MTL - The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era-Chapter 10 dark

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"Being able to bring the dead back to life... This kind of power is too powerful. What about the side effects? It can't be free of cost, right?"

"That's the truth." Farosa smiled, "I'm also a 'reality manipulator' from every angle."

"The miracle you have mastered, apart from healing, what else?"

"I can't use it now. I will have three miracles, healing, vows, and sunny days. The last one is after I came to the East, and the witch here taught me. Ah, I used to have too strong magic power, and I was too lazy to practice miracles. few."

"No matter how powerful you are, you can't use it now."

"Don't be rude."

"What did you do before?"

Farosa was stunned for a moment, then said after a long time:

"I'm a servant of God," she said, "You know, God bestows witches with power, and witches also have the duty to serve. I sweep the floor in the church, read scriptures to the villagers, and occasionally drive away the goblins who came to the fields, bang Scatter dragons and trolls."

They are all mythical creatures that have been extinct for a long time, making Xu Yang feel unfamiliar.

"Do you have any hope of restoring your magic power?"

"I have never heard of this kind of restraint spell. I must ask God to free me from the seal."

"It's not a restraint spell, it's an anti-witch weapon," Xu Yang said, "I'm not too sure, this kind of technology is beyond my cognizance, it is listed as the top secret inside the company, and it is only used when catching particularly powerful witches. Will be used."

"There is a way to find God. Although the company destroyed all the churches, there must be some surviving ritual points. As long as you reach a connection with God, I will tell him what happened, and God will definitely help."

"If it were that simple, there would have been witches forming a connection long ago."

"You don't understand." Farosa said sullenly, "How do they know, and how do the witches know now? Why do they know. According to what you said, a large number of witches living in the old world were slaughtered. Forget, the history that belongs to the witch has been tampered with and deceived by your so-called company."


"God's glory is bleak, and the little ones are rampant. It's really hateful. The aggression and equipment of those people just now are much stronger than the average witch hunter."

"Do you think those people just now were 'Witch Hunters'?"

"Aren't they human **** who only look for trouble with witches? There are also people in this era. There are always people who don't like witches."

"It's almost there." Xu Yang didn't know what Mateo and the others were doing when they took Farosa back home, did they sell it? Or should it be handed over to Black Fire Innovation for domestication and become a new war witch?

"No matter which tribunal they are employed by, I will punish them so that they understand the fate of provoking me." Farosa's tone was indifferent.

"You're scary sometimes... I really hope you're not the type that kills innocent people indiscriminately."

"Why," Farosa smiled at Xu Yang, "I'm so friendly, you always think I'm a bad guy, but I've been defending myself all the time."

"Why are friendly people locked up in the tomb? Did you know that you were sealed in a coffin and slept?"

"Actually, I'm very comfortable. They can't do anything about me. They can only use this method to send me to the future, so as not to disturb them at that time." Farosa laughed.

"If it were me, I would also do the same, send you thousands of years later, and let you torture the people of the future."

"My enemies are all bad guys. Sometimes they don't care who you are, they just want to target you. It's hard for them to chase and kill them so far." Farosa's smile did not diminish, "But now, I don't need to. I'm worried that someone will do the same to me, my fellows, they're getting weaker."

Now there is no time to delve into why she slept in that ancient tomb.

must go.

As long as you avoid the company's people and reach the ground safely, you will have endless money.

There should be a channel to lift the power ban on her. Her source power is indeed terrifying. In addition to the "law of recovery" she explained by herself, there is at least one other type, and that is the "grey light" with mass destruction.

"Let's go." Xu Yang said, "Let's take everything we can take away in the shuttle and leave."

"I don't recognize these iron sheets, and I hate ghosts, so you can get them."

Xu Yang rummaged through boxes in the shuttle, looking for the supplies that the mercenaries had put in the shuttle.

Farosa sat on the chair and patted the leather surface.

"It feels pretty comfortable. You can be my attendant in the future," she said.

"You are different from the witches I've seen," Xu Yang groped for the available things. "The guy said it right before. Now there are only three types of witches, bitches, slaves, and perverted killing machines. You are just behaving perversely. , but it doesn't seem difficult to get along with."

"Because I don't like to complicate things, you tell me how to survive in this era, and I make friends with you, it's that simple."

After some searching, Xu Yang found four bottles of pure water, three packs of military rations, two sabres, two pistols, a submachine gun, some ammunition and other miscellaneous tools and sundries.

He took a multi-pocketed tool vest from the spare clothes on the wall and put it on, stuffed it into the front and back pockets of the vest, and put it on again.

The weight of the clothes has never been so heavy.

Xu Yang stepped out of the shuttle and looked into the distance.

Outside the excavation site is connected to the Katagi District of Aizu Castle, but in the distance, as far as the eye can see, the Katagi District looks lifeless, falling in darkness, and no light can be seen.

"It's so dark." Farosa also came out, "I remember it wasn't so dark before."

"..." Xu Yang was silent.

Too weird.

There were at least some electric lights in the slums before, but now there is nothing.

"Do you have a clue?" Farosa asked.

"It's like the world has been destroyed." Xu Yang said.

