MTL - The White-Haired Imperial Concubine-Chapter 18 Woman like a mirror

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018 woman like a mirror (this chapter is free)

Master Yu shuddered and said quickly: "No, no. Xiaguan just saw him asleep and couldn't wake up, and it made people ... spill some cold water."

Xiao Sha's eyebrows frowned, and he snorted coldly. The man was relieved, and couldn't support it immediately. Before falling down, he looked at Zongzheng with no worries and said with a smile: "You, finally ... come!"

Zong Zheng had no worries for a moment. A shallow smile and a light sentence seemed to contain countless meanings. Is she so convinced that he will come? With a slight movement of heart, he saw the woman fall into the arms of another man, and he could not help but frown, subconsciously glanced at it, and took the woman over with a thunderbolt.

Xiao Sha felt empty of his arms, hesitated slightly, and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. Leng Yan raised his eyes, and hung down casually. The Prince and Master Yu were stunned, their eyes widened in amazement, as if they ran into the strangest thing in the world. This indifferent, even the maid did not let the king close from him. Taking the body of another man and holding it in his arms? This is really ... incredible!

Zongzheng Wuxu also held back, feeling the slender and hot body in his arms, then relieved, because this woman was destined to become his person sooner or later, so he would do so! How can a woman who cares for his patriarchal affairs be touched by another man? He looked at the abnormal flush on the woman's face, unconsciously tightened his arms, hugged her, and walked outside the execution room.

Lord Yu returned to his mind and hurriedly stopped, "Master Wang, please stay!"

Zong Zheng sank without worry, and had no intention of dealing with them, and said coldly, "Is there something else for you?"

His gaze was so cold that the Master Yu was shocked. The Prince replied, "The man in the arms of the Seven Emperor's arms is the imperial imperative of the Emperor. If you take him away like this, how do you tell him Explain? Brother Seven, don't embarrass you, Lord! "

Lord Yu nodded again and again, Zongzheng raised his eyebrows worrylessly, and his eyes were already impatient. He said, "How to explain it is your business, what is it to do with the King? People, the King is bound to take away! Who wants people, let He came to my king. "

Yu Da humanity said: "This, this, this ... Wang ..."

Zong Zheng looked at him without worrying, turned his head to glance at the Prince, and sneered: "Who has repeatedly wanted the king's life, the king knows it! This is the last chance for him. Secondly, the king ... will not show mercy to his men anymore, so please do it for yourself! Also, Wuxiaomen dare to oppose the king, within three days, the king will let him Wuxiaomen, from this world ... forever, far, disappear, Lost. "

Zong Zheng Xiaoren's heart froze, and he clenched his fist secretly, no word came out. Master Yu opened his eyes and watched the departure of the king holding the prisoner decided by the emperor in his jail. He bowed his head and did not dare to say a word.

From the palace.

The first rays of morning light, through the gap between the treetops, shone into the spacious room with a half-open window, revealing the warmth of yellow.

Zongzheng sat on the bed without worry, staring sideways at the woman's peaceful and beautiful sleeping face. She slept soundly, enviable. Does she have to be willing if she has love? What a strange and distant word for love to a heartless person! He laughed at himself and reached over the medicine bowl beside him. At this hour, she should wake up.

When the wandering man woke up, a perfect man with a bowl of medicine looked at her pair of deep-eyed pupils, with a little tenderness, and broke into her eyes like that. Defense, drowned in that pool of spring water. She stayed for a while, frowning uncertainly, "Lord ... His Royal Highness?"

Zongzheng leaned on the bed rail without worry, his long black hair was loosely scattered, slipped on the bed, and tangled with her pillow hair. He made a "hmm" sound, and half of the children's sounds came from the nasal cavity, lazily dragging long tones. Hearing in my ears is like a soft hand, scratching gently at the bottom of the heart.

The woman's clear eyes, with waking and confusion just waking up, made her heart soft. He lowered his eyelashes and reached out to help her. A very light voice, a slow tone, said, "Get up, drink medicine."

Manyu sat up, he handed the medicine to her lips, and she stared at the hand holding the medicine bowl with slender fingers and clear bones. The owner of this hand is Zongzheng worry-free! Is he feeding her medicine? !! Her eyes moved slowly down that hand, it was a perfect face, her eyes closed like a fairy, her eyes opened like a demon. At this moment, his eyes were half-closed, and the expression of laziness seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil, and the whole man was fatally attracted, making people unconsciously want to approach.

