MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4746 , the purpose is not pure

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Similar situations occurred frequently in the rear positions of the coalition forces.

Under the circumstance that their own command bases can no longer be maintained, or even fallen, representatives of various forces, why are they in the mood to pursue the Zerg army?

The first reaction is naturally to ensure their own safety first.

At that moment, a series of orders were issued quickly.

At that time, he was at the forefront, chasing and killing the retreating Zerg army all the way. The momentum was like a rainbow, and the rushing army was fierce. When receiving this order, the whole state was dumbfounded, and even some generals , failed to respond immediately.

What is it? Their rear base was attacked?

At the same time, what was even more confusing was that it wasn't the Zerg that attacked them, but other forces that were part of the coalition? !

Among the various forces, generals who are able to lead troops to charge on the battlefield often need to have a big heart and a strong enough adaptability.

Faced with such an unexpected situation at this time, the front-line officers who received the news digested the news as quickly as possible, and immediately took a series of countermeasures.

Inside their coalition, there was a problem before, although in the process of chasing the Zerg army just now, due to the stimulation of their superiority and victory, they were so excited that they temporarily forgot about this matter, but they were not forgetful. Symptoms, you can't just forget about this matter.

The news from the rear now undoubtedly makes them recall this matter as quickly as possible.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of vigilance followed.

During this process, I don't know who made the first move, and then a fatal chain reaction was triggered on the spot, and finally a melee was directly formed.

"Damn it! What the **** is going on here?"

Inside the frontline base of the Orc Federation, the fox patriarch, who was a military advisor, roared out of control for the first time.

"Who?! Who gave the order! Why did the thirteenth unit attack the frontline base of the Otto Empire?! Boil!!!"

In the face of the mad foxman patriarch, the surrounding orc guards and subordinates, the expressions of each and every one were completely dumbfounded.

Obviously, none of them have ever seen this cunning and cunning guy so irritable.

And looking at the bewildered subordinates, the fox patriarch only felt more angry!

"What the **** are you doing?! Why don't you hurry up and contact the 13th Unit for me, and tell those idiots to go back to the labor force!!!"

The subordinate who was splashed with saliva by the roaring foxman patriarch, although his brain was not able to turn around immediately due to the huge impact, but as an orc, compared to his brain, his body is undoubtedly the first. He made a move in one step, used his hands and feet together, and rushed towards the outside in a slightly panicked manner.

After watching the subordinate run out, he didn't know if it was because of the vent, and the fox patriarch, who had calmed down a little, his eyes quickly fell on another subordinate.

As an orc's wild instinct, the subordinate immediately noticed the sight from his immediate boss, and then his heart tightened.

Afterwards, I only heard the fox patriarch's voice that became a little hoarse because of excessive roaring...

"You go and notify the garrison troops, mobilize all the troops that can be mobilized at present, enter the highest alert state, and do not allow troops of any other forces to approach our station."

With these words, the subordinate didn't dare to slack off at the same time as he slammed his head. He turned around and rushed out. For fear of slowing down, he would be yelled at by his immediate boss. .

Faced with this situation, the fox patriarch hurriedly shouted...

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished my words yet! Boil it! Go back to the labor and management!!!"

In the roar of the fox patriarch, the subordinates who had not run far ran back nervously.

In this regard, the fox patriarch at this time was not in the mood to scold the other party at all, but quickly finished all the words he left unfinished...

"Inform all the garrisoned troops that if there are troops from other forces approaching, they will give priority to warnings. Unless the other party makes a move first, we are absolutely not allowed to do it!"

After speaking, after three seconds, looking at the subordinates who were still in a daze, the fox patriarch felt a sudden burst of anger.

"Grandma, why don't you go quickly?!"

Under the roar of the fox patriarch, the subordinate just ran away.

After that, although the thirteenth unit has not yet withdrawn, the messenger on the orc side has already brought back the news from the thirteenth unit.

According to the thirteenth unit, they received the order from the messengers, so they dispatched urgently and attacked the frontline base of the Otto Empire.

The moment the news came back, the fox patriarch could confirm that there was definitely something wrong with their orc army.

"Does that messenger have an arrow? Who sent the messenger?!"

In the Commonwealth of Orcs, most of the orcs who can be picked by the foxman patriarch and take with him are relatively clever, so for these issues, although the foxman patriarch did not instruct him at that but the other party was going to confirm The situation, and when recalling the thirteenth unit, still asked clearly.

"It is said that there is no command arrow, and it is not clear who sent the messenger. The thirteenth unit also asked. The other party only said that it was a secret mission and it was inconvenient to use the command arrow, so the thirteenth unit did not think about it. move."


The fox patriarch who learned the answer was almost mad, but let alone, this result was more or less within his expectations.

Among their orc army, there are very few units that are meticulous in handling matters.

Especially when the battle situation is tense, most of them will start the action without thinking after receiving the order.

After all, their orcs' appearance features are too clear, and there is almost no case where outsiders can pretend to be them and pass on orders.

To a certain extent, the 13th Unit still knew the question at the time, even if it was an extraordinary performance.

At the same time, the other party will easily believe that, to a large extent, it is probably because of that 'secret mission'.

To put it simply, in their army of orcs, there are basically generals with a certain status, and they all know that the purpose of their orc federation joining the coalition is not pure.

Considering this, at some special point in time, there is a 'secret mission' which doesn't seem to be a rare thing.

But this time, the fox patriarch almost believed in his heart that it had absolutely nothing to do with their 'secret mission', because their 'secret mission' was based on the premise of a great victory for the coalition forces.

The battle situation is not very clear at the moment. At this stage, they have no plans to do anything at all! !