MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 45 Face mermaid white lotus

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Ans was caught by the South China Sea Dragon Prince. This time it is still in the deep sea prison, but this time he will definitely not escape in a few decades, because it will take nearly a hundred years for the light to reshape Jingdan, so even No one cares about this prison, and Ans can only stay in this deep prison.

A few days after Ans was caught, the red smoke finally found out what the Nether Ghost King was doing.

"The pool, the ghost king is likely to make a broken cloud."

"Crushing Wan Wanyan?" The pool looked at the red smoke, did not understand what it was, Zhou Xu and Hong Yu also looked at her.

"In short, it is to use more than 100,000 grievances plus dragon spirit, demon spirit, ghost spirit, magic spirit, fairy spirit, and other things made in the world, because the form is smoke, so it will be in the whole world. Spread slowly and then engulf the world."

"Why is he doing this, if the world is swallowed up, does he have nowhere to live?" Zhou Xu asked.

"He even added his own ghosts. Do you think he still cares about life and death?"

The pool was a little surprised. "He injected his ghost into it, so what is his current body?"

"Not all of them were injected. He torely tore his own spirit and infused it into 90%. With the remaining one, he won, and even if he didn't do it, his life would be almost finished." Red smoke said.

"So what does he want to do with virtual sources?" Zhou Xu is still a bit puzzled.

"Because I have just found out that the virtual source is the reincarnation of Shilianxingjun, there should be something in his body called the heart relic. This thing can replace the fairy spirit. Also, there is one less thing in his smoke, that is, the mermaid family. Jing Dan."

"The genus of the mermaid family?" Zhou Xu asked the readers;

"Yes, the sardines of the mermaid are very difficult to get, because they must gather their own squid and voluntarily give them away from the body, so he should always be looking for it. And the sardine of this mermaid is equivalent to the broken yuwan. The medicine of the smoke, it is impossible to promote the hundreds of thousands of grievances without the fine Dan."

Seeing no one talking, the red smoke went on to say, "After using the fine dan to trigger the grievances of grievances, when the smashing of the smoldering smoke is going to explode, putting the heart relics into it will make all these grievances burst all the time, and this The shattered grievances will all become the spirits of the devil, and the 100,000 grievances will become hundreds of millions of spirits, and Li Ling can swallow all things, let alone hundreds of millions of spirits."

After the red smoke was finished, there was no sound in the small room.

Everyone was locked in eyebrows, because at this point they finally understood the seriousness of the situation, but the responsibility of the whole world was so much on their bodies?

"In this case, how should we do it?" A slightly old voice sounded, Zhou Xu looked up and saw a white-haired old man, and the old man followed a handsome young man. After the young man entered the door, he smiled at Zhou Xu. .

Zhou Xugang was about to get up, and he was seated by the old man. The young man next to the old man smiled at Zhou Xu and whispered, "The father is hurting you."

I don't know why, Zhou Xu was a little embarrassed. He thought that he had calmed down for his family. But when these worlds came down, he found that he could never be calm, and he could never be indifferent to those who love him.

Gently nodded, Zhou Xu took the Dragon King and sat next to himself.

The dragon king looked at him and looked at him. He asked the red smoke to: "Excuse me, is there any way to crack the broken sky?"

Shaking his head, the red smoke said: "I don't know this."

The space was quiet again. Finally, Zhou Xu thought for a long time and said: "Maybe we can start with the heart relic."

In the eyes of everyone's doubts, Dianchi first understood it, and Zhou Xu was a confrontation. He encouraged Zhou Xu to go on.

"If I remember correctly, my heart relic is indeed something that is only found in the heavens. Although it has been reincarnation into a virtual source, but he is also a fairy after all, maybe we can stimulate the heart relic, let the heart relic automatically refuse this medicine. lead."

The pool then said: "And the heart relics and the fine Dan, can not be taken out at will, so at least the virtual source should still be alive, and we may also start from the virtual source."

The red cigarette also agreed this time. She said: "The heart relic can't be taken out. Luo Cang can only send the virtual source* into the broken universe in the last minute, and at the same time, the heart relic is sent in. ""

"Maybe we can help too." Another voice came in and everyone looked up. The coming is not someone else. It is the head of the Nanhai mermaid, An Xiao, who is followed by a person. This person is Ans' father is an ampoor.

An Zhen first made a gift to Dragon King and Zhou Xu, and then said: "Since he used Ans's Jing Dan, maybe we can let Jing Dan break before Jing Dan is used."

Zhou Xu did not say anything, and An Zhen went on to say: "If you can, I ask the Dragon King, and the two Princes, I can let my children have a way of life. He has been taken out, and then closed into deep prison, can not repair the body, maybe dozens Year will die."

For a long time, I didn’t return to the Dragon Palace. Zhou Xu didn’t know that Ans was being taken into prison by his big brother, so he was slightly confused. He just saw his brother’s smiling eyebrows, and he guessed it in an instant, so he did not refuse. Of course, his father is present, and he has no right to decide, because he is the second prince, the real dragon king is not him.

