MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 637 all over

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  Chapter 637 is all over

   The introduction of "Death by Daylight" is over.

at the same time.

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng finally reacted.

  He watched the main view of the game appear, and saw the scene of countless evil spirits gathering together.

   Then, whispered the word Wang Mang said just now: "Asymmetric confrontation..."

   Can't believe it.

   Surprised and uncertain.

  In the past twenty minutes, his mood was really like riding a roller coaster...


  He thought he had seen clearly the purpose of Linmu Studio. In fact, the second game announced at the meeting in the afternoon was indeed as he expected, requiring the cooperation of multiple people...

  At least when the player plays the role of a survivor, multiplayer cooperation is required.

  But... this is completely different from the game he imagined!

  How can this be transplanted into a mobile game?

   Isn’t this to pave the way for mobile games?

   And while he was confused...

  When he heard Wang Mang introduce this game, he spit out a very fresh word - 'asymmetric confrontation'.

that moment.

  Mu Feng suddenly realized, and then smiled bitterly.

  He thinks he is too self-righteous...

  Linmu Studio is here to pay tribute to classics and launch new games...


   They also created a new game genre…

  Asymmetric confrontation.

  The two camps have different strengths, and they are fighting wits and courage.



  Mou Fengsheng had the same idea as Li Yu.


  He is a professional after all, so he reacted earlier than Li Yu.

its not right.

  Asymmetric confrontation...Asymmetric confrontation...

   Although the word is very fresh.

   But when you think about it carefully, this is not a new way of playing.

   I won’t say anything else.

   Bio mode in Breakout.

  The mercenary camp and the zombie camp are not symmetrical.

  Although it is difficult to tell which side is stronger, most players prefer the mercenary camp.

   But there is indeed a difference in strength between the two sides.

   And follow this line of thought.

   Replace the zombies with the evil spirits in "Dead by Daylight", and replace the mercenaries with the survivors in "Dead by Daylight"...

   Isn't it the same?

   It's just that the mercenaries have no weapons, and their goal has become escape.

  The zombies have become stronger, and the target of infecting others has become a sacrificial survivor...


  When Mou Feng thought of this, his expression became even weirder.

  Thinking about it this way, it is really too much to say that "Dead by Daylight" has created a new game type.


  Why am I so surprised?

  Why was I shocked by the game "Death by Daylight"?

   Not only myself.

  Mou Feng looked at the live broadcast room while thinking.

  He looked at the real-time comments that were still popping up, and at the special effects of gifts that kept popping up in the live broadcast room.


   Slowly moved his gaze to the playback window.

  He thought about how he felt when he saw Michael Myers on stage for the first time...

as well as.

  When many twisted and crazy creatures appear in the promotional video one by one, they use various means to hunt and kill the survivors to prevent them from escaping.

  The survivors are like the protagonist in the Hack and Slash movie. While enduring the horror sound effects, they are anxiously repairing the generator and looking for a chance to escape...

this moment.

  Mou Feng understood.

  Asymmetric confrontation.

   This concept is indeed not new.

   But rare.

  After deconstructing and reorganizing this gameplay, Linmu Studio put on an extremely trendy shell...chasing and escaping.

   Actually in essence.

   Overcooked and Dead by Daylight are the same.

The former is a reconstruction of the cooperative game. Instead of doing those poorly made themes, it presents cooking, a daily routine that most players will come into contact with, in the form of games, and then adds a cute and casual style of painting. , easy and simple gameplay.

   In the end, it turned into an eye-catching game.

   This game lets players know that... co-op games aren't just about fighting and fighting.

   And cooking together!

  And "Death by Daylight" went to the other extreme.

   That is asymmetric confrontation!

   Mercenaries and zombies are indeed asymmetric confrontation.

   But Linmu Studio is obviously not satisfied with this, they brought up more representative and contrasting characters.

   That is the killer and survivor in horror movies...

