MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 73 07.01丨

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Looking at Nie Yuantong as if he was mentally handicapped, Zhou Xu said: "That would be a gift to the homeowner."

No way, Nie Yuantong can only shut up.

Zhou Xu's great success made this small villa area once again into the eyes of everyone. Finally, the villas that Zhou Xueli was responsible for were refurbished and designed, sold quickly, and almost all the price doubled.

This silent battle, Zhou Xu won very beautiful, Zhou Xueli was hit, while Zhou Qiang also noticed Zhou Xu's talent.

However, Zhou Qiang did not intend to let him enter the head office so quickly. He decided to exercise Zhou Xu again. After a few months, Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli were transferred to the propaganda department of a subsidiary company.

During the few months, Zhou Qiang almost did not look at Zhou Xueli for a moment. There were two reasons. First, because Zhou Xu’s performance was very good. Second, it was because Zhou Qian’s two lovers gave him two more. son.

Zhou Xu knew that the resurrection of Zhou Xueli naturally knew, so Zhou Xueli began to think about how to stop the joint relationship between the two lovers, and Zhou Xu thought about how to get this home. collapse.

Zhou Xu has no feelings for Zhou Qiang, because he knows that if he does not perform well, Zhou Qiang will not have any feelings for himself. For example, now he does not look at Zhou Xueli for a few months.

The so-called father, Zhou Qiang is really doing the ultimate.

When Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli chose the professional direction, they should have been in the same direction. But in the end, Zhou Xueli changed because he found that he was fighting Zhou Xu, whether he was a former or a rebirth. In this case, he hopes that he At least you can stay away from Zhou Xu, maybe you can still live, otherwise you may still die.

After the sophomore year, their courses began to be relatively easy, and there was no fixed classroom. As long as the class was able to go on time and the homework was completed, the teachers would not bother them.

It is for this reason that Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli have time to go to Zhou’s internship.

The company that was internship this time was still the original construction company, but this time they all went to the propaganda department in the city center.

Just as a new project of the company is going to be launched, construction is already underway and will be delivered in six months.

Different from the last villa, this time the project is a commercial office building, the underground is a parking lot, the first floor is very large, ready to be used for a large shopping mall, and the space from the second floor to the tenth floor is not small, it is estimated to be used to do Restaurant or game room, practice room and the like, and then up is the normal office building.

The whole building has a total of 30 floors. What Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli have to do is not to sell these buildings, but to make an initial plan for the building so that the building can be sold as soon as possible. After all, many times These projects are actually built while selling, otherwise the capital chain may be a problem.

In fact, in the end, it is still a question of "selling". No matter which department is selling house services, Zhou Xu understands this very well, so he decided not to plan, but to focus directly on sales.

The propaganda department handed over the architectural drawings to Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli. Zhou Xueli was blinded by both eyes and could not understand anything. Zhou Xu was different. He could not only understand it, but also knew how to make space on the basis of the present. Better utilized.

However, Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli are not doing it alone. Zhou Xueli has found an interior designer to help, and Zhou Xu is preparing to do his own planning.

The positioning of the two is different. Zhou Xueli mainly focuses on the writing room on the upper floor, while Zhou Xu is positioned on the first ten floors. After reading the drawings, Zhou Xu thinks that the whole building can be made into the landmark of this area. building.

Nie Yuantong has not seen Zhou Xu for three days. During this time, he did modify the school's school rules. Although it was very difficult to pass, it is not illegal to fall in love with the students.

I called Zhou Xu and Zhou Xu picked it up. It seemed that I paused and said, "Hey."

When Nie Yuantong heard it, he knew that Zhou Xu was thinking about something. He asked: "What are you thinking about?"

Zhou Xuyi, then laughed, "I probably need your help."

"On call."

After work, Nie Yuantong went to Zhou Xu and looked at the drawings and design drawings of the place. He asked: "What is this design?"

“It’s all kinds of construction drawings, and there are various plans.”

"How is it so much?"

Zhou Xu looked up from many design drawings and replied: "A dozen plans, plus a dozen design drawings, there are also feasibility reports, rate of return estimates, etc., so it looks so much, come over, help me. Look here."

Nie Yuantong also sat on the ground, and the design on the ground was a design.

Quickly kissed Zhou Xu, Nie Yuantong said: "I will help you."

Zhou Xu, who was originally in the design of the mind, turned to look at Nie Yuantong, and he did not pay attention to it. He quickly returned to him and said, "Double pay."

