MTL - The Young Master is a Girl-Chapter 1251 bastard

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  Chapter 1251 Wild species

  Dongfang Qi's speed is extremely fast.

  Especially the wedding with Dongfang Yue was not held because of Dongfang Yue's identity.

   It also saves a lot of time.

   It's just that the wedding of the two has not started yet, but Xiao Baozi unexpectedly disappeared.

  At first, I thought it was Yi Shisan who did it on purpose.

  But after hearing Wei Zisu's words, Dongfang Yue's expression darkened instantly, and she was even more indifferent.

  The breath around his body also exudes a kind of coldness.

   It can be seen that Dongfang Yue is very unhappy.

  She, Ling Xier, is looking for death.

  No one thought that she, Ling Xier, would have such a great ability, that she could kidnap Xiao Baozi in full view.

   She never thought that Ling Xier would be so bold.

  Does she, Ling Xi'er, really think that the Ling family is invincible?

  She Dongfangyue didn't touch the Ling family before, it doesn't mean she is afraid of the Ling family.

  Now, because of this incident, the relationship between Dongfang Yue and the Ling family is bound to be in trouble.

  Because of Wang Gan, Dongfangyue specially assigned some people to secretly protect the little bun 24 hours a day.

   But there are still omissions.

   After knowing that the little bun was missing, Yi Shisan also quickly investigated.

  When she learned that the little bun was taken away by Ling Xier, Yi Shisan's expression became very dark.

  As for Ling Xier, because of the wedding with Dongfangyue last time, Yi Shisan also kept Ling Xier in mind, and was very dissatisfied with that woman using her secret to threaten Dongfangyue.

  Now that woman is so bold, since she dared to kidnap her son.

  Xie Mei's face was slightly curved, but this curvature was permeated with a chill that made people feel very scared.

  When she looked at the comatose little bun in front of her, especially when she saw this face that was somewhat similar to Dongfang Yue, Ling Xier's heart was filled with hatred.

   Which damned woman actually gave birth to such a **** for Dongfang Yue.

   It was because of this **** that Dongfang Yue didn't marry her, right?

  Thinking of this, Ling Xi'er became more and more ferocious.

  If it weren't for the fact that the wild species in front of her was still useful, she would have strangled him to death already.

  The **** in front of her eyes is now her only **** that can threaten Dongfang Yue.

  So no matter how much she hated the little bun in front of her heart, she still endured it.

   Now she is waiting for the arrival of Dongfang Yue.

  When she received the news from Ling Xier, Dongfang Yue's complexion never improved.

very good.

  She, Ling Xier, is addicted to threats.

   Do you really think that the same method can be used again and again?

  Since she, Ling Xier, doesn't want to live anymore.

   Then she wouldn't mind giving her a ride.

What Dongfang Yue didn't know was that because of being left behind at the wedding and the sudden leak of news at the wedding, Ling Xi'er became a joke in Mocheng and even the whole country overnight. My son's paranoia has become more and more serious.

  If she is really a little normal, then she will never provoke Dongfang Yue again, let alone kidnap Xiao Baozi to threaten Dongfang Yue.

  Following Dongfang Yue's instructions, the Ling family will also become a piece of history in Mocheng.

  A history that can never go back.

   And she, Ling Xier, has also become the eternal sinner of the Ling family.

  If it wasn't for her, the Ling family wouldn't be like this.

  (end of this chapter)