MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 55 Fight together

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...the giant of origin?

When these words were introduced into the ears of Xu Xing, they were smashed by the hurricane, but he still heard it vaguely.

He couldn't help but vomit a long sigh.

In the script, he had conceived such a monster. His body is a hundred feet long, and he is a giant serpent. He is endless, and his skin is thick and fleshy. He was born in the same year as the wilderness. He crouched under the wild land, and the haunt period was five years. Once arched out of the ground, it is like a madness, devour all moving objects, until you are guaranteed not to be hungry or thirsty for five years before you can dig into the hole and sleep.

This wild sand is the tentacles of its senses. Once it is surrounded by this sand, the body has been contaminated with the taste of the giant, and will be marked as a prey.

This thing is greedy, and unlike its bulky body, its speed of action is like a leopard, and its endurance speed is first-class. Any prey that is locked by it, even if it runs a thousand miles away, will be caught up by it.

This thing is not to be inhabited, and it is not to be alone. Therefore, it sometimes appears in groups, sometimes only one, but it is devastating and engulfing the world, even if one is born, it is also a huge trouble.

However, this monster only appears in the concept of Xu Xingzhi.

Before he was put into the wild, he did not even write about the emergence of the giant of origin.

...What does this mean?

The dark sand is boiling, the golden snake is dancing wildly, the heavens and the earth are changing, and the sinister wind is as if it is wrapped in flames, but it blows to the face, but it is so cold and chilling.

The people who were originally walking in twos and threes gathered in one place.

At the first time, Qu Chi took off the robes of Zhu Yi, and when Tao Yu screamed out the "Mr. Brothers", he turned back and covered the face of Tao Xian, and blocked the first round of raging sandstorm with a strong back. .

Tao leisure heard the sound of the sandblasting of the honeycomb blasting. It was already a soft leg and could not help but sit down.

Qu Chi accompanied him to kneel down and put him in his arms.

"Don't look up, don't look at it." Qu Chi said softly. "It's okay, it's okay."

Zhou Beinan shared most of the sands behind the two, and Meng Zhongguang jumped from the back of Xu Xing, went straight to the wasp-like sandstorm, palmed his heart, lifted a huge wind shield, sheltered everyone under the shield .

The winds have dropped sharply, and everyone has finally got rid of the wind pressure and made a sound.

Zhou Beinan spit out the yellow sand in his mouth, throwing a long shot in his hand and inserting it deeply into the sand where he has accumulated half a foot thick: "Lu Yujiu!"

Lu Yujiu ran down and ran. The Fuyu used to manipulate the ghosts had already been called out by him. He knew what Zhou Beinan wanted, and the words were not sent, so he put his wrist on Zhoubei South wrist, the two veins intersect, the lilac moiré There was a ripple in the wrist fittings.

As early as the tiger fleas, Zhou Beinan has retrieved most of the lost power from his own body. However, Zhou Beinan was a ghost slave. If Lu Yujiu provided him with a fine element, he would not be able to continue.

As the Jing Yuan 汩汩 flowed into the north and south of the Zhou Dynasty, Lu Yu's nine colors gradually revealed blue and white.

Zhou Beinan is not the past Zhou Beinan, a high-level ghost slave, who needs a ghostly master to have a stronger cultivation, and can easily control it.

In the past, Zhou Beinan, who lacked spiritual power, had spare energy to supply. However, this time, he was somewhat powerless.

Even so, he still gnashed his teeth and squeezed the essence of the body into a wave of waves into the north and south of the week.

Zhou Beinan can feel that he is strong in the teeth. He wants to withdraw his hand, but if the ghost master and the ghost slave begin to communicate with the elite, only the ghost master can stop, and Zhou Beinan is a ghost slave, and he is powerless to stop.

Zhou Beinan was in a hurry, reaching out and grabbing Lu Yujiu’s waist and picking him up, trying to force him apart from himself.

He gnashed his teeth and said: "Get away! Enough."

Lu Yujiu stubbornly: "Not enough. Last time, five years ago... met the giant, you... almost beaten up the gods..."

Five years ago, Lu Yujiu, Zhou Beinan and Qu Chi were accompanied by a trace of the wild key fragments, which coincided with the birth of a smaller giant.

The giant will still appear in the nightmare of Lu Yujiu. He will not forget until he died. The giant who is more than ten feet rounds a pair of dementia like a dead fish, and smashes his fingers into the north and south of the body, almost smashing his soul!

If it wasn’t for Qu Chi’s death, he would smash the giant’s throat at the cost of shaking his right hand bones...

Lu Yujiu did not dare to think about the **** consequences.

Zhou Beinan saw Lu Yujiu hate to bite the lip, and he knew that he remembered the past, and his heart was slightly painful.

He comforted him: "This time will not. You..."

"No." Lu Yujiu is already weak, and he trembles on the shoulders of Zhou Beinan. The essence of his body will be vented. ""

……No way.

It’s hard to get here, and I’ve got two pieces of key pieces to get out of the wild. He can’t let Zhou Beinan’s accident at this juncture.

He Lu Yuji has lost too much, and he can no longer protect the people who are most important to him.

- They have to go out together. There can be no one.

The essence of Lu Yu’s body is as light as it is, and the soft and soft crouching on the shoulders of the north and south of the Zhou Dynasty, the purple essence of the wrists is getting more and more faint.

Until the power is exhausted, his arm is unable to hang down, and the fast-rotating symbol is also dropped on the ground, and is buried by the floating sand.

Xu Xingzhi went down and picked up Fuxi and went to the sand.

Zhou Beinan was holding a weak Lu Yujiu, and his strong arm was extremely tight. He embraced the only person he could meet in this world, and he murmured and ordered: "... Don't force your brothers out again."

"For you, one is enough to be tired." Lu Yujiu wants to hold the hand of Zhou Beinan, but he can lift his arm and work hard. "...I can give it, I have given have to come back and come back well."

Zhou Beinan took the hand that was about to slip, and kissed him on the back of his finger: "Come back. Certain."

After making a promise, he sent the soft and weak Lu Yujiu to the arms of Xu Xing: " it. Look at him."

At this time, Zhou Beinan’s most trusted thing is Xu Xingzhi, who has no spiritual power.

Xu Xingzhi’s one-armed arm crossed Lu Yujiu and steadily said: “You can rest assured.”

Meng Zhongguang then held Xu Xingzhi's right hand: "Sister, you and Tao Xian, Lu Yujiu and Yuanshi sisters are here to avoid. Qu Chi will be guarded here. I and Zhou Wang, Zhou Beinan went to kill the giant and will return ""

Qu Chi does not trust: "I will go too."

"What are you going to?" Meng Zhongguang’s voice immediately became cold. "You can only guard them here. You haven’t always wanted to stay with Tao Xing?"

Qu Chi’s voice trembled: “Awang has never fought with the giants, I am afraid of her...”

The heavy footsteps of the thundering thunder interrupted the voice of Qu Chi.

If there is a blade in the translucent wind shield, it will reflect a pair of big bare feet. The giant foot fell on the yellow land and printed the deep pit of the size of the cabin.

Xu Xingzhi looked up and found that until his eyes were exhausted, he could only see the monster's chin.

Zhoubei Nanxuan rounded his eyes and blurted out a sentence.

... This giant, the one that met when they met last time, was not at the same level.

However, although it is huge, it is only one.

Can not wait for Xu Xingzhi to distinguish the hi or the worry, then I heard a sly child laughing and laughing with the wind.

Rolling up a burst of yellow sand rushing, there are two little giants about ten feet tall!

... mother and child giant? !

It seems that they must be divided into two ways.

The two little giants traveled faster than their mothers, and they were only a mile away. As for the mother giant who is straight to the top, the speed of the march is not much worse than that of her child. The roar of the giant foot that rushed to the ground quickly shook the heart and lungs.

Tao Yu is the body of a mortal, how can he withstand this, from the Chi Chi arms to climb out is a heartbreaking vomiting, the weak body was forcibly shaken off the ground by the giant earthquake again and again, the station is not, Oh, it’s not that the wolverine’s appearance is distressed and the face is gray.

"How confident are you?" Xu Xingzhi had no time to care about Tao Xian, and he grabbed Meng Zhongguang, who was about to leave.

Meng Zhongguang kissed Xu Xingzhi’s forehead: “As long as my brother is good, I will have 60% confidence.”

... 60%.

Xu Xingzhi's heart went down, but before he could say a few more words, Meng Zhongguang turned his eyes from Xu Xing's face and stared at Qu Chi.

"Quchi, protect them." Meng Zhongguang specifically emphasized, "Even if you kill the two monsters, you don't need to help us. I will give you the safety of my brother. ^ Do you hear it?"

Qu Chi is working with Yuan Ruqi to support the leisure of the East and the West, where he still managed his entrustment and turned his head.

Meng Zhongguang also reluctantly grabbed Xu Xingzhi's neck, and after a deep kiss, he was willing to let go: "Brothers, stay here, don't go anywhere with them. Go back and go back."

Zhou Wang took two necks and pulled out a pair of long knives from the back. He was placed in front of him and rubbed a gorgeous fire. He smiled at Zhou Beinan: "Hey, when the last time the monster hurts you, I am not This time, I have not reported this for you."

Zhou Wang’s face is full of confident smiles from the newborn calf, but Zhou Beinan sees another familiar face through her face.

... small string.

After a moment, he forcibly removed himself from his memory, shook his gun, and plotted a half-month arc, pointing to the giant's throat: "Zhou Wang!"


"You are a pioneer!"

Zhou Wang raised his eyebrows, and the crisp sounded a "yes". With a double-knife wave, the volley gave birth to thousands of waves, and flew to the air, and went to the belly of the mother giant who was only a hundred feet away from them!

Zhou Beinan, who was behind her, shot through the clouds, and the long smash broke through the sandstorm, and took out an rainbow of light, hitting the giant's throat.

Meng Chongguang pressed his sword and walked a little. When he appeared again, he had already pushed to the shoulder of the mother giant. He raised his hand and led the sword, and stabbed her huge star like a lantern!

Who wants the figure of the giant giant to look cumbersome, but it is running like a fly, a sideways flashed the knife light of Zhou Wang and the gun shadow of Zhou Beinan, fluttering Meng Ruguang’s fine-pointed swordsman and roaring Swinging to your shoulders!

Meng Zhongguang has a toe point and a flash of light. It is a mile away from the giant.

He only stayed in the air for a moment, then slammed into the waist of the giant.

He was extremely fast, and once again he had reached the giant's belly. He only heard the sound of a thunderous explosion. The mother giant screamed painfully, folded back and crashed to the ground.

Zhou Wangyiyi, pulling the knife to her knees, but under one sigh, but heard a muffled sound, shocked her wrist bones soft and numb.

She seems to have encountered a copper wall, can not shake the monster skin!

And when she looked up, she became more and more confused.

- The mother giant struggled to climb up, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and screamed at the shadow of Meng Zhongguang's cloud.

The snoring sounded and the blood turned back into the eardrum, and the face was suddenly blue.

Actually... even Meng Da can’t help this monster?

"Don't be dazed!!" Zhou Beinan snorted and immediately turned Zhou Wang back into reality. "Hold him! Aim at her throat! That is her only weakness!"

Zhou Wangzhen bit his lip and forced himself to wake up with severe pain. He took a knife and flew on the giant's leg and strode two steps. He tried his best and stroked her waist.

A steel knife in the hands of Zhou Wang shattered and cracked, and the steel piece flew with the blood.

The mother giant once again issued a very angry roar.

This snoring made Zhou Wang’s heart hope, but she could turn her back, but found that she had done a hard blow, leaving only a half-inch deep incision on her waist!

