MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 5 i did

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  Chapter 5 I did it


  Knowing how to write is completely different from writing one character by one.

at this point.

  It took Lin Yao a whole afternoon to realize it.

   Four and a half hours.

  She just wrote a beginning, plus a solution to the current in-game item prices that continue to be inflated.

   This is already her limit.

   In fact, the solution to the current in-game price inflation is quite simple, but it may be more troublesome to implement.

There is a stall system in the game, which is the player’s personal business system, but the output of items in a regional server is limited. Merchants rely on the large number of people in the studio to stock up on goods. As long as the supply exceeds the demand, they can indeed drive up prices. This is the simplest economic principle.

  In this case, it is of little significance for the government to regulate prices in the end. As long as the total output remains unchanged, it is still extremely difficult for merchants to monopolize, but if the output is increased, new problems will be produced.

  So Lin Yao thought of a way, which is to add a cross-server trading center, so that players can have one more trading plan besides setting up a stall.

  The so-called cross-server trading center is to classify and sell all the materials commonly used in missions and cross-region servers.

  All players can put the obtained items on the unified trading center for consignment. The system will give a guide price, and then the guide price will be simply adjusted every day according to the demand relationship.

  To put it simply, the materials of the whole district are sold together, without increasing the output, but the quantity of props is increased in disguise, and the price is adjusted according to the guide price, making it more difficult for merchants to monopolize.

  Of course, players can also increase the price by themselves instead of following the guide price given by the system.

  Theoretically, there is still a risk that merchants will inflate the price of items.

  After all, the price cannot be fixed, otherwise the game will not be playable...

   Of course, this is just theory.

  As long as there are no large enough merchants, the cross-server trading center is the best and only way.

   After all, it is the materials of the entire game area server. With the current size of the game, no merchant should be able to drop the props of the entire game area server in seconds.

   Looking at it now.

   Enough to solve the existing price problem of the game.

  Anyway, Lin Yao thought of such a plan, and it took her all afternoon.

   For this reason, she also ran to the player server to play for a while.

   I have to say that as a relatively new type of game in this world, this turn-based online game, which Lin Yao regards as rubbish, is still played by some people, and the atmosphere is not bad.

  Probably because there are relatively few such games on the market.

  The afternoon passed quickly.

  Lin Yao finished typing the last word, checked the time, and clicked to save.

   At the moment when six o'clock came, I ran away.

   Only fools work overtime.

   She won't be paid overtime, and it's a question of whether the plan can be passed.

  She can go to work as a way to pass the time, and by the way lie to herself that this is improving herself, of course it is impossible to work overtime.

  Lin Yao trotted towards the door with the joy of getting off work.

  Mu Wanqing just passed by holding a water glass.

  She looked at Lin Yao, who was wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, trotting towards the door, her whole body was full of youthful breath, like a sixteen-year-old girl, she was slightly taken aback, and then smiled.


  Lin Yao returned home with the joy of getting off work.

   But as soon as I stepped into the house, the joy disappeared.

  Mainly... She found that she didn't seem to have anything to do...

  The original owner has friends, and they seem to be quite good friends, but the friends are not in the same city, and besides, Lin Yao is not ready to face the previous interpersonal relationship.

   And she just arrived here, and she hasn't accepted the entertainment here yet, and she doesn't know what to do.

  So the fun of getting off work was quickly taken up by emptiness.

open the door.

  Lin Yao changed her shoes, then collapsed on the sofa, not knowing what to do...


   Suddenly there was a meow.


  Lin Yao turned her head slightly, and glanced at it lazily.

  In the morning, the gray and white puppet cat called out softly to him, with sapphire-like pupils, it looked at her faintly again.

   One person, one cat, four eyes facing each other.

  Lin Yao hasn't reacted yet.

  The puppet cat just jumped onto her flat belly, and then walked a few steps forward, pressing a pair of short legs on her chest...and sinking in slightly.


  Originally, this was just an ordinary gesture of intimacy for the puppet cat.

   But the girl seemed to be very uncomfortable, as if getting an electric shock, she immediately slapped the cat on her lap.

  The puppet cat was frightened, jumped down, rolled numbly, then looked up at her eagerly.

"Depend on."

  Lin Yao sat up abruptly, clutching her chest, blushing slightly, staring at the cat on the floor.

   Then leaned down and was about to rub its cat's head angrily.

  The cat seemed to sense the murderous intent, and ran away instantly.

  Lin Yao didn't go after her, she put down her hand on her chest, leaned back on the sofa, and sighed.

  What the **** are you doing?

   Forget it... let's go for a run.

  I felt tired just after jogging to the station, and my body was too weak.

   Just do what you say.

  Lin Yao sat up, tied her messy hair into a high ponytail, and went to the bathroom to change her clothes.

