MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 114 Jiujiu one

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The war with the Zerg has continued for a long time, and the genetic modification fluid for Ye Zhizhou has been developed from x2 to x3.

[Dan Gault's love for the protagonist has dropped to 0%, and the eighth soul flag has been removed. Is this world mission completed, and will it enter the next world? ]

Ye Zhizhou stunned, then chose a negation in his heart and picked up the communicator.

The special ringtone sounded at the first time, he quickly connected, looked at the pop-up communication panel, with an expectation in his eyes, "find the body?"

"Found it." Clay put away the mech, revealing a huge bug that was blocked by the mech. "This is the queen of the Zerg generation. Although it is also very powerful, it is no different from the previous ones. It is this to watch. It is under the abdomen."

Ye Zhizhou looked in the direction of his fingers, frowning, "Double?"

"There is no fully developed twin, it can only be regarded as a parasite, with its own consciousness, but it is unable to move freely." Clay was also the first to see this situation, while explaining that the screen of the communicator was close to that. There are no fully developed parasites. "The Queen is the mother of all Zerg high-ranking, and has strong fertility. If this twin is fully developed, then this generation of Zerg will have two queens. The scale of the insects formed may be the former two. Tripled or even more, fortunately..."

"Fortunately, it is not fully developed." Ye Zhizhou's heart completely fell back to the original place, could not help but sneer at the malformed corpse appearing on the screen, "but it can not be fully developed without it, it can not move around, Just use the super-spirited spirit and breeding ability of the Queen to force his thoughts into the worms that the Queen gave birth, and let other worms replace him. Those human experiments must also be tossed out, and the brain is quite good. But the bug is a bug, only knowing to grab someone else!"

"It's already dead." Clay listened to his bad tone and moved back to the screen to appease. "The Queen is destroyed, and the Zerg is hit hard. Before the birth of the new Queen, they should not take another look."

"False the head and cut it!" Ye Zhizhou grinds his teeth and whispers indignantly. "It is enough to see the bugs of the two worlds together!"

"Small continent."

He looked back and raised his head and quickly sorted out the emotions and began to shift the topic. "What's wrong? Right, when are you coming back?"

"Soon." Clay looked at him deeply. His eyes contained some emotions that Ye Zhizhou could not understand. "You are already twenty years old. We will get married after going back. In addition, I have not asked some things, but not On behalf of me, I don't want to know, Xiaozhou, I look forward to the day you confess to me."

Hey, the communication is off. Ye Zhizhou is a bit awkward, a bit silly, and a little crazy. He knew that the lover had been stupid before! He has too many things exposed in the world, even the most secretive days... Ah, ah, to finish!

[Do you enter the next world? ]

He squinted at the pop-up screen. "Toon, do you want me to be the best policy?"

The small mirror was shocked and it seemed to be very scary to expose it to Clay. [Host, please be kind to the system. ]

He also had a heavy face, and then gave it the answer with two idioms. "Be yourself and ask for more happiness."

I rushed out of his pocket and then sneaked into his space, stunned.

He was stunned, then bowed his head and poked the space. "Come out! You traitor, say you have to face it together, you dare to hide yourself and come out!"

The small mirror is unmoved, pretending that it has never appeared before.

The Zerg retreated, the Empire and the Commonwealth achieved a complete victory in the war, the heroes returned, and the entire galaxy fell into the ocean of carnival.

"Xiaozhou." Clay will smear Ye Zhizhou from the quilt and pinch his earlobe. "I know that you are not asleep, open your eyes."

Ye Zhizhou closed his eyes and bowed to the quilt little by little.

"Xiaozhou." The voice cooled down.

Ye Zhizhou’s body was stiff, and then he quickly opened his eyes and said, “No! I will not tell you the things that go through the sky. It is just a small mirror that is kind and harmless and cute. Please let go!”

"A good and harmless little mirror is inexplicably getting a hole in your head?" Clay looked at him with a chest, a cold face with a cold face.

Ye Zhizhou is guilty, "not it..."

"I still want to lie to me?"

"Okay, it is..." He lowered his head and was trained. "But I asked it to do it. I was afraid that my brother would be injured after being caught, so I tried to transfer my brother's wound to me... you I know, I have a lot of powerful remedies. Those medicinal herbs are actually given by the sky. It has saved me many times! Really, it is a good mirror!"

Clay's expression is colder. "Wound transfer? What if your brother was killed at the time? Are you also preparing to replace your brother to die?"

"I won't die, I will protect me..."


There is murderous! He was shocked and he raised his hand and promised, "Absolutely not next time! I swear!"

Clay was silent for a while, and his expression finally eased slightly. He frowned and asked, "How do you get it?"

