MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 87

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Within three days, the Yaozu captured most of Yunzhou, and the Terran retreated to the last capital of the southernmost part of Yunzhou.

The Buddhist monks who returned to Yuanzong were the first to arrive, and three hundred Buddhist monks sat on the gate of the city and recited the Golden Mantra. The sacred voices echoed between heaven and earth, and a hard and strong enchantment was blocked in front of the 100,000-strong army of the Yaozu, so that they could not go any further.

The battle was immediately stagnant.

However, it is not only the battlefield of Yunzhou, but also the Chongting Mountains in Zhangzhou, Mingzhou and Chaozhou. The Terran and the Yaozu fight together. The Yaozu used the Tianshen Broken Sea Array as a strong defense line. Even if only the remaining nine monks of the Mahayana had a five-time monk who had come to the top, they still could not break this line.

When the three days passed, the winding and winding Chongten Mountains could not stop the **** smell of the sky. The Terran watched the demon in the enchantment and killed each other, and then threw the dead monster into the array of defending large arrays; watching their bodies pile up into mountains, with grievances, flesh and blood, causality The sea array maintained.

Feihuazong’s head gnaws his teeth: “If Fengsi’s uncle is still there, where can he get the demon!”

The world's most powerful master of the law, not the demon statue Yin Yin, nor the mysterious spirit, the magic Qianqiu, but the flying flower sect of the elders Fengxian fairy. One hundred and twenty years ago, Feng Sixian once broke the yin dynasty's Tianshen Broken Sea, so that Yin Ji was caught and almost squatted.

However, there is no such thing in the world.

In the next two days, in addition to the singer who stayed at the gate of the mountain, the last two sages of the Taihua Mountain rushed to Ganzhou. Blocked in front of them is the army of the fifth sea and the sixth sea of ​​the Yaozu, and then to the north is the Chong Teng mountain where the sky is broken.

The Terran was split into two parts by the Yaozu, and they could not be gathered across the mountain.

The situation is urgent and it is not to be considered.

The power of the Magic Road Palace has largely left the Devil's Domain because of the collapse of the dry mountain. Even most of the human races are trapped here. If it is a long time, if the inside of the Yaozu can no longer maintain the Tianshen Broken Sea, the Terran may have to lose Yunzhou and lose the Devil.

It was the moment when nothing was happening that Huo Mingzi’s sage had suddenly got a message. He summoned everyone and said: "Although we are now blocked by the Chong Teng Mountains, we can't communicate with the outside world, but I once refined the same magic weapon for my disciples. Our Taihuashan life light is different from the flying flower's life flower. In your flying flower sect, as long as it is a monk above the robbery period, you can use your life flower to leave a sentence when you die, right?"

Feihuazong elders dagger: "Yes, this is the secret of this door."

The Emperor Huo Mingzi did not turn and said: "I used to refine a jade card for my apprentice. As long as he had an accident, the jade card would be broken automatically. He could also tell his enemies to me. But before In a few days, my apprentice crushed the jade card and told me an important message."

Luo gradually couldn't help but ask: "What did the repairing teacher say?"

Huo Mingzi said: "I have learned about the difficulty of this time in Yunzhou. Brother Xing Xingzi asked my younger brother to bring out the secret treasure of Taihua Mountain. You, friends, are not convenient to say what it is. But I can guarantee that it might break the day and break the sea!"

The crowd immediately got excited.

"If this is the case, then don't hurry to let the friends in the south directly break through the battle?"

"Yeah, since the Wenlongzi Daoyou and Zhaoxianzi Daoyou in Taihua Mountain have brought a heavy treasure, then they will quickly break through!"

Seeing the face of Huo Mingzi’s hesitation, Shen Jian’s sword and ancestors said: “You can rest assured that although I may not be able to work together in the past, I still know some measure at the moment. The secret treasure of Taihua Mountain, my **** The sword is never jealous!"

Feihuazong’s head also said: “Yes, I’m a fan of the wish to make a vow to heaven, and I’m not going to touch the treasures of Taihua Mountain.”

"I can return to Yuanzong."

"The cloud family is also willing."


