MTL - The Useless Stepmom Brings Her Kids to Reality TV Shows to Photograph Them-Chapter 593 Strive for a good body

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  Although he is a fan of Sun Ziyue, Kunta did not only take care of Sun Ziyue, but stood at the front, explained the equipment first, then explained the essentials of movements, and asked everyone to practice with him after the lecture.

  After all the guests were familiar with it, he began to guide and make corrections one by one below.

  The coach who was hard to find in the past actually landed in Huanxiu Villa by air. Everyone seized the opportunity and raced against time to exercise.

  【Sisters, let’s learn the basics of movements】

  【I just found out that the movements of my buttocks after training for half a year are not standard】

  【Come on, fight for a beautiful body】

  【Is Kunta really here because of Teacher Ziyue? 】

  【Why are you struggling with this upstairs? Who cares why he came here? This is his first live broadcast of fitness. Don't talk nonsense, let's practice】

  【I don’t have any equipment, I’m doing empty swings】

  【Who is not】

  【I have a treadmill at home】

  【Record the screen directly, it’s fine when you go to the gym to practice】

  Tang Qinlei practiced for a few minutes, then raised her hand: "Mr. Kun, why do my calves feel sore? Is it because of wrong movements?"

  Kunta was correcting Mayfair's movements, when he heard someone calling him, he followed the sound and walked over, Tang Qinlei did the movements on the spinning bike.

   "The knee angle is too inward, 30 degrees out..." Kunta explained patiently.

  Tang Qinlei stepped on it a few more times and said, "It's really much better, thank you teacher."

   "You're welcome." As soon as Kunta turned around, Tang Qinlei stopped him again: "Teacher, how long can I rest?"

   "Depending on your limit, I generally require ten minutes for a set of movements."

  Kunta was going to visit the other guests again, but Tang Qinlei spoke again, which aroused public outrage, so everyone called out Teacher Kunta.

   "I'll correct them one by one from front to back, please wait a moment."

Chen Xue was sick in her heart, Tang Qinlei was too shameless, her husband was beside her, when Kunta passed by, where did Tang Qinlei put her hands, she called Kunta over and over again, she was not afraid of He Ping getting angry .

  【What does Tang Qinlei want to do? Kunta is everyone's coach, does she want Kunta to only teach herself? 】

  【Tang Qinlei came here to find trouble, right】

  【Just now Kunta said that he is a fan of Sun Ziyue, have you noticed Tang Qinlei's expression? I took a screenshot, do you want to see it? 】



  【Is this blowing nose and staring, disdain? 】

  【My God, why is there such a person? Did she think Teacher Sun was not worthy of being worshiped by Kunta? 】

  【What is He Ping thinking, to allow his wife to flirt publicly in front of other men? 】

  【He Ping knew that Kunta ignored Tang Qinlei, so he just answered politely】

  Lin Wan, Xia Mo, and Tao Jingyuan nestled next to a piece of equipment.

  Xia Mo raised her eyebrows and looked at Tang Qinlei, Lin Wan shook her head inaudibly, signaling Xia Mo not to express her opinion.

  Tao Jingyuan only sighed in her heart. With such a roommate, the popularity of the live broadcast room will definitely be affected.

  He Ping was next to him, feeling mixed feelings. He knew that his wife did this because of her strong personality. She just wanted everyone to know that among so many guests, she could make Kunta pay more attention to herself.

   "Leilei. Is that so?" He Ping pretended to ask her about her movements in order to stop his wife from being grandstanding.

   "Straighten your arms, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, and raise your chin a little..." Tang Qinlei whispered.

   "Is that so?"

   "Yes, very standard, come on." Tang Qinlei didn't know that her husband was diverting her attention.

  【Hahaha, He Ping really can’t stand it anymore】

  If Tang Qinlei goes on like this, she will become an enemy of everyone]

  【Isn’t it? Kunta was invited by the program group, not her]

  【Tang Tang is ambitious, what's wrong with fighting for what he wants? 】

  【I'm going, there are still fans】

  【Look everyone, there are still people who like this kind of person】

  【If you have the ability, go for it, and Kunta won’t respond to you shouting loudly】

  【Sister is self-motivated, which is also a manifestation of hard work】

  【Call this hard work? Don't insult the word hard work, okay? 】

  【Everyone, stop discussing Tang, the more people talk about her, the more popular she will be】

  【Mr. Sun is very flexible】

  【Star body management is in place】

  【Is Mr. Xie really in his fifties? It's been half an hour, I haven't rested, I'm 30 years old and I'm out of breath after ten minutes of running]

  【Celebrities pay great attention to exercise, no matter how busy they are, they will arrange time to exercise, so their physical strength must be unmatched by ordinary people】

  【Xiao Tianlin laughed so hard at me, I felt like he was going to fall if I ran a few more steps. Could it be him who made the screams? 】

  【Yes, he said ah ah, I can't lose, I want to persevere】

  【So the output depends on roar】

  【Mr. Xiao, don’t talk, it takes energy to talk】

  Xiao Tianlin really wanted to stop, but Zheng Kuo, who was fatter than himself, insisted on it. He couldn't be the first one to back down.

  Dense beads of sweat oozed from the man's face, and he rolled up his sleeves to cheer himself up.

   "Old Xiao, aren't you tired of talking all the time?" Zheng Kuo felt that there was a lot of noise around his ears.

   "I'm tired, but don't say I can't keep going." Xiao Tianlin's voice trembled because he was too tired.

   "OK, you continue."

   After another ten minutes, Xiao Tianlin was the first to lose the battle. He sat on the ground and said, "I can't do it. Come on, my heart is about to stop."

  After Xiao Tianlin stopped, the guests sat in the rest area one after another.

   After a while, Lin Wan couldn't jump anymore. She pressed the power off button, stood beside her and slapped her muscles. Li Yanchen was still exercising.

   Sweat had solidified on the man's forehead, but he had no intention of resting at all.

  【Boss Li, are you trying to prove that you are a strong boss】

  Just as the netizen finished speaking, Li Yanchen stopped.

  He went to his wife and wiped his sweat.

  Xiao Tianlin was shocked: "Brother Li, your energy is really good."

  Li Yanchen Versailles: "Where, it's only been a while. If I wasn't worried that I would be too excited to fall asleep at night, I should still be able to persevere."

   Seeing that everyone stopped, Kunta also stopped, and then he asked everyone not to sit down directly, otherwise the muscles will be sore, and they need to rest slowly after exercise.

  So all the sitting guests stood up and relaxed their muscles following Kunta's rhythm.

  The program group only invited Kunta for two days. Seeing that the first day was up, the host said that today is over, and Mr. Kunta will still be there tomorrow, so everyone can continue to practice.

  There are still questions to ask Mr. Kunta, please feel free, only half an hour.

  Everyone gathered around. Few people asked about fitness, but asked when Kunta was free to be his personal trainer.

  Of course, there are some guests sitting beside them. They don’t usually exercise, and it’s a waste to make an appointment with such a good coach.

  Lin Wan is one of them. Practicing yoga is already her limit.

   She took a sip of water and asked, "Can I go back?"