MTL - The Venerable Swordsman-Chapter 2972 : Take people as spiritual essence!

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do not kill?

The Sin King has never been so entangled like this now!

Don't kill the profiteer, once the profiteer goes back, he will definitely put on his own shoes!

Thinking of the terrorist forces behind this profiteer, his scalp felt numb!


It is also very risky!

But soon, he thought of one thing, that is, as Ye Xuan said, killing this profiteer can be pushed to Ye Xuan!

At this point, the sinful king flashed a ferocious look in his eyes, and charged directly towards the profiteer!

Can't stay!

Although he knew that this was Ye Xuan's conspiracy, he still had to kill him!

No, this is a conspiracy!

damn it!

This backer king and this profiteer are the worst people in the world!

Seeing the King of Sin suddenly take action, the corners of Ye Xuan's mouth lifted slightly!

In the distance, the red-robed profiteer's face changed dramatically, "Fuck! King of sin, are you crazy? Ah?"

The sin king didn't say anything nonsense, he rushed directly to the profiteer in red robe, and then punched him!

This is a dead hand!

The red-robed profiteer was horrified. Now, he was seriously injured, and Ye Xuan had taken the ring from him. How could he resist this sinful king at this time?

It's over!

The profiteer's eyes slowly closed, waiting to die!

And at this moment, a sword cry suddenly resounded.


Immediately afterwards, the sin king who had just rushed to the red-robed profiteer was directly slashed back tens of thousands of feet by a sword light!

The profiteer in red robe was stunned, he looked at Ye Xuan who was on the side, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, then looked at the sin king, the sin king's face was extremely ugly, he stared at Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan glanced at the profiteer in the red robe, "Run!"

Hearing this, the profiteer in red robe turned around and ran. After running for a while, he suddenly turned to look at Ye Xuan, and then said sincerely, "Thank you!"

Ye Xuan nodded, "You're welcome!"

The profiteer in red robe glanced at Ye Xuan, then at the sinner again, then turned and disappeared into the sky as a light!

The sin king watched the profiteer in the red robe disappear at the end of the galaxy, and he fell silent!

Ye Xuan glanced at the sin king, and then said: "The sin king, you have to be conscience! They didn't provoke you, but you actually want to kill people. Don't people in your world have conscience? You.... .."

"Shut up!"

The King of Sin suddenly roared, he glared at Ye Xuan, his whole body trembled, "You are the worst person in the world!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

The sin king glanced at Ye Xuan coldly, then turned and left.

Ye Xuan glanced at the sin king, smiled, then turned and left!

He didn't make another move. Although the sin king was seriously injured, he wasn't much better!

Train first!

On the top of the mountain, the sin king looked at the back of Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord leaving, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking!

Beside the sin king, the red-robed man said solemnly, "The sin king, those profiteers..."

The King of Sin said calmly: "This King of the Mountain is trying to trick me!"

The red-robed man nodded, "But how should we face it now?"

After being silent for a long time, the sin king said: "Report directly to let them know that this backing king has the strength to kill our body. In this way, it will also attract other people to conquer this world."

Hearing this, the red-robed man's face suddenly sank, "So, don't we want to give up the interests of this world?"

The King of Sin whispered: "If you don't do this, what can you do?"

The man in red robe said: "The other three kings of us are also waking up, and with the three of them, we may be able to kill this backing king!"

The sinner was silent.

The red-robed man said again: "King of Sin, this world has already consumed us countless time and energy. If we give up at this moment, the wife is really unwilling!"

The sin king narrowed his eyes slightly, "Then fight for one last time!"

The red-robed man nodded, "Fight once!"

The sin king looked towards the end of the sky and said savagely, "Call us all over here!"

The man in red robe nodded, "Okay!"

After speaking, he turned and left!

The sin king looked at the far end of the sky with gloomy eyes.

Fight for the last!


Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord returned to the Temple of Void Reality. In the temple, Ye Xuan opened his palms, and the profiteer's acceptance ring appeared in his hand. The size of a stone slap contains a very strange energy!

The Boundless Lord looked at the spar and frowned, "What is this?"