In the end, the white family ancestors said with a strange look, "The old man can also make a vow to the heavens," but only the broken soul has not been said. I saw the elders of the broken souls hang their heads, and a face with a gully was buried in the shadows, and the expression could not be seen.

The ignorant of the fire Mingzi slanted the ghost ancestors, but did not say anything, but he said: "It is not this matter that hesitates, but... Wenlongzi and Xiongxianzi brothers cannot use the secret treasure."

Everyone is in awe.

Since it can't be used, what is the role of this secret treasure?

Huo Mingzi is no longer concealing: "The secret treasures have only been used by the mysterious spirits in the past. He used this material to seriously hurt the demon in the past 100 years ago. Now the Xuan Lingzi is trapped in the dry mountain and can be used in the world. There is only one person left in that secret treasure."

Huo Mingzi turned his head and looked at the handsome monk standing in the corner.

Luo gradually cleared a little, and all the gaze of the presence turned to himself. He looked at Huo Mingzi in a wrong way, only to see the latter sigh and said: "Let's clear, only you motivate "Jiu Lian Ben Xin Lu", only to play the effect of such secret treasure!"

Late at night, three black figures quickly passed through the night and broke into the Chong Teng Mountains.

Surprisingly, when the three men passed through the sky, the big array just shook a little, and there was no other reaction. The three quickly flew forward, hiding themselves in the darkness, walking in the remote and narrow mountains, and even directly choosing the corpse of the corpse to avoid the patrolling monsters.

Entering the Tianqing Broken Sea Array is the first big mark. The second big mark is to avoid these monsters, and the last big mark is to leave Tianqing to break the sea array!

The people who gather in Zhangzhou are almost all top-notch. With their strength, it is absolutely a big difficulty to cross the sky. However, there is a shortcoming that Tianqing Broken Sea Array has no shortcomings, that is, it is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak.

Luo gradually clears up now, and if there are two Mahayana sages who are willing to exhaust the spiritual power for him, help him to deceive the sky and break the sea array, he will go south again, there will be 50% may be able to leave.

Similarly, the Buddha who was just out of the early days and the Yunxiang in the late Yuan Ying, can also leave here.

So the people gave the task to the three of them. They only had one night's time. When the sky was bright, the sacred beads on their bodies would be invalid, and the whereabouts would be discovered by the Yaozu. The two Mahayana monks were exhausted and laid a small array for Luo Qingqing; there were also three Mahayana monks who worked together for the Buddha and Yunxiang.

The longer the time, the ruthlessness of the smashing of the sea array will wear out, they will use the fastest time to cross the third pass and leave the Tianqing break.

On the horizon on the east side, a shallow light gradually appeared. The three men traveled at a very fast speed. Whenever they encountered the patrol squad of the monster, they would stop vigilantly and wait for the other party to leave and then take some time.

Along the way, Luo gradually cleared the Buddha and said that although he was in a hurry, he looked calm. Only Yunxiang has been biting his teeth, even when crossing the **** monsters of the corpse, he does not faintly scream, and sometimes he goes even faster than Luo.

Another dozen or so monsters walked in front, and the three stopped again.

Even if she stopped, Yunxiang kept staring at the monsters carefully, and as soon as the other party left, she quickly moved forward.

Looking at her appearance, Luo gradually lowered his head in silence, and the Buddha also fiddled with the beads in his hand, sighed and shook his head. However, this time, the dozen or so monsters stopped and seemed to stop moving in a short time.

It’s already about to leave the Chongteng Mountains and arrive in Ganzhou. Just a hundred miles away, you can leave Tianqing’s sea-breaking array!

Yunxiang clenched a small bell of the palm of her hand. She gritted her teeth and looked at the group of monsters that did not move. After a long time, I finally couldn’t help but whisper: "The strongest of them is just the seventh order, more than you want. Weak. Luo gradually cleared, we went out to kill them."

Luo gradually cleared his brow: "We don't know if they have any means of venting their letters. It is best to not go out and provoke. If you really provoke the 8th and 9th-order monsters, we will be in trouble. ”

Looking at the white belly that gradually appeared in the east, Yunxiang was so worried that he would have a red eye: "Do we still have time to wait?"

