MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 128 Wang

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The two pose in a hug, big eyes and small eyes.

Gu Yi looked at his looks and suddenly found his hand to pinch his earlobe. His tone was cold. "Is that the East also pinched you?"

Of course, I pinched it and pinched it many times. Ye Zhizhou took his hand and held it down, his face serious and serious, "Gu Yi, in fact, I am a god."

Gu Yi: "...oh?"

Keep serious, "You too."


"In heaven, your name is an oriental book, we are a partner!"

Gu Yi looked at him with a slap in the face and looked at the expression "How do I see how you edited".

How could Ye Zhizhou be scared by a cold face that is not a cold face, and continue to blink and say, "Then you make a crime, you have to sneak. I love you so much, I will let you go down alone, so I also followed.

Gu Yi pulled the corner of his mouth. "Which one did I commit?"

"Hey..." Ye Zhizhou stuck, his brain quickly turned around, and then he said, "I have committed the crime of killing the fairy in the sky! You stole the chicken in the garden of the Jade Emperor, and killed the chicken and cooked it! But that A chicken is actually a god. It is just a god, it is weak."

Gu Yi couldn't help but sneer.

"...all blame me, if I didn't want to eat chicken, you wouldn't be on the road to crime." Ye Zhizhou turned his head and made a killer, and he was pitiful. "There was a small problem when I came down with you. Into the animal life... If it weren’t for me that I had a refinement of the old monarch, I would never know each other in my life.”

Gu Yi sneered, his mouth flattened, his frowning brought him to his arms and touched his hair. "I don't blame you, it's not good for me, don't be sad... What is your name when you are in heaven?"

"Ye Zhizhou, you call me Xiaozhou." Ye Zhizhou sneaked over him and covered his face with a smile. "Let's go to sleep, it's too late." Don't entangle your name or something anymore. His level of storytelling is really limited.

Gu Yimou read his name several times, kept walking in his position and walked toward the room, seriously saying, "I need to confirm our partner status."

Ye Zhizhou, "How to confirm?"

The **** was pinched, and the back was touched by the shackles.


The next morning, Ye Zhizhou swallowed a ball and got up from the bed. He looked at the other half of the bed that had been emptied and opened a new plot.

In the new plot, the protagonist lost his soul and stayed in the trash can. Gu Yi’s story disappeared and became the protagonist’s lost soul. He walked on the street and accidentally got rid of the car. Then he fainted and the soul entered another In the body of a kitten.

Ye Zhizhou: "..."

When the main character woke up, he found that he had changed his body. He was shocked and couldn’t help but ran in the direction of going home. Then he accidentally bumped into Xiaorui who bought roasted sweet potatoes on the side of the road...

The story behind is basically similar to the original plot. Only the plot that helps Gu Yi to help the protagonist becomes the protagonist. His ability is strong, and the number of male lords has changed from six to five. The story of the destruction of the world has not changed basically, except that one of the harems that traveled with the protagonist has become an innocent passerby on vacation, and the video of the power fight is still uploaded by him.

Ye Zhizhou turned off the plot information and frowned. The soul of the protagonist actually entered the body of another kitten and continued to meet other male masters. In this way, the encounter between the protagonist and the male lord should be deliberate, but why should the protagonist do this in the end, what is the man who wants to get it? Another point, is the protagonist's ability really only perspective? He will not be too skilled in borrowing the body of the kitten. Since the encounter between the protagonist and the man is deliberate, will the protagonist become a cat, or is it artificial? Then think about the strange power settings in this world...

"What are you thinking?"

The forehead was gently poked, and he returned to God, looking sideways at the lover who came in for breakfast. After thinking about it, he said, "Oriental, I know who A Huang is, let us send it back."

"Call me Gu Yi." Gu Yi put down the breakfast, turned and walked to the closet to give him a set of home clothes, and replied casually. "According to you, I also think that the cat should not be wild." Otherwise, the action of unlocking is not Will be so skilled.

When Jianhua Villa, Ye Zhizhou took a seat and looked at the gentle man sitting opposite, secretly opened the system scanning function.

"I didn't expect the buns to be met by you. Thank you, I have been looking for it for a few days." When Jianwen held the cat in his arms, he felt some doubts touching his head and smiled. "Run once. After that, this temper became more lively than before, and can no longer be naughty later."

The kitten rolled in his arms and snorted softly.

Gu Yi nodded and accepted his thanks, then looked at Jane Hua on the single sofa and raised his eyebrows. "How is it normal today? What about your dog son?"

"The nanny took the bath." When Jane put down the file, he looked back. "Gu Yi, how strange you are today, when am I not normal?"

Gu Yi thought that he was playing with himself, and he replied, "You just forgot about yesterday's business? Why, don't you grab my dog ​​today?"

“Do you have a dog?” Jane was even more surprised, then smiled and asked, “What kind of breed? How old?”

