MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 38 Face scorpion and crossing women

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"You are bloody, how can I have a fake gold medal in my family?"

"In this case, Jiang Zhizhou should not care to let us search it?" Zhou Xu said with a smile.

"No, no search does not have the right to search, even the Prince does not work." Jiang Qi's expression began to distort.

"So I just asked your opinion." Zhou Xu still smiles, but in that smile, no one can see a smile.

"I disagree."

"Sorry," Zhou Xu said. "Your people have been driven away by us. In this room, there are only me, the Prince, and you, as well as these guards. Do you think we will listen to you?" ?"

Jiang Qi suffocated seven cigarettes, but he could not move because his hands were fixed by the prince's guards.

The Prince gave a command: "Search."


A group of people quickly launched a search in the Zhizhou government. However, during a fragrant time, the guards carried out the remaining six free gold medals.

"You are filthy, I really have a death-free gold medal, why should I use fake?"

"Really? The one you just took out?" asked the Prince coldly.

Jiang Qi did not speak, because the real death-free gold medal was stolen last night, and his pieces are indeed fake.

The Prince picked up the gold medal for death, and looked at it carefully. The sound was as bitter as the cold weather of the twelfth moon. "I am a royal seal. Do you think you can’t recognize it? You are the biggest seal on the death gold medal. Why is the word at the corner? Is it a scorpion rather than a librarian?"

Jiang Qi’s face was instantly red, and he only listened to the Prince and said, “Ginger Zhizhou, I heard that you have a gold medal for the death of the emperor. If you take it out, I will not punish it. If you can’t take it, then you will lose the gold medal. You will inevitably be in prison."

"You, you are bloody."

"Is there a **** mouth? Then how does Qin Zhifu die? Why did your nursing home appear behind the Tuen Mun before the death of Qin Zhifu?"

Jiang Qi’s face was white again. He was arrogant, but he could not find an excuse, because the gold medal for death was indeed lost, and Qin Shuqiang was indeed killed because he knew that Qin Shuqiang might have organized crimes and evidence. Sued him.

When the atmosphere was stagnation, when Zhou Xu thought that Jiang Qifang would also beg for mercy, suddenly he threw it out. Nothing could be seen in the whole room within three minutes. When the line of sight was clear, Jiang Qi’s other family guards had already rushed. Come.

With a sneer, Jiang Qi said: "Give me a kill, one does not stay."

Zhou Xu and the Prince have also prepared for this. After all, the seventeen counts and articles all indicate that Jiang Qifang is a greedy law. Such people will not respect him because of the identity of the Prince. On the contrary, if the Prince is blocked His way, he can still turn his face and not recognize people.

The struggle between the two sides is very tense. One is that Jiang Qi has put too many people, and the other is that twenty of them are really masters, and the guards of the Prince are almost the same level.

After a quarter of an hour, the Prince finally couldn't wait, and the sword was added to the battle. At the same time, Zhou Xuyi did not pay attention to it and directly controlled Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi thought that Zhou Xu was a scholar, but he did not expect him to be a master.

Zhou Xu forced Jiang Qi to let him order his men to stop, but Jiang Qi not only did not listen, but also drunk: "All killed me, after killing, I have a lot of rewards."

Evil evil smiles, Zhou Xu thought that he can still have this power, it is because you did not really feel pain.

The soft sword has been held in the hand. Zhou Xu has no ambiguity this time. He directly cuts Jiang Qi's leg and cuts it down.

The blood splatters, Jiang Qi’s mourning sounds, listening to the monks.


Zhou Xu’s soft sword was put on Jiang Qi’s other leg, his mouth was slanted, his eyes were indifferent, and he said, “Let your people stop.”

Jiang Qi puts on Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu smiled and said: "I count to three, one, two..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Jiang Qifang finally spoke.

Zhou Xu went on to say: "Three."

Soft swords cut iron, not to mention cutting meat.

Jiang Qi let again, " are not saying..."

