly: "Harry won? Voldemort disappeared?"

"No, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you." Cedric's hand was a little sore from Dumbledore's grip, he explained, "It was Harry who escaped, and I don't know what happened after that. understood."

"Oh, sorry, I'm so excited. But I have a question, Peter is in Azkaban now, how could he be by Voldemort's side." Dumbledore let go Open, asked after apologizing.

"I also think it's very strange, now it's different from a lot of what I remember. In my original memory, Peter was only discovered when Harry was in third grade. At that time, West Professor Rees has just escaped from Azkaban and has never been rehabilitated." Cedric's expression was also a little confused, he said hesitantly, "I don't know if I caused these changes."

"Why do you say that?" Dumbledore asked softly.

"Because I was a Hufflepuff before and I chose Ravenclaw this time..."

Cedric's eyes were slightly red when he said this. He felt as if he had betrayed Hufflepuff, which made him very sad and regretful. But he really didn't want to die in such a humiliating way. He wanted to go to Ravenclaw's college library to find all the possibilities to survive. He was thirsty to absorb all the knowledge, and he really needed Ravenclaw.

When he put on the Sorting Hat, the Sorting Hat also hesitated between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff for a long time, and when he finally called out Ravenclaw, there was a cold sweat on his back, He felt that then the gears of fate began to turn in the opposite direction. When he took off his hat, he almost walked over to the long Hufflepuff table if it weren't for the cheers and applause from Ravenclaw. Until now, he couldn't let go of himself for actually leaving Hufflepuff...

Dumbledore felt the entanglement in his heart, conjured up a glass of milk and handed it to him, patted his hand and said: "Drink it, child, it will make you feel more comfortable."

the placket.

"Don't think that being divided into a different house is a betrayal, child." Dumbledore said earnestly, "The division is only to help you become better wizards with methods that are more suitable for you. It's not to divide you into different categories, to use an oriental wisdom, that is, to teach students according to their aptitude, oh, I don't know if I'm talking about the standard."

"It's a Chinese idiom, you said it very standard." Cedric wiped away his tears embarrassedly and said.

"Oh, you also know Chinese idioms, it's amazing!" Dumbledore opened his eyes wide and sincerely praised, "Their language is too difficult, I have not fully learned it."

Cedric's face was a little red, he lowered his head and said, "Yes... it was me before... I fell in love with Qiu before..."

"Ha, yes yes, I should have thought of it!" Dumbledore blinked and said with a mischievous smile, "Love makes you learn everything very quickly, right?"

Cedric nodded honestly, holding the milk glass tightly in his hand. Apart from his parents, his strong motivation to live is autumn. He doesn't want to die at such a beautiful time, he wants to be with her all the time.

"You're a child of Hogwarts, whether you're in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, Hogwarts is your root, see, boy." Lido's words made Cedric cry again.

He choked: "But because of me, history has changed, what should I do?"

"But so far, all I've heard are better changes." Dumbledore smiled happily, "Peter was arrested, Sirius was released, and Even the Ministry of Magic is now afraid to say openly that Voldemort hasn't disappeared, isn't that a good thing?"

"But in the future, I don't know if it will be the same as what I remember, in case it is different from what I remember..."

"These should be the questions for us adults to consider. What you should do is to study hard in school and protect yourself." Dumbledore interrupted him, and the old man used the most determined tone. Said, "Trust me, we can beat Voldemort, of course."

no doubt.

After seeing Cedric nod, Dumbledore showed a relieved smile on his face, and then his eyes lit up and said excitedly: "But your head needs a layer of insurance to avoid Being known about those bizarre experiences."

"What, what insurance?" Cedric was startled by his sudden excitement and asked stutteringly.

"Occlumency, hey, this is my specialty! I promise, after you learn it, you will be able to keep your love secrets from being discovered at all!" At this time, Dumbledore looked like The hilarious Gryffindor twins.

So later Cedric went to the principal's office to learn Occlumency. His progress was not fast, but Dumbledore was not in a hurry, and he comforted him that there was a Slytherin before The top students also learned it for a year.

"I told him that the most important thing in learning Occlumency is to keep the brain clean, so be sure to wash your head four times a day, ha, he really believed it! I dare say it is him The most diligent day in my life to wash my hair!" Dumbledore laughed like a naughty child when he said this.

Cedric really wants to know who that unlucky guy is...

After recalling this, Cedric found four Gryffindors lying on the table staring at him, and he almost fell off the chair in fright.

"What are you, what are you looking at?" Cedric steadied his body and asked while clutching his chest.

"What did you think just now? You frowned, laughed for a while, cried for a while and laughed again. It looks like you have been hit by the Imperius Curse." Zhu Yi asked excitedly, "Can you tell us something?"

Angelina and the twins also nodded desperately, the babies were tired of copying notes and wanted to hear stories!

The corners of Cedric's mouth twitched, and he took out an astronomy class notebook and threw it on the table with a blank face, and said indifferently, "How many points can you get in the astronomy test?"

"Ow—I forgot about this class—" the four Gryffindors cried out in pain.

Cedric smiled secretly, he did not tell Dumbledore that in his previous memory, there was no Forrest family, no Jue. However, Zhu Yi is also a beautiful existence, isn't it?

The author has something to say:

I didn't expect that yesterday's discussion about Shafiq would blow up so many babies. Let me explain, the character Shafiq is a child raised by a typical Death Eater parent. He must be evil, but every bad person must also have one or two important people. One or two people will definitely be very good (except for the loveless Voldemort of course), and may even try to please (I don't have spoilers, seriously), at this time, you may feel that this person is not that bad, and the overbearing appearance will be Kind of cute (okay I admit I do sometimes).

Put it in the text, for fear of affecting everyone's perception of this character.

In short, I have said many times that Shafiq is not a good person, and I will make a mine for everyone, he will be offline very late, I have to rely on him to promote the story.

But this post is a cool post, my joey and Fred are cuties who will be together forever! There is no doubt about that!

Besides, there are babies who want my Weibo, um, to be honest, my Weibo is too clean, but if the babies want to communicate, I will send a text now hahaha, Weibo name : Fluffy cute little dumplings