MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1350 Railway soldier

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Ouyang Yu only hurriedly met the cabinet and set the big framework for the Xi'an Guardian. The rest of the complicated things, naturally, the cabinet co-ordination, he has no time to take care of.

Just after meeting the cabinet, Ouyang Yu was in the Privy Council and presided over the relevant military adjustments.

This is not an easy task.

As with the disposal of the South Asian theater, according to the early plan, the resident of the West Asian Theater will be transferred from the Xijiang Capital Reserve, which has been revoked, to the West Asia Reserve, responsible for the security of the West Asia.

The newly established Xiadu Refuge is bordered by the Caesar dynasty in the north and the Romanov dynasty in the northeast. It is the forefront of the Great Summer attack or defense of the European continent.

On the strategic location, it is extraordinary.

In addition, the internal situation of the West Asia Reserve is complex and there are many unstable factors. The West Asian theaters are only two groups of troops, and they are certainly not busy.

In order to strengthen the deterrence of the Xi'an refuge, Ouyang Yu decided to reorganize a regular army from the four major groups of South Asia, named the Central Asian Army, mainly responsible for guarding the Central Asian region.

Lin Yi, head of the Fifth Army of the City Guard, was promoted to the Central Asian Army.

The defense of the three provinces of Xijiang was handed over to the Xijiang Construction Corps and the Xikang Construction Corps.

For the one million Persian army, Ouyang Yu also had a disposal plan. First, abolish 400,000, let him demobilize, and invest in local construction to provide young and middle-aged labor for all walks of life.

In this way, it is also buying people's hearts.

Not everyone wants to join the army, especially in this troubled world. As long as they are on the battlefield, no one can guarantee that they can survive from the battlefield of hell.

In addition to elite troops, the willingness to retire from ordinary soldiers is still very high.

Ouyang Yu’s doing this is also in line with public opinion.

Besides, the Persian army has limited combat power and it is really necessary to adapt it to the regular army. That is to weaken the level of the Great Summer Army.

To put it bluntly, I just can't see it.

The remaining 600,000 people will be transferred to the railways and will be responsible for the construction of the railway network within the Empire. The remaining three major group army in South Asia will also draw one and transfer to a railway soldier.

The newly established arms of this empire will reach a huge scale of 850,000.

The empire wants to realize the rule of the West Asia and the African refuge, the rule of the land, the core point is to build a railway across the continent of Asia and Africa, as the lifeline of the imperial traffic.

It is conceivable that this will be an arduous task and a grand project.

Once built, it will surely shine through the history books.

Ouyang Yan even said at a military and political meeting: "In the industrial age, the responsibility and honor of railway construction is not lower than that on the battlefield. This is a battle without smoke, but also death."

To build a railway, you must throw your head, sprinkle blood, hurricane, rain, thorns and thorns, open the road, meet the water bridge, and be ready to shed blood.

It can be described as a strong mountain river.

Its merits are no less than winning a full-scale war.

Such an arduous task is best given to the railway soldiers from the military.

In contrast, the 850,000 railway soldiers are not too many. If there is a chance in the future, Ouyang Yi also plans to continue to expand the scale of the railway soldiers.

Only in this way can we achieve this great event in the shortest possible time.

In addition to the Asian-African Railway, the railway network of the Imperial Center and the various protected areas will continue to expand, eventually forming a complex railway network covering the main city.

Railway construction will set off a wave of high-rises in the next few years.

To this end, with the approval of Ouyang Yu, the Privy Council will form a railway commander in the capital, and the first railway commander will be promoted by the Red Army, the head of the Second Army of the Tiger Army.

The alien identity of the Red Eagle makes it easier to command this particular unit.

It should be noted that although the railway soldiers are up to 850,000 people, comparable to a war zone, the specifications of the Railways Command are only the specifications of a group headquarters.

The commander of the railway corps is naturally in line with the group army.

In the future, after the construction of the imperial railway will come to an end, these railway soldiers will be transferred to railway construction workers. In other words, the Railways Command is just a transitional product.

Of course, status is still very important during the time when it fulfills its mission. If the Red Eagle has done this well, the position in the future of the Great Summer Army will not be lower than the level of command.

Taking into account the professional requirements, the Railways Command will also recruit a group of technicians for the private sector.

All in all, this is a big event with extraordinary significance.


April 28th.

Following the order of the court, the South Asian First Army and the Second Army began to assemble at the border of the Arab Empire and prepared to use actual actions to put pressure on the Arab Empire.

The Arab King got the news, staying up all night, and tossing and turning.

The forced surrender of the Persian Empire is undoubtedly a bad news for the Arab Empire. As strong as the Persian Empire, it only lasted for one and a half months in front of the Daxia Bingfeng.

How long can the Arab Empire last for a war?

If the big summer theater in Africa matches, even the things can be attacked, and the army of the Arab Empire can never last for two months or even less.

Do not win, surrender is not reconciled.

The Arab king is very entangled, almost counting the days to live.

The problem is that the time left for him to tangled is almost running out.


Some people are entangled, and some people are not entangled.

For example, the German king of the Germanic dynasty, Manstein, was very decisive. After receiving the request of Da Xia to return the 120,000 steel squadron, he did not make a fearless struggle and promised.

At the moment, it is the crucial period of the Germanic dynasty and the Romanov dynasty. Manstein is really unwilling, and he dare not succumb to the big summer at this Only 乖乖 乖乖.

The advantage is that after sending away 120,000 steel squadrons, Manstein lost the promise of the summer of the Germans.

Of course, this commitment is limited to Gaia for ten years.

Even so, Manstein felt the value.

This is Ouyang Yu’s reward for Manstein’s interest. Anyway, Da Xia has no plans to attack the European mainland.

Ouyang Yu knows that the European continent is a horse cell, and it is easy to do.

The deep European continent is not conquered by force alone. These dynasties will quickly unite and be consistent with each other in the face of external threats.

That is not the result that Ouyang Yu wants.

As for the steel dynasty dynasty, it has always been outside the European system, which has made it possible for the big summer to have a chance, otherwise it will never be so easy.

In this regard, Ouyang Yu has a clear awareness.

The redeemed 120,000 steel squadrons, together with the remaining soldiers of the Western European Army, were eliminated, and they were selected as the Nordic Army.

As the name suggests, the future battlefield of the Nordic Army is in Northern Europe.

The primary goal is to capture the islands of Iceland, Greenland, and so on, with the assistance of the Atlantic Fleet.

These islands will be the bridgehead for the future of the empire to attack the Arctic Ocean.

In addition, the formation of the Nordic Army also has the realistic appeal of strengthening the steel shackles to make the military force.

Even if there is a big summer backing, Ouyang Yu is not confident that only a Western European army of 250,000 people will be able to ensure that the steel industry is safe.

Who knows, what will be the thoughts of those European dynasties.

Han Yuhu, head of the Second Army of the former Yulin Army, was promoted to the rank of the Nordic Army. Han Yuhu’s position as the head of the army was replaced by the deputy head of the army, Jianyin Leiyin.

At this point, three of the five officers of the Yu Linjun are aliens.