Nie Yuantong then rushed over. As a result, Zhou Xu stretched his index finger to his forehead and pushed him back. "Be first to do something serious, and finish this wave."

"When you are busy, give me benefits, otherwise, don't talk."


Nie Yuantong listened to Zhou Xu and agreed, so he picked up his sleeve and did it.

Design is a kung fu work, but fortunately, they don't need to make a real design now, but they can do a similar rendering. After all, the whole building has not been built yet, and the real design must be done. Good on-site measurement, and in the process of construction, there may be many problems, or modifications, so their design is relatively simple.

Because Zhou Xu's purpose is to attract investment, if the merchants have a high occupancy rate and the brand is good, then maybe they are better to keep the building, but just to rent it, in fact, mainly depends on the rate of return.

Zhou Xu gave a brief explanation of the situation and explained his own ideas. Nie Yuantong listened carefully and gave suggestions that it was better to sell, and then proposed a few points that Zhou Xu did not notice. The two began the process of drawing again.

After the last villa incident, Zhou Xu was very aware of the strength of Nie Yuantong, so he trusted Nie Yuantong very much.

Three hours later, Nie Yuantong completed the design of the supermarket on the first floor, but it was only a draft. To complete it, it would not be possible to have two full days.

Looking at the design he made, Zhou Xu was very satisfied. The key is that Nie Yuantong made a rough look at the design drawings of the surrounding businesses. Although he was embarrassed, he could fully see their style.

Nie Yuantong saw Zhou Xu's satisfaction, and his mouth said: "Is your husband very powerful?"

Looking up, Zhou Xu replied: "Very powerful, I like you more."

Nie Yuantong instantly felt that he had a tendency to squat somewhere, because Zhou Xu’s eyebrows looked so good that it was very clean, but it was unusually embarrassing.


"Are you hard?"

"... Zhou Xu, can't you be euphemistic?"

"Are you an unspeakable part, is it strong? Is this so you will be more comfortable?"

Nie Yuantong: "..."

Standing up, Zhou Xu stretched out, because of the stretching movement, Zhou Xujin's thin waistline was exposed, and the belt was loosely placed on the raft, just let Nie Yuantong see the beautiful mermaid line.

One part of Nie Yuantong was really hard this time. He could only turn his head and look elsewhere. As a result, he heard Zhou Xu said: "You are not going to be welfare, I am not showing you my body?" ”

Nie Yuantong: "..."

Looking back, Nie Yuantong’s nosebleeds have to flow down, because Zhou Xu will pull down the waistband of the original, and it will pull down a few points. It seems that it is going a little further, and a certain part will be exposed.

"Good-looking?" Zhou Xu put the clothes down.

"Good-looking, I want to touch it."

"No. Let's go eat something, I am going to starve."

Nie Yuantong looked at Zhou Xu eagerly and replied in a word: "I am going to be hungry! Dead!"


"If you can't help it directly, what would you do with me?"

"Looked at you below."

Instantly felt that the body was cold, Nie Yuantong said: "Let's go fill your stomach first."

Looking at Nie Yuantong's appearance, Zhou Xu stretched his hand on his head and casually said that "the sperm on the brain", the two went to eat.

In fact, if you want to enter Zhou Qiang’s head office, Zhou Xu will not spend this effort, because he found that the protagonist of this world is almost as weak as it does not exist. This is no wonder that Zhou Xu’s first child can take it. Zhou Xueli was killed. Now that Zhou Xueli is born again, there is still nothing to grow. For Zhou Xu, this is no challenge at all.

Therefore, all of Zhou Xu’s current goals are all over Zhou Qiang, not for anything else, because Zhou Qiang is a father, but he does not match the name of his father.

Zhou Xueli also had no confidence. He did not work hard because he felt that there would be no hope anyway.

Three months later, Zhou Xu’s creative design was passed by all, and then at the China Merchants Association, the investors were very satisfied. Basically, they made a decision now and immediately invested.

The final building has not yet been completed, and the company has sold the entire building, connecting the writing rooms upstairs.

They are ready to develop this building into a landmark building according to Zhou Xu's design, and there are various kinds of services in the supermarket, games, fitness, catering, etc., which can basically meet the different needs of people, and nearby Subways and wholesale malls are also being built, so by then it will definitely be another bustling area of ​​the city.

After this time, Zhou Xu was really recognized by Zhou Qiang. At the end of the second semester, Zhou Xu entered Zhou Qiang’s head office and was also the market development department.