Zongzheng worrylessly saw that she just looked at him with a bun, a frown on her sword, and a wicked charm on her lips, meaning she smiled unclearly: "Not satisfied with this feeding method?"

Man looked back, lowered his head, and was about to reach out to pick up the medicine bowl, but suddenly he raised his hand and took it to his mouth to take a big sip. She looked up in amazement and hadn't figured out what was going on. His hand was holding her chin, the lips were touching, the soft touch was too late to realize, and the bitter medicine had penetrated into the mouth cavity. She widened her eyes, and for a moment lost her response, forgetting to swallow.

"Cough, cough, cough ..." With a severe cough, she flushed, staring at the culprit aside.

Zongzheng raised his eyebrows gently, raised one corner of his mouth, looked at her with a smile, and said slowly, "Why is such a clever person suddenly stupid?"

Feeling suffocated, he reached for the medicine bowl and filled it in one breath. He politely replayed the bowl back into his hands again, with a doubt in his face: "Have you been ... upper body?"

Zong Zheng glanced at the corner of his eye without a word, only one look passed, "Why?"

The man murmured lightly: "Zongzheng, who is not close to women, has no worries. She suddenly changed her mind. I have repeatedly been frivolous, and I can only suspect that you have been caught!"

"Oh?" Zongzheng put down the bowl in his hands, turned his body to her, supported her arms on the bed, and circled her in the center. The eyes were sharp and fixed on her, as if to look into her soul. Halfway said: "Who the **** did you ...?"

For a long time, tempting started so soon? She tilted her head, looking out the window, and casually said something irrelevant: "Today, the weather is so good!"

Zong Zheng raised his eyes without worry, slowly stood up, opened the window completely, and the room became extremely bright for an instant. The bright sunlight hit him, with a layer of warm yellow halo, but he couldn't hide the cold breath he had already penetrated into the bone blood. This woman's precautions are not ordinary! He changed the subject and said, "Why do people come to find King? Why are you so sure that King will save you?"

People like him are only used to controlling others, and they don't like being controlled by others. Manyu knew it, smiled slightly, put on his robes, went to the window and stood next to him, and said lightly, "I'm not sure if His Royal Highness will come, but I know very well that he can take me out of prison, only Your Highness is yours. "

"Why?" Zongzheng Wuyou didn't look back, his voice remained cold.

Flowers bloom outside the window, with luxuriant foliage and blue water. Mancha turned his head and looked at the man's perfect side face, smiling lightly: "Because you know that I am not a murderer, but also because you are interested in chess ..." He will save her, not only because the chess meets his opponent's love, And she had secrets he wanted to know.

Zongzheng looked at her worry-free, his eyes were deep and incomprehensible. He said, "Women are too stupid and easily annoying. But, too smart ... not good, it will make people feel tired. You can, appropriate ... … Stupid! ”They are very cautious people, and each sentence must be guessed and measured.

The same dark pupils looked at each other. A pair looks clear, but in fact the light flows; a pair reflects the warmth of the sun, but still cold as a cold lake. Her eyes seemed to be looking into his heart through his eyes. His eyes seemed to be looking through her body and looking at her soul. There was silence in the air.

The wind rose, and I wondered where a leaf rolled up, floating between their eyes. Raising her hands, the green leaves fell on her white and jade palm, which looked beautiful. It is easy for people to have an impulse and want to hold that leaf together with that slender beautiful hand.

Zongzheng retracted his eyes without worry, turned his head and continued to look at the landscape of the garden outside the window.

Manyan raised his eyes slightly, looking at the sky, the sky was endless. Does getting tired feel with her? If she could, she also wanted to live a little easier. However, in this world, dealing with the royal family, if not smart enough, you may lose your life at any time. She touched her lips slightly and laughed at herself: "Sometimes ... someone said I was like a mirror!" How people in the mirror treat her, and she in the mirror treats them equally. Because she is a person with a strong sense of self-protection! Even if she is hurt, she will not hate, but choose to forget, completely forget. Because I hate a person, I also need to pay for my feelings, and I will be tired.

mirror? !! Zong Zheng frowned a moment, raised an eyebrow, and said, "Listen to you, isn't it King's?"

He smiled faintly, "Dare not! It is just Your Highness, you are reporting temptation everywhere, telling me how to ... be honest?" 2k novel reading network