Luo gradually became dumb and moved away from sight.

The eyes of Yunxiang gradually became wet, and her eyes looked at the silent Tsing Yi monk in front of her eyes. She naturally knows that Luo gradually clears that it is correct. If they do not leave before dawn, they will only have a chance to be discovered by the enemy; but if they attack the monsters, they will be doubled!

However, the gradually brightening of the sky makes Yunxiang unable to calm down.

She stared at Luo and gradually cleared her eyes, and her eyes slowly became cold. In the end, she even laughed and looked like a ruthless red magician. She said, "Yes, you are not in a hurry, but I am anxious. You know, Even if it is too late to break through the sea, it will break open one day sooner or later, because the Yaozu can't maintain such a large array. But now it is not broken, you are not the people of Taihua Mountain. Nor is it yours who belong to the Yuanzong, but the people of my magical palace, even my master!"

The movement of the Buddha to play the beads slowly stopped.

Luo gradually lifted the scorpion and looked at Yunxiang, his lips were close.

I saw a drop of tears flowing slowly from the eyes of Yunxiang, flowing through her white cheeks and into the dry, white lips. She kept staring at Luo and gradually stared, as if to see him.

"My master, there is only a life span of less than three hundred years. He will die sooner or later, even if he has no chance to break through in this life, but I just don't want him to die. You are dead and enter the reincarnation, my master is dead. It is the animal path of 3.61 million! Yes, he has a lingering death." Yunxiang turned to look at the Buddha. "You said this monk, my master killed so many people, he should be subject to these retributions. But You know, how many people have my Master saved in the battlefields of the two races over the past two thousand years?"

"Why did he kill so many people when he was young? You have asked why? How much did he contribute to the Terran, you have seen it?"

The Buddha always smiles in the corner of his mouth, and with the words of Yunxiang, he gathers it a little bit.

Yunxiang suddenly turned to look at Luo gradually clear: "You are the most unqualified to see my master's death! Luo gradually clear, if he is dead, you will regret it forever! My master can't resist the demon army at this moment. He is even less likely to be the opponent of Tian Yao Zun. Luo gradually clears, you will regret it, you will regret it, you will regret it!"

There was some blemishes in the throat, and Luo gradually cleared his lips, and somehow there was a **** figure in his brain.

Three years ago, he went to the demon domain and saw the rumored demon. All the past events turned into a virtual shadow at this moment. Luo gradually cleared up to recall the appearance of the demon statue, but found that he did not remember clearly. The other side's appearance is separated by a layer of water mist, and he can't see the truth. The more he remembers, the more he thinks of Mo Qiu, and he can't think of the demon.

Luo gradually cleared his brain and felt a lot of pain. He wanted to ask Yunxiang, why he would regret it. But the words have not yet been exported, but I listened to the hoarse and hoarse voice, and quickly said: "They are gone!"

The next moment, Yunxiang took the lead to fly out, Luo gradually cleared and the Buddha followed.

The trio passed through the little valley just in the blink of an eye, but they did not find it. Just after they had just left, a wolf-headed beast ran to the big stone they had just stayed, and it was convenient. Suddenly, the monster's nose moved, and it smelled for a while: "Not good! The taste of the people here! There are people here!"

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the three tremors sounded from behind the three people of Luo gradually, making the three faces change.

The group of monsters really have the means to contact their companions. Luo gradually cleared the speed, and the body was like an arrow from the string. When he saw it, he would break through the big array. After all, the cultivation of Buddha and Yunxiang was not as good as him. In the end, Luo gradually cleared one hand and went straight, and went straight out.

The end of the big array can already be seen, and the ethnic monks who are kept out of the big array have already come into view.

Luo gradually dared not to slack off, but just as they were only a hundred meters away from the border of the big array, a huge and powerful head of the golden lion blocked them and blocked their way.

This man's golden lion is up to 30 feet. When it looks down, a pair of giant eyes have a house size. The sharp fangs emerged from the mouth as it roared, as if a huge knife. Looking at the other side, Luo gradually cleared his heart and gradually cooled down, releasing the hand that held the Buddha and Yunxiang.

The head of the golden lion laughed and said: "There are three people."