Dragon King nodded and said: "The junior made mistakes. I promise you this. As long as you can do it, we will release Ans when we go back, and I will send you the same magic weapon, I hope he can recover quickly."

"Thank you for the Dragon King's readings."

After that, the pool used the ancient method to summon the fairy spirit of the ten-star star. This method is very strange. It is necessary to draw seven killings, and at the same time, use his own blood to make a quote. After the summoning is over, he cannot know whether it is successful or not. Because if the spirit does not want to show up, then they want to see and see.

In fact, this is also the way to kill horses as a living horse doctor. The pool that never prays, this time can only pray that his call is successful.

After that, people from all races began to discover the anomalies of the world, so Zhou Xu gathered more and more powerful people, and the ghost king naturally knew the movement here.

At the same time, Zhao Shuxuan found that his so-called broken blade could not be used, and even turned into a piece of broken wood a few days later.

After the extreme ecstasy, there was extreme despair, but this time, there was no Ans around him.

Reborn, he found that he was still a loser, he did not know what happened, why he could never walk out of this circle.

In the end, Zhao Shuxuan began to frantically search for Ans, the more he looked for disappointment, he found that he really lost the most precious things.

Sadness and despair made Zhao Shuxuan finally collapse, and his spirit was severely hit. He left a letter to Ans and cast himself on the sea.

Perhaps it was a fate. This letter was actually picked up by a small shrimp soldier. He took it to Ans, who was in deep prison.

After Ans saw it, he was very calm. He found that his life, like Zhao Shuxuan, was a typo.

Only this time Ans can no longer be wrong. He also wants to kill himself irresponsibly like Zhao Shuxuan, but he still has a father and a brother. If he is dead, how sad is his family?

Perhaps, living now is the best punishment for himself. Ans tears the letter into pieces and never wants to take a look.

On the second day after Ans had read the letter, his father and the maritime patriarch of the South China Sea came together in deep prison. They stood behind the two princes Zhou Xu.

Kneeling on the ground, Ans gave Zhou Xu a head. "I'm sorry, two princes, I am wrong."

"Hey, you..." An Zhen sighed and didn't speak. His child had been ruined. He only hopes that the child can live, and nothing else can be managed.

"If you make a mistake, you have to pay for your mistake. Ans, we have to cut off your fishtail, because your refined Dan has been used." The patriarch said.

After Ans did not speak for a long time, he looked at Zhou Xu with tears: "Two Princes, if I accept the punishment, can I still come back to the South China Sea? I am wrong. I will not ask anything in the future. I just want to stay in it. South China Sea."

Zhou Xu shook his head: "No."

Ans tears down, only listened to Zhou Xu and said: "But I personally forgive you."

Wiping the tears, Ansi rushed Zhou Xu nodded, then changed the shape of the adult fish, said to his father and the patriarch who loved him the most: "Cut it."

There is a special thing in the fishtail of the mermaid called the mermaid. This thing can control the speed and direction of the mermaid swimming, and because of the mermaid, the mermaid can emit a special kind of energy, which can be turned into a singing voice. Thereby tempting the enemy and achieving their goal of defeating the enemy.

Turning his head, Zhou Xu did not go to see this **** scene.

A quarter of an hour later, An Xiao and Zhou Xu took Ans's mermaid and left, and An Zhen left to heal his little son.

The mermaid and the sacred dan are related, but they must be within a certain distance, so An Xiao and Zhou Xu took the mermaid and went to a yard not far from the ghost king.

There are still many people in the yard, such as the meditation, the red smoke, the dragon king and so on.

An Xiao began to cast spells, and the mermaid beads slowly vacated in the process of his use of spiritual power, and then the mermaid beads began to emit a slight orange light, as if attracted by something, a little bit of moving in the direction of the mermaid Jing Dan;

Everyone held their breath, but suddenly, the orange light of the mermaid was gone, and the mermaid fell directly from the air.

An Xiao said quickly: "Bad, the ghost king will use Jing Dan!"

It’s too late to think about other things, and some people are flying to the smoky room of the Ghost King.

This time they saw the room where the smoke was lingering, because the smoke was already full of the palace, and there was no living place in the palace covered by smoke.

And the smoke is still spreading rapidly, Zhou Xu can hear the buzz from your smoke.

"Hahaha, all come, so that's it, then I will see that I will destroy this world." Luo Cang's hoarse voice floated out, and the smoke slowly came out of a sly figure.

"The pool, thousands of years ago, we will win if you fight, this time, you come to see who wins, hahahaha..."

When I went to the pool, I went to fight with the ghost king. And Luo Cang didn’t seem to want to fight with him. He stepped back and forth, until he couldn’t retreat. Luo Cang said, “You don’t force me, then force I, I will immediately put my heart in."

The pool does not move, because the ghost king takes out a person from the Qiankun bag. This person is not someone else.

It was at that moment that Zhou Xu suddenly felt that he could not move.