Why is the city darkened? The underground city has no distinction between day and night, and it will supply electricity 24 hours a day.

In the end what happened?

Or, did the electromagnetic pulse blasting of the previous quarry blew up all the surrounding power supplies?


He had a hunch that it had been delayed for so long, and nothing else had come close...

Maybe the people of Kyoto Infinite will never send someone to check the situation of the quarry.

The city was plunged into darkness, and something else must have happened.

When Xu Yang was puzzled, Farosa laughed.

"Hey, Xu Yang," she said, "it's a good time."


"The world is about to be destroyed, the grace of God will no longer be passed on, and the world will become a rampant of sinners. God once told me this, in the future, if his power is stolen, then people's hearts will be degraded, full of rebellious evil thoughts, and the witch will weaken even more. The arrogance. At that time, I thought, if this era comes, let me revitalize the witch's power, now is the opportunity. Since the so-called company has slaughtered the witch council, then I will imitate the council's style , gather all the powerful and ambitious witches, rebuild a council, and complete the witch's revenge."

"The company is difficult to deal with, and its strength is increasing day by day, and the witches are not as prosperous as in your time."

"But this is my goal. I want to remind mortals of the pain of living at the feet of witches and bowing their knees, and you will be a help in the journey, revealing all the peculiarities of this era for me."

"I don't do it, it sounds like a human traitor."

"Do you like the company?"

"do not like."

"Then let's change the status quo together," Farosa approached Xu Yang and stared into his eyes, "I want to see this world in turmoil, making everyone go crazy, I hate being the same, I like to see blood, I like to see people The collapse screamed, causing the once prosperous 'company' to fall into chaos, and the witches who are now slaves have regained the power of life and death, as before."

Obviously, it was because of this personality that the witches of her era buried her underground.

If Mateo wins and brings her back to Blackfire Innovation, I'm afraid she will infect them with her madness, take the lead in causing countless destructions, and even start a new round of corporate civil wars.

"Don't expect me to go crazy with you," Xu Yang said. "The city ahead used to be bright, but now it's dark. Something must have happened. Let's go take a look now and get out of here as soon as possible."

"Let's go." Farosa looked in a good mood, "I saved you, you saved me, and we have to continue to help each other."

Xu Yang was not happy at all.

Our two unlucky fellows... One is a neuro-hacker who has lost his implants and can't use technology at all, and the other is an ancient witch whose magic power has been sealed and can only use small miracles. It seems that he especially likes to cause disasters.

Such two people can't even trust each other, even returning to the ground is an extravagant hope, let alone changing the status quo. Without a digital mind, it is impossible to inquire about the surrounding situation at all.

He still misses his cash card. With 100 million funds on the card, that is close to true wealth freedom, even if he changes to a brand new implant! How can you die underground?

Xu Yang first checked the crack station where the mercenaries had stopped before, and found that there was nothing valuable except for the equipment that could not be moved.

Farosa didn't know anything about technological products, and regarded them as pagan statues and magic weapons, and strongly demanded to leave. Xu Yang found a flashlight for them to explore the road in the dark and return to the underground city.

The outermost area of ​​Aizu Underground City is called Katagi District. The poorest people are like ants, building their nests in this underground suburb and begging for a living in places with a high crime rate.

It is about 5 kilometers from the Xiamu District to the quarry.

Before, Xu Yang came here in Mateo's off-road vehicle. It was like a blink of an eye. The vehicle was blown up in the previous quarry. This would make him walk on both feet, and with injuries on his body, he would soon be out of breath.

Feeling tired and hungry.

The stomach is empty, and the stomach can't feel it. Xu Yang thought to himself. But with such a small amount of food in the vest, UU reading is still better to save, even if you go to Katagi district, you may not be able to find a store that can open.

He took another look.

The entire Katagi district was so dark that it was originally a hopeless place, but now it is even more dilapidated. You can't even see the billboards that are in operation.

The whole city went out of power?

There were bursts of noise and screams, which made Xu Yang even more uneasy, what happened? Is there a conflict somewhere? Where has the electricity gone?

After a while, he saw some lights in the city again. First, there were some surprises, and then his heart sank.

That's firelight.

Bright yellow flames stick out from the window of an apartment building, licking the surroundings irritably. The apartment is six stories high, like a deformed giant pillar, and like a steel birdcage, the top of which is still separated from the video screen of the dungeon dome. some distance.

The fire quickly engulfed the entire building.

"You look really bad." Farosa was walking in front, but when she turned around and saw Xu Yang, she immediately stopped.

"The front is on fire."

"I'm not referring to this! I'm talking about your morale!"


"Disgraced, like a dervish on a pilgrimage."

"This metaphor is too ancient, I'm just hungry, let's go."

Xu Yang wanted to find a hidden and safe place as soon as possible.

As soon as he took a step, Farosa took his arm.

"If you're hungry, you have to eat. Don't go any further. Let's stop and rest." Farosa said firmly.

When she said this, she was like a merciful saint who was guiding the suffering people, and she had her own madness.

Xu Yang turned his attention to the Shemu District, it was still dim and dark, the darkness seemed to have no limits.

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