MTL - The Ultimate Business Lady-Chapter 263 Harsh voice questioning

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"Do you need us to help?" Xuan Xuan didn't show affection, not only because she had a marriage contract with Wan Ye Shengyan, she was about to get married, but also because he was helping him along the way.

Wan Yin Shengyan's original gloomy expression blinked a bright smile after hearing her words. Jin Niang and Yun Tao looked very messy in the wind: Master Shi, your face is changing too quickly.

"You need to have business everywhere. If you can, let everyone know the purpose of the Yun family in the shortest possible time. When someone buys a lot of food and herbs, they will report it as quickly as possible. It can be found out who in that area is at fault! "The power of the Yun family is probably the least speculative.

The Yunjia is a merchant, and it is very big. It is understandable to pay attention to those, and will not attract too much attention. If there are not many people deployed from his hands, the cause of the incident will not be found at all, so once the trouble arises, the movement will be great.

Yun Xuan Xuan and Yun Tao glanced at each other, thinking that this was also feasible. When Yun Tao returned, Yun Xuan Xuan told what his father had concealed and told him that the Yun family had been keeping an army secretly. The amount of silver to be spent a year was more than one million two. This may be The reason why the father and mother were assassinated.

As for how others know, she feels that she should have a relationship with Shangguan's family, otherwise the situation of Shangguan's family and Wan Fu Ling Xuan's calculation of the Yun family will not happen.

"This matter is only our guess now. Before there is no evidence, we can't spread our fanfare, so be careful!" Since tied to the Yun family, some dingdongs are still necessary.

"Rest assured that the Yun family has its own way of operating," Yun Tao knew he had to stay, so his mood was much calmer.

As Xuan'er said, after returning home, she may not be able to help Shangchun's much help, it is better to use Yunjia's invisible role to help Chuner's stable position. Now, if Dongyan is in chaos, it is the Yun family that suffers. For many people, it is the most eye-catching in the chaos. Many people are willing to share a cup of tea without any punishment.

Can't keep Yun's home, let's talk about protecting Nian'er and Yun's old and young, as well as the spring of the far north.

Jin Niang's words were like a beginning, letting everyone guess the worst result, but did not guess the middle process.

Wan Yan Shengyan and others felt that this speed was fast enough, but it was still not as fast as others.

Some time before Xuan Xuan's wedding with Wan Ji Shengyan, news kept coming into Yun's house, and all of them were bad, making Yun Tao think something was bad.

"It's always aimed at the Yun family," one after another, after receiving the Yun family's things, being robbed, if you still think it's just a coincidence, that's really a fool.

Xuan Xuan touched some tired cheeks. These days, she is busy for her family affairs. There are no elders in the family. Pei wants to come over, but he is stopped by himself. He just wanted to wait until the last two days to ask her to help him finish, and then asked his grandmother to come over to sit in town.

For many years, she really doesn't like people who have too many strange atmospheres at home, even those who are her relatives. Fortunately, there are white magpies around, everything is natural, don't worry too much.

"Can't it be, they want to grab those grains and silver from the Yun family?" Yun Xuan felt that the Yun family was in a very passive position from the beginning.

The mother-in-law did that because her identity came from a country without a monarchy, so she urgently wanted to have an independent force, but did not know that everything here must be backed up. Otherwise, this huge wealth, then Will lead to countless calculations.

Just like the current Yun family, they clearly know that the Yun family is working for the East Yan Kingdom, but it is because they have nothing to do with the imperial power, but they must bear the burden when something goes wrong. Because of this, when the Yun family crumbled and was accepted by a ten-year-old girl, the Royal family didn't make a shot.

In other words, the emperor can't blame this at all. If he rashly shot, it would be difficult to stop you.

Madam, your cleverness is a complete mess in the monarchy.

For these reasons, Xuan Xuan can only think in her heart. How dare she not speak out, and she cannot ignore all the things that come out of the Yun family now.

"Xuaner, my brother is going to the north," Yun Tao's words caught the attention of Xuan Xuan. When he saw her looking up at himself, he smiled slightly and said, "You can rest assured that I won't go to Beihan country. It's just to find out who actually shot at the Yun family. According to the news from Dachang, they seem to know everything about the Yun family. No one was wrong when they started. They are most familiar with herbs, silver money and food. , But let go of these useless things like silk cloth rouge ... "

After hearing Xuan Xuan's words, Xuan Xuan felt a little relieved. She was afraid that her elder brother was really willful and could not stop herself.

"After a few days, it will be the day I get married," said Xuan Xuan, frowning hesitantly. "If you are not there, it will probably cause more trouble !?"

