MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 15 Entertainment film and television black and red idols (15)

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Xie Gu wasn't interested in watching it, but since the system had been noisy, he couldn't figure out how to block this troublesome thing for a while, so he had to look at the original protagonist's career progress bar according to his words.

- In general, the progress that the system can display is divided into two types, one is the progress of counterattack, and the other is the career progress of the original protagonist.

These two progress bars affect each other, but they are not absolute. In short, after Xie Gu’s counterattack and face slap progress reaches the pass line, he can apply to leave this world, but if he stays in this world, the career progress of the original protagonist will be full first. If the world mission fails, Xie Gu will be trapped here forever, that is, the real world will die completely.

Previously, the reading of the progress of the counterattack and slap in the face had reached 10%, while Xu Yucheng's career progress had not progressed much. At least when the system looked at it last night, it had been suppressed to the extreme.

However, at the moment Xie Gu saw Xu Yucheng's career progress has reached 20%.

This reading can be faster than Xie Gu's face.

The system also discovered this, and it was the first time that Aite Xiegu went crazy.

Xie Gu pondered for a while: "Do you know what happened to Xu Yucheng?"

The system answered honestly: "I don't know."

Xie Gu asked, "Then why are you looking for me in such a hurry?"

The system said: "The novice protection period comes with a bonus service. When the progress bar has a major change, it will automatically send a text message. No, it will automatically notify the tasker."

"Turn off this shit." Xie Gu said decisively, and then clicked on the progress of the counterattack.

The system was about to ask what was the use of watching that progress, and it wouldn't increase by itself if you looked at it a second time, and then it found that the progress of counterattack and face slap slowly moved forward to 20% at this time, keeping pace with Xu Yucheng's career progress bar. .

"...Why is this?" The system was so shocked that its own programs were trembling.

Xie Gu said: "I think it is more reasonable for me to ask this question, but since both progresses have skipped."

He paused and laughed softly: "Probably Xu Yucheng did something that was good for his career, but went against his original intention?"

Otherwise, when he is far away from the sky and doing nothing, how can he make the progress of the face-slapping counterattack improve? Only if Xu Yucheng feels humiliated, the progress will change again.

But what is it?

Xie Gu rubbed his chin, and was curious for a while, before he started working on the documents again.

- This is not in a hurry, you will always know what you need to know. Now that it's late at night, Xu Yucheng sits on the side of the road, burying his face in his palms, with tears in the corners of his eyes, but he can't cry no matter what.

Just an hour earlier, he had poured his friend down and sent him to a boss's bed—to get resources for the company.

Obviously, he has done psychological construction for himself again and again, telling himself that ruthlessness is a must for the strong, telling himself that he will compensate Zhang Shi in the future, and telling himself that his brother will allow this kind of thing.

In fact, Xu Yucheng has also successfully calmed down, but just after he sent Zhang Shi into Sun Qian's room, he met Guan Hongtu in the elevator.

At that moment, he didn't even have any thoughts of shame or gratitude, but Guan Hongtu clapped his palm: "I really didn't see you wrong."

Xu Yucheng wanted to ask what Guan Hongtu meant, and then heard Guan Hongtu smiling and saying, "It's really cruel, but seeing how sad you are, let me tell you one more thing. It was Zhang Shi who made Sun Qian want you. It was told to Wu Borang."

At this time, Guan Hongtu pressed the elevator button, and when the elevator came up, he said, "How is it? Do you feel better?"

Xu Yucheng's heart was overwhelmed, and the only reaction was to follow into the elevator. Who knows, Guan Hongtu pressed the button to close the door and stopped Xu Yucheng from the door: "Young man, you are not qualified to take the elevator with me."

And the last sentence Guan Hongtu left to Xu Yucheng was: "Perhaps your former teammate, Xie Gu has the ability."

Seeing Guan Hongtu leave, Xu Yucheng almost slumped on the ground.

He has never had such a moment to clearly realize how important it is to be strong. Only when he is really popular can he have the power to refuse, instead of tricking his friends into other people's beds like today, only to know when he is entangled in his heart. , In fact, the first person to harbor evil intentions is not him at all.

Xu Yucheng took the escape route of the stairs again, but he kept recalling the last two sentences of Guan Hongtu.

Unqualified, unqualified.

Thanks for the bones, thanks for the bones.

Why? !

That is, when he reached the door of the hotel, a person dressed as a secretary walked over in a hurry, shoved a business card into Xu Yucheng's hand, and left without saying a word.

Xu Yucheng glanced at the business card and found that it was the business card of an executive of Golden Palace Entertainment.

Golden Palace Entertainment, currently the largest brokerage entertainment company in the industry, is controlled by Liyuan Group. If you can enter Golden Palace Entertainment, it will not only be optimistic about the popularity potential, but also recognize the artist's strength.

Arguably his best springboard right now.

Just let brother and Zhang Shi...

Xu Yucheng sat on the side of the road for a long time, thinking about it.

When Zhang Shi woke up from the hotel bed with severe pain all over his body, everyone was stunned.

After fully figuring out what happened, Zhang Shi almost collapsed.

He never imagined that Xu Yucheng would turn this trick in reverse? !

At this time, Sun Qian came up vaguely again, and his hands were not clean: "Why, not satisfied?"

Seeing the camera on the corner of the wall, Zhang Shi knew that he had no room to turn around. To resist would mean disgraced and ridiculed, so he could only be forced to smile and shake his head: "How can it be? I thought President Sun would not like me."

Sun Qian also smiled satisfactorily: "Speaking of which, my favorite thing in your group is to thank the bones. Unfortunately, they have withdrawn from the circle, and now I am not someone I can afford to offend."

Zhang Shi was humiliated, but he could only cater.

That night, Zhang Shi went directly to Xu Yucheng's residence, kicked the door angrily and shouted for a long time, only to learn from his neighbor that Xu Yucheng was not there at all, and he didn't contact anyone on the phone, so he finally left reluctantly.

He thought that he would always have a chance, but after waiting for almost a month, Xu Yucheng disappeared and could not find anyone at all.

In midsummer in June, Gu Fei's Catering Headquarters relocated to the Imperial Capital and held a dinner to celebrate. Many business owners who had an intersection in the business field attended the event. Sun Qian also had a close relationship with Gu Fei, and tried to get it done. Invitation letter, I went with Zhang Shi.

It was only during the first chapter of the banquet that I really saw Xie Gu's current appearance.

It was so high-spirited that one wanted to destroy it.

He didn't care about anything else, he went to the terrace and dialed a number, and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "I know you have a handle in your hand, give it to me."

As everyone knows, Xie Gu stood not far away, borrowed the function of the next system, and listened to his words clearly.

"This person's opening remarks are really bad," Xie Gu shook the red wine in his hand and walked away decisively, "It's boring, you can guess the ending without the beginning."

"..." The system wanted to ask what was interesting.

But this one can also guess Xie Gu's answer without the beginning - making money.