MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 124 Wang

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Wen Jiahe quickly took the protagonist to the pet hospital for treatment, but unfortunately, the protagonist's kitten was too badly injured and was still frozen, and could not be saved.

The protagonist is desperate and unwilling. He held down Wen Jiahe, who was discussing with the doctor about euthanasia, and forced the weak body to jump out of the hospital bed and screamed and ran to the car outside the hospital.

Wen Jia and his heart were soft. He refused the doctor's euthanasia proposal and decided to take the kitten home to serve the kitten.

After arriving at the writer, the protagonist endured the uncomfortable feeling of being heavier day by day, avoiding Wen Jia and writing a suicide note to the mother and Chang Yao with Wen Jiahe's computer. A week later, he sent his hard-to-find suicide note to his mother and Chang Yao in the early morning, and died alone.

The protagonist who thought that he would never wake up again opened his eyes again. He found that he actually returned to his body, and his eyes actually had an ability to see the busy people on the hospital corridor through the wall. !

Ye Zhizhou: "..."

After the wake up, the protagonist quickly recovered and was discharged. Then he was horrified and found that Qin Shuhou, who had knocked him down, was not sanctioned by the law. He was still in the presence of his noble grandfather. And his greedy mother took the Qin family's large seal fee and threw him to the hospital and ran away. He went to the Qin family to ask for a statement, but was rushed out by Qin’s disgusted face, and warned him not to think about relying on this matter to recognize the ancestors. The protagonist is embarrassed and angry, and silently swears in his heart that he must step on the Qin family!

The protagonist returned to school, and desperately found that Qin home was shameless to buy the school, so that the school dropped out of school because of too many absenteeism! At this time, Chang Yao’s phone suddenly came over, and the protagonist suddenly remembered that he had become a vegetative person and then the other party’s singularity went abroad. He was wronged and upset. So he hung up the phone of Chang Yao, cut off the phone card, and disappeared into the capital.

The protagonist with the ability came to the province of gambling stone with a small amount of money, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find out if he could see through the skin of the original stone whether there is jade inside! He tried to find a leak in the cash on his hand, and surely the gambling went up, and the principal that was thrown out was directly doubled!

The old saying goes well, there will be blessings in the end, and after all kinds of desperation, the blessing of the protagonist is finally here!

In just two months, the protagonist has stabilized the position of a new generation of gambling stone princes, and the amount of jade in his hand is far more than some veteran gamblers. At this time, he met his third shovel eunuch, came over to save the raw materials of Gu Yi. Recalling the experience of trying to ask for help with this person but being sent to the temple by the other party, he was ashamed and angry, and then refused the request of the other party to buy raw materials from him.

As a heir, Gu Yi must be indomitable. The company needs the top emerald that the protagonist has just opened. He wants to buy it. He must buy it. So Gu Yi began to "occupy" the protagonist, and then in the "occupation", according to the frequency of three times a day and the protagonist to buy jade.

The protagonist collapsed. He recalled the days when he was used as a grandfather. He thought about the day when he was chased by the other mouse. He rushed to the other side and said the other company he found when he was a cat at the other party's house. There was something inside the ghost, and he also said the name of the ghost and what the ghost was stealing from the study.

Gu Yi was shocked, and then he was puzzled. The protagonist consciously said that he had missed his mouth and was busy carrying his baggage and went to an ancient jade appreciation meeting in the province next door.

Probably eager to deal with the ghosts inside, Gu Yi did not catch up, the protagonist just breathed a sigh of relief, and he was surprised to find the figure of the man’s five Xiaorui and the man’s six Wen Jiahe at the appreciation meeting, and two People seem to know each other, but also just talk about the topic of raising cats!

The protagonist remembered the two e-mails sent by Wen Jia and the computer, and was shocked. The antique collectors who were busy posing as silly money inserted the conversations of the two people and quickly shifted the topic.

As a fake little prince, Xiao Rui is also a very powerful appraisal expert and cultural relics repair expert. He saw the protagonist holding a lot of money to squander, not to mention taking the protagonist to his own showcase, and picking some antiques that were not exhibited.

