MTL - The Whole World Knows She Loves Me-Chapter 25 devour

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Before the movie started, people came in one after another. Jiang Liuyi pushed down the armrest between the two, hugged the popcorn, and asked Song Xian, "Do you want to eat?"

Song Xian turned her head, Jiang Liuyi's eyes were extremely bright in the darkness, as if they were rippling with water, clean, she shook her head: "You eat."

She took the drink from the side, and the ice-cold Coke refreshed her heart. Song Xian took a sip, and the film began to announce, and her body relaxed.

When was the last time you watched a movie?

Song Xian almost couldn't remember it. He was more likely to find a movie while having dinner at home. It was the first time he came to this city to take the initiative to go to the cinema like this.

For the first time, being led by someone.

Song Xian looked down at the hands they held tightly, and frowned. Jiang Liuyi's fingers were slender and slender, with well-defined joints, and her skin was warm. It was actually very comfortable in a movie theater with the air conditioner blowing directly on it, but she was not used to it.

After getting married, she realized that there are so many things to do between wife and wife, more than she expected, but fortunately she was mentally prepared, so she could accept it, Song Xian turned her head and sighed, fortunately the original proposal was marriage, not marriage. Love, if it is love, you should do more, right?

It's troublesome to think about it.

Song Xian suddenly rejoiced that she was smart for a while, and skipped love and proposed marriage with Jiang Liuyi. She is very satisfied with the current marriage status.

So satisfied, it's no problem to hold hands with Jiang Liuyi who is scared.

What's more, she is still his own wife, and she is afraid, so she should be comforted.

After Song Xian figured it out, he relaxed his body completely, and Ren Jiangliuyi clenched his hands tightly. Jiang Liuyi glanced at her calm side face from the corner of his eye, the eyelashes blinked, and Jiang Liuyi's heart suddenly seemed to be thrown in. ripples.

The movie officially started, the curtain was pitch black, a hand suddenly stretched out from inside, Jiang Liu instinctively clenched that hand tightly, Song Xian tilted his head, saw her fluctuating expression and asked softly: "Are you scared?"

I'm afraid why do you want to come?

Then Song Xian thought of her former roommate, and she was also very afraid of horror movies, but every time she organized to watch together in the dormitory, she was more active than anyone else,

Just like Jiang Liuyi now.

After thinking about it, Song Xian stretched out his other hand and put it in front of Jiang Liuyi, trying to block her sight, so that she would not be so scared. Jiang Liuyi turned his head, and met Song Xian's eyes in the dark, flickering. , her heartbeat also went up and down.

The sound of running water coming from the screen drew their attention back.

Song Xian asked: "Are you still afraid?"

Jiang Liuyi's voice was slightly lower: "I'm not afraid."

Song Xian said: "Then I won't block it?"

In the quiet surroundings, Jiang Liuyi heard her obvious heartbeat, and she pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Well, good."

Song Xian withdrew her hand, sat upright, and looked at the big screen with a calm expression, but she would frown in too scary scenes, and Jiang Liuyi watched the whole movie without knowing what it was talking about.

She patronizes to observe Song Xian.

As if I'm not lying, I'm really not afraid of horror movies.

But she didn't want to let go of Song Xian's hand.

The movie was very long, more than a hundred minutes, and the two changed their sitting positions several times, but they kept holding each other. At the end of the movie, Song Xian immediately withdrew his hand and moved his arms. It was the first time that Jiang Liuyi felt that the movie time was very fast. short illusion.

The two walked out with the crowd, the two little girls in front were discussing the plot, Jiang Liuyi turned to ask about the plot, but found that she hadn't read it at all.

Jiang Liuyi asked: "Does it look good?"

Song Xian answered her seriously: "It's okay, but the plot can be a little more scary."

Isn't this scary? She remembered that there was a little girl behind her who was scared and cried. Jiang Liuyi felt that she had a little bit of Song Xian's liking. It turned out that she liked watching horror movies.

On the way back, Song Xian leaned back on the seat to rest, the scenery outside the window passed by, and the scenes were all going backwards, she suddenly realized, turned her head and asked Jiang Liuyi: "Isn't this the way home? "

Jiang Liuyi nodded and said, "Take you somewhere."

Song Xian frowned and said nothing.

Half an hour later, Song Xian was drowsy, Jiang Liuyi stopped the car and said, "Wait for me for a while."

She watched Jiang Liuyi jog to a stall, and a few minutes later, she came back with a bag in her hand. Song Xian suddenly thought of being drunk that day, and seemed to see this scene too.

"Want to eat pancakes? Okay, I'll buy them."

"Don't you want this? Then I'll buy something else."

"If you don't have it here, look for it elsewhere. Take us around the city."

"Song Xian, I bought it."

"Let's go home and eat."

Obviously it was a memory after being drunk, but now it is extremely clear. She even remembered how Jiang Liuyi teased herself and made her eat her hands. Jiang Liuyi walked to the car window and knocked on it. Song Xian lowered the car window, Jiang Liuyi Yidan's smiling profile appeared outside the window, and he handed the bag to her: "The pancake you want to eat."

For a moment, Song Xian's heart went numb for a few seconds.

How hard it was to find that night, how long they searched, how many times Jiang Liuyi got out of the car and got in the car, she now remembered that even though she was drunk at the time, Jiang Liuyi still satisfied her unreasonable demands.

Song Xian took the cake, lowered his eyes and said, "Thank you."

His tone was softer than usual.

Jiang Liuyi smiled: "Eat, let's go home after eating."