Here, Zhou Xu entered the head office. At that time, Ke Tuer basically took all the secretarial affairs on his head. He even accepted the fact that Zhou Qiang had two illegitimate children. The only requirement was that Do not let the two women and the two children enter the house, the rest, Zhou Qiang is willing to give them what to give, what car house deposit, she does not care.

Zhou Qiang is very pleased. He thinks that he has a good fortune in his life. His wife is well-behaved and obedient. The lover doesn't care, he can live.

Zhou Xueli doesn't care anymore. After the last incident, he has completely lost Zhou Qiang's favor. Moreover, in this life, Zhou Qiang's lover did not enter the house, which means that he can at least maintain his position as a son of Tuesday.

Zhou Xu knew very well what his father was. He decided to go step by step. Two years later, when he graduated from college, Zhou Xu had already entered the decision-making level of the company.

At this time, Zhou Qiang, who is getting older, found that the two children were very happy with him.

A child of two years old is the most lovable, and will call his father with a sly voice. He will kiss his face with a slobber and will sleep in his arms.

Zhou Qiang and Zhou Xueli have never fulfilled Zhou’s responsibility as a father, and their mentality has slowly changed.

He hopes that the two children can enter Zhou's home and think of Ke Tuer. He is angry again because she has not had children for several years, and she is still busy with work every day.

As long as the grievances are born, they will not be easily eliminated. Therefore, for several days, the atmosphere on the table at home is very depressed.

Zhou Xu does not matter, Ke Tuer does not matter, because she is to be like this, in order to force Zhou Qiang to divorce her, but also let her go, let her go to acting.

Zhou Xueli is not clear, so every day he is frightened and warned, thinking that Zhou Qiang’s grievance is against himself.

"Dad, Huayu Entertainment, the new movie investment is 100 million, I gave it. I think it is very good, a few stars are also good. Dad, can you?"

Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu was a very new suit, the whole person was very capable, and the key is that as long as he fancy or responsible project, there is no failure, so Zhou Qiang is more and more trusting him, there are several subsidiaries. Directly handed over to Zhou Xu, even the head office, some he did not want to manage, or lazy, they were also handed over to Zhou Xu management.

The most important thing is that Zhou Xu really never let him down, so he is now very reassured about Zhou Xu.

However, although this is the case, Zhou Xu will still report to Zhou Qiang, so Zhou Qiang feels that he is respected by Zhou Xu, and he did not expect that Zhou Xu will devour his company a little bit, because after all, Zhou Xu It is your own son.

"Xiao Xu, I am old now, you can do it with the company."

"Well, okay, Dad."

There was no sound on the table. Zhou Xueli did not dare to scream. Zhou Xu’s own words were few. Ke Tuer never spoke actively, so Zhou Qiang discovered that his family did not seem like a family at all.

In fact, Zhou Qiang’s transformation was not without reason. At the beginning of last year, Zhou Qiang gave birth to a disease. This serious illness came quickly, but when he was sick, Zhou Qiang did not expect that the disease would soon be good. He even thought that I am dying.

It was during this time that he was sick, he began to reflect on his own life, that is, from then on, he finally noticed his two young sons who were not born for a long time.

However, no matter how he changed, the mistakes he made could not be made up. Zhou Xu has grown up. Zhou Xueli’s legs have been interrupted by his hard life. Even Zhou Xueli’s character has become such a weak character. .

With a little remorse, Zhou Qiang's nature will not change, because he is determined to bring these two younger sons to Zhou Jialai.

"Xiao Xu, Xue Li, and pictures, I think... I will take Xiaodong Xiaosheng to the house. What do you think?"

Xiaodong Xiaosheng is the two youngest sons of Zhou Qiang.

After Ke Tuer listened, put the knife and fork in his hand down, wipe the corner of his lips and say, "I refuse."

"Tuer, Xiaodong Xiaosheng has been two years old, and will not pick it up. What do they think when they grow up?"

Ke Tuer said: "Sorry, you promised me at the beginning, I have accepted the existence of them and your two lovers, and you have not said anything, no matter what you send them, do not let them enter the house, is My last insistence."

Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli certainly can't sing at this moment, otherwise the war will definitely be pulled on them.

Just listen to Zhou Qiang and say: "Photo, I have respected you very much, and you should not be so stubborn."

"I am not stubborn. This is the most basic responsibility that I can do for Xiaoxu and Xueli. You have to protect the two children, but who is going to control Xiaoxu and the school? You can't just because they grow up. I want to do what I want to do. After all, I have the feelings of these years with them. They also called me a curse. As long as I am still your wife, I will not let the two children enter the house."