Those people just want to get things from the Yun family, or do they want to take the opportunity to break the family relationship between the Yun family and Prince Yong's house?

At the beginning, after the marinating method of the Shangguan family was exposed, the voice of opposition disappeared completely. However, she still knows that there are too many people who do not want to marry Wan Yan Shengyan, not only because Wan Yan Shengyan treats herself well, but even makes the Yun family a royal label.

However, who knows, the Yun family is inseparable from the royal family.

Otherwise, will the emperor allow the Yun family of a rich and enemy country to appear in the East Yan country? Even if the people of Dongyan were poor, they would not be able to tolerate the forces that they did not have enough clothes to wear and did not use for themselves.

Yun Tao thinks about it too, and always feels that this is unusual, and frowns: "If your relationship is side by side, I am afraid that the relationship between you and Yan Shizi is also broken, so the ceremony of marriage must be held. I If the elder brother is absent, he can't be justified ... then, let Yunbo take a few people, and I believe that if he goes, it will make people less alert, "

Everyone knows that he Yuntao is really qualified to take over the Yun family. Although Yunbo has done a good job in these years, it is only a superficial person in charge. It is still very different from the real heir.

"Well," Xuan Xuan had no objection to this. "Let Xuan Yuanyi draw two dead men to protect him secretly. Yunbo is the only son of Sanbo. Even if Yun's family suffers a great loss, Yunbo can't get into trouble! "Otherwise, the meaning of her rebirth has completely changed.

"Rest assured, if the Yun family had made enough money for silver, Yun Tao would have answered with a smile.

When Xuan Xuan got married, Yun Tao resisted all the responsibilities on herself, including Xuan Xuan's family affairs and what the Yun family is facing now, like a real Yun family as a family member, let Xuan Xuan be relieved, knowing brother It is best not to rush to the North Han country to die.

As for the Yun family, from the beginning, she was just a guardian and didn't want to hold it in her hands, that was too tired.

"Xuaner, let me tell you first, I don't have anything good, don't let it go!" Gu Fengwu, who came to Tim Makeup said with a smile, even if she is married, she is still as bright as before, visible The days in Yunfu were good.

Wu Xuan glanced at her lightly and said displeasedly: "Erotic, if you feel embarrassed, I have no opinion!"

"Well, before marrying, I thought about my husband's family first," Gu Fengwu laughed with her so much that she didn't have any gap with her. If they are kind, they are the real family, so there is no trace of rustiness.

Yang looked at him with a pout and smiled, but didn't interrupt.

Although their two sisters would not be close to each other like sisters, they would not be troubled because of that thing.

"Miss, Qin is outside the door, she said she was here to add makeup, and asked her to come in, but she was reluctant," Bai said eagerly.

"Why don't you come in?" Wu Xuan and Gu Fengwu looked at each other, thinking of how long it took Qin Yunshang to serve, and she knew what she was thinking.

"Bai Yun, you must invite her in, and say that if you don't come in, you don't need to add makeup," don't be ruthless, Qin Yunshang won't come in.

She probably felt that she had been stunned shortly after she was taken out of service, so she didn't dare to provoke her happy events.

Such people are pitiful and helpless. All these things have nothing to do with her, so why bother yourself so much. She has been in Zhuangzi for more than three years. Although they each have their own encounters, they have not forgotten her and never eliminated her. It is because she thinks too much.

Persuaded by Bai Yi, Qin Yunshang came in wearing a pale yellow burro skirt, because of her original sadness, and now there are some fine lines on her cheeks. It looks a little older than the actual age and is more sad.

"If I couldn't go out today, I went to the door early and dragged you in. I haven't come in at my house yet. Do you want to break our sisterhood?" Wu Xuan asked angrily, trying to get her heart The knot is opened.

If it were silent, this life would be ruined.

She knew that Qin Yunshang refused the invitation of Princess Runan and did not return to Runan Palace. Zhuangzi outside the capital city was given to her by Duan Muyao, at least not to send people under the fence, in order to take care of her feelings. But everyone did so much, she still trapped herself in that side of the world and couldn't get out.

Her decadence was nothing more than to make potential enemies smug.

Qin Yunshang has always been restrained, without the wantonness of Duan Muyao, the publicity of Gu Fengwu, and the calmness of Xuan Xuan, but she has her own temperament. At that time, when the Qin family did not have an accident, she was also a little famous in the capital, with Runan Wangfu as the backing. I believe that life is also good.

Now, I can only sigh and hope that Qin Yunshang can let go of everything and cheer up.