MTL - The Villain Has Something to Say-Chapter 91

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Since Luo gradually remembered the memory, he has always heard this name -

Be alone.

The demon is absolutely unique, no one knows how many years he has lived, and no one knows what kind of monster he is. His cultivation is not so high, but it has never fallen. For thousands of years, many days of demon statues have fallen in the two races, but he has survived to the present.

The perfection of the old man is the equivalent of the great success of the Mahayana, but it is stronger than the devil.

Above the main hall, the face of a red dress is a little pale, but it is no longer a problem. Only a shallow white scar fell from the left corner of the eye to the lip, and the injury was not fully healed. He said: "The mysterious spirit has not yet come out. I am one of them, and I can’t stop Jin, but not to mention being an elder."

Guanglingzi’s first slogan: “One hundred years ago, it was the younger brother who dragged the three demon statues.”

The eyes of Devil's Thousand Autumns swept through the whole hall in a light circle, and stayed for a moment in Luo gradually cleared up. Then he said, "Yes. The mysterious spirit has not yet come out of the northernmost land, but the Jin Li has already found Back to the demon. Compared to the Yaozu, I am really at a disadvantage. However, since the bright blue jade beads of Taihua Mountain can be motivated, we still have hope."

The white family ancestors asked: "How do you say?"

This time, I don’t have to make a sound, so I will step forward and say: “The demon statue is seriously injured, even if it is restored now, I should be able to drag him alone. And the demon is in danger, then it is handed over. Other friends have dealt with it. As for the other four sea owners, we must be able to delay them. As long as we can stabilize the Jin, we can delay the time and wait for the arrival of the reinforcements."

All the people answered with their voices.

This is undoubtedly the only way at the moment. Now the battles in Yunzhou are coming to an end, and the geniuses who are burning in anger are madly counterattacking back and playing the demon without counterattack. It only takes another ten days, up to ten days, and they can gather in the magic domain with everyone.

Now the Yaozu did not send troops to support Yunzhou, but instead concentrated firepower on the magic domain. The heart is obviously, is to want to take advantage of the moment when the Magic Road Palace is isolated and helpless, and to break it in one fell swoop, it is best to kill the magic.

Since the strategy has been set, everyone will go back and prepare.

When Luo gradually cleared, he was shouted by a voice. He turned to look at it, only to see the Magic Road Palace executives looking at himself, she gently bent a line, so that Luo gradually stunned in an instant, she said: "The palace owner has something to look for."

Oh, but the top talents of the great success of the Mahayana, when you can rank sixth today!

Her attitude made Luo gradually stunned and somewhat flattered.

Luo gradually cleared his suspicion and turned to the hall again. When he first entered the door, he saw a **** figure standing against himself and standing tall. Three years ago, Luo Qingqing first saw this back, but compared with that year, the demon statue at this moment was obviously a bit thinner, and the red robe was empty and slightly stunned.

Somehow, Luo gradually cleared his throat and felt that he couldn’t speak for a while.

The two stood like this, and from the direction of Luo gradually clear, they could not see the look of the devil, and only saw his back. Gradually, Luo gradually cleared up, and he said with respect and respect: "Devil seniors, are you looking for something to do?"

The soft laughter spread all over the palace in an instant, just as Luo gradually became boring, but he listened to the magic and looked like a casual: "The disciple of the mysterious spirit, you have been here three years ago, then you are not like today. This is prudent and polite."

The implication is that Luo’s gradual clearing was very arrogant.

Luo gradually changed his mind and thought about the things at the time. At that time, it was clear that this demon had deliberately suppressed his master in words. He was only angry to maintain the face of Xuan Lingzi and Taihua Mountain, and faced this demon, how now he became rude again. ?

Luo gradually lifted his throat and said calmly: "Predecessors, the world knows, and they have been observing etiquette."

Mo Qianqiu asked: "The etiquette you are observing is not to respect the elders?"

Luo gradually calmed down the tone: "If the predecessors treat the younger generation with the elders, then the younger generation will naturally treat the predecessors with the same etiquette."

In one sentence, the spearhead was thrown to the devil.

The hall was quiet for a long time, and there was no opening in the magic, and Luo gradually did not speak.

For a long time, I only listened to the magic and sighed for a long time, and the voice was helpless, as if I had put down something. He said: "This time, telling the deity, the disciple of the deity is dead. He is only with you when he is dying. What other words can he hope you bring to the deity?"

The attitude of Magic Qianqiu is very peaceful, as if it is just a common thing, but this makes Luo gradually clear the whole person like a thunder, his face is white, his lips are moving, and finally he can’t say a word. .