Zhou Qiang didn’t know how to respond, because he found out after he was sick. He was too negligent about Zhou Xu and Zhou Xueli. So, when Ke Tuer said this, he made him more self-sufficient, and a stepmother turned out to be Thinking about the child like this, and he was never a child, but he thought about it all.

After the meal was finished, Zhou Qiang went to the two lovers and looked at the two younger sons. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he couldn’t do it, but he didn’t want to divorce Ketu.

A little bit guilty Zhou Qiang's expression was very dignified. Both lovers would look at the face. At first glance, he knew that he was not at home, and then he began to divorce.

Zhou Qiang was not happy at first, because he still read Ke Tuer's good, but once he didn't listen, he wouldn't listen again. After a month, Zhou Qiang found that he really didn't care so much about Ketu, divorce. Nor is it not possible.

Zhou Xu and Ke Tuer also found out that Zhou Qiang seems to have no feeling for Ke Tuer now. In the past, when he looked at Ke Tu, he still had a hint of love, but now, his eyes seem to Only impatient.

The two thought that they would wait for a while. I didn't expect Zhou Qiang to be told by the two women so quickly, but Zhou Xu and Ke Tuer had not completed the company.

So when Zhou Qiang proposed a divorce, Ke Tuer refused.

It was because Ke Tuer refused, let Zhou Qiang think of the two wives in front of him. The two wives did not agree to the divorce because they didn’t get anything, and eventually they got a few million. They were very dissatisfied. Come to Ketu is also such a woman.

Zhou Qiang felt that he finally saw Ketu, so he went to the lawyer and was responsible for their divorce case.

Ke Tuer did not expect Zhou Qiang to be so unrequited, but Zhou Xu was very clear.

Whether it is Zhou Qiang's wife or child, as long as it really hinders him, even if he feels useless, then he throws no psychological obstacles.

In the process of their divorce, Zhou Xu accelerated the pace of engulfing the company, and in the process, his behavior was discovered by Nie Yuantong.

Zhou Xu thought that Nie Yuantong would oppose him, but after Nie Yuantong was silent for a while, Shen Sheng said: "Even if you want to kill and set fire, I will support you."

Zhou Xu did not answer, Nie Yuantong continued to say: "If you go to hell, I go to heaven alone, what does that mean?"

"You go to hell."

"Hahaha, what are you doing? Do you need my help?"

Without reservation, Zhou Xu gave the whole plan to Nie Yuantong. After listening to Nie Yuantong, he was shocked by Zhou Xu’s thoughts and practices. This is too bold.

If you are not careful, you may actually go to jail. However, Nie Yuantong put Zhou Xu into his arms and bite his earlobe and said, "I help you, how, to ensure that all practices are reasonable and legal, and last week. It’s all yours.”

Zhou Xu looked up in Nie Yuantong's arms and asked: "Which of my plans are unreasonable and illegal?"

"Of course, for example, in the case of share transfer, your last month's practice was illegal. No one is checking that it is still okay. If you are really caught by a small donkey, it is not impossible to give you a charge. However, You can do the follow-up remedy, you ask me, I will tell you."

Zhou Xumei's heart is slightly locked. It seems that he may have no attention or omission in the laws of this world. However, since Nie Yuantong is willing to go to **** with him, he is very happy.


"You are too insincere to ask for it. Your eyes should be sincere, your actions should be respectful, and your tone should be serious. This is called, you are called perfunctory."

Knowing that Nie Yuantong was guilty again, Zhou Xu went to the side with a deep understanding, a sincere look and a respectful attitude. He said: "The principal, please."

Nie Yuantong nodded with satisfaction and said: "This is almost the same, but if you can replace the principal with a husband, then it is perfect, do you want to try?"

Zhou Xu smiled and said, "Is it better to be affordable?"

"What do you mean?"

Zhou Xu walked back to Nie Yuantong again, and his hand stretched into the arms of Nie Yuantong.

Nie Yuantong was in a stiff state, and the whole person did not dare to move.

Zhou Xu slowly slid down, and the other hand untied Nie Yuantong's belt, and then both hands held Nie Yuantong's words.

Nie Yuantong’s thing immediately looked up and responded quickly.

Zhou Xu’s hands slammed and replied: “This is what it means.”

The author has something to say:

Author's words: small attack is bad, swollen what to do

Thank you, Gu Baiyu, the watermelon mine sister’s mine?