Outside the big array, Wen Longzi's sages shouted loudly: "Shi Rong, dare!"

The head of the golden lion turned to look at the raging Wenlongzi outside the big squad, but instead laughed and said: "Wen Longzi, you are so nervous, is this the person you know? Let the deity, the fifties In the late stage of the baby, at the beginning of the 70-year-old singer, there was..." The sound came to an abrupt end, and the head of the golden lion was wide and shocked: "The mid-fifties of the 50-year-old are full of success! You three are all The top genius of the Terran!"

Luo gradually took out the frost floating sword early in the morning, and the Buddha also took out the beads, and Yunxiang took out a string of black bells.

However, all this is in front of this man's golden lion, but it seems to be a toy.

The ninth sea and sea main stone glory, the ground level 斩 iron golden lion beast, the strength is extremely high, equivalent to the great success of the human Mahayana later! Its eyes were turned around in Luo Qingqing's body. When he moved to Yunxiang, he said: "So young genius is still a mother. Are you an apprentice of the devil?"

When I moved to the Buddha, I said, "You are a monk, and you must be a Yuanzong."

Finally moved to Luo gradually clear: "The deity ... has never seen such a genius. It is that Jin Jin, even if he is a dragon, it is impossible to have such a cultivation speed. But the deity has listened to Yin Ji adults, In the Terran, it seems that there is really a genius. Could you be the apprentice of the mysterious spirit?"

Luo gradually stepped forward and said: "What is it!"

This Shi Rong apparently did not expect Luo Qingqing to admit such a frank, he first glimpse, then laughed: "Sure enough, the disciple of the mysterious son!"

Luo gradually said: "Why don't you turn into a person?"

Shi Rongdao: "Why should the deity become the appearance of your human race? Tiandao loves you, and any monsters can be transformed into human figures, but the deity does not like..."

Listening to Shi Rong's words, Luo gradually clears a clear face on the face of a vigilant look, but there is a thin sweat on his forehead, and his lips are whitish. He looked like a young man who was obviously afraid of fear but forced to calm down, so Shi Rong did not find it. Luo gradually cleared his right hand behind him, and his thumb beat the rhythm on his index finger.

Tianqing broke the sea, and Wen Longzi and others have already rushed to attack the big array. In the big array, Luo gradually cleared the well and talked with the demon statue Shi Rong. This Shi Rong looks like Sven, but with disdain and contempt for the human race, he will laugh when he sees that Luo gradually clears his face with redness.

Luo gradually succumbed to anger and seemed to be humiliated, while tapping his fingers.

The Buddha and Yun Xiang looked at his fingers. Both of them looked solemn and squeezed their magic weapon. It seemed that they were waiting for the opportunity to go all out.

Luo gradually became mad, and his voice trembled and said: "You must not insult my master!" This seems to be angry, but the enthusiasm is very inadequate.

Shi Rong has a long tail: "Do you dare to scream in front of the deity? The kind of thing,"

Luo gradually cleared his eyes, as if he had lost his senses, and the sword was rushed to the iron lion. His sword was condensed with a blue sword light, and soon a light and elegant five-petal Qinglian emerged in the air, with a strong pressure field.

However, all of this is in the eyes of the lion and gold lions, but it is just a small fight. It did not care to lift the front paws, and intended to directly push Luo to the pressure, who is expected to be at this moment! The Buddha and Yunxiang, who have just been unmoved, suddenly shot!

The two men went one by one and attacked the lion and gold lion.

Yunxiang swayed the small bell in his hand, and the magical spirit emerged in an instant. The black magical spirit ran out along the ringing tone and turned into a fierce beast. The beast roared and rushed to the left leg of the 斩铁金狮兽. Yunxiang took a palm to his chest, and suddenly it was a **** spit, sprayed on the beast, making it bloody, forming a strange pattern. .

At the same time, the Buddha's fingers flicked, and a string of sandalwood beads flew to the right leg of the 斩铁金狮兽. In the mouth of the Buddha, he gently recited the "Big Nirvana Sutra". With a sentence of Buddha's words spit out, the golden beads of the Buddha's beads were on the scene, and a golden giant Buddha with seven flat faces appeared in the air. The dignity of the law, the Buddha's light is stunned, and a large hand of the Buddha slowly descends and shoots at the iron and gold lion beast.