   Then, the concept of hunting and cooperative escape was added...

  The history of horror films is really too long.

  The reason why this type of work can last for a long time is because most people like it very much.

  Most players have more or less been exposed to similar works.

   It doesn't need to be said by others.

  They knew the relationship between the killer and the survivor.

  So after a simple explanation, they can understand and accept the gameplay of the game without threshold.

  The artist design and atmosphere creation of Linmu Studio are really too strong...

  Evil spirits with different shapes, twisted and crazy; performances and music when chasing and being hunted; design of various maps and control of the atmosphere...

  Let’s not talk about anything else.

  Even Mou Feng himself was overwhelmed by the appearance of the evil spirit at the beginning.

  Because the atmosphere was created really well.

  If he is like this, let alone other people.

in addition.

  Although the advantages of the game "Death by Daylight" are not uncommon in excellent horror works.

  However, this does not include the carrier of the game!

   Not to mention that there are so many distinct killers!

   Players can play various killers in the game, or frightened survivors...

  Just thinking about it.

   is enough to make players have a sense of anticipation to break through the sky...

  Because this is a new way of playing a ship that players have never played before! !

   "Trendy...Trendy...So it's such a trendy way!"

  Mou Feng thought of this, looked at the screen again, and said helplessly: "What the hell, do you really work hard every year? Are you sure you won't run out of inspiration? Release new games like this!?"


  【Forest Carnival's Trendy Meeting is over! Two new games were announced again on the spot! Overcrowded Multiplayer Casual Game! Multiplayer cooperative asymmetric confrontation game "Death by Daylight"! 】

at the same time.

  As soon as the meeting is over.

   On the player forum, the reprinted official post appeared immediately, and was directly pinned to the top by the administrator.

  All players who want to participate in the discussion after watching the meetup will be able to see the post as soon as they enter the forum.

   And thanks to the meeting, the impression left on the audience is too deep... plus the forum administrator is fast enough.

  So as soon as the post was posted, the popularity exploded.

   And over time.

  The number of replies is getting higher and higher, higher and higher...

   "Fuck! Linmu Studio can always come up with some new tricks! Play evil spirits and survivors! Asymmetric confrontation! Awesome!"

   ""Death by Daylight" scared me to death! But I really want to play!!"

  “After the announcement of Overcooked Kitchen, I thought it would be a similar cooperative game like this morning.

   Well, the next game does have a cooperative element, but the first one is a man in a mask... You really never know what game Linmu Studio will announce! "

   "The production ability of Linmu Studio... is really too strong! You really have to admire them, what is the name of the piano solo at the beginning? It really made my goosebumps come out as soon as it rang!

   Is this tm a game company? And those dozen evil spirits! Nima is even more outrageous, why are all of them so bright! All of them make people feel uncomfortable from the bottom of their hearts! Just one or two! More than a dozen! A company! What did the production staff of Linmu Studio do before making games! "

"Actually, some evil spirits can be seen, borrowing from the horror legends in some regions, and even... there is a direct linkage, the bloodthirsty witch Catherine! This is really too classic! I finally know what the forest studio is doing with so many copyrights, Linmu Studio is going to try linkage in traditional games!"

   "Is it just a few that are borrowed? Most of the others are original, which is already terrifying, in various senses."

   "Strong, really strong, the atmosphere creation really kills most horror movies in seconds, it's really great!"

   ""Overcooked Kitchen" and "Death by Daylight", a simple summary is that family fun and children should not play... You really have it, Linmu Studio!"

   "Look! The announcement materials of the four games have been released!"


  The discussion among the players ushered in a wave of peaks at the end of the meeting.

   Then again half an hour later.

   Stopped abruptly.

  Because Linmu Studio released all the promotional videos of the four games today, and released more supplementary materials, such as the original art manuscript of "Death by Daylight".

   This is to make the game second fermentation.

   And do it.

  The effect is really good.

