MTL - There’s No God in Show Business-Chapter 129 Good reincarnation in heaven (below)

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Five days later, when Pan Lun was finally released from imprisonment, the already gloomy man was a little more dull. With his hands on his chest, Pan Lun lowered his head and walked out of the cell without a word.

"Yo, there have been a lot of big people who have come to see you in recent days, number 3183940." Le Ge snorted, and took Pan Lun to walk to the prison cell again. , Don't think about a good life for the next year. "

Pan Lun bowed his head without saying a word.

When he sat back in that cold seat, he had already been born ruthless, and found out that when he saw the bland face on the opposite side of the man, his anger could still be removed from every part of his body. A cell surged into my heart.

"Xu Qi." Even though the anger in his heart was about to burn himself, Pan Lun was still afraid to get angry. He knew that Le Ge was standing in the monitoring room on the side and watching the scene there. Le Ge has never been joking, and he only has one year to live, and he doesn't want to torture himself.

Xu Qi chuckled his lips with a smile, nodded gently, and said, "President Pan."

"Oh, did you come to laugh at me too?"

"Oh? Has anyone else been here?" Xu Qi raised an eyebrow, but after thinking for a long while, he asked: "Is it Onuo? Or Shu Shan?"

"Oh, neither." Pan Lun sneered, "I won't tell you."

"Well, I'm not very interested. But you're not curious ... and Shu Shan knew you before. I guess it's still possible for him. Why ... I guess it's Onuo?"

Pan Lun stunned and asked, "Why?"

"Pan Lun, just sentenced, haven't you been upset in the past few months?" Suddenly changed the subject, Xu Qi held up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and laughed: "I remember Xu Hu and you are In the same ward, I sent someone to take care of him. I need to take good care of you. "

Suddenly, the body froze, and the pain that had been forgotten for the whole five days suddenly passed from Pan Lun's back to the whole court. He swallowed with trembling, forcing himself to calm down.

Because he didn't want this person to see his ugly appearance at all!

With a pale smile, Pan Lun asked, "You haven't told me why you guessed Onuo."

He had obtained the answer he wanted from the expression on the other side, and there was a gleam of cold light in the pupil blocked by the lens, but he was well covered by this person. Xu Qi said, "Chairman Pan has your son, I'm afraid it's really annoying. You really upset his old man."

"Xu Qi!" He said with gritted teeth, and Pan Lun's eyes glowed fiercely.

But when Xu Qi smiled slightly, he said indifferently: "This look is pretty good, probably when you **** Zhang Yiqiu and push Qi Wenyuan downstairs, it's all this look."

With his eyes widening suddenly, Pan Lun exclaimed, "How do you know ... Is it ... Lin Xi ..."

"Yes, it's the tape that Lin Xi gave me." Xu Qi leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair, looking at the poor insect on the opposite side with the gentlest and coldest eyes: "Thanks to this tape too, although there is no way to testify The fact that you pushed Qi Wenyuan downstairs, but it made me discover something more interesting. "

With both hands clenched, Pan Lun shouted in disbelief, "What audio cassette! What audio cassette are you talking about !!!"

Xu Qi asked differently: "You don't even know it? It seems that it was recorded by Yang Sichen. Don't worry too much, it's not evidence at all, it's just your drunk words, and it has no legal effect. But ... it's so wronged. Zhang Yiqiu has been staring for years. "

Looking at Pan Lun who was silent in the opposite direction, Xu Qi's original expression slowly eased down.

"Pan Lun, when I heard that you were drunk and induced by Yang Sichen, I was able to depict the pleasure of killing others in such a cheerful and joyful tone, I was wondering ... what makes you so vivid Fresh experience. "Xu Qi's voice was very cold, without any feelings:" Just pushing a person down the stairs, does this really make you remember? "

"No, that's just a momentary thing, and it definitely can't make you remember so much." With a soft sigh, Xu Qi said, "I'm afraid you even forgot it, when you killed Zhang Yiqiu at the beginning. This feeling. Only after being drunk can I capture it from the fragments of memory with Yang Sichen's deliberate inquiry. I really want you to listen to the tone you used when recording. "

Pan Lun gritted his teeth and yelled, "Enough, you ..."

"Chairman Pan's follow-up work should be quite perfect, but unfortunately ... far away from the rice country, even his hand can not reach that far." Xu Qi tilted his head slightly and said: "This may also be Zhang Yi Qiu Zai's spirit cannot rest, he will let Onuo find evidence that you have not completely cleaned up. "


"What's so surprised? Uno also took a lot of effort. At least it has opened up the interpersonal relationships at all levels in the country and bought through the police officers who dealt with Zhang Yiqiu's case, which is enough for him to spend effort." Said, Xu Qi could not help lowering Laughing lowly, "But I also want to thank you for letting Onuo owe me a favor. Just tell him that you may have a previous suspicion that he can change his favor. This transaction is really a good deal."