After a few minutes.

  She put on a pair of cool shorts, revealing a pair of white round thighs, and walked out of the bathroom. After a little discomfort, she turned around, put on her earphones, went to the entrance to change into shoes suitable for running, and walked out of the house.

open the door.

  Feeling the oncoming heat wave.

  Lin Yao lifted her temple hair, put on her earphones, and looked ahead with confidence.

   She thinks she could run for a day!

  … Twenty minutes later.

   "Ha... ha... ha... I... what kind of physical strength..."

  Lin Yao panted heavily, almost crawling through the door.

   One in.

  She collapsed on the floor, dripping with sweat, and the T-shirt on her body stuck to her exquisite snowy body because of the sweat, which undoubtedly revealed her graceful and upright figure.

   She ran less than 2,000 meters, and she became like this.

no way.

  The body is too weak.


  The gray and white ragdoll cat heard the sound and came again.

  She came to Lin Yao with graceful steps, called out to him softly, lowered her little head, and gently sniffed Lin Yao's flank.

"Ha ha!"

  Lin Yao remained motionless. When the cat approached, she reached out to grab it, grabbed it, and lifted it high in the air.


  The puppet cat was grabbed by its forelegs, with its face on its side, looking at Lin Yao below.

  Lin Yao looked at it, managed to calm her breath, and smiled cutely: "What are you looking at, change it for me! Make me four dishes and one soup!"

   "Meow~" The puppet cat shook its head and meowed again, whether it was incomprehensible or disdainful.

   "Ah, do you dislike me..."

  Lin Yao wanted to say something else, but Mao Mao's patience was exhausted, and she began to struggle.

   She can only let it go.

   As soon as the puppet cat was put down, it ran away as if fleeing.

  Lin Yao looked at the ceiling again, putting away the smile on her face.

  She turned sideways slowly, closed her eyes, and continued to breathe calmly.


  After Lin Yao took a bath, Maomao didn't make four dishes and one soup for her, so she had to do it herself.

  She lives with her elder sister named Lin Xi, but the relationship between the two doesn't seem to be good.

   And Lin Xi who cooks comes back late at night, so Lin Yao usually orders takeaway at night.

   But today might be too boring, Lin Yao didn't want to order takeaway, so she put on an apron and made herself four dishes and one soup.

  The process is not difficult, and she can still cook simple home-cooked dishes.

   After eating.

  Lin Yao put away the meal for another person, wrote a note and pressed it on the table, then clapped her hands, showing a done expression.


  Washing the dishes, playing on the phone on the sofa, trying to make tea, chasing the cat.

  Lin Yao was alone looking for simple pleasures in a small room.

   Then at eleven o'clock, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, then turned off the lights and went upstairs to my room.

  Turn on the air conditioner and lift off the thin quilt.

  Lie down on a familiar but strange bed.

  By taking advantage of the moonlight coming in from the window, Lin Yao stared at the ceiling with a pair of beautiful eyes, motionless.

   Time passed slowly.

  The room was silent.

   Another person in the family has not returned.

very quiet.


  Lin Yao pursed her lips, suddenly grabbed the thin quilt on her body, covered her head, and turned sideways.

   Although she wants to find something to do.

  Although she wants to enrich herself.

   Although she wants to accept the status quo.

   But sure enough...

so boring.

never mind.

  Let’s write out the plan tomorrow.

   There is nothing to do anyway.


  The moment Lin Yao made up her mind.

  The progress bar jumped forward suddenly.

  【Bringing the game "Fantasy OL" back to life, progress: 1%】

   At the same time, there is a dim mind icon in the lower left corner of the progress bar.


   early morning.

   It's past twelve o'clock.

  Lin Yao's house.

  The door on the first floor was gently opened.

  A woman with a slightly tired expression came in,

  She closed the door gently, then turned around, changed her shoes, and walked into the house.


  The light in the living room is turned on.

   The puppet cat lying in the corner looked up at the woman, licked its forelimbs, and lay down again.

  Soft light hits the woman.

  She raised her snow-white chin slightly, looked upstairs, pursed her lips, untied her hair, and walked slowly towards the kitchen.

  The scattered strands of hair slipped down, covering her delicate facial features.

  Actually, putting aside their similar faces, it is really hard to believe that she and Lin Yao are sisters just by looking at their temperament.

  She herself sometimes doesn't believe it.

  After all, their personalities are too different, and they are like enemies...


  The woman suddenly stopped in front of the dining table. After a moment of hesitation, she reached out and picked up the note on the table.

  【Working hard, the food is in the refrigerator, you can eat it after heating it up, I made it, my sister—Lin Yaoliu】


  Lin Xi squeezed the note tightly with his fingers slightly.

  (end of this chapter)