  With the official accounts of the social media in various regions of Linmu Studio, the promotional videos of today's four games are released.

  The popularity of the game has reached another level immediately.

   Mainly players from Europe and the United States, and they all know that there is such a new game.

  The time of the Forest Carnival, or more precisely, the meeting will announce the time of the game.

   For domestic players, it is normal.

  But for European and American players, it’s hell...

   And it is impossible for Linmu Studio to hold a carnival at the expense of the interests of domestic players for the sake of the players there, so we can only suffer for them.

  The game announcement time of the underworld.

   As a result, it is impossible for many European and American players to insist on seeing the game announcement.

   And this time.

   It is necessary for the game media and Linmu Studio to create momentum.

   As for the effect.

  The latter is definitely better than the former.

  Because of the current popularity of Linmu Studio, it is indeed high... and compared to the game media, Linmu Studio can also release exclusive content.

  So Linmu Studio just released promotional materials for four new games in the evening.

   Over there.

  Most of the player communities in Europe and the United States have related discussions...


  The heat starts to ferment.

   Speak up.

   When it comes to side-scrolling clearance games, the memory of European and American players is actually deeper than that of domestic players.

  As for Tongle's multiplayer cooperative game.

   Half of the total sales of Switch are contributed by players from Europe and the United States... It is conceivable that they love this type of game.

   This is not to mention games like "Death by Daylight".

  Killer and survivor, hunt and be hunted, asymmetric confrontation...

  This is almost every point, stepping on the sensitive parts of European and American players...

  Countless players were short of breath and blushed after watching the game promotional video.

  Especially when all kinds of evil spirits are extremely oppressive, a strange hodgepodge of East and West, appearing one after another.

   Some game editors couldn't help but waved their fists and shouted 'cool'!

   And the external version of the promotional video that Linmu Studio put on the video website also made it onto the hot list that night.

   And in just two hours.

   There are millions of likes!

  The joys and sorrows of the players are even connected at this moment.

  Because for most players... this game is really cool.

   "My God, this is so cool! I won't comment on the gameplay because I haven't played it yet, but the creation of the evil spirit really reminds me of the memories of watching horror movies under the covers."

   "It's a feast, a feast for horror lovers!"

   "It's so cool! This is the horror game I've seen with the closest atmosphere to a movie."

  “The promotional video is very good, I don’t know how the game is, but I’m going to buy it, because I think it will be very interesting, and it will be more interesting if I play it with friends.”

   "I've decided, I'm going to stay up late to watch the Forest Carnival! Their games are really different every year!"


  The evaluation of overseas players is similar to that of domestic players.


   "Dead by Daylight" has horror elements after all, and not all players can accept it.

   But Linmu Studios did not announce more than one game.

  The other three games also have features in various aspects, and they are also very good.

  "Death by Daylight" was the biggest hit.

   But it is also equivalent to becoming an introduction. The topic is strong enough, and it is easy to make some players who cannot accept horror elements, but really think it is good, pay attention to the other three games...

   In short.

   Of the four games announced at the Forest Carnival today, two of them have blossomed overseas.


   That evening.

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao met Wang Mang and Zhang Tian who had just rushed over from the carnival.

   Some wry smile.

  The two came to ask her what she thought...

   As for what to watch.

  Of course it depends on their performance at the meeting.

  They seem a little worried.

   And Lin Yao's solution is also simple, she directly asked the two people in charge of the carnival meeting for the first time to read the player's evaluation...

  The two picked up their phones nervously.

   Then, in the conference room.

   Immediately, the suppressed laughter of Zhang Tian and Wang Mang sounded...

  Seeing this scene, Lin Yao shook her head helplessly, and quietly walked out the door.

   And a go out.

  She happened to see Zhong Xiu passing by with a glass of water...

  When Zhong Xiu saw Lin Yao's figure, he froze immediately.

"How about it?"

  Lin Yao looked at Zhong Xiu, and asked with a sweet smile.