Wen Jia and his family of scholars are very fond of antiques influenced by his grandfather. He is also very talented in the identification of ancient paintings and calligraphy. He saw that the protagonist did not have a specific collection direction, and in line with the mentality of the insider with the layman, accompanied Xiao Rui to explain to the protagonist some basic matters that need to pay attention to the collection of antiques, and also told him not to be similar to Xiao Rui. This kind of fake little expert lied.

Xiao Rui heard the false anger, and he was forced to drive away the troubled friends. The protagonist was busy blocking the two people who would make trouble to believe in Xiao Rui’s character. When he gave Xiaorui a cat, he found out Xiao Rui's temper and the business he did. Although Xiao Rui was making a fake, he did not lie to lie, but to prevent others from being deceived. The craft that Xiao Rui really eats is antique repair and identification.

The trusted Xiao Rui immediately recognized the protagonist of this friend, Wen Jiahe also rose to the protagonist, and the three quickly became familiar with it.

The appraisal will end in a few days. Xiaorui and Wen Jiahe returned to Beijing. The protagonist stood at the airport but lost his way. Now the money in his hands is enough for him to live for a few years, but life has no target. y province is just a place to make money, not a home. He looks at people coming and going, not knowing where to go.

At this time, Gu Yi, who had cleaned up the ghost inside, called and said that in order to thank him for his help, he decided to raise the price of the acquisition of jade. The protagonist was speechless, and then suddenly raised a thought - he decided to open a jewelry line and Gu Yi to grab the business!

Gu Yi Jade did not buy it, but also harvested a future business rival. He frowned, he meditated, and finally he decided to go to the temple to worship. Recently, everything has gone wrong. He must have stepped on the shit. Everything in the temple was as usual. The cat litter abandoned by the kitten was still left in the warmest room of a monk under his insistence, but the owner of the cat litter never returned. Gu Yi is a little sad, and some worry that the kitten is not doing well outside.

The old monk who came back from the cloud tour happened to pass by. When he saw the cat litter, he told him that the kitten had been returned, so that he did not have to worry. Gu Yi heard a mist, and then suddenly remembered the reason why he sent the kitten, and his heart initially became suspicious.

The protagonist who decided to open the jewellery line returned to the capital in a spirited manner, then recruited all kinds of talents at the speed of opening, bought a shop, and began to prepare for the opening. Xiao Rui and Wen Jiahe heard that he was returning to Beijing and came to help intimately. Gu Yi also occasionally came over and sat down, then looked at the protagonist with an inscrutable look, and looked at the protagonist's scalp, especially trying to drive away this future competitor.

Three months passed by, and the jewelry store finally opened. The three male masters have become familiar with each other. The protagonist has gradually forgotten the days when he was a cat. He has become more and more acquainted with the male lords, and the three male lords have slowly changed their minds.

The protagonist's shop is a high-end limited way, and does not conflict with Gu Yi. Holding a strange cat attitude, Gu Yi began to match the business of the protagonist, and he drove him to open the market and let his shop be a hit in the capital of Beijing. So the second man, who is the representative of the second generation of the right to represent the two, Wu Kaien took the ticket with a lot of votes, and then shocked the protagonist as a celestial being, and began to stalk the protagonist.

The protagonist never imagined that his first shovel **** was actually a bend! Also like his one! He was shocked and embarrassed. In order to escape the entanglement of the other side, he had to run to the y province to open the raw materials on the grounds of business trips. Then he met the male lord on the plane. His second shovel, the shovel, was very surprised. When he found out that he was sitting next to the essay, he was actually a foreigner who should be an exchange student abroad!

Chang Yao was very excited after seeing the protagonist. He hugged him directly. He said that he was sorry, saying that he should choose to promise the school to go abroad for the purpose of giving him medical expenses. He should stay in the country to take good care of him. I was about to push away his protagonist and then quickly asked him what was going on.

The plane is about to take off, and the brief text intimately gives up the position to the protagonist to facilitate the exchange of the two. The protagonist is very grateful, and the goodwill of this second shovel is soaring.

