MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 667 New Year's gift for players at the end of the year

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  Chapter 667 New Year’s gift for players at the end of the year

  Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste like.

   This line is used to describe Mou Feng's mood after opening the forum, and it really couldn't be more appropriate.


  This can also be used to describe the mood of the players.

  Because they will never know what kind of surprises will be waiting for them when they open the Vaporwavey game platform the next day, open the official website of Linmu Studio, and open the game forum.

   Tan Hua got up in the morning and opened the player forum as usual. He just wanted to pass the time, see what interesting things happened, and sleep in bed for a while.

   Just like football spectators will check the major football apps after the game, just to see what fun they have.

  Tan Hua opened the forum just to see what interesting things happened to the sand sculpture players, or if there are any new pictures...

   Under normal circumstances, no matter what kind of game forum it is, the posts are quite complicated.

  He always has a good time.

   As for the unusual situation... that is, something big happened in the game industry, or a popular game was released.

   At this time, most posts will discuss the same topic.

   At this time, it takes a little effort to find fun.


   The heat of "Left 4 Dead" has passed.

   Before Tan Hua opened the 'Game Circle' software, he didn't think he would see a screen full of posts.

   But life is always unexpected.

  Today, he really saw a screen full of posts...

  【Fuck! ? 】【Damn it! Forest Studio! ? 】【Damn it! Assassin's Creed! 】

  Although the specific content is a bit different, almost all posts are preceded by a word expressing shock.

   It can be called a piece of 'fucking sound'.

  Let's not talk about Shitu, he couldn't even find a fun post.

   Seeing this situation, Tan Hua was stunned, and always felt that this seemed to be similar...

  When "Left 4 Dead" was announced suddenly, isn't this the scene?

   Nothing more.

  This post seems to have nothing to do with the popular "Left 4 Dead" some time ago...

   What happened here? Sand sculpture players are so excited?

   Tan Hua looked at the screen full of shit, a little amused, then clicked on one at random, and after a glance, his eyes widened suddenly.

   Then he quickly closed and opened a new post.

   Swiped and sat up from the bed.

  He already knew what was going on.

  Because the sand sculpture players were amazed, and told all the news they knew like pouring beans.

   But even knowing what happened, Tan Hua still finds it incredible.

   One month! ?

   There is a new game! ?

   Is it the first-party masterpiece of Linmu Studio!? What a sow speed! ?

  He flipped through the post for a while, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

   Lifting the quilt, he got up from the bed directly, and then came to the computer, intending to see is believing.


   His computer wakes up.

   And he didn't stop for a moment, and directly opened the Vaporwavey game platform.


   There was no need for him to find news about the new game. He saw the huge promotional image of the new game on the homepage of the Vaporwavey game platform.

  【Walking in the dark night, serving the light】

  【"Assassin's Creed" (Assassin's Creed)】

   The first thing that catches the eye is the golden logo and the game name, as well as a line of words similar to a promotional slogan.

  Then is the main body of the entire promotional image.

  It was a man wearing a white robe with a red ribbon, a hood on his head, and a delicate hidden sword extending from the wrist of his left clenched fist.

   Although the hood covers his eyes.

  But the player seems to be able to feel his sight.


  Tan Hua's first impression is that he is handsome!

  Whether it's the promotional image, the game name, or the phrase "walk in the dark night, serve the light", there is an inexplicable sense of handsomeness.

  The combination of all these instantly aroused Tan Hua's curiosity.

  Even if he didn't go to the forum, he probably couldn't help but click on such a promotional picture.

   In fact.

  He clicked in immediately.

  The store details page of the game popped up.

   It really is a new game!

   As for the landing platform.

  Tan Hua glanced at the screenshot of the game and knew that it couldn't be a mobile game.

  So he directly pulled to the front, and then clicked on the promotional video of this game...


  The screen flickers for a while.

   It's like traveling through time and space.

  Then, the historic city whose architecture is full of Middle Eastern style appears in the picture.

  The camera overlooks the city that has just experienced war, and then slowly moves forward.

  The square in front of the bell tower.

   On the crude execution ground.

  A leader strutted about on the stage, announcing the crimes of the hanged people on the stage, while the audience in the audience was excited.


  The lens changes slowly, collapsing and rotating into jet-black eagle eyes.

  A white eagle looked down at the scene below and tilted its head.

   Then he flapped his wings and flew high towards the opposite clock tower.

  He passed by the brazen soldiers below, the corpses hanging from the railing, and the excited audience, leaving only a small shadow.

   Nobody noticed it.

   Similarly, no one noticed that in the direction of the white eagle, on the top of the bell tower opposite the execution ground, there was a man in a white robe and a hood standing at the moment.

  He was like a white eagle just now, overlooking the execution ground below.



  The big clock on the bell tower swings and makes a tremor.

   overshadowed the man in the white robe.