   " is it?" Zhong Xiu looked at Lin Yao, although he was asking something, but his expression obviously knew what Lin Yao was asking.

   "I just said, it won't have much impact if I don't appear on the stage, right?"

Lin Yao flicked her ponytail lightly, then her beautiful eyes slowly moved upwards, looking at Zhong Xiu's hair left on both sides: "Have you seen it now? Once the new game is announced, the situation will be exactly the same as last Should have seen it?"


  Zhong Xiu hesitated for a moment, and said decisively: "I didn't see it!"

   "Then you can watch it now."

  Lin Yao pointed to the door of the conference room behind her: "It happens that Zhang Tian and Wang Mang are watching, you can join us, and then... You seem to have made a bet with me?"

  She has a big smile on her face...she looks happy.


  Seeing the smile on Lin Yao's pretty goose egg face.

  Zhong Xiu seemed to feel the coolness in his hair, and his knees softened instantly.

   But he still held on, staggering and standing still: "It's not yet time! Players are only temporarily blinded by fantasy and new games!

   They still have hope! At the same time, "Dead by Daylight" is too topical! Those evil spirits you designed, no one can say anything awesome after seeing them! How could players have the energy to focus on other things in this situation!

  I haven't lost yet! You look at it! When the closing ceremony is over, players will prefer not to have a new game, and they will want you to come out! At least domestic players think so! "

  He is like a lost dog who has lost all his wife and children, but still refuses to accept the reality.

  The final resistance is going on.

  Lin Yao smiled narrowly: "Didn't you just read the reviews of several new games today?"

   "Just remembered!"

  Zhong Xiu was stunned for a moment, then replied loudly.


  Lin Yao was in a good mood and didn't bother to argue with him: "Then wait until the closing ceremony is over before ending the bet, but it's pointless to hold back..."

  Zhong Xiu insisted: "What kind of stubborn resistance! I haven't lost yet!"

   "You really think that?"

  Lin Yao tilted her head.

   "Really!" Zhong Xiu nodded seriously.

   "Okay, but let me remind you one last thing."

  Lin Yao smiled suddenly, turned around and walked to her office, and said, "You are the host of the last meet and greet in the carnival. I don't think players will give up such a game just for one person."


  Zhong Xiu heard this.

   Startled slightly.

   Then he suddenly remembered, what will be announced at the last meeting of this year's carnival...


   His knees are weak again.

  I can't hold on any longer.

   Kneeled on the ground on one knee, put down the cup, put his hands on the ground, and wailed: "It's all over!"


  Wang Mang and Zhang Tian in the conference room pushed the door out, and saw Zhong Xiu kneeling down and whining like a defeated dog.

  The two of them looked confused.


   It was Wang Mang who spoke first, and asked carefully.

   "Director Zhong... what are you doing?"

   "Have you ever experienced the feeling of losing everything?" Zhong Xiu raised his head and asked sadly.

   Zhang Tian and Wang Mang looked at each other, then shook their heads together.


   "But I just went through it."

  Zhong Xiu hugged his head, stroked his hair, and wailed again: "It's all over."

  Wang Mang: "..."

  Zhang Tian: "..."


the other side.


  Lin Yao seemed to hear the voice from Zhong Xiu.

  Holding back her laughter, she quickly trotted to the door of her office, went in and closed the door, and immediately burst out laughing.

  The girl in black silk glasses who was watering the flowers in the meeting room heard the sound and turned her head away with a puzzled expression.

   "Lin Yao...uh..."

   She was about to ask what happened.

  Lin Yao took a step forward and hugged her directly.

  Mu Wanqing let out a muffled snort, and hugged Lin Yao's slender waist somewhat dumbfoundedly, until she barely stopped smiling, and then asked gently, "What's the matter?"

   "I just won a man's hair."

  Lin Yao was short of breath, but still smiled brightly at her.

   "Hair... oh, Jong Soo's?"