Slightly smiled, Zhou Xu said: "You are in my hands now, no matter what I say, you have to listen. I have to accept what I do. I just did it when I finished, and let me count it. This is a punishment for you."

The glamorous eyebrows were cold and cold. After a few seconds, Jiang Qi had already fainted, and his men were also controlled. The paper on the table with seventeen charges was lying quietly.

Jiang Qi was captured, and his gold medal for death was lost. In addition to his other 17 counts, Jiang Qi will die.

However, before Jiang Qi was released to the official, the Prince still copied his home. All the money that was copied was used for the relief of the victims. At the same time, the Prince also found another clue. Jiang Qi put these guards. Twenty people were actually sent by the Jingzhong people, and the time was sent before the Prince Jiangnan.

However, the other party is very covert. Although the Prince can guess who did it, there is no evidence after all.

The disaster relief has been carried out in an orderly manner. The poor people who have been hungry and cold have finally had a bit of hope. Even if they are porridge and pickles every day, they will at least not starve to death.

After receiving the property of Jiang Qifang, each household also sent a dollar of money. This money is not much, but it is enough for them to eat a few meats.

Within five months, the Prince transferred the disaster area, resettled the victims, distributed food and winter clothes, and did not rest for a day.

In addition, at the same time as the disaster relief, the Prince will treat all officials who have been corrupted and accepting bribes, or they will be quietly remembered. After all, some people have close ties with Beijing and China. Take it, he has to wait for the opportunity, and at this time, it is best not to stimulate the emperor, otherwise there will be any unintended consequences, no one can afford.

In March of five months, in the horror of the time, the Prince sent the seeds to the people in the disaster area, and at the same time gave the food supply before the harvest, and then the Prince went quietly to Weinan.

This time he only took Zhou Xu and the night seven, because he went to Weinan for unannounced visits. The most important thing is to find evidence that the private soldiers were raised by the three emperors.

After arriving in Weinan, Zhou Xu’s spies who stayed in Beijing reported that the emperor’s body was already in a bad state. Even if he continued, he could hold up to half a year.

The three emperors have also been anxious, and several assassinations have not been successful. Now it is good, and no one can find them.

In fact, the three emperors thought about killing the emperor directly and forging a will, but before the prince left, the emperor was completely protected. He could not find an opportunity, so he could only work hard to assassinate the prince.

And now the Three Emperors have realized that Jiangnan is too close to Weinan. If the Prince went to Weinan, everything will be finished.

An urgent letter was sent to Hu Yue of Weinan and Zhou Zonghan, who was newly transferred. The three emperors demanded that they must handle the matter of raising their troops. At the same time, the three emperors sent another letter to Hu Yue. The content is very simple, if it is out. Accidents, all the blame was pushed to Zhou Zonghan.

Attached to the letter, a black hair and a child's bracelet, it is obviously threatened to threaten Zhou Zonghan, but unfortunately Zhou Zonghan did not know, but also thought that relying on the Ming Lord, so how can the success of the door, how can we revenge Zhou Xu .

In the past few years, the harvest in southern Fujian has been good, so it is relatively rich in terms of relative wealth. Basic families have surplus food every year. The three emperors are raising private soldiers here, but they have never moved the people here. After all, the rabbits still don’t eat grass and grass, and he is illegal, but the lower the better.

The prefects of southern Fujian are also the people of the three emperors. Naturally, they all listen to the three emperors.

However, there are military things here. It’s not a secret in the local area. After all, there are so many soldiers in such a big place that you can’t hide them. The three emperors don’t have any excuses at all, because the civilians will think of “private soldiers”. Most of the things that I thought were the official soldiers of the royal family.

I will be able to accommodate myself and the Prince as a couple of old and middle-aged couples. They will be able to accommodate their sons in the night. Zhou Xu and his entourage went to the most prosperous area in southern Fujian.

Zhou Xu’s appearance is naturally a woman’s appearance, but because she is a middle-aged person, she has a lot of pleats on her face, and it is faint to see that she is definitely a little bit young when she is young. The prince is a middle-aged man, and half of his hair is already white.

