MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 19 Teaching (6)

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It’s fine to stay as it is... I will treat this as a compliment for a while, after all, Xiaoning is smiling at this time.

"What do you plan to do in the future?" I asked with concern.

Although Xiaoning said that he has money, he is actually very tight. Going home for more than 30 hours of hard seat, returning to the road by means of the most primitive means of transportation. I know that in today's society, Tianshi is still very profitable in a certain circle. But Xiaoning is just a trainee, and the graduation task is also inexplicable. The consumption in the city is not low. It is not easy to stay here.

"I want to turn around in the city at night, and I want to listen to your class, can you?" Ning Tiance's eyes are not only confused, but also a thing I can't understand.

"Of course no problem!" I nodded hard.

My class is basically at night, think about the black wind, I am sitting on the school bus with Xiaoning, a man and a man.

I am embarrassed to think about it again.

"Where do you live?" I waited for Xiaoning to say that I haven't found a place to live for a long time. Now the small hotel can make two stays and find a house as soon as possible.

As soon as he said it, I immediately invited him to live with me! My bedroom is the largest room in the 404, plus a single bed more than enough, when Xiaoning lived in a large double bed, I stayed in a single bed.

“There is no need to worry about the residence,” said Xiao Ning. “We have a perennial private room at this international hotel, which is enough for more than a dozen disciples. I have lived there some time ago.”

He took out a business card from his arms and handed it to me. I took a look at the stomachache.

This is the most luxurious five-star hotel in the city of h, an ordinary standard room is about 2000, Xiao Ning said that the room that can live more than a dozen disciples, at least a suite, the price of this day...

I don’t understand this kind of poor college student!

It turns out that Xiaoning said that he has money is real!

"It’s not too early," Xiaoning looked at the sun and said to me, "You probably didn't have a good rest last night. I won't bother. If there is a class in the future, please tell me, I really want to listen to Teacher Shen. lecture."

"definitely no problem."

After reluctantly sending away Xiaoning, I casually ate a meal and sat in bed. Before, I always wanted to break the feudal superstition, let Xiaoning learn mathematics and physics, and be a good young man in the new century. But now I think that Maoshan sent ghosts to make money, I will have some...

Oh, after all, I am still a vulgar person. I heard that making money has shaken my confidence in science.

A penny is hard to beat a man.

I was lying in the bed of the rental house, thinking about the handsome Ningtian policy taking a bath in a five-star hotel, and unconsciously went to sleep.

President Zhang once told me that the school's curriculum is not tense. It is not a class every night. She will send me the class schedule the day before, giving me enough time to prepare, so that I don't have to worry too much.

Since she didn't tell me the class schedule last night, it means there is no class tonight. To be honest, I was very tired yesterday. It was not very comfortable to sit on the floor of the morgue at 4 o'clock in the middle of the night. Lying on the familiar bed, I was asleep until 12 o'clock at midnight, I was going to get up and make a face and then go to sleep.

When I walked out of the room and boiled water, I saw Tan Xiaoming’s room lit up, and it seemed like someone was talking. I am very worried about Xiao Ming’s, taking time to boil water, ran over and knocked on his door: “Xiao Ming, have you moved over?”

After a long time, Tan Xiaoming’s door “Oh,” automatically opened. I saw Tan Xiaoming sitting on the bed. Teacher Liu sat on the toilet I gave to Li Yuanyuan. The two were chatting on the knees.

When Xiