MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 136 Celestial Family Cultivation Waste Materials (4)

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The weather was clear, the sun was shining, and there were no clouds.

Rarely good weather, the most suitable for lying at home and blowing the air conditioner.

Unfortunately, for the younger generation of the Si family, they would prefer a cloudy day or a light rain or something.

After all, on a sunny day, it is really uncomfortable to move in the wilderness.

Si Jinghui put his hand on his forehead, looked up at the sky, and said depressedly, "What kind of luck is this?"

On the surface, he seemed to be saying that he was unlucky to meet such a hot day, but several other teenagers and girls understood what he meant—the weather was too sunny, and the key was to come out with the cultivator in the family. .

After all, it's not the first time for them to come out to do tasks during the summer vacation, and they have experienced the sun again. Anyway, it is still shaded by trees in the mountains, and they are also cultivating themselves. Of course, their physique is much better than ordinary people. Although the sun is big , but it's just uncomfortable.

In comparison, they felt uncomfortable going out with Xie Gu who had no way to cultivate.

Children's minds are inherently simple, and family education over the years has always taught them the importance of cultivation and family glory, but the existence of the bones seems to bring shame to the Si family. There will be nothing to find trouble to find faults, but now Xie Gu, a person who has no strength, insists on stepping in their trials, which is very unsatisfactory.

Although this kind of task is usually not very dangerous, Xie Gu has no ability to protect himself at all. Even if Si Jinghui believes that his team is strong, there is no way to prevent Xie Gu from being held back.

So if there is a light rain or something, maybe the elders of the clan who accompanied them will not let Xie Gu follow him on the grounds that it may be dangerous.

It should be noted that the strength of monsters and ghosts is often stronger in rainy weather, and this mission is in the mountains, and the road will be more muddy and slippery.

Of course, Si Jinghui didn't dare to think that the rain would be too heavy. Their Celestial Masters could cultivate, but in the event of a rainstorm and a mudslide or something, they would not be able to compete with Tianwei.

Of course, so far, these are fantasies.

Si Jinghui could only complain.

He is 16 years old this year, which happens to be the summer vacation of the first year of high school. He is accompanied by three juniors of the Si family. Si Xuanying is the eldest, 17 years old, and is in the summer vacation of the second year of high school. The other Si Kaige and Si Yueming are both 15 years old and have just passed the high school entrance examination , their mission this time is to enter this Shunshan and surrender or kill a black frost badger demon.

It takes about two or three hundred years for this black frost badger to become an elite, which is not too deep, but it can still be king and hegemony on the hilltop of this mountain. It is estimated that there are two or three lives in his hands. The specifics cannot be tested. After all Monsters have extremely long lifespans, but humans are not. Anyway, this black frost badger is not very safe recently, or the Si family would not have issued such a task.

Two or three hundred years old, the Black Frost Badger is more than enough to kill an ordinary adult, but to deal with the skilled Celestial Masters, even though Si Jinghui and these are just fledglings, but together, not a single Black Frost Badger can match.

However, Si Jinghui and the others did not have much experience after all, and the accompanying elders would not follow them all the time, and they would not take action at will if it were not life-threatening, so at this time they were walking in this mountain, and they were all very nervous.

Only Xie Gu still had a relaxed expression on his face, looking at his expression and posture, he didn't look like he came out to practice, but rather like he was out on an outing.

But he is obviously the physique of an ordinary person. Walking on the mountain road in the sun, he didn't sweat at all, and he was as comfortable as staying in an air-conditioned room.

Si Jinghui took another look at the handsome young man who was incompatible with their painting style, muttered "pretend", didn't say much, and continued to move forward according to the guidance of the compass.

Xie Gu had put the Zhang Jingxin Talisman and the Light Body Talisman on himself. Of course, he was neither hot nor tired. He looked at a few children whose faces were covered in thin sweat from climbing the mountain, with a little smile in his eyes.

It's not a good thing to trust the compass so much.

Speaking of which, the aura affinity of this body is better than what the Si family expected, and the sensing ability is not limited to ordinary aura flow, such as some special smells, such as certain dangers or opportunities, the bones can be vague. induction.

Moreover, if he is calm and concentrated, Xie Gu can even sense the general orientation of spiritual objects within a range of twenty miles. If he enters the surrounding area of ​​one mile, living creatures with spiritual energy on their bodies cannot escape his induction.