  Mu Wanqing was still a little puzzled, and subconsciously wanted to continue asking.

  But as she was talking, she suddenly thought of Zhong Xiu, and instantly understood.


  Lin Yao breathed a sigh of relief, then let go of Mu Wanqing's waist, took a step back, and gently pulled the thin sweater on her body.

   Still feeling a little hot, he grabbed the hem of the sweater and took off the outer thin sweater.

   Showing a proud figure wearing a long-sleeved bottoming shirt underneath.

  There are always a few days in spring.


   Wearing one piece is a bit cold, but two pieces are a bit much.

   "Because of that bet?" Mu Wanqing naturally took Lin Yao's sweater, then blinked, and continued to ask.


  Lin Yao untied her ponytail and let her long, smooth hair drape over her shoulders. At the same time, she continued: "I'm sure I'll win."

   "..." Mu Wanqing didn't speak.

   "Why? Do you also think that after the closing ceremony, the players will force me to show up?"

  Lin Yao plucked the soft long hair on her shoulders, and noticed Mu Wanqing's expression.

"Hard to say."

  Mu Wanqing thought about it, and gave an ambiguous answer: "I can only say... Fortunately, your bet is to add the protagonist of Zhong Xiu's favorite work to the "Ready Player One" project."

   "That's right."

  Lin Yao was a little funny: "I don't even know what you guys think, I'm really not that important."

As she spoke, she walked to her seat, pulled out a chair and sat down, and continued: "This can be seen from the four new games revealed at today's meeting. As long as the game is good enough, it will be good for players. Say, everything else is secondary..."

   Say it.

  Lin Yao held the mouse and woke up her computer screen.

on the screen.

   It still stays on the homepage of the player community.

   As for the top posts, there was only one other than the rules posts for the division, and it was the post that was reprinted from the afternoon meeting to announce the game.

   This is also the post with the most replies during this period.

   It's almost fifty thousand.

  Lin Yao looked at the post and smiled slightly.

   Seeing the touching smile on Lin Yao's face, Mu Wanqing stopped talking, but hugged her sweater in her arms, and shook her head helplessly.

   So many years.

  She still didn't recognize herself...

the other side.

  Lin Yao didn't notice Mu Wanqing's expression, but refreshed the forum, ready to check out any interesting posts for the last time, and after reading it, she planned to get off work and go home.

   After refreshing.

   I really found an interesting post for her.

  Still a post in the top section...

  【The characters in "Death by Daylight" were also drawn by Lin Yao! 】

   Headings are as simple as that.

  Lin Yao went in curiously.


  She just realized that this is an analysis post...

  Linmu Studio has just released some of the setting drafts of "Dead by Daylight".

  This player has already analyzed these manuscripts.

   not only gave an extremely high evaluation.

  Through the brushstrokes and various painting habits, as well as the comparison with the original manuscripts of some previous works, I came to a conclusion, that is—this is also written by Lin Yao.

  Let's not talk about other people.

  Lin Yao looked a little confused...

  Because of some of the painting habits mentioned in it, in fact, some of them were not noticed by her.

  But the other party is so precious...


  Lin Yao remembers.

  It's been less than an hour since Linmu Studio released some of the setting drafts of "Death by Daylight", right?

  Lin Yao thought of this, hesitated for a moment, slowly rolled the mouse wheel, and pulled it down.

   Want to see the comment area.

  She thought that she would see words that praised the detail of the host or the design manuscript.


The reply with the most likes on the post was—"Sure enough, it's Lin Yao! I knew it! It's really great! She is the soul of Linmu Studio! In addition, I always feel that the twisted and crazy characters designed by beautiful girls are even more impressive. Excited!!

  Like a sick girl who is reluctant to let the player leave, she wants to keep the player's heart, so she does everything she can to scare the player into curling up in bed and dare not move, hehehe..."

  Lin Yao: "...?"

  This thing... has the highest praise?

  (end of this chapter)