After the seat, Chang Yao organized a language and explained the original things. It turned out that when the protagonist had just entered the hospital in a car accident, the Qin family came to the trouble once. The protagonist’s mother saw his son become a vegetative person. It is estimated that the ancestor’s return to the ancestors was hopeless, and he threw the protagonist’s medical expenses and threw the protagonist at home. Lost - this is why the protagonist can see his body when he first sneaked home after becoming a cat.

Chang Yao was shocked and angry after learning of the incident, but he was helpless. He was just an ordinary student. He was not rich at home and could not support the protagonist to continue to heal the money. At this time, the tutor found that he mentioned that the school had to choose him as an exchange student, and that the exchange students would get a generous scholarship. Chang Yao quickly agreed to exchange students, and then took the scholarship to send the protagonist back to the hospital, and asked the care worker to properly settle down and reluctantly went abroad.

A few days later, Chang Yao suddenly received a letter from the protagonist's suicide note. He was shocked to call the hospital, but was told that the protagonist was still in a coma. He thought that someone had stolen the protagonist's mailbox prank, and he didn't care about it. In a few days, the hospital suddenly called to say that the protagonist had awakened and had already left the hospital. He quickly called the protagonist, no one answered, and then called to shut down. He was very anxious and quickly rushed back to China, but he learned that the protagonist had been retired from school and lost his track.

Chang Yao, the **** of the six gods, had a small car accident when he left school. He was broken and could not go abroad. The school cancelled his exchange student qualification and asked him to return half of the scholarship. In order to get enough half of the scholarships that need to be refunded as soon as possible, Chang Yao took the initiative to follow the short-term program of the seniors after the injury, hoping to earn more money, and then drop the scholarship to find the protagonist.

Everything was a misunderstanding. After the protagonist learned the truth, he regretted and repented. He said that he had experienced his experience during this time. In view of the wrong situation, he left the scene of becoming a cat.

The plane landed and the two returned to good. After the protagonist comforted Chang Yao with a good impression of the second intimate shovel, he actively talked to the brief text. The temperament of the temperament and the time of the brief text did not mention the two people's previous gaffe, and naturally talked with him, the two quickly became familiar with.

Chang Yao and Shi Jianwen’s project in y province lasted for two months, and the protagonist also spent two months in y. During this period, Chang Yao’s feelings for the protagonist changed, and the protagonist’s feelings for the brief text also changed. The atmosphere between the three people is a bit weird.

Two months later, the protagonist returned to Beijing, and Wu Kaien found the door in the first place, so the days when the days were entangled began to collapse. With some kind of ulterior motive, when the protagonist is entangled, he asks for help in the essay. Gradually, the brief text also slowly feels good to the protagonist.

Gu Yi saw the cautious thoughts of the protagonist, and with a jealous attitude that he raised his own cat but was taken away by others, began to naively find something to do with the protagonist, so that the protagonist was too busy to have time to mess with the essay. . The protagonist is angry, and he has to quarrel with Gu Yi. Gu Yi is unmoved, and he has made up his mind to bring back the kittens that have been raised!

Just happens to come to the door to find the protagonist, see the protagonist actually in addition to the brief text and Vulcan also provoked a Gu Yi, and vinegar and anger, directly to the protagonist confession. The protagonist was amazed, Gu Yi looked at him, and Xiao Rui and Wen Jia, who went to the main house to eat for the protagonist, and the subtle mood stopped at the door, blocking the road of Wu Kaien who came to entangle the protagonist every day, so Wu Kaien wanted to sprinkle, and it was unfortunate. Come to the protagonist to talk about the time to return to school to go to school.

The six male leaders gathered together and the atmosphere was very embarrassing and subtle. There is Wu Kaien, the guy who fears that the world is not chaotic, the atmosphere will soon change from awkward to *, hot and directly to bomb. As a result, the bombing was blown up, and the topic of several male lords gradually turned to the cat.

Wu Kaien mentioned the white he left home. When Jane mentioned the buns that he also left home, Gu Yi said, "My cat is actually eating a hundred meals," the expression is quiet, and Xiao Rui’s expression Twisted and mentioned his uncle who didn’t catch mice. Finally, Wen Jia and Frown talked about the cat that saved him. He also mentioned two suicide note mails that appeared in the computer for no reason... He thought at first Whose prank is the mail or the virus in the computer...