All of this came too suddenly, and the lion and gold lions did not react at all, and Luo gradually cleared his body and bent. Frost Float Sword stabbed from the bottom up to the eyes of the Golden Lion, but he himself slipped out of the body of the Golden Lion and went out to the big bang!

boom! boom!

The magical beast of the bell illusion did not cause any damage to the golden lion beast. The palm of the bead was just a few golden hairs. However, the Buddha and Yunxiang have been exhausted, and the latter is constantly wiping the blood of the lips, staring at the scorpion and gold lion beast.

Only Luo gradually cleared, there has been a big battle!

Just a short distance of 100 meters, as early as when talking to the golden lion beast, Luo gradually cleared closer, and eventually there was only a distance of 30 meters. He has been standing at the foot of the golden lion beast and looked up to talk to it. The golden lion beast did not feel anything wrong. Instead, he looked very interesting when he saw that Luo was gradually humiliated.

In fact, with the strength of Shi Rong, Luo gradually Qing three did not have the opportunity to shoot it, as long as it released the pressure of his own late monk, Luo gradually cleared the three will not defeat.

However, Shi Rong did not pay attention to the three people.

The change between the electric and the Flint made Shi Rong stunned. It didn't have time to stop Luo from getting rid of, but it was already in front of the Buddha and Yunxiang.

The 斩铁金狮兽 roared in the sky and roared: "How dare you deceive the deity!"

The Buddha caressed the cloud of vomiting blood, and pressed her hand on her back to convey her spiritual power.

Outside the big array, Luo gradually cleared up by Wen Longzi. He immediately turned to look at the situation in the big array, but saw that the demon stared at himself angrily, but only stared at it for a while, it turned and smiled and turned to look at the Buddha and the clouds inside the array. Fragrant.

At this moment, the rising sun slowly rises and sprinkles the light to the earth.

The young monk in a light-colored robes looked calmly at the monster, and there was no sadness and no joy on a delicate face, just watching it quietly. And beside him, the black-faced witch wiped the blood of his mouth and slowly straightened up.

The only person who can motivate the magic weapon is the descendant of Yu Yufeng, who is gradually getting rid of the Buddha and Yunxiang.

Before leaving Chenzhou, the sage of the Ming Mingzi looked at Luo gradually, saying: "When you have to, you need someone to kill you. You must leave here, because only you can motivate such a magic weapon, and only in this way Breaking through the day and breaking the sea."

After hearing this sentence, all the monks on the scene snorted and looked at each other.

Who is willing to do such a death? If it is really discovered by the Yaozu, and it is not said that the person who sent the death can escape the birth of the day, it is difficult for Luo to gradually escape. In this world, there are a few arrogant demon statues like Shi Rong? Being able to run into it is a good luck for Luo Qingqing, but this luck can't save the Buddha and Yunxiang.

Yunxiang is active.

Those who can go with Luo Qingqing must have the following repairs. If you cultivate it again, you will need more power to cover up your breath and cross the sky. And if the bone age is small, the less the cost of repairing, the longer it will last.

In fact, the best candidate for today is three people -

The great disciple of the Broken Soul was Yu Su, the Buddha and the dust of the Yuanzong, and the white son of the White Family.

However, the first one to stand out was Yunxiang.

In the face of Yunxiang's choice, he did not stop it. Qin Guihe had a red eye and refused to let her go.

Yunxiang opened the hand of Qin Guihe, but in a word, Qin Guihe could no longer stop: "Fifty years ago, Master sent me back to the Magic Road Palace from Yunzhou. If I could even see it, I could see it. The Magic Road Palace was besieged and not moved. Then why didn't I die directly in the heavy snow fifty years ago?"

Listening to the words of Yunxiang, the Buddha sighed and stepped forward.

In addition to him, Yan Su opened his face, and Bai Ji also held a gun and stood up, without snoring.

Then there was a three-person team of Luo gradually clearing, Buddha and Yunxiang.