After the dressing was completed, the prince looked at Zhou Xu and said for a long time: "What do you like, I like it."

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu replied: "You are like this, it is not bad, it is very close to my appetite."

The three men only took a few steps and were stopped by two patrols.

"What? Local?"

"It’s not local, come from Lubei." Zhou Xu replied, with a strong Lubei accent.

"Go to the pro? Let's go, go fast, don't wander around here in the middle of the night, let's find someone."

"Official lord, what are you looking for, we are all good people." Zhou Xu's voice is hoarse, it doesn't sound like a middle-aged person, but like an old man.

"Ask all the questions, go quickly."

"Oh, well, then I asked, how did my relatives go, he said in the Heyin District of Weinan, but we didn't find it after we found it for a day."

"Hehe District, how do you find this here, you go there, go, don't talk nonsense, go quickly. Yes, if you hear the accent of the city, remember to go to the newspaper."

"Yes, thank you official lord." Zhou Xu pretended to be grateful and continued, "Speak up, official lords, we did hear a few men from the capital accent, I don't know if you are looking for People."

"Well? Where did you see it, what did you look like?"

"I saw it at the intersection at the front. Later we walked away. They went to the alley there. It’s so long, it’s good, like the characters in the painting, it’s a good-looking one, you’re not seeing it. I have..."

Zhou Xu also said that the two patrols had already chased the direction in the direction he pointed.

Slightly standing up straight, Zhou Xu said to the prince: "His, you see it, right."

"Yes, the old woman." The prince who was full of silver hair finished, and took the hand of the old woman and left.

A few people found a restaurant and casually ordered a small dish to start eating quietly.

I do not know why, Zhou Xu suddenly thought of a joke in modern society, that is, someone asked if you want to pay attention to what to open in the ancient restaurant, one answer is to write a warning "please go out to fight", think of this, Zhou Xu smiled slightly, to the Prince Say: "Be careful."


Zhou Xuyi raised his hand and took a stool leg that flew to the ear of the Prince.

"Be careful in indoor fights, tables and chairs hurt people."

When the Prince saw the leg of the stool, he naturally knew something. The night seven guarded them to go to the corner, and the two people who had already been beaten in the hall seemed to care a little and continued to fight.

Zhou Xu, Prince, and Night Seven also followed the crowd and hid in the corner. While hiding from Zhou Xu, they held a scorpion and asked: "This son, what are they playing?"

The man who was called the son of the son was the buddy in the store. It was probably that Zhou Xu’s “big bang” was very kind, so the bamboo tube began to say: “You are not a local person at first glance, it is the person of Zhennan Wang. Fighting with the people who are determined to be here, they are not used to seeing each other and playing every day."

"Ah? Isn't it true that Zhennan Wang and Dingjun are a group?"

"It's a group of people, but now I don't fight. They are in a nest. It wants to push the other side down. Isn't that normal?"

"Oh, there is still this, we just came, I really don't know."

"Oh, in fact, Weinan is also very good. You only have to sin the people of the Sui Army and the Zhennan Wangfu."

"But they can fight this, what can you do with these tables and chairs lost in your store?"

The guy laughed and said, "What's the matter? Anyway, when they leave, they will leave a few silver coins. We will make a net profit of one or two coins."

Nodded, Zhou Xu said that he understood the situation in Weinan. Since the Prince’s private soldiers and Zhennan Wang had contradictions, it would be easier to turn the small contradiction into a big contradiction, and then stimulate it a little. Maybe the town of South Wang can be solved.

As for the Dingjun army, either it will be absorbed into the regular army, or it will be directly sent to the used Zhennan Wang. No matter how it is done, the three emperors can use it for me, very good.

Zhou Xu thought of it, the Prince also thought of it, and the two men understood each other's meaning.

"Whatever troubles, stop." A familiar voice sounded, Zhou Xu looked up, no wonder this voice is very familiar, the original person is not someone else is Zhou Zonghan.