Although Zhou Beinan, Zhou Wang and Meng Chongguang had a hard battle, it was a drag on the progress of the mother giant.

On the ground, the two little giants have already smelled the favorite human flesh, laughing and jokingly rushing to their food.

Qu Chi a sword into seven swords, put the six swords, formed a sword array, trapped one of the giants, and they held the sword and the giants in the forefront.

The little giant stared at his skin as a knife, showing a sly smile, reaching out to meet with Qu Chi Jian Feng, who thought that one by one, his **** slammed into the ground, and the blood column suddenly sprang out.

After being blocked by the wind shield, Lu Yujiu saw a joy: "Qu Shi brother! This one has not yet been trained into a copper bone!"

Xu Xingzhi is not as optimistic as Lu Yujiu, and he is waiting.

The little giant looked at the broken finger from the blood stream, and slightly licked his head, but he did not feel anything in pain, and he punched his fist to Qu Chi!

Qu Chi, a spine, shunned from his fingerless fingers, and the right hand took the sword through a dazzling sword flower and rushed straight up again.

The little giant made an agile movement that was completely different from his clumsy figure. The muscles were drummed and miraculously changed. The figure slammed back, and Qu Chi followed, and the fingertips smashed the sword. Passing over his side, licking a blue light, heading straight to the back of the giant!

Who wants this monster to be expected, when he cuts the air and Mingsha at the tip of the sword, and when he is about to fall into his neck, he ducks agilely, and Qu Chi singles his hand to the empty blade and attacks again. , just ask him to retreat as far as possible, and then wait for the opportunity to kill.

But this thing is really hard to get rid of, and Qu Chi and his fights are more than ten, but it is impossible to get involved!

Tao leisurely stared at Qu Chi and the giant, and clasped Xu Xingzhi's arm in horror, and said: "Xu brother..."

Xu Xingzhi clenched his hand in the folding fan, and his palm was pulled out of sweat.

At this time, the difference is steep!

After all, Qu Chi can't do both. He is good at the seven-star sword array and lacks a corner. It is not perfect. The little giant trapped by the six swords will not be able to observe it for a while. Turning the corner of the sword, giggling and screaming for a while, bypassing Qu Chi, and heading straight to the wind shield of Xu Xing’s hiding!

Qu Chi panicked and shouted "Tao leisure". He wanted to take a knife and walked away, but he was not retreated by the little giant in front of him. He bit the sword body, and the giant teeth slammed and bit the blade in his hand. Broken into pieces of broken light!

Yuan Ruyi has become a bone-bone body, and has been unable to fight the sword. Faced with such a crisis, he has to scream and shout: "Run!! Xu Shixiong, Tao Leisure, Xiao Lu, fast-"

The little giant smirked straight into the front of the wind shield, and when the punch went down, the wind shield had broken lines.

He clasped his hands together and squatted down on the shield. After a few strokes, he smashed the wind shield into a burst of wind!

In the distance, Meng Zhongguang’s heart moved, and he turned over like a scorpion. He became a little meteor and went straight to the little giant’s back!

The wind shield was lost, and several people were suddenly exposed to the giant teeth.

Xu Xingzhi grabbed the hands and feet of Lu Yujiu and the overwhelmed Tao Leisure, screaming, using his elbows, while using his hands, they took them out.

As a result, his back was completely exposed to the little giant's sensation.

Yuan Ruo screamed: "Sister!"

She was too late to grieve, and she suddenly widened her eyes.

- Xu Xingzhi's "free pen" in the left hand did not know when, turned into a mace, the mace quickly returned with him, accompanied by a violent roar, a blow, a smash The throat of the monster! ! !

And Meng Zhongguang also rushed from behind, a sword inserted into the back of the monster.

The stick and the blade meet in the giant neck, and instantly the torn monster is separated!

Yuan Ruyi looked at Xu Xingzhi and saw the "quick pen" that renewed his infinite change in his palm. For a moment, he did not know whether he wanted to cry or wanted to laugh: "Teacher...Senior..."