The faint wind blew from the peaks of the Chong Teng Mountains and blew the black veil of the fragrance. Behind them, more and more monsters are surrounded by this side, seemingly to surround them, and in front of their eyes, is a sacred demon in the wrath.

The Buddha and Luo gradually cleared only a shallow enchantment, and the two looked at each other for a long time.

The Buddha first smiled. He did a ritual and said: "It has been a pleasure to get acquainted with Luo Daoyou for many years."

Luo gradually became dumb and couldn't speak.

The Buddha said again: "All things are impermanent, and they are the law of birth and death. Life is destroyed, and silence is a joy. Luo Daoyou has a deep Buddhist roots. It must be understood that there is no common law in the world, and the rules are intricate. Life, not death, life is death, death is life. So, Luo Daoyou... Why should you cry?"

At this time, Luo gradually discovered that he had already shed tears without knowing it.

On the side of Yunxiang saw, suddenly smiled: "You said so arrogant, is not a dead? Luo gradually clear, I did not expect you will cry for me, I would like to know, that day ink Have you ever cried for him when he died in autumn?"

Luo gradually cleared the dagger.

Yunxiang raised his lips and smiled like a flower: "He must not see that scene, I will remember the way you look at him. When he goes to the reincarnation to find me, I must tell him. The little beauty in his mouth is also very good-looking, only a little worse than him."

Such a joke can't make Luo laugh out loud.

He couldn't think of the strange things in Yunxiang's words at the moment. He had already come to the edge of the enchantment, widened his eyes, and watched the monsters who became mountains and seas surrounded them and looked at the raging iron. The golden lion beast walked step by step to the Buddha and Yunxiang.

The 斩铁金狮兽 roared: "Do you deliberately kill you with the deity?"

The Buddha looked up slightly and fiddled with the jasper-like beads in his hand, and stepped forward to block Yunxiang. "The brave is determined, the mind and the body are dusty. The little singer is named with the dust, and this will see things clearly, and the eyes will be empty. If the donor is angry, it is better for him to take it all."

The golden lion beast roared: "The deity wants you to die! Let you not die!"

The Buddha smiled a little and didn't like it: "Amitabha, if the Lord insists on this, then I will not go to hell, who will go to hell."

Yunxiang was stopped behind by the Buddha and stared blankly at him to talk to the iron-golden lion.

The Buddha did not pretend like Luo Qingqing. He never deceived the meaning of the iron-and-gold lion. He also knew that the other party would not give himself and Yunxiang any chance to escape. He just chanted before the Buddha statue every day, laughing and saying a simple proverb, as if to say that he had a life of peace and tranquility.

Just as the golden lion beast had stepped on a giant foot, the Buddha did not raise his hand again. The pressure from the foot was not close, and the Buddha could not escape. He turned and shot the cloud. The two briefly looked at each other. When they saw it again, one foot had already fallen.

The face of Yunxiang had already been full of tears, and she thought about the face that had just been white and she was too stupid to be overwhelmed.

At the end of the day, the monk smiled at her, but it was a very faint smile, but it seemed to be the distance from the world, coming to her in time and space, specifically for her smile.

The Buddha said to her: "Small, it is to return to the donor."

In an instant!

Numerous pictures poured into the mind of Yunxiang.

She saw herself trapped in the sea of ​​a corpse, the blood on the ground, the blood in the water, and it seemed that even the sky was blood. How can the monster be so many, how can it not be killed, the team she was in was deceived into a trap by the monster, was trapped in a valley, can not escape.

At the end of the game, she did not remember how many monsters she had killed. She only knew that there was only one she and one monk in the team of 100 people. The monk’s body was also full of blood, and his face broke open and looked back at her.

Yunxiang asked loudly: "What is your name?"

As if I didn't expect Yunxiang to suddenly ask this question, the white and clean monk gave a slight glimpse, then smiled and daggered, and made a sorrowful voice. The voice was soft and elegant and said: "The little name is called dust."

Since then, she has joined forces with the monk to kill all the way to the valley. However, when the two were about to leave the valley, they suffered an ambush. Yunxiang was the first to go out of the valley. At first glance, she saw countless monsters. She quickly turned around and blocked the attack with her body. At the same time, she pressed the white and pure monk under her body.