  Wait for the big clock to fall back and make a second tremor.

  The man in the white robe has disappeared.

   Like a ghost.

  Next scene.

  He appeared directly behind the excited crowd.

  He calmly pushed away the crowd blocking the way, then flexibly dodged left and right, and slowly walked to the front of the execution ground.

  He walked faster and faster, faster and faster.


   has come to the front of the execution ground.


  On the bell tower, the big clock is still swinging and ringing.

   While the bell was ringing, a man in a white robe came to the execution ground. He raised his right hand, took off the bow and crossbow he was carrying, and killed the guard who noticed him and drew his sword with one arrow.

   Then he fell back, dodging another guard's slash, and knocked him to the ground.


  He stepped on the back of the guard who fell to the ground, leaped high, like an eagle spreading its wings, and raised his left hand.


   Hidden Blade pops out.

  Under the sun, the sword's edge was shining brightly, facing the leader who was still showing off his might just now.

  The leader subconsciously wanted to pull out the sword from his waist.

   But too slow.


   Next second.

  The white-robed man landed on the ground, his right hand pressed the leader's head, and his left hand pierced the Hidden Blade into the opponent's neck.


  The big clock is still swinging.

   On the execution ground, the leader who had just flaunted his might fell to the ground with a bang, and the white-robed man knelt on top of him, slowly pulled out the Hidden Sword from his neck, and brushed his other hand over his face, letting him rest in peace.

  The audience, who were excited just now, stopped their movements in an instant and fell silent.

   Just staring blankly at everything that happened on Xingtai.

   Next second.

  The white-robed man realized something, looked back, stood up and moved forward, dodging the second attack of the fallen guard.

   Then he rushed to the street connected to the square without looking back.

  The guards who reacted followed closely behind.

  The promotional video suddenly becomes the first-person perspective.

  The man in the white robe nimbly avoided obstacles and pedestrians, moved around, and with the help of a small platform, jumped up to a high place.

  He jumps and jumps between tall buildings.

  The movements are stretched, as if walking on flat ground.

   And wait for him to land again.

  He came to a simple, heavy and closed wooden door, and there seemed to be no way out.

  The guards chasing after him have also surrounded him.

   But his expression didn't change at all, he just turned around slowly, facing the guards who surrounded him.

   And at this moment.

  The wooden door behind him suddenly opened.

  The monk, also wearing a white robe, slowly walked out from the door.

  They bypassed the white-robed man blocking the door, and gave him a strange look.

  The man in the white robe still didn't change his expression.

   Just look ahead.

   Next second.

   When the monk shaded his figure.

  He disappeared directly in place, among the monks.

   Only the monks who kept coming out were left on the scene, and the guards who started to look for him.

  The camera slowly rises into the sky.


  Below the bell.

  The white eagle passed over the city that had just experienced war again, looking down at all the living beings below.

   Just assassins.

   is gone.

   Then, the name of the game appeared—

"Assassin's Creed"!


   "Damn it... this is so handsome!!"

   In front of the screen.

   Tan Hua concentrated on watching the promotional video. After watching it, his only impression is that he is handsome!

   So handsome!

  Whether it's assassination, parkour, or the last hidden among the monks.

  Agility and proficiency in stealth.

   Leap high and kill with one hit.

   After killing the target neatly, he brushed off his clothes and hid himself deeply.

   This is really cool!

  After reading it, he even came up with an idea—this tm is called assassination, this tm is called assassin!

  You don't care how the gameplay is.

   After watching the promotional video.


   Tan Hua was moved.


have to say.

  Ubisoft really has a way of making promotional videos.

  Especially the promo for Assassin's Creed.

   The promotional video of the Assassin's Creed generation is still relatively unknown.

Lin Yao’s deepest impression, and most players’ deepest impression, should be the CG of "Assassin's Creed: Revolution" capturing the Bastille, and "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" Ezio dressed in white and walked through the red The CG between the clothes.

   These are the heavyweights.

  Although...the follow-up was said to be a scam.

   But in terms of being handsome, Ubisoft is really not bad.

  The first generation CG of "Assassin's Creed" is actually very handsome.

  And Linmu Studio almost completely reset this CG, greatly changing the lens with obvious era limitations.

   It is not surprising that Tan Hua thinks he is handsome.


  Many players couldn't calm down for a long time after watching the promotional video.

   Tan Hua even re-watched it again.

  Although I know the content.

   But when he saw Altaïr jumping high again, the words handsome and buy kept popping up in his mind... alternately.


  After watching the promotional video three times.

  Tan Hua turned off the promotional video without further ado.

   Pull down the store details page, ready to see the introduction of the game.

  【During the dark period of the Crusades in the Middle Ages of Europe, the rulers at that time ruled the people with high pressure to kill dissidents, and the people suffered unspeakably.