"Let the pie fall in the sky..."

Clay couldn't help but sneer, raising his hand to unbutton the clothes. "You slowly edit, we have a whole night to talk."

The faint mint scent permeated the room, and Ye Zhizhou was shocked. "You actually estrus when I said that I am going through the sky? Are you loving me or love the sky?!"

Clay looked at him lightly and raised his hand to undress. "You will know who I love in a moment."

Sure enough, the transfer of the topic and the hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle all failed! Ye Zhizhou touched the small tattoo on his wrist, his eyes closed, his teeth bite, and he lifted his hands to unbutton the buckle. After he had finished taking off his clothes, he went off his pants and sweared. "Do it, do what it is!" After the light, I rushed over.

Clay took a breath and hugged him with conditioned reflexes, and the mint in the air tasted even stronger.

The two quickly rolled together, and a beam of light glared at Clay and did not pay attention to the weakness and reached the front of Ye Zhizhou, wrapped in a ball.

Ye Zhizhou swallowed in a deep breath and asked in his heart, "What is this?"

[Absolutely Dan. ]

"...Thank you very much." I almost forgot that the beta of this world is also able to have children.

Clay found his unfocused, black face, holding him in a position, bowing his neck, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Zhizhou raised his arms and hugged him, trying to hold his breath and trying to make a deep expression with a red face, faintly saying, "I wonder if the empire will want a emperor who can't have children, will your parents not? It’s a good fight.”


"Dear, will you abandon me for your child?"

"It seems that I am not working hard enough." Clay kissed him hard and changed his position. "When you are in bed, you are only allowed to think about me."

Ye Zhizhou was shocked, and quickly took a deep breath to grab the sheets, a little shame in his heart and a small delight, this position is really... too much.

Ned stayed at the door and looked at Chris, who was coming over without expression.

"My brother? Isn't it necessary to bring a donkey to see the parents? The father and the queen are waiting."

"The Great Hall and the Emperor are resting." Ned tried to maintain a straight expression, a serious return, "it is estimated to rest for a long time."

Chris stunned, sceptically swept him up and down, and glanced at the closed door, suddenly burst into a smirk. "Big brother moves very fast... I will tell the mother this good news!" Ran.

Ned’s eyes sympathized and sent him away, and he ordered a row of candles in his heart. Happy, please, let me know that under the Great Hall, in order to accompany the Emperor, so I don’t want to be the heir’s position, the second Highness should cry...

A few decades later, Ye Zhizhou first stepped away. Clay helped him organize his clothes and hair, then lay down beside him and figured out the small mirror under the pillow, tapping it gently, "protect him."

The small mirror shook the earthquake, and then a childish voice rang, "Follow."

"Although I have no memory." Clay put the small mirror in the hands of Ye Zhizhou, hugged his body sideways and closed his eyes. "But I can feel something vaguely... Xiaozhou, wait for me." ”

The fluctuations of life of both of them disappeared. The small mirror shook the earthquake slightly, and then a soft light was wrapped around Clay. The childish voice continued to sound. "The rules of heaven have been broken, the cycle is over, respect, don't continue to hang around three." A thousand small worlds."

A translucent white shadow floated out of Klein's body. After a lot of pauses, it suddenly turned into a light spot and disappeared into the air. "It has been so long..."

The light spots disappeared and everything was calm. The small mirror took back the light, and after a sigh, it broke and scattered in the air.

Ye Zhizhou knows that he is dreaming. There is a white figure in his dreams, and he is going to go forward. He wants to chase, but his legs are too heavy to lift. The thick fog gradually began, and the white shadow finally turned back, vaguely said something, he tried to hear clearly, but suddenly the body shocked, and consciousness returned to reality.

"Smoke, don't be afraid, big brother and our father and son will die together." The hand was held, and then a mature handsome handsome face appeared in sight. "I blame me for being confused, I have to fill you up as a You can be a carefree emperor, and find a wife who is hurting your wife for a lifetime, but now...the gentleman is sorry for you."

Big brother, you are crying like a man, "Pear blossoms with rain" is really good, and what is the wife and wife...

Deguijun saw him lying in bed after he opened his eyes and did not speak or move. His heart became more and more sad. After a moment of silence, his eyes suddenly flashed a slam dunk. "Smoke, tomorrow is the day of the body check, since it is anyway. Can't escape, it's not as good as..." He took out a dagger from his arms. When he opened it, he pointed his knife at the chest of Ye Zhizhou. His voice shook and his voice was desperate. "It is better to die with our father and son! As the royal blood, How can you allow those who are inspected? You can rest assured that the father will keep your innocence, and you will soon be with you when you go!"

Lying in the trough!