"Don't be nervous, I am a ten-star star. Your body is controlled by me. I find out how to crack the broken smoke."

Zhou Xu seems to have been settled. He wants to ask anything, but he can't say anything.

"Sorry, I may have to sacrifice you. I want to be attached to you. Because the cracking of the smashing smoke must be based on the body of a person, and this body can only be the body of the dragon."

Looking at the thick smog that is expanding, Zhou Xu once again discovered that he was going to die again, and like the previous one hundred worlds, the difference is only that it was controlled by the system, this time it was controlled by the ten stars, and this time May still have a good name after death.

Zhou Xu thought that it would be ridiculous to be a hero one day.

But if Zhou Xu chooses himself, how would he choose?

Oh, he seems to be willing to exchange his death for the stability of the world.

Zhou Xu has never felt that he is a good person. However, in front of this choice, he actually felt that there was no doubt at all. Zhou Xu really wanted to laugh. He confirmed that he might not really be evil.

Close your eyes, Zhou Xu let ten consecutive stars control their bodies.

The Nether King has already thrown the body of the virtual source into the thick fog. For a moment, the thick fog is full of mourning and crying.

The red smoke looked at the thick fog and shouted: "Pay attention to the cracks. If there is a crack, go to the crack of the smoke first."

But even though, no one knows how to judge, but when there is a spirit to fly out, they have to hurry to destroy the spirit.

Just when everything was out of control, the meditation pool suddenly discovered that Zhou Xu was rushing into the smoke at a speed of a sword.

The body began to act before the consciousness, and the squatting pool was going to hug Zhou Xu, but Zhou Xu’s speed exceeded his expectations, and he couldn’t grasp it. The pool was in the smoke with Zhou Xu.

In order to stop the squatting pool, the red smoke also flew in, and Zhou Yang and the Dragon King chased it into the readings;

In the smoke that can't be seen, all kinds of mourning are in the ear, Zhou Xu thinks he is going crazy.

Zhou Xu felt that his body was being pressed by the big stone, and he was about to breathe.

Close your eyes, Zhou Xu guess, probably he is going to die soon, stepping on the horse, he hates this abnormal death, and it hurts.

But he just closed his eyes, and the body was actually hugged by him. Then he only heard the big pool and shouted: "Go out."

Zhou Xu couldn't speak, but the body was able to move. After he didn't respond, he was pushed out by a huge force.

Standing up, Zhou Xu discovered that it was not just himself. The pool, the red smoke, and the dragon king were all pushed out. Only Zhou Yang had not come out.

Instantly understand, Zhou Yang is replacing himself?

The flying body will rush into the smoke again, but this time he was stopped by the Dragon King.

"Don't move, your brother has a number."

"There is a number of farts, and the ten-star star is to use the dragon's body to relieve the ghost of the ghost king. My brother will die and will die!"

"That is his own choice."

"Choose a fart!"

Zhou Xu still talks, but on the side, he finds his father, who is already full of tears.

Nothing can be said, Zhou Xu fell into a embrace.

The pool is holding Zhou Xu tightly, but Zhou Xu pushes him hard. He whispered, "Is it right? Is it that you put Shilianxingjun into my body?"

"I think, but I don't have that power. He just quits after seeing Zhou Yang."

The rapidly expanding smoke is slowly shrinking, and those mourning sounds are slowly inaudible...

"No, no..." Nethered Ghost King yelled wildly, but was finally pierced by the Dragon King.

After two hours, everything is calm.

The smoke was exhausted, and the devil was also overtaken by the virtual source and the ten-star star, and the dragon prince Zhou Yang stood on the ruins and rushed Zhou Xu to smile: "I am fine."

The world returned to normal order, the virtual source died, his team was accepted by Ke Yuanlin, and Zhou Xu finally accepted the pool. At the same time, he found that the pool also liked to do a certain action, that is, by forehead, and Like Xia Qingfeng, like Han Zikui, like Zuo Mingtao, and somewhere in the pool, there is also a bright red.

This time Zhou Xu can no longer lie to himself. If the two worlds are the same coincidence, then three worlds, four worlds?

And these times, every time he returns to the vast space, there will be a black shadow flashing. This black shadow is now confirmed by Zhou Xu, his lover, this lover who has chased several worlds.

Three years later, Ke Yuanlin became the emperor, and he was light and taxed. He was happy and happy.

Five years later, Zhou Yang went out and traveled, never came back. He said to Zhou Xu before he left. At that time, he did not deliberately go, but he saw a virtual shadow. The virtual shadow he felt a little familiar, he rushed up. It turned out that the figure was not Zhou Xu.

Later, of course, he knew that the figure was the ten-star star, and the ten-star star actually could escape. At least his fairy spirit could escape, but in order to protect Zhou Yang, he sacrificed his own fairy spirit.

Seventy years later, Ans died and died.

Ninety years later, Zhou Xu suffered a strong catastrophe. He was robbed by the pool and both of them died at the same time.