MTL - The World Civilization Million Lords-Chapter 4748 , turmoil and turmoil (2)

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Regarding the situation outside, Dominique Adolph was much calmer than the commanders of other forces after learning about it.

Because of similar things, he has experienced it once before, and he has experienced it himself!

In this state, Dominique Adolph's first order was to recall the front-line troops.

Due to the fact that it was an independent theater, the front-line troops of the Black Iron Empire were in a position where there were no other troops around at all. This saved them a lot of trouble and allowed them to withdraw relatively speaking. It is more stable and will not be inexplicably involved in the melee.

At the same time, the troops responsible for garrisoning their own base also quickly gathered and defended with all their strength. Unless the enemy attacks, or else, they will never interfere with what is going on outside the base.

In this wave, Dominique Adolph's current idea is very simple, that is, to save the black pot and detain them on their heads.

In the process of issuing this series of orders, the monitoring team composed of members sent by various forces was right next to him, and Dominique Adolph did not shy away from doing what he wanted to do.

His behavior can even be said to be for the members of the monitoring team to see, clearly and clearly tell them, 'I didn't get involved in this matter, don't throw the blame on me when you turn around! ’

In the face of this situation, some members of the monitoring team are still calm, but some members are completely unable to calm down.

Because in this process, as a member of the coalition, the command base of the Black Iron Empire is actually constantly receiving various news from within the coalition.

In other words, the Orc troops attacked the base of the Otto Empire, the Hundred Ghosts attacked the base of the Republic of Vanega, and at the same time, the news of which troops were fighting with which troops on the front line was spread here.

Some news is directly related to the forces within the monitoring team, so of course they can't calm down.

After learning that their forces had been attacked, many members of the monitoring team even directly asked the Dark Iron Empire to perform their coalition duties and send troops to aid their respective forces.

In the face of such requests, Dominique Adolph basically refused them all on the grounds that the current situation was chaotic and the enemy was inseparable.

This is not to say that he is avenging his personal revenge in public and avenging the actions of those forces against the Dark Iron Empire before, but it is really indistinguishable between the enemy and the enemy. From his standpoint, he cannot easily intervene.

After all, after their Black Iron Empire experienced the previous events, their identities were more sensitive, and their situation was also embarrassing.

If they act rashly, what if other forces directly acquiesce that they are going to launch an attack, and then come over?

Even if there is no fight, then once there is a disturbance, who is right and who is wrong, and who will tell clearly?

At that time, if this black cauldron is placed on the forehead of the Black Iron Empire again, then he will really turn the table and curse the mother on the spot!

So it's definitely the safest and safest way to stick together to defend without mixing.

Under this premise, for the Black Iron Empire base, the more troublesome thing is that the two forces that fought each other happened to have members in the same monitoring team.

This time it was good, it started fighting on the spot, even fighting.

The soldiers of the Dark Iron Empire who were present, on the contrary, shouldered the work of persuasion, and quickly pulled the two sides apart and comforted them.

At this moment, the situation in the coalition forces is chaotic, which is evident.

Just when Dominique Adolph was about to wait and see what happened, an urgent message suddenly came back from the frontline troops.

The general summary of the news is that there is a small-scale elf fleet that is retreating and has been attacked by another force in the coalition, just outside the area where their frontline army is currently located.

Therefore, the general of the Dark Iron Empire who is responsible for leading troops on the front line is now asking Dominique Adolph if he wants to send troops to support him.

After Dominique Adolph had clearly issued the order of 'don't mix', the reason why the other party still sent this message is very simple.

Because the Dark Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom are allies with closer ties, and in the previous meeting, Marshal Philip, the representative of the Elf Kingdom, under pressure, gave them support on behalf of the Elven Kingdom.

Their dwarf men always repay their kindness! Now that the fleet of the elves is suffering, can they pretend to be invisible? This is against the spirit of the dwarves!

Faced with this situation, even Dominique Adolph couldn't turn a blind eye.

The final result was no surprise. The retreating Black Iron Empire frontline army immediately changed its plan and sent troops to support it.

Of course, there is only a battle of small-scale troops, and their entire army does not need to be overwhelmed, and it is enough to send a small armed fleet to pass over.

The troops on both sides quickly got in touch, and that small elf fleet was undoubtedly in the previous frontline melee, UU reading www.uukanshu. com separated from the large army. Now that he received the news from the dwarf fleet, he naturally showed full confidence in it, and moved towards the coordinates where the dwarf fleet arrived at the fastest speed.

The previous elf fleet had to save some energy just in case, and fought desperately at the last moment.

Now that I know that the dwarf army is nearby, it is naturally no longer reserved, and it explodes at full speed and rushes to meet.

The speed of the elf battleship's explosion is quite astonishing without considering the energy problem at all.

Although it would not completely wipe out the chasing fleet in a short period of time, it also greatly shortened the time for the two fleets to join together.

Maintaining this speed, under the premise of approaching each other, the two fleets quickly locked onto each other's tracks.

At this point in time, the remaining energy of the elf fleet is almost bottoming out, and the speed begins to drop rapidly.

At this moment, in the dwarf fleet, a vanguard suddenly rushed out of the fleet.

After that, regardless of the 3721, he launched a suicide attack directly towards the elf fleet!

This happened so suddenly that the moving elf fleet was unprepared. At the same time, the fleet's energy had basically bottomed out, so they had no way to deal with such an emergency in this state.

During this period, the dwarf vanguard ship that burst all the way hit the hull of one of the elf battleships. In the next second, the entire vanguard ship exploded on the spot. Several elf battleships of the swept all swept in!