She saw the little monk looking at herself in a wrong way and said: "Door, you..."

"Hey." Yunxiang's fingers moved, and several corpses next to him flew over, blocking the body of the monk. As she vomited blood, she said, "They didn't see you. You have this remedy. They shouldn't be able to find your breath."

The monk looked at her with shock: "The donor!"

Yunxiang smiled: "I am dying. I can live one. It is one. It is a fate to join you today. I am named Yunxiang. If you are a monk, you will remember me every day." Burning the incense sticks."

The monk sank for a long time and asked: "Does the donor have a last wish?"

Yunxiang said: "When you see my master, please tell him, my apprentice, it really makes him lose face. My master is named Magic Qianqiu, you should know who he is."

The monk said again: "The only way?"

Yunxiang was silent for a while, and smiled like a flower thank you: "There is still a family. I am angry with him and I still lie to me, so I came here to kill the enemy. Now think about it, everything may be destined, which If you see him, can you help me with him?"

There was a dark light fluctuation in the eyes of the monk. He snorted and licked his lips and did not answer.

Yunxiang did not notice it, but said from his own self: "His name is Li Xiuchen."


"With dust!"

Yunxiang screamed in grief and flew forward without hesitation. However, the giant foot of the scorpion iron lion and beast slammed on the ground, thick blood oozing from the soles of its feet, and soon spread into a piece, invading the earth into a stinging deep red.

The cloud is as crazy as it is, and it uses the spirit to attack the giant feet of the lion and gold lion. She cried heartbreakingly, as if she was going to cry all the things that were broken and broken in her body. She knew that she couldn’t hurt this demon, but she used all her strength to constantly attack. Kill.

At the end of the attack, she had already used the power of the gods. Every time she attacked, the golden lion beast did not respond, and she vomited a large mouthful of blood.

The golden lion beast looked at this scene with great interest. Haha smiled, and the cloud fragrance was unheard of, and still attacked the monster with the same death.

Her attack was just scratching for the scorpion gold lion, but she still repeated it tirelessly.

The black veil was soaked with blood, and the cloud-filled face was full of blood. She used the power of the gods to attack, while whispering like a nightmare: "and dust, dust..."

"I don't know him, I don't like him, I really don't like him..."

"With dust, where are you, with dust..."

"With dust, dust, dust..."

It seems that after returning to the past years, she quietly sneaked into Chenzhou and came to Guiyuan, and rang the bell that had been given to this little monk. The little monk actually dared not go down the mountain, she was even more angry, and she swayed the bell and shook it all night.

When the sky was bright, she finally saw the little monk.

"Why don't you come down to find me?"

"Why did the donor come here?"

"I...Is it not ok to come to you?"

“The little cockroaches are shining.”

"Then you still don't ask me to sit in your room?"

"Men and women give and receive."


It seems to be a bright moonlight night, and she sneaked to Guiyuan. The white and gentle monk always looked at her with helpless eyes, and she did not give her an answer, but did not give her an answer.

She finally got angry: "Do you like me or not!"

Under the moonlight, the white monk's clear-looking monk looks at her intricately and looks at her. She said with a long voice: "Because of love and sorrow, love is born and sorrowful. Xiaoyan has already converted to Buddhism, why should the donor ask more?"

The delicate and bright witch is angry and shot, and the gentle and gentle little monk quietly bears it.

From then on, she never went to see him again. Once again, she was already a collapse of the dry mountain.

In the future, will you never see it again?

Clouds and numbness are constantly attacking. As the power of the gods runs out, her body gradually becomes cold, and a long hair starts from the end of the hair and turns into white. Just for a moment, the blue silk turned white, the face was still, but the old man was not seen.

Sitting in such a warm pool of blood, the clouds look at the place under the feet of the monster. She couldn't cry out, just staring stupidly, her mouth was always reading the name, the simple word, but it seemed to hollow out her spirit, let her read stupidly -

"With dust..."

They all said that they were red and bitter, and they all said that the red dust was tired.

But there is a red dust robbery. If it is not willing, then where is the red dust robbery?

"With dust!"