The player will play the role of Altaïr, a white-clothed assassin with superb skills, who shuttles between the three historical cities of Damascus, Jerusalem, and Acre. His superb killing skills have never disappeared without a trace, and he specializes in assassinating the brutal ruling class. Eradicating **** and eradicating evil will also become the 'Assassin's Creed' that players abide by...]

   The game introduction is not complicated.

   It can even be said to be very simple.

   After all, gameplay and the like cannot be expressed in words.


  Through this simple introduction, combined with the pictures in the promotional video just now.

   Tan Hua can already imagine how the game will be played.

  Assassination! Parkour!

   It turned out to be a rare stealth and assassination theme game!

  A stealth and assassination theme game made by Linmu Studio!

  Damn it!

  Tan Hua was shocked, this topic is not considered popular now...

  And Tan Hua has played games with similar themes before, to be honest, the experience is not good...


  I thought that this game was made by Linmu Studio! Then think of the promotional video that was so handsome just now.

   Tan Hua's deepest worries dissipated in an instant.

   "So, when will such a game be available?"

   Tan Hua has a general understanding of the complete game, and finally pays attention to the very important release date of the game that he just ignored.

   And deep down in his heart, he felt that it would be great if this game could be played in February next year, after all, "Left 4 Dead" had just been released.

   So when he sees the date on the buy button.

   He took a deep breath.

   "December 31!? The last day of this year!?"

  Tan Hua checked again and again, and after finally confirming that he read it correctly, he murmured: "Is this a New Year's gift? Lin Yao, are you really an angel!?"



  Tan Hua’s feelings after watching the promotional video can represent the vast majority of players.

   Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many ‘fucking’ posts in the forum.

  After the announcement of "Assassin's Creed", the major forums that mainly discuss stand-alone games ushered in another day of explosion today.

   It has not been a month since the release of "Left 4 Dead".

  The second much-anticipated stand-alone game is coming again.

   And most importantly.

   This game will still be released within the year.

  This is really unexpected!

  So the major game forums really have everything to say.

  【So handsome! The new game of Linmu Studio is really cool! You never know what kind of games Linmu Studio will make and what kind of surprises it will give players, you can always have expectations for them! 】

  【It will be released within this year! Is Linmu Studio preparing a New Year's gift for everyone? I cried! It turned out that not only the communication service provider but also Linmu Studio were concerned about me. 】

  【Promotional video! Everyone, hurry up and watch the promotional video, Linmu Studio has made another big move! 】

  【Walking in the dark night, serving the light... Assassin's character instantly stood up, I have a showdown, I want to play! 】

  【"Left 4 Dead" is only a few days away from the release, and Linmu Studio has released a new stand-alone game...Happiness came too suddenly! 】


  These miscellaneous posts together form the background of today's major game forums.

  And this is exactly what Mou Feng saw.

  He also never expected that Linmu Studio... would suddenly announce a new stand-alone game at this time point, shortly after "Left 4 Dead" was released.

"Assassin's Creed"…

  When he saw the grand occasion of the forum, his instinct was normal, so he immediately stopped Li Guangsheng.

   After Li Guangsheng was stunned, he reacted and returned to Mou Feng's side.


   The two looked at the screen together.

   were all silent.

   His complexion was as ugly as if he had eaten poop.

Li Guangsheng experienced a wave of ups and downs in just a few minutes, and he was really uncomfortable: "What the **** do they want to do? How long has it been since "Left 4 Dead" was released! This new game is coming out!? It's still a mess So handsome! How can a game company be so prolific! How many games are they still working on internally? The tm sows aren't that exaggerated!"

   "I don't know...but just have to wait."

  Mou Feng has also watched the promotional video of "Assassin's Creed" at this moment, and his face is also a little ugly.


   In addition to being ugly, there is also a deep sense of admiration.

  Because after learning about this newly announced game by Linmu Studio.

   He had to admit.

  Everything about this game is cool!

   Really handsome!

   "Wait!?" Li Guangsheng raised his voice when he heard this, "How long will we have to wait?"

   "After this game is released."

Mou Feng sighed, feeling a little helpless: "You have also watched the situation on the forum just now and the promotional video of "Assassin's Creed", are you sure we want to jump out with such a game? It can be possible, but it really can't achieve benefits To maximize, traditional players will not pay attention to our mobile game, let alone make them feel that our mobile game can compete with Linmu Studio's "Climb to the Top".

  The only thing we can do now is to wait. As for when we have to wait, wait for the game to be released, and wait for the limelight to pass. It is impossible for Linmu Studio to continue..."

   Talking and talking.

   Mou Feng suddenly got stuck.

  He looked at his computer screen, and then thought of the "Left 4 Dead" that was released some time ago, and the "Assassin's Creed" that was just released today, and suddenly shuddered.


   It's not going to...just get started! ?

impossible! ?

  (end of this chapter)