Ye Xuan shook his head, "I don't know, this spar is not the same as the spiritual stone in our world!"

Saying that, he handed the spar to the Boundless Lord.

The Boundless Lord took the spar, and said, "I just heard the sin king call this thing a spirit essence..."

After speaking, he took a careful look and shook his head, "It is indeed different from our spar, but the energy contained in it is extremely terrifying."

Ye Xuan nodded, the energy in this spirit essence is indeed terrifying, not comparable to the spar in this world!

At this time, the Boundless Lord suddenly said: "Ask the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning!"

Ye Xuan was stunned, and then quickly called out the Divine Tree of Absolute Beginning.

Almost forgot about this guy!

When looking at the Lingyuan in the hands of Boundless Lord, the divine tree of Absolute Beginning was stunned, "Lingyuan?"

Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord looked at each other, Ye Xuan asked, "Do you know?"

At the beginning of the divine tree nodded, "Know! It is the spiritual essence of the real world!"

Ye Xuan said solemnly, "The real world you're talking about..."

In the beginning, the **** tree said: "The virtual world is actually divided into virtual worlds as real worlds. People in the real world call our world a virtual world."

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "The real world?"

The Absolute Beginning Divine Tree nodded, "I don't know the specifics, I just know that they suddenly invaded this world one day, and that's it!" After speaking, he paused, and then said: "However, the master of the road should Know their true origins!"

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Master Dao Pen, this guy doesn't know where he went!"

At the beginning of the divine tree said solemnly: "Is there a possibility that he deliberately avoided you?"

Ye Xuan was silent.

The Boundless Lord on the side also said, "I think so too."

Ye Xuan chuckled, "Why is he hiding from me?"

The Boundless Lord smiled and said, "You have to ask him!"

Ye Xuan was silent for a moment, then looked at the divine tree in the beginning, "Tell me about this spirit essence!"

At the beginning of the divine tree said solemnly: "Do you know what this is for?"

Ye Xuan shook his head.

At the beginning of the divine tree said: "It is the condensed of the strong creatures!"

Ye Xuan was slightly stunned, and then said: "The strong creature?"

At the beginning of the divine tree nodded, "After those gods kill the powerhouses in this world, they will draw out their lifelong cultivation base and spirit, and then make spiritual essence. This spiritual essence uses at least tens of thousands of powerhouses. …”

Hearing this, Ye Xuan and Boundless Lord's faces sank!

Use people to make spirit stones?

Not so vicious!

At the beginning of the divine tree said softly: "The stronger the person, the purer the spiritual energy produced! With the strength of the two of you, at least you can produce hundreds of thousands of spiritual energy!"

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly, "I didn't expect this Lingyuan!"

At the beginning of the divine tree said: "Those gods are treating all the creatures in this world as leeks! When they mature, they will cut a wave!"

Saying that, he shook his head slightly, "If it wasn't for the master of the Dao Pen, the world would be over! But this time... the master of the Dao Pen should not shoot again! Because he has already handed over the Daomen to you. !so......"

Ye Xuan said calmly: "So, I was tricked by him again! If I die in battle, I will take him with me!"

The master of the avenue pen: "..."


Everyone was curious about what happened to Ye Xuan in the future.

The updated chapter of the new book today said, you can go and see it!

After writing this for so long, I have a deeper affection for Yijian than anyone else.

A sword will not be a tragedy.

Many readers ask me why I am writing a new book, and friends who have read the new book should see it! The new book is also burying the hole for the old book.

All the characters you care about, in the new book, have their endings.

If these characters are written in old books, their role is too small, and you will call me too watery.

Invincible to a sword, I have been writing for too long. Many people started reading books and started to see me writing books, and now they have married. I really want to give a good account to the characters in this book, Qing'er, Xiaoyaozi, Yang Ye, Xiaobai, Erya, Tu, Nether Hall, An Nanjing...and the patron king Ye Xuan.

All in all, I sincerely thank all the readers for their support.

The update of Yijian is slow because it is indeed ending slowly. I want to hurry up....not too fast.