MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2963 : Can bend and stretch!

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The North Palace Master shook his head and smiled, "Young Master Ye, where do you want to go?"

Ye Xuan was puzzled, "What?"

The owner of the North Hall said: "I mean, there is a divine coffin built by the master of the Dao Pen here!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "God coffin?"

The North Hall Master nodded, "In the coffin, there is a False True God Emperor sleeping!"

Ye Xuan was a little curious, "What level of powerhouse is the Emperor Xuezhen?"

The North Hall Master's expression became a little dignified, "There were only nine False True God Emperors in the False True World back then, and among them, six of them died in the final battle. If it wasn't for them, we would have lost the battle back then!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "Can you wake up?"

The master of the North Palace looked at Ye Xuan, "Yes! However, we can't approach that place, because the master of the road pen left a restriction there!"

Ye Xuan was silent.

In fact, he has always been worried a little, and that is where the master of the Daobi is standing now!

He naturally did not dare to despise the master of the avenue pen. If this guy really stood on the side of the gods, then he couldn't say that he would let Qing'er kill this guy directly!

The master of the avenue pen: "..."

At this time, the North Hall Master suddenly said, "Young Master Ye, please come here!"

Saying that, he took Ye Xuan to the right!

Soon, the three came to a cemetery, and at this moment, a terrifying aura suddenly enveloped the three!

The North Palace Master narrowed his eyes slightly, and his right hand slowly clenched tightly!

At this time, a woman suddenly appeared in front of the cemetery.

The person here is that South Hall Master!

The South Hall Master smiled and said, "North Hall Master!"

The North Palace Master smiled slightly, "I knew it wasn't that easy!"

The South Palace Master blinked, "Do you think I will stop you? No!"

Saying that, she stepped aside.

Seeing this scene, the face of the North Palace Master suddenly sank!

Ye Xuan glanced at the South Hall Master, and then said: "North Hall Master, is there a possibility that the reason why the South Hall Master surrendered to the gods is what their ancestors of the Southern School meant?"

Hearing this, the face of the North Hall Master suddenly sank.

The South Hall Master looked at Ye Xuan and said with a smile, "Young Master Ye, you are so smart!"

Hearing the words of the South Hall Master, Ye Xuan looked at the North Hall Master, and at this time, the South Hall Master suddenly said: "North Hall Master, someone wants to see you!"

The North Palace Master frowned slightly, "Who?"


At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

Ye Xuan turned his head to look, and in the cemetery not far away, a man in a black robe came slowly.

The black-robed man had long hair and a shawl, and his body exuded a black gas, which was extremely strange.

Seeing the man in black robe, the face of the North Hall Master changed dramatically, and he said in a trembling voice: " are the ancestor of Mo Ke!"

Senior North Hall!

Hearing this, Ye Xuan's face sank.

The black-robed man named Mo Ke was expressionless, "Now that the gods are coming back, our virtual world can't resist them at all. You don't want to be a car and do these stupid things!"

Hearing this, the face of the North Hall Master suddenly sank, "Senior, you have also invested in the gods!"

Mo Ke looked calm, "Yes!"

The North Palace Master stared at the black-robed man, "Senior, you used your life to guard this real world, but now, you are relying on those gods?"

Mo Ke shook his head, "In those days, there were nine **** emperors, there were masters of the Great Dao Pen, and there were more than a hundred illusory **** generals. Now, what is there in the illusory world? What can we use to resist?"

The North Palace Master's face was extremely ugly, "So you surrendered?"

Mo Ke stared at the North Palace Master, "If you want to die, you can, but don't bring anyone else!"

The North Palace Master glanced at Mo Ke, then said, "Young Master Ye, take Bei Sang and go first!"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "Why are you leaving?"

The North Palace Master looked at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan smiled and said, "You may have misunderstood my strength!"

The North Palace Master was stunned, and then said, "Young Master Ye, you..."

Ye Xuan looked at the South Hall Master and smiled: "South Hall Master, you are a powerful person, in fact, this is not wrong, but I can give you a chance now, for example, come and follow me, are you interested? ?"

The South Hall Master looked at Ye Xuan, "It's not impossible, but I want to see your ability!"

Saying that, she glanced at Mo Ke, and then smiled: "This is Mo Ke's **** general, Young Master Ye, if you can kill him, I will follow you, what do you think?"

Ye Xuan glanced at Mo Ke and said with a smile, "Kill him? Why should I do it!"

As he spoke, he opened his palms, and the small tower appeared in his hands, "Boundless, I've been practicing for so long! It's time to come out and perform! Don't just eat and not work!"


Suddenly, a terrifying aura swept out from the small tower, and then, a man flew out from the small tower!

The person here is the Boundless Lord!

After coming out, the Boundless Lord suddenly laughed.

Ye Xuan glanced at the Boundless Lord, and was also a little curious. This Boundless Lord has been practicing for so long, and he doesn't know if he is invincible!

And when Mo Ke and the South Hall Master saw the Boundless Master, their expressions instantly became solemn!

The Boundless Lord is smiling and looking happy!

Ye Xuan glanced at the Boundless Lord, "Are you invincible?"

Boundless Lord laughed, "What do you think?"

Ye Xuan pointed at Mo Ke, and then said, "Show your hands!"

The Boundless Lord looked at Mo Ke, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared in place!

Mo Ke's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly he took out a two-meter long sword. He rushed forward and chopped it down.


This knife fell, the world trembled in fear!


And with the sound of an explosion, Mo Ke was directly sent flying hundreds of thousands of feet away. When he stopped, a figure suddenly swept over his head, and then stepped down suddenly!


In the eyes of everyone, Mo Ke fell straight from the sky, and finally smashed into the ground. In an instant, the entire ground turned into a huge abyss!

At this time, the Boundless Lord suddenly rushed into the abyss!


Suddenly, the abyss turned into ruins, and then, a shrill scream suddenly sounded.

Ye Xuan blinked, what the hell, this Boundless Lord has become so fierce?

On the side, the South Hall Master's face was extremely ugly.

At this time, the Boundless Lord suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xuan and the others. He opened his palms, and a **** head fell in front of Ye Xuan. He shook his head, "Too weak! It's not difficult at all!"

Ye Xuan glanced at the Boundless Lord, and then said, "Boundless, yes!"

Boundless laughed, "The King of the Mountain..."


Ye Xuan suddenly interrupted Boundless, "Do you want me to let my sister come out and play two tricks with you?"

Wu Bian's expression froze, and he smiled shyly, "Young Master Ye, I have no problem with you, I have no problem, just leave with your sister!"

He knew that this Young Master Ye's younger sister would kill without blinking an eye!

Over two moves?

One move is afraid that people will be gone!


It's not ashamed to be cowardly to the destiny!

Whoever feels ashamed, who can stand up and have a look!

He is boundless, able to bend and stretch!