Mo Qianqiu said: "If you don't remember, then it's fine. I want to come to my apprentice and always free and easy. Since he has fallen, he probably won't leave too much words. You don't have to worry about it. He is from If you haven’t killed someone, you will not be after death...” The sound suddenly stopped, and the devil said: “After his death, he will only re-enter the reincarnation. You don’t need to be jealous.”

"He has said it." The young man's hoarse voice screamed, making the magic body a stiff body. Luo gradually cleared his body and shivered. He lowered his head and covered his expression. He said one word at a time: "He said, I don't know who he is, I don't know... He paid for me. what."

The magic is faint: "The child is always gibberish, don't go to the heart."

Luo gradually cleared up and stepped forward, saying: "Predecessors! What does Mo Qiu mean in the end, can you tell me!"

The other party suddenly came to the front and made the whole person froze. He immediately turned around and avoided the sight of Luo gradually clearing. However, a shallow scar on his left face still fell into the eyes of Luo gradually clear, let Luo gradually clear.

When everyone was there, Luo gradually cleared it.

With the repair of the magic Qianqiu plus the medicinal herbs of Yuqingzi, after a full ten days, the scar has not been completely repaired, and the possibility of completely repairing it after coming to it is not great. Although the scars don't seem to be clear, the people who cultivated the truth are rarely in an unexpected appearance, but the act of escaping from the sorrows makes Luo gradually clear and confused, and a strange feeling arises spontaneously.

Luo gradually asked subconsciously: "Predecessors, you are..."

Magic Qianqiu leaned sideways, cold and cold: "The wound left by the 瞑 is not so well healed. The Luo of Taihua Mountain gradually clears up. You want to manage too many things. Today the deity does not want to talk to you any more. You will step back."

Luo gradually cleared the road: "Predecessors?!"

The magical Qianqiu red sleeves smashed, and Luo gradually cleared the whole person and was shot and flew out. However, he immediately operated the spiritual power, "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" absorbed the aura between the heavens and the earth, and his right palm shot to the ground, he stopped the body that flew out.

Magic Qianqi looked at this scene with horror, apparently did not expect that his own strike will actually be caught by the other party.

Luo gradually cleared his heart, and he did not know how to say: "Predecessors, what do you want to say to me today?"

The bright sunshine illuminates from outside the temple door, and Luo gradually stands by the door, his right hand supports the ground, and the magic is standing in the temple, looking down at him. The sun only illuminates the chin of the devil, illuminating the bottom of the scar. He looks at the anxious and nervous young monk in a quiet manner, as if looking at the vitality of the other person, as if he is just watching this person.

The eyes hidden in the darkness were helpless, and in the end, the magic slowly sighed.

"This deity is coming to you today, it is to tell you that you can die without the death of Mo Qiu. He has a good life in his life and will only enter the reincarnation again after his death. He has no pain before his death, not even after death. There will be retribution, you can live in peace and happiness, you don't have to worry about him for a moment."


When the voice fell, the demon statue lifted the big sleeves, and a gust of wind blew out the hall out of the hall. He wants to go in again, and the door of the temple has been "boom--" and it can no longer be opened.

On the second day, the sky was just bright, and the Magic Road Palace launched a counterattack.

Originally there were only more than 3,000 magical repairs, plus the one hundred elite monks brought by Luo Qingqing and others. These excellent human race monks confronted the Yaozu in front of the Magic Mountain. They can't be an enemy, but they will exhaust the last drop of blood and kill more demons.

In the army of the Yaozu, countless high-order monsters of the ninth and eighth ranks all went into battle, and people were not far behind.

Soon, the shouts and crying sounds resounded throughout the world, and the flesh and blood flew on the battlefield, making the dark brown soil more red. In the army of the Yaozu, the seaowner of the thirteenth sea laughed and suddenly showed the demon method, and suddenly the tsunami struck.

Above the Magic Mountain, an elder of the Shenjian Zong sneered a sneak peek at the sword and confronted the thirteen sea owners.

Then, the twelve sea masters, the eleven sea masters and the tenth sea masters went into battle!

The Terran Powers also flew out of the Magic Mountain and blocked the four demon ones. They tore up the space and set off a terrible battle in the sky. Suddenly, there are only six figures on the magic mountain, including the magic Qianqiu, the ancestors, the Bai family ancestors, the Guanglingzi sages, Qinguihe and Luo Qingqing.

Looking at the opposite side, standing in the middle of the demon army is a gentle and handsome man. He wore a robe-colored robe robes, a light blue belt tied around his waist, black hair and no wind, and the blue-blue eyes reflected in the sky, but still looked like an elegant and expensive look, as if It doesn't fit in with this fierce battlefield.