"Why ... why did he ...!"

"Yes, why should he pay so much attention to you?" Xu Qi chuckled inexplicably, and said, "You guess it yourself."


"By the way, don't thank me. Before Pan Zhe's investment failed, the Chen family bought all of your Pan family's shares in Huayi. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Tianyu is now called Huayi." In the sun, Xu Qi's smile was even more ambiguous: "You can rest assured that I will not covet the 31% stake in your Pan family. Some money can be obtained by means, and some money ... naturally has its purpose."

"Pan Zhe ... Pan Zhe is more useful than me. How could he risk investing in shares at this time?"

Pan Zhe is a distant child of the Pan family. Although he is famous in B City, he does have a good business mind.

Xu Qi took it for granted: "When he should have failed to invest, he should have failed to invest." The tone is very normal and innocent, and it seems that he does not understand what the other party is saying.

But when Pan Lun stood up angrily and shouted, "It's you !!!"

"I am blessing for your Pan family." Gently shook his head, Xu Qi said, "I have given all the money to Zhang Yiqiu's family. It is time for the elderly to enjoy their old age. But, You can't make up for the crime you committed. "

As if suddenly losing all of his strength, Pan Lun was sitting heavily on the chair, and his body was paralyzed.

He seems to have returned to the afternoon of 17 years ago. It was still the hottest weather in the rice country. The self-assertive and handsome young man relentlessly let himself out on the street without giving himself a face.

Or, in the dark and damp alley, he picked up the bricks on the ground and smashed the other side into a bloodstream, and passed out instantly.

Or, he covered the man's mouth and nose vigorously, watching him suffocate and die.

All of this turned into a most evil and beautiful poppy flower at the end, born from the beginning, and planted in his heart.

Even after self-hypnotizing and forgetting it, and even paralyzing himself with a busy life and strange city street scenes, until now, Pan Lun clearly realized that--

In his life, the most extreme pleasure he experienced was covering his mouth and nose with both hands, while watching him because of pain

"Ah !!!" Pan Lun suddenly burst into a sharp and miserable scream, and he seemed to be trying to escape by struggling with the sheets.

"Smelly watch, be clever for Lao Tzu!" A strong punch hit Pan Lun's eyes, making him painfully afraid to struggle anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha, the next door tiger is tossing that kid again."

"The kid is thin-skinned and tender-sounded. I heard that he is still a rich master! I tell you, the taste behind him is really good, and it is indeed the young master."

"So good? Then I'll do a gun tomorrow when the wind blows, haha!"

My ears are ambiguous | The nasty words are endless, Xu Hu cursed and shouted, "You all **** shut up with Lao Tzu, and then make a nonsense sentence and let you have a shot!"

"Haha, the tiger is soaring!"

"Ignore him, let's have a fire tomorrow!"


It is clear that the sun is bright and the autumn breeze is cool outside the window, but all the light cannot shine through the small and formidable window into the room. Endless darkness covers this damp cell | The room is completely shrouded, and the depression is so dull that even the air feels a trace of dead air.

The clash between the man's low breath and ** echoed constantly in the small cell. The surveillance video flashing red just stayed on the two bodies that overlapped for a moment, somehow why Moved away quickly, as if nothing was filmed.

This is a place abandoned by the outside world, here ...

It is also an end-of-life imprisonment for some people who are desperate forever and cannot escape.

The moment of breaking the struggle.

Every crazy sprint brings the peak of enjoyment after the rundown, and the black blood scars on the youth's forehead and the eyes that are losing vitality, let his body and soul reach the top heaven at the same time!

"I'll see you again," paused, Xu Qi smiled, "before you executed the death penalty."

Xu Qi's voice was transmitted to Pan Lun's ear through the loudspeaker, which made him originally immersed in the thoughts that he had lost in his mind. He then realized in horror that he didn't know when he was up. Every cell in the body was clamoring for that tight and dry shout.

Until Xu Qi stepped out of the gate on the other side, until Le Ge took himself back to the dark cell | room, the extreme thirst of ** did not move out of Pan Lun's brain. He stumbled onto his bed, trying to reach out and caress the erected lower body, but hesitated not to take any action.

"I haven't come back for so many days, I want to die!" A tall, burly figure suddenly came over the bed across from him, and a swoop put Pan Lun under him. Before he could react, he felt his pants were ripped off.

When Xu Hu first mentioned the murder weapon to be hardened, he was surprised to find that the part that was never erect | He whispered wryly and said, "Oh, I thought you were a waste. I didn't expect it?"

As soon as the words fell, the fierce spear slammed into Pan Lun's dry body. 2k novel reading network