Like Si Jinghui, who is so close to him, Xie Gu can feel the flow of spiritual energy in his body, that is to say, as long as Xie Gu is willing, he can completely predict Si Jinghui's move, and then directly restrain him. Weak point, one hit kill.

If such a talent can really be cultivated, then it is a true fighting genius.

It's no wonder that this body can't store spiritual energy.

Therefore, at this time, with a meditation talisman on his body, Xie Gu could very clearly sense that there were many existences with powerful aura fluctuations in this Shunshan Mountain.

And the direction pointed by the compass, within twenty miles, there is no aura fluctuation.

Twenty miles away, you can go directly out of the hillside of Shunshan.

From this point of view, it seems that the Black Frost Badger had expected it long ago, and used a trick to deceive the compass.

But of course Xie Gu wouldn't say it directly - he could point to making money with this stuff.

As for the little kid Si Jinghui? The young man was overly motivated and rushed a bit, but he had no bad intentions, and the potential for impulsive consumption was very great.

The group walked for about forty minutes.

Pushing aside the bushes, what appeared in front of me was a mountain wall, and the compass pointer pointed straight at this mountain wall.

Si Jinghui's expression changed, and he was a little bit at a loss: "This...?"

Si Xuanying was a little older than him, and she was a girl. She was relatively calm, but she didn't panic. She wiped the mountain wall with her fingers, and said in deep thought, "This mountain wall seems to have been disguised. The frost badger is a burrower, and it's not like it's a den inside."

Si Jinghui calmed down a little, and also stepped forward and knocked on the mountain wall. After sensing it for a while, he nodded: "It should be hollow."

"I'll do it." Si Kaige was a little younger, but he looked a little more mature than Xie Gu, with his tendon and flesh, and at first glance it was clear that he was going the violent route.

At this moment, he took the initiative to step forward, snorted lowly, circulated the spiritual energy in his body, and smashed it out with a fist!

With a bang, he demonstrated to Xie Gu what it means to be a child with a punch.

But Xie Gu didn't take it seriously. Anyway, the more these little brats don't know how to cherish their strength and hide their clumsiness, the more money he will make later.

Si Kaige smashed it out with a punch. The mountain wall was indeed a little loose, but it didn't really reveal the so-called passage. He was a little annoyed on his face, and immediately punched again. , The stones and soil that blocked the opening finally shattered.

A black hole was exposed.

"As expected!" Si Jinghui was surprised, and rushed in first, "Quick! This black frost badger is the most cunning. At this time, we smashed the entrance of the hole. If you were less timid, I'm afraid they would have already run away at this time. ."

Si Xuanying was relatively stable. Seeing that Si Jinghui was leading the way, she asked Si Kaige to follow Si Jinghui, and Si Yueming, who was weaker, was the third. Originally, Si Xuanying wanted Xie Gu to be the fourth. Yes, but Xie Gu waved his hand and said, "I'll go at the end."

This queen is also an important position. After all, the front and the end of the team are vulnerable to attack. Si Xuanying originally wanted to be the queen, but Xie Gu insisted so much. She was also worried that the Wushuang Badger would escape, but fortunately, she did not shirk. Nodding his head, he followed Si Yueming in.

Xie Gu lazily followed at the end, and when he walked into the hole, he glanced around again.

Logically speaking, the size of the black frost badger should be small, at most half a person's height, but this cave is extraordinarily large. Just entering this passage is enough to be one and a half people's height, and the width can accommodate two people side by side. It seems to be specially prepared for human beings. Of course, when you go to the back, you can also find that the height of this passage is decreasing, but even Xie Gu, an adult body, can pass by with a little bending.

The passage is not very long, a distance of about ten meters, and it takes less than a minute, but after Si Jinghui, who started at the beginning, got in, he realized that there was no living thing in this cave.

Of course, there are some gold and silver treasures, and many of them are not products of this era. Xie Gu, who finally came in, even saw a Nokia with sharp eyes, but it was covered with tooth marks. It is reasonable to suspect that this thing should have been stolen by Na Wushuang. The badger picked it up to grind its teeth.

In the middle of the cave pointed to by the compass, there is a bundle of bundled hairs placed in a small magic circle.

The basic knowledge of Si Jinghui and others is so solid, they recognized at a glance that this magic circle is similar to "substitute". It is as if the caster himself is here in the induction, and it is usually useless because when the caster explodes his own spiritual power fluctuations, the magic circle is automatically invalid, but in the current state When evading pursuit, it simply has a miraculous effect.

Si Jinghui was the most irritable, and punched the ground first: "Damn, let's let it run first."

Si Yueming thought a little deeper: "This formation is here, it should have been on guard long ago, right?"

Si Xuanying, however, put on an alert posture: "No, this black frost badger should be nearby, this is its lair, since it can prepare this formation, it is impossible for it to escape without bringing anything, said Not sure, it is secretly waiting for an opportunity to attack!"

Si Kaige and the others were all stunned when they heard it, and quickly formed a joint back-to-back. Si Yueming even said to the bones, "Come here! You don't have a cultivation base, it's the easiest for you to attack!"

Xie Gu said "oh", but didn't move: "It's coming."

In the next instant, a black light flashed, and a long howl of "唳" sounded, and the black frost badger rushed straight towards Si Yueming!

Si Yueming was the weakest of the four, and his reaction was of course much slower. Although he was ready to meet the enemy at the first moment of realizing the attack of the Black Frost Badger, he showed the magic weapon in his hand, but with the Black Frost Badger The sharpness of his teeth and claws, it is estimated that Si Yueming will not be ready in time, and he is afraid that he will inevitably hurt his flesh after this blow.

She looked a little nervous, but she didn't dare to relax in the slightest, otherwise it wouldn't be as simple as a flesh wound.

When Si Xuanying saw it, she was determined to block Si Yueming, but because of her position, her speed was much slower. Although she had a long sword in her hand, it was too late!


A hand with slender knuckles and a fair color stretched out and picked up the Black Frost Badger, which had fallen to the ground and was wrapped in talisman paper.

Si Yueming still maintained the posture of facing the enemy, and a flute was just formed in his hand.

Si Xuanying stretched out the long sword in her hand and picked it into the void with inertia.

Si Jinghui and Si Kaige's expressions were still changing between bewildered and frightened, and they didn't even shout "Fuck".

But Xie Gu had already hung the Black Frost Badger's tail upside down, and said, "Hey, isn't this the mission goal?"

He turned to look at the four of the Si family, and said with a smile, "I remember that if you turn in this black frost badger, you can get a special reward? Come on, the one with the highest price will get it."

The fourth junior of the Si family looked like he had seen a ghost.

However, the Black Frost Badger swayed, his voice resentful: "Human! Don't be complacent! There is more than one monster who is stronger than me in Shunshan. If you dare to touch me, be careful to die here!"

Xie Gu was slightly surprised: "Really?"

The Black Frost Badger said viciously: "Of course! My eldest brother and the others are not something you weaklings can handle!"

"Don't tell me sooner," Xie Gu patted his head, and turned another talisman on the black frost badger's forehead, "Thank you, you can go on your way."

Black Frost Badger's body softened instantly.

Xie Gu glanced at the cave and found a backpack in a pile of junk with his poisonous aura. After a brief pat, a logo of a well-known brand was revealed. The price should be close to six figures. Then he The corpse of the black frost badger was stuffed directly into the bag.

In the end, Xie Gu scoured the cave all over again. Those small and easy-to-carry expensive things also followed the corpse of the Black Frost Badger into a nearly six-digit backpack, completely ignoring that it was probably dead.

After he had packed up, he finally remembered to glance at the four people who were still stupid next to him, and began to state the truth: "There is not only one demon here, the Black Frost Badger, I sense that there are already four or five big demons that are similar to it.

"With your strength, it's definitely not possible, and now there is a protection fee, I can cover you out.

"What are you doing? Don't you give me money and call Gu Ge 666?"

Si Jinghui didn't expect that a trial he had expected would turn out like this - what about the dangers that were promised? What about the life-and-death experience? What about making concerted efforts to subdue demons and eliminate demons?

However, although Si Jinghui is not as good as his bones in terms of spiritual energy sensing, it is impossible for him to feel the oppression brought by the arrival of four or five big monsters with hundreds of years of cultivation. At this time, he can't see the so-called big monster. Where, the yin qi that suddenly thickened around was indeed right.

His hair stood up suddenly, and a sentence blurted out: "Bone brother 666!"

The author has something to say: President Xie Ba: It seems that some people do not want to give money


Tail up!

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-07-05 23:55:51~2020-07-06 23:58:13~

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