MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4747 , turmoil

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At the same time, in the position of the Hundred Ghosts...

"Order? Then you can tell me who it was and who gave the order?!"

In the base camp, Yuzao covered her face with a fan, and her nine tails danced wildly behind her. A pair of eyes that exuded evil powers were staring at the heavenly evil spirit held in mid-air by an invisible force.

At this moment, a terrifying demonic power erupted from Tamamo before, who had always been only good at scheming and had little demonic power.

Most of the commanders of the various forces expressed doubts about whether Tamamozen was 'the power of a chicken without a hand', but there was no evidence. At the same time, most of them did not know what the strength of this demon girl was. planting level.

It's impossible to coerce the commander-in-chief of a first-tier cosmic power just because of their own guesses?

This can cause very serious international problems.

And compared to outsiders who are obviously unsure, inside the Hundred Ghosts Empire, those Hundred Ghosts are very clear in their hearts, this Tamamo former is a monster at the level of a demon king.

At a time when Shuten-douji, the master of the Hundred Ghosts, has not shown up for many years, the position of the Ghost King is vacant, but the actual ruler of the Hundred Ghost Empire is Tamamo-mae in front of him!

Taking this as a premise, if the other party is not strong enough, how can they be able to deter the Hundred Ghosts and the powerful clans under their command?

And the current situation, needless to say, on their side, the same situation as the Orc Federation happened at this time.

I don't know who, the order came out, which eventually led their troops to attack the frontline base in the Republic of Vanega.

At the same time, due to the difference in strength between the two sides, the garrisoned troops at the front-line bases of the Republic of Vanega have been evacuated across the board, and an entire front-line base has been completely occupied.

In other words, things are more troublesome.

Originally, if the two sides were in a stalemate, the other party's losses would be relatively small, and the situation could be controlled for the time being.

But now the entire frontline base has been taken over by them, this loss is no small thing.

But aside from the issue of loss, there is a more troublesome problem...

In the known universe, there are only a few first-tier cosmic powers, and there are even fewer overlords in the name of empires.

Under this premise, the second-tier cosmic country, although it doesn't sound like it is not very powerful, even feels a little weak, but in essence, it is actually a powerful country in the universe.

Take the Vanega Republic as an example, in the fourth universe, they have a pivotal position.

Now that the Hundred Ghosts troops came to them, they directly copied their base, causing them to be forced to evacuate.

As a powerful country in the fourth universe, and even within the known universe, is it considered a powerful country with a head and face, in the international community, do they want to lose face?

When this happened, as soon as it got out, I lost my face! I am afraid that it will not become an international laughing stock.

Considering this, this matter is absolutely impossible to be good.

Of course, the fire in front of Tamamo is not because of this.

But because of the appearance of this situation, it is clear that someone is plotting against her! This feeling of being calculated made her extremely uncomfortable.

"It's really unpleasant!"

At this moment, the beautiful face in front of Yuzao, which was covered by the fan, has already shown a violent distortion, showing a ferocious color. A pair of fox eyes with dark golden pupils almost narrowed into two thin lines. There is a fierce light flickering in the seam.

"Go check it out for me! I want to see who is playing tricks for me here!!"

If it is said that the previous 'betrayal' of the Black Iron Empire was able to control the situation to a certain extent, then this time it will undoubtedly make the whole situation run wild.

In the coalition, the troops of all forces were experiencing problems, and even large-scale or small melees began to break out everywhere, making Delke, who was trying to control the situation at the beginning, almost collapse.

At the same time, on the frontline battlefield, the Zerg army that was retreating at that time, but had not completely retreated, could not have noticed the coalition army that suddenly fought on its own.

And this information was also transmitted to Balsa at the fastest speed through the neural network.

Of course Balza knew what was going on.

The two armies have fought for so many years. How could Balsa have only inserted a few spies in the coalition?

What happened to the Dark Iron Empire before was just part of his deployment.

If he can completely disintegrate the coalition forces as simply as that, then it would be great, if not, then he also has a backer.

And now, the backhand has been shown, and this is just the beginning...

Balsa was not busy letting the Zerg army strike back immediately.

For this, he naturally has his own considerations.

At this juncture, if their Zerg army counterattacked immediately, then the coalition forces would be under pressure from them, and even if they were unwilling, there would still be a certain chance that they would join forces again to fight against foreign enemies.

Once this happens, the other party will have room for negotiation, and this is something that Balsa does not want to see.

So let's let the coalition forces fight on their own During this process, the cracks within the coalition forces will get bigger and bigger.

Disputes will lead to hatred, and hatred will lead to greater disputes and greater hatred. This is an infinite vicious circle!

Once the cycle begins, the internal collapse of the coalition is a matter of time.

Anyway, in a short period of time, there is no need for their Zerg army to intervene, so just watch the show.

During this period, Balsa undoubtedly has a more concerned thing that needs to be dealt with.

That thing is to confirm the whereabouts and safety of His Majesty the Insect King.

The war has reached this point. Considering the enemy's top combat power, the existence of His Majesty the Zerg King has become a key factor for their Void Zerg to win this war.

To put it simply, if there is no His Majesty the insect king, even if they can defeat the coalition army at the level of the army at this stage, no one can guarantee that the coalition army will not make a comeback by relying on their top combat power in the follow-up!

A commander at the level of Balsa, naturally, pays more attention to the overall situation, and it is impossible to just focus on the advantage in front of him.

In this way, considering various factors, the Insect King was naturally given the highest priority by Balsa.

And in this process, the situation on the coalition side can only be described with the words 'intensifying'.

On the chaotic battlefield, the action areas of the various forces are constantly changing. During this process, even the Dark Iron Empire troops who were previously isolated and assigned a separate war zone would inevitably be involved. ...