Song Xian lowered her head and took a bite. It was salty, with sesame seeds sprinkled on the surface, and it was very fragrant. She ate slowly, occasionally looking up at Jiang Liuyi: "Do you want to eat?"

Jiang Liuyi lowered her head. She ate a lot of popcorn at the movie theater, so she shouldn't be hungry, but seeing Song Xian's eyes, she still said, "You can eat a little."

Song Xian gave her a break, and the two of them sat in the car and stood by the car door, neither of them said anything, just ate the big cake in silence.

The smell of food not far away floats over, and the atmosphere is comfortable and warm.

Soon, Jiang Liuyi finished eating, she got in the car and fastened her seat belt, then turned around and asked Song Xian, "Go home?"

Song Xian nodded.

The car slowly left the street entrance of the food street and drove in another direction. After eating and drinking enough, it was easy to fall asleep. Song Xian leaned on the seat and returned to the room where he used to paint in a trance. The windows were half open and the wind was blowing. She sat by the floating window with a piece of drawing paper, looking down, the man was shoveling snow.

Half an hour later, the man patted the snow off his body and returned to the room, and educated her: "Why did you open the window again, you just have a cold, and you want to go to the hospital again?"

She just lowered her head and continued to draw, smiling lightly.

The man walked up to her: "Want to draw me?"

She responded, "Well, is it pretty?"

After speaking, he raised his head, wanting to look at the person in front of him, but only saw a blurry shadow, even the facial features were not very clear, Song Xian was startled and woke up.

Jiang Liuyi parked the car and said, "I'm home."

Song Xian's face was slightly pale, and she got out of the car with her bag. Jiang Liuyi walked beside her, and asked when they got on the elevator together, "Did you just fall asleep?"

"Squinted for a while."

Jiang Liuyi looked sideways: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Song Xian would say silently, "It doesn't count either."

Jiang Liuyi became curious: "What did you dream about?"

Song Xian said: "I dreamed of a person I liked very much before."

Jiang Liuyi's heart skipped a beat, she turned her head to look at Song Xian, someone she likes very much?

At the door of the house, Jiang Liuyi still couldn't help asking, "Is it your ex-girlfriend?"

Song Xian shook his head and said calmly, "I don't have an ex-girlfriend."

Jiang Liuyi's mood suddenly turned from cloudy to sunny. It seems that she and Song Xian have been married for so long, and the two have never talked about their relationship. Have you ever met someone?"

Song Xian looked at her quietly and said, "No."

Jiang Liuyi let out a cry.

The mood now is not only sunny, but already brilliant. Although Song Xian had someone he liked before, who hasn't passed away yet? Jiang Liuyi also confessed honestly: "I talked about one before."

Song Xian looked at her inexplicably: "I know."

After finishing speaking, she put down her bag and said to Jiang Liuyi, "I'll take a shower first."

Jiang Liuyi watched her go into the bathroom, and it was hard to believe that Song Xian had never been in a relationship. She was so good, but when she thought that such a good Song Xian belonged to her, Jiang Liuyi burst out with wonderful joy from the bottom of her heart.

Standing outside the bathroom, listening to the sound of water pattering, she immediately felt extremely relieved.

Song Xian just took a shower, and soon came out wearing a bath towel, she said: "The light is on, you go in."

Jiang Liuyi squeezed her pajamas and went in.

When he came out, Song Xian was applying a facial mask, lying on the chaise longue, playing with his mobile phone with one hand, Jiang Liuyi was sitting in front of the dressing table blowing his hair, looking at Song Xian from time to time through the mirror.

Song Xian changed her posture, lying on her side, her pajamas with bare shoulders, her arms were exposed, her skin was illuminated by the crystal lamp, her skin was shining, and Jiang Liuyi felt that the wind blowing from the hair dryer was getting hotter.

She looked away, Song Xian finished scrolling through the messages in the group, and put down the phone after answering everything she should have replied. Turning her head to see that Jiang Liuyi's hair was almost blown, she went to the bathroom and took off the mask, took a Rinse with cold water and carefully wipe off the water drops on your face before walking out of the bathroom.

Jiang Liuyi has put down the hair dryer, and she is applying lotion in the mirror.

The eyes of the two met in the mirror for half a second, Song Xian quickly walked two steps to the door, reached out to turn off the light, a tacit understanding quickly rose from the bottom of Jiang Liuyi's heart.

At the same time, there is also hot and dry emotions.

Song Xian hugged her gently from her back, Jiang Liuyi patted the hands of the cream, and the invisible fire in the room flickered, and the cream in Jiang Liuyi's palm was absorbed by the skin.

Song Xian hooked her neck and fell backwards. Jiang Liuyi staggered and hugged her and fell on the big bed together. The fire burned the two of them dry, and they urgently needed some water to cool them down.

Jiang Liuyi wanted to find the water source, but Song Xian asked her to hold her hand. In the darkness, Song Xian's voice lost his composure, and asked in a low voice, "Is there any cake?"

The busy rustling sound stopped, Jiang Liuyi paused, unable to figure out Song Xian's meaning for a while, she stretched out her hand tentatively, unexpectedly Song Xian opened his mouth and bit her finger.

The slender fingers were wrapped in warmth and humidity. The last time Song Xian was drunk unconsciously, but this time she did it on purpose. Jiang Liu Yixin was soft, but Song Xian was still not satisfied. She bit her fingertips with the tips of her teeth.

Jiang Liuyi instantly felt that something was being swallowed, not her fingers, but her soul.