Chang Yao was shocked to look at the protagonist. The protagonist looked at the shovel and looked at the house with a numb look. Then he confessed that he had become a cat. So the men and men blew up again. Everyone thought that they were the masters of the protagonist, so the protagonist should be with himself! Only when the brief text silently took a step back and turned away.

The protagonist was anxious, and he quickly chased it, then accidentally descended. The protagonist once again became a vegetative person and once again entered the body of a cat.

The men did not know that the protagonist entered the body of a cat again. They were worried and angry. After the car accident that detected the protagonist was actually the handwriting of Qin’s young master Qin Shuhou, the Qin family was furiously pressed into the dust. He sent Qin Shuhou a direct ticket to the prison.

After hesitating for a while, the protagonist who decided to become a cat decided not to find a few male lords. He sat in the flower bed outside the hospital and looked up at the sky, quietly thinking about his feelings. However, several male lords who were at the edge of the protagonist’s bed received a critical notice from the doctor. After a moment of despair, Chang Yao first mentioned that if the protagonist wakes up, he is willing to accompany the other people with the protagonist. Several male lords heard the silence and then nodded.

In the flower bed of the hospital, the protagonist was driven away by the security guard, and then the tragic captured cat team caught and flew directly to the street. So the men who just nodded and added the words of Chang Yao found that the main eyelashes were shaking and awake. Everyone is a real man with a promise, how can you say nothing! So after a brief period of stiffness, they defaulted to the decision to accompany the protagonist.

Then the protagonist found himself with six shovel officers and lived a happy life.

Ye Zhizhou pulled the glass ball with his claws and asked the sky without words. Men, why are you so sloppy to decide your own destiny... Is it a matter of tangling to share a lover with others? There is also the protagonist, do you not like the short text, but why do you accept the other five male masters after the brief text also likes you?

I don't understand, he doesn't understand very much. Probably the brain capacity of this dog is too small. He can't understand the thoughts and logic of the protagonist and the man in any case.

There was a pair of twilight shoes in front of him, then the light was dark, the back neck was tight, and the body was passively lifted. He panicked and screamed, only to find that he had made a few voices, so he quickly calmed down.

A handsome face with no expression appeared in front of him and opened his eyes. "It’s so ugly."

He covered the key parts with his tail and licked his teeth. The **** bastard, who is the first to be scary, dare to dislike him and call it ugly, believe it or not!

"It looks ugly."

"Wang Wang (shut up the bastard)!"

The handsome guy is abandoning the girl. "It’s really noisy."

Ye Zhizhou angered and waved his claws, but the man had short claws and did not wave.


Hey, Ye Zhizhou was shot again by the arrow. After getting angry, he decided to give this abominable man a sigh of rabies vaccine.

The glass on the ground rolled and was silent. The host is really good, so quickly adapted to the life of a pet.

The boss came over at the right time and smiled. "Mr. Gu came to pick up the white? Rest assured, Xiaobai’s body is fine. He doesn’t eat because it’s too small, the dog food is too hard, you need to soften it first, or Buy wet food directly. Yes, milk powder is OK, but if you are feeding milk powder, you must eat less and eat more, and the milk powder will digest quickly."

"It's not called Xiaobai." The handsome guy finally let go of Ye Zhizhou's back neck and took him into his arms and stunned him. "It's called Xiaoqiang."

It is guessing whether Mr. Gu is one of the male lords, Gu Yi’s Ye Zhizhou has blown up, and biting his collar is a burst of madness. Xiaoqiang, your uncle! Not as good as white, at least white or a dog, Xiaoqiang is only awkward!

The handsome guy bowed his head and pulled out his collar from his mouth. He was threatened with coldness. "Bite a piece of clothing and sleep for three days."

"..." Ye Zhizhou silently spit out his collar and sighed intimately.

"Take the owner once and eat three days of rice."

Ye Zhizhou looked up at him and wowed his tail awkwardly. Look at this person's suspected food and clothing identity, he forbearance!

"Hey." The handsome guy touched his ear with a cold face and took out a dog tag from his pocket. "My name is Gu Yi, you are Gu Qiang, remember, you are my dog, I don't want to be jealous." ”