Beside him is a small old man and a rough and strong man. Both of them stood in the awe of the young man behind him, and he was staggered half a distance from his body. He seemed to be wary of something.

Across the battlefield of Shura, the top talents of both sides look at each other.

For a long time, the blue-eyed man suddenly raised his right hand. The next moment, the rough man on his right hand flew out.

The demon singer laughed and laughed: "Who wants to fight with the deity!"

The voice of the singer just fell, and the squatting tiptoe flew to him in front of him. When I saw you, the face changed slightly, but still sneered without hesitation: "With you, the deity is still not in the eyes. What about ghosts? What about the stars? Who... Yes, Guanglingzi, How do you hide behind a woman? Dare to fight the deity!"

Guanglingzi stood on the magic mountain and ignored the screaming of the singer. He turned his hand and took a long sword from the ring. The sword pointed to the front and said: "The demon is in danger and gives the deity! Today, the deity will have to marry your head!"

An ugly smile appeared on the face of the dangerous haze. He smiled twice and turned into a demon wind. In an instant, he turned out hundreds of black eagle and rushed to the Guanglingzi Zun who stood by the sword. By.

This war is directly triggered!

Guanglingzi's sages, shackles, and demon swearing in danger and disappeared directly into this space. With their terrible realm and means, they can naturally break through a small world and play in it. Others can hear the loud noises they have made, but they can't see them.

Therefore, the Terran still has the power of the magical Qianqiu, Baijia ancestors and Qinguihe in the three great times of the Dacheng, and there is only one first sea Lord demon in the Yaozu, and the Yaozu seems to be single. thin.

Faced with the power of the human race not far away, Jin Jin looked indifferent, did not look at anyone else, his eyes staring anxiously in the red devil in the middle of the three. His eyes seem calm, but they are mixed with endless hatred, like a raging fire. As long as it ignites, it is the point of broken bones.

Double convenience is so stunned.

In the slogan of hunting, Jin is indifferent: "To surrender the magic, the deity promises not to participate in the two-nation war within a hundred years."

Qin Guihe immediately angered: "Let's go!"

Jin Jin still did not look at Qin Guihe, his sight still remained in the dazzling red demon statue, saying: "If you take the initiative to blew, the deity can also promise not to participate in the two-nation war within 50 years."

Qin Guihe turned back and said anxiously: "Miyazhu, you should never listen to his ghosts. These demon animals have always been open to the mouth, you can't be manipulated by him! Palace!"

The magic is a red lips, and his left face is wearing a light silver-white mask that just blocks the wound. The silver mask lining this face is even more white, he looked up and looked away to the demon, the glamorous peach eyes lifted, sneered, ironically said: "What do you want to do, you need this unintentional beast to come Advice?"

As soon as this words landed, Jin was suddenly cold.

Losing the heart for more than a thousand years, this incident is a stab for the forever. People do not know what happened to him in the past thousand years, but he always remembers, remember every minute and every second of the millennium, remember what he suffered... all humiliation.

Jin left the right hand and shook!

When the sky was raging, Qin Guihe took the big knife and cut it, breaking the huge waves.

The huge waves disappeared in an instant, but a vast ocean rose from the sky! On the battlefield, countless demons and monsters shouted in horror. This sea covered most of the sky, appearing behind the Jin, and it quickly blocked the clouds, blocking the sun and blocking the entire sky!

"Luo gradually clear!" Mo Qianqiu shouted loudly.

Luo gradually turned to look at him, somehow, he actually read the meaning of the magic eyes. He immediately took out the clear blue jade beads, pointing a little, and the warm blue light emerged from the surface of the bright blue jade beads.

Luo gradually cleared his voice: "Let me the spiritual power!"

The words have not yet landed, and a warm hand is covered on the back of Luo gradually clear. He looked back and saw that the demon who wore the silver mask did not know when he had stood behind him, and instilled all the spiritual power into his body without reservation. Then there is Qin Guihe, standing in the end is the white family ancestors.

The power of the three top-notch people has been continually drilling into the body of Luo Qingqing, almost breaking his veins.

The violent pain came from the body of Luo gradually clearing him, causing him to bite his lips painfully, trying to hide the pain. His body's "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu" is running at the fastest speed. The small lotus flower also rotates as if it is going to be lost. The three human races can use the body of Luo gradually clear the medium to transmit power to Mingguang Qingyuzhu.


A blue light film appeared on the entire magic mountain!

The sea fell in an instant, pressed against the light film, and the light film trembled.

Luo gradually cleared his lips and bitten his blood. He shouted in a dumb voice: "Not enough!"