Gu Yiwen’s smile on his face slowly disappeared, and he frowned. “Buy a breed with you, it’s smaller...”

"Then you have to take care of it carefully, the puppy needs to take good care of it." When Jian Hua naturally answered, the attitude was the same as usual, as if he could not remember the dog grabbing yesterday.

Gu Yi carefully observed his look, and his brow wrinkled deeper.

[Scanning is complete, healthy, no hidden diseases. There is no abnormal energy fluctuation in the brain, and mental energy has signs of awakening. Applicable remedy: Anshen Pills. ]

Ye Zhizhou was shocked and couldn't help but hold Gu Yi's hand. How is the result of the scan exactly the same as Gu Yi? Is it the soul flag? Then, yesterday, he relied on this to judge whether the identity of his lover would be misled...

"What's wrong?" Gu Yi took back his thoughts and took his hand back. After thinking about it, he approached him and whispered. "Don't be afraid, you won't let Jianhua take you away. And he seems to have broken his mind. I don't remember what happened yesterday."

When Jianhua listened to what he said, he couldn’t help but protest. "What do you say, I rob you... cough, what do I rob you, I am straight, straight. You It’s just a bad brain. Yesterday, when you came to me to talk about buying paintings and studios, I remembered them. Don’t mess with me.”

When Jane couldn’t help but laugh, "The relationship between Big Brother and Yi Ge is still so good."

"In the past, I misunderstood the loss of friends." When Jane had no image, he turned his eyes to Gu Yi and looked down at the documents.

Ye Zhizhou listened to their conversation and the emotions gradually calmed down. He gathered his good and unconsciously arrogant spirits, and shook his head toward Gu Yi, tightening his hand with Gu Yi. Concerns are chaotic. The familiar mentality that he noticed yesterday was not an illusion. Gu Yi is indeed a lover. He did not admit his mistakes. What is the result of the scan of the essay? There is no power, but there are signs of awakening mental power...

The kitten playing on the leg of Jane suddenly ran down, then squatted to the second floor. When Jane was helpless, she got up and looked like a cat slave. "How did the buns suddenly become so noisy... You sit down, I went up to find it, lest he mess things up."

[The time of love between the short text and the protagonist has dropped to 80%, please support the host. ]

Ye Zhizhou watched him go upstairs and touched his chin. It only dropped 80%. It seems that this trick is not too good. The story that he changed will be used by the protagonist to understand what he likes when he uses the cat as a cat. I don’t have any influence on the essay when I got it. Sometimes the scan results of the essays are special cases, or are all the male masters like this?

What can I do? The purpose of the protagonist is clear. When I become a person, I will definitely find a chance to meet the men. When the protagonist is a cat, I have already figured out the character of the men, and I want to get the good feelings of the men. It’s easy to go... No, you can’t let the remaining males and protagonists meet. At least he can't let them meet before he can figure out what the protagonist wants to get from the men. There is also the result of the scan, and he must figure it out as soon as possible.

In the new plot information, because of the disappearance of Gu Yi's play, the encounter between the protagonist and Xiao Rui was advanced. At this time, Chang Yao has not gone abroad, and the protagonist has not been sent to the hospital... Let the soul of the protagonist return to his body as soon as possible!

After leaving home, Gu Yi was going to buy clothes for Ye Zhizhou, and was rejected by Ye Zhizhou.

"Now I am still a black household. Are you sure you don't ask me for an ID card first?" Ye Zhizhou pulled the clothes on his body and looked slouch. "The few sets of clothes you bought at noon are enough for me to wear, Gu Yi, I am a little sleepy and want to go back to sleep." I pressed and pressed my waist.

Gu Yi saw the misunderstanding, and the detective came over to help him squat and thought about it. "Then I will send you home to rest, I will do this for the ID card. You are at home, I will come back at night. Take you out to eat delicious."

Ye Zhizhou nodded quickly, with a smirk. Gu Yi wandered in an instant, and he came over and kissed him and drove home.

After confirming that Gu Yi had left, he opened his quilt and got up, first used the mental power to make a fool of the home monitoring, and then began to squat, dissatisfied with muttering. "Nothing to put any jade at home, every day to monitor and prevent Thief, it’s not convenient to do something..."

It took an hour to set up a primary fantasy array. It was not too late to look at the time. He was busy picking up the cash left by Gu Yi and drove to the protagonist's house.

The protagonist's mother has left the protagonist and ran away, and now the protagonist's body is always in the care. Calculating the time, Chang Yao should be in class now. The protagonist’s family now has only one protagonist. Chang Yao’s nearest entourage will only look at an hour or two when Chang Yao is absent. He can drill a lot of space. Big.

Before he reached the protagonist's house, he surrounded his spiritual body and concealed his own body shape and breath, then took out a wire from the space and began to shackle.

Two minutes later, the door was opened. He sneaked into the door and explored the spirit to carefully identify the atmosphere inside the house and ran towards the room where the protagonist was.