Ye Zhizhou was busy turning over and hiding the falling tip of the knife. He said in a hurry, "You are calm! I have a problem, I can solve it! Really! I can solve it no matter what problem! Don't die!" Don't take him together. dead!

Deguijun stunned, suddenly lost his dagger and rushed forward to hug him and cried. "My stupid smoke, you are still so intimate, but now you have to solve this situation, or else... or you will escape Let's help you for the father. Don't come back after you escape."

Ye Zhizhou was almost suffocated by the other party. While busy calling the system in his heart, he tried to calm the other side with his mental strength. When the other party calmed down a little, he immediately sent away the person who was tired and wanted to sleep.

A delicate small mirror on the dressing table finally responded to his call. After the earthquake, the light screen popped up. [Do you receive the plot information? ]

"Quick pick up." He got out of bed and ran to pick up the mirror, thinking back to what the man had said, and the ominous premonition in his heart... I always felt that the back was a bit cool, as if there was a thunder on the top of the head. Kneeling down to him.

The light screen flashes, and then a large number of texts pop up.

The protagonist of this world is called Leng Meier, the illegitimate daughter of the emperor and the top national teacher. Although she was not born again, she was not riddled, but she was so beautiful that she was so horrified that the man who had seen her wanted to marry her and gave her a baby.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Zhizhou was busy suspending the information and taking a deep breath. "Marry her? Give her a baby?"

The light screen glows softly and is as quiet as a chicken.

Ye Zhizhou has already deeply understood the urinary nature of Tongtian, and volunteered to ask, "You give me the background information of this world first."

The light screen flashes and the handwriting changes.

Once upon a time there was a continent, and there were several countries on the land. One of them, the country named Mingyue, was the strongest and occupied the largest and most prosperous land in the middle of the continent. The daughters of Mingyue Kingdom are brave and good at fighting! Men of the Ming Dynasty are wise to have a baby! The moon of the Ming Dynasty is especially smart and cute! Everyone and the United States and the United States have built a beautiful women's devotional home.

Female respect... Tian Lei’s majesty, Ye Zhizhou’s swearing words can’t. The man gave birth to a child... He still can still have children in his life! Even more frightening is that if the lover comes over, the lover should be able to...*!

The light screen changed into a light column, and a brilliant Dan was sent to the mouth intimately. Ye Zhizhou gritted his teeth and smashed the mirror. "Don't dare to give me a normal world!"

A pair of scissors was wrapped in a light column and handed over.

Either die or do the task, very good, he understands. Indignantly wiped a face, he turned the plot information out and continued to read.

The national division of Mingyue Kingdom is male for generations, and marriage is not allowed. The birth of the protagonist is an accident, it is not expected, and it is a stain that the emperor can never wash away. When the tenderness was sweet, it was okay, and when the feelings faded, the emperor had a new beauty, and the national teacher and the protagonist who was secretly raised became the thorns in the eyes of the emperor.

When the protagonist was seven years old, the assassination suddenly came. The national teacher finally died of the emperor's emperor. The deceitful man sent the protagonist to his friend Tianshan, the teacher of Tianshan, and he did not know where to go. Not long after the protagonist entered Tianshan, Xia Qing died in a traitor’s assassination. One of the male lords, Xia Qing’s seventeen-year-old son Xia Yanyun quickly rushed back after receiving the news. On the throne of the Tianshan cult leader, he took the protagonist as a disciple.

Eleven years later, the protagonist who has grown into a peerless beauty has consciously turned martial arts into a mountain, and then bid farewell to Xia Yanyun's downhill travel, which opened the road to where she went.

When you see the road, you can see the sorrowful sorrow. The rescuer is the son of the elder elder of the cult. In the middle of the night, he cares about a young girl. The result is that the other person is the son of the emperor who is dressed as a woman. A brothel, and then was seen by the red-browed brilliance of the big boss, Liu Jun, fancy; after visiting the brothel, it was inexplicably chased, jumping over a cliff and encountering a cold-blooded doctor, Mu Yan; after the injury, the yin was wrong and joined the army, and was old. The general should look at the dragon, and the younger son should be given to her; the snoring and the unknown, and the enemy, the emperor, fell into a trap, and then captured the heart of the emperor; after the war She carried a military martial art back to the DPRK, and was loved by the new national teacher Rong Guangyan at first sight; her life was suddenly blown out, and the emperor saw her so good, and when she got a slap in the heart, she rewarded her with a powerful secret guard. The protagonist accepted it for her hardship. Name the dark guard for the cold night, no accident, the cold night finally fell in love with her...

Ye Zhizhou counted the number of fingers, and then silenced... a total of nine males... the protagonist is good kidney and good physical strength.