Qin Guihe shouted and spread all his strength to Luo’s body. I saw the bright blue jade beads, the blue light of the earth, and countless spiritual light emerged from this rounded bead, like a meteor, rushing to the boundless sea.


The sea broke through, and the snoring sounded, lifting the sleeves and wiping off a trace of blue blood on the lips.

His eyes looked coldly at Luo, who was not far away, and then noticed the young man in the middle who was inconspicuous and fit in the middle. Looking at Luo's clear and elegant face, Jin's mind suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​Fengshen in the north of the land a month ago. His face changed greatly and suddenly realized that his appearance had been seen by Luo. At the moment, there was a flash of killing in the eyes.

As soon as the clear dragons broke through the sky.

The slender and graceful white dragon circling toward the nine gongs, and the figure disappeared into the clouds. It is about a hundred feet long, as if it was calculated by the heavens. Every bend of the body is full of natural beauty, and a pair of blue-blue scorpions reflect the vast sea.

However, only in an instant, the dragon swooped down from the air and rushed to Luo to clear the four people!


Luo gradually cleared his palm to his own Dantian, and the small and delicate Qinglian Yuanshen immediately flew out. This **** seems to be very small, but it did not fear to hit the white dragon, the endless spiritual power rolled out from the bright blue jade beads, helping this delicate green lotus smashed into the white dragon.

The moment the two collided, the whole magic mountain trembled twice!

Luo gradually cleared the corners of his mouth and suddenly ooze a trace of blood. His body had already hurt to the point of being unable to image. He only felt that the bones of his body seemed to be crushed. Mo Qianqiu, Qin Guihe and Baijia's ancestors, the power of the three mighty forces can't bear him, but he must work hard to run "Jiu Lian Tian Tian Lu", accept these forces and use them to illuminate Mingguang Qingyuzhu.

As Luo gradually became painful and was about to collapse, he suddenly felt a sense of coolness. He looked at him in amazement. He saw that the left hand of Mo Qianqiu was lifted up and pressed behind his neck. He passed the power of the warm god, soothing the pain of Luo gradually clearing.

Seeing Luo gradually clear that he has been looking at himself. The magical lips are stunned and subconsciously said: "Luo gradually clears, what do you think?"

Luo gradually cleared his heart, and his eyes widened and his voice trembled, muttering: "Moqiu..."

The magic of the thousand autumn is a stiff body, a palm once again shot to Luo gradually clear, with more ambitious spiritual power to stop Luo gradually clear the next words.

In the sky, the long and beautiful white dragon collides with a beautiful lotus flower. The fluctuations in the two caused the entire land to tremble, but no one was willing to stop.

The white dragon screamed and spit out the sea in the mouth; Qinglian immediately spun, transforming a huge lotus shadow, turning it into a petal with majestic spiritual power, and plunging the whole sea into the lotus.

This battle, played dizzy and dark, lasted for three days and three nights.

The people under the robbery period and the Yaozu have temporarily suspended their fighting, but the war that belongs to the top power is only the beginning. A hundred years ago, Xuan Lingzi had been fighting with the singularity for a whole ten years. Compared with that, it is only a slap in the face.

No one knows what is the situation in the torn space, the Guanglingzi sage and the squatting side. However, Luo gradually cleared the deadlock here. The strength of Jin’s departure is obviously beyond the expectations of all people. The wounds of the Magic Qianqiu have not healed. Now the four people are together, but they are tied with the Jin.

At this moment, in the dry hills far north of the land, a thick thunder was crushed into a powder by the golden sword light.

The white robes slowly lifted their feet and took a step outside, finally! Xuan Lingzi left the dead mountain that had been trapped for three months.

The thunderclouds in the sky have begun to dissipate, and the mysterious eyes stared coldly at the thick thunderclouds in the sky, and the eyes flashed a strong killing. But he just looked at it and walked away, not wasting a little time.

However, half a day later, when Xuan Lingzi was about to leave the northern part of the land, an old white hair figure came from afar.

This person seems to be just an ordinary old man who will walk in the woods. A white hair grows up. Every step is trembled, as if it is going to the end, but he has passed through the mighty pressure of the mysterious spirit, step by step. Going forward, I walked to the place where he was ten feet before the stop.

Xuan Lingzi was so cold that he looked at the old man silently.

The old man also looked up at him.

The two looked at each other and the old man first handed his hand. He said: "If you don't see it for a hundred years, Xiaoyou has already broken through the middle of the gods."

Xuan Lingzi took out the Xuan Ling sword and shimmered the golden light on the sword. He lifted the narrow phoenix eyes and glanced at each other casually. He said calmly: "I have never seen a hundred years, I have never thought of it for thousands of years.