MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 185 Wealthy Playboy (1)

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Xie Gu didn't go to Zhan Koonian's execution scene, because he was really too lazy to go there, and he didn't lie to Zhan Koonian, he is now several million a minute, why waste that time to watch him be executed death penalty?

Moreover, Zhan Koonian is a guy who is unwilling to turn back after hitting the southern wall. To make the progress of the face slap to 100%, he can only completely collapse his original concept, but Xie Gu himself in Zhan Koonian's concept is "Southern The existence of "Wall", so even if Xie Gu has the time to brainwash Zhan Koonian, it is a question whether Zhan Koonian can listen.

Instead of talking to Zhan Koonian, let him open his eyes and see, this world is not what he imagined, and how everything he had and cared about was lost because of his stupid obsession - wait until you know It hurts, are you afraid that Zhan Koonian can't think about it?

Sure enough, the progress is 100%.

Because he had already made preparations, Xie Gu was very calm when he left this world, even a little excited.

—According to what the system said before, as long as this world is also completed with full marks, he will have enough points for resurrection!

Compared with making money in these small worlds, he is more determined to return to the real world to continue his richest business.

But in the same way, before entering this zombie world, the phrase "theoretical" said by the system was also remembered in Xie Gu's mind.

so now…

[Congratulations to the tasker No. 10086 who scored nine consecutive world progress and became the first person in the task group. 】

A cold mechanical sound that was completely different from Xie Gu's system rang out.

This voice was a little familiar and a little old, Xie Gu thought for a while before realizing that it was the voice of the main system.

[Because the tasker 10086 performed extremely well, according to the rules, there will be an opportunity to obtain additional rewards. 】

[According to the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness, we are now asking the tasker No. 10086 for inquiries. 】

【Are you willing to accept additional tasks and enter the challenge world. 】

[The content of the challenge world will be determined according to the task player's previous task performance. Failure or death of the challenge world will not have other effects on the task player. If the task progress reaches 60%, the task will be regarded as a success. Progress gives different rewards. 】

Xie Gu chuckled: "It sounds really loose."

[Does the 10086 task person accept it? 】

"But isn't it a bit stupid for you to dig language traps in front of me?" Xie Gu said, "It doesn't sound like there will be any punishment, but if you succeed, you can get rich rewards, but there is no specific task about challenging the world. It is revealed that the reward is not clear, you are afraid that you are not writing a bad check?"


Although the main system didn't seem to say anything, Xie Gu seemed to hear a calm and powerful "Damn, it was discovered" ringing in his ears.

[…So the 10086 tasker chose to refuse? 】

"Of course—no," Xie Gu's tone turned straight, "the more vague the words, the more proof that you have concealed something. Isn't it based on the principle of fairness, impartiality and openness? As long as there is no punishment, why don't I bet? A bet?"

"And," he said in a deep tone, "I think this reward might be of interest to me."

[Damn you old thousand-layer cake...cough, I received a response from tasker No. 10086, and will be transferred to the challenge world. 】

This time, after a very short period of darkness, Xie Gu's head fainted, and he soon regained a sense of reality.

But what was different from before was that there was no sound around, and even the gloomy eyes were still in darkness, as if the flow of time was stagnant here, without the slightest feeling of freshness.

Then the voice of the main system rang again.

[After the scan is completed, No. 233 has been selected for the No. 10086 tasker to challenge the world. 】

[In this world, your identity type is the fallen protagonist, and the goal is to **** luck. 】

Xie Gu said speechlessly: "What is the fallen protagonist?"

[Oh, just this person is the protagonist configuration, but there is no protagonist life. 】

[So your goal is to let this person regain the life of the protagonist. The higher your achievement, the more luck you can **** back. But it's not the villain or the tasker on our system side that stole the life of the protagonist in this world, but the world, so you can simply understand that the world is the villain. 】

[Any character you meet may become the villain who hinders you under the instigation of the will of the world, so please be careful. 】

[Now Xiao Yao is transferring the character memory, and the time starts to flow again after two minutes. When your career progress reaches 60%, you can contact me at any time through Xiao Yao to bring you back. If it does not reach 60%, only when you I can take you back after this world is dead. 】

grab back...

It doesn't sound very civilized.

Xie Gu twitched the corner of his mouth, and before he had time to complain, the voice of the "Xiao Yao" system rang: "The memory data are all packaged, please accept the host."

Soon Xie Gu's mind filled with a lot of memory fragments that did not belong to him. It was obvious that the character was young, but the content in his memory... it was indeed a bit rich.

Specifically, what is the enrichment method? Anyway, Xie Gu turned over at a glance and all were mosaic fragments.

He felt his eyebrows jumped twice, and it took him a while to sort out the useful things.

[Two minutes are up. 】

[Boy, give me some anger, have you seen the world? Hit me with it! ! 】


As if the lights were turned on, everything around them lit up.

The warm-colored room lights, the slight sound of the air conditioner operating, the fragrance smelling soft and ambiguous, and the rustling sound of the shower in the bathroom, don't have a seductive meaning.

Xie Gu felt that his temples also jumped up.

The slightly unfamiliar interior furnishings told him that he was in a hotel now.

But it was also the style of the furniture and the size of the room that told him - this! Do not! Yes! total! system! set! house!

Although he hadn't completely sorted out the useful things in his memory, Xie Gu still knew that he was a top rich second generation, and the money he swiped from his cards every day started in six figures.

So, why did the original body not have the style of a rich man at all?


The wet water vapor slowly swayed out.

The girl's body is soft and slender, her skin is fair, her pure and charming face is still flushed, and the bath towel is loose and loose, revealing an incomparably delicate fragrance of hibiscus.

"Xie Shao, I've washed it."

The girl bowed her head shyly, and every move was alluring.

She stepped on the floor with her bare feet, and her white round toes revealed a lovely feeling.

is a stunner.

Xie Gu was expressionless: "You stop me."

The girl was stunned: "Huh?"

Xie Gu showed disgust: "Go and close the bathroom door for me, the water vapor is so heavy."

The girl's expression was slightly happy: "Oh, okay." It turned out that she was not angry, but wanted to have fun with her.

Although she was a little **** and confused, and destroyed the artistic conception of the beauty after the bath that she had deliberately created, who made the family the eldest young master? It's good to have money, she doesn't care about anything else.

The girl closed the bathroom door according to the words, and then climbed to Xie Gu's side again, trying to use her fingers to tease the man: "Young Master, today we..."

She paused a little shyly, but her hands were completely unstoppable and unbuttoned her shirt.

Then she was pushed onto the bed.

- so wild?

The girl circulated several versions of half-push and half-success in her heart, and before she could use it, she found that Xie Dashao, who was supposed to be similar to the beast in heat, had re-buttoned the unbuttoned shirt with a cold expression, and then used that kind of evaluation air. The quality expression looked in front of him and nodded.

"The water vapor is almost dissipated, and the clothes won't get wet after walking."

- I thought you were going to follow me, but you only care about the air humidity?

Is this level of incomprehension beyond the standard?

It's a pity that Xie Gu didn't look at this girl at all, but turned around and looked at the room with disgust, picked up his purse and coat one by one, and finally passed through the narrow corridor that was still a little damp, and smoked mercilessly. Left the room card.

"Although I don't discriminate against people who rely on their bodies, labor, or any other means to make money," he only left his last sentence, "but if you want to make my money with this, there's no way."


The door is closed.


The door reopened.

"Oh yes," Xie Gu's voice came in again, "I will withdraw this room now. If you are still sensible, I suggest you come to me tomorrow to make up the room fee, otherwise..."

This time, with the sound of the door closing, the lights in the entire room were finally turned off because the room card was taken away.

After a long time, a classic scolding sounded from the dark room.

"The host is really not sympathetic enough." The system's voice sounded.

Xie Gu sneered: "Can Lianxiangxiyu make my profit increase by one dollar per minute? No? No, why should I be Lianxiangxiyu?"

"Then what will the host do next?" The system's voice revealed a little surprise, "By the way, congratulations to the host, now your career progress has been completed by 10%!"

"Oh, what else can I do?" Xie Gu didn't feel much ecstasy, but said casually, "Find a place to sleep."

He emphasized: "You can't live in a room that doesn't have a rich personality just now."

When he returned to the elevator with the key card of the rebuilt presidential suite, he happened to bump into the girl who had packed up and walked out in a hurry.

The girl was knocked back a step, took another look at the new room card in Xie Gu's hand, and immediately sneered: "I thought you had a sudden change of sex, but I didn't expect that there were new fish. Isn't it still a dog can't change to eat shit?"

She raised her head proudly and wanted to leave, but Xie Gu suddenly reached out to stop her.

"Is there anything else?" She thought she didn't look away.

"Xiang Peining," Xie Gu slowly read out the name according to the impression in his memory, "Is that so?"

Xiang Peining raised his head: "What's wrong?"

"I remember that I bought a lot of things for you in the past two days, right?" Xie Gu glanced at Pei Ning's clothes, "Leigh's dress, Wyld's bag, Warren's makeup series..."

Every time he read a sign, Xiang Peining's face turned pale.

Xie Gu said: "It adds up to almost six figures, right? I don't want you to return it, you can directly return it to me."

His expression seemed lazy, but his eyes were piercingly sharp: "Reminder, don't try to play your cleverness, I have an invoice in my hand, you don't want to miss a penny."

The author has something to say: luxury brands are English surnames that I randomly chose to find, and any similarity is purely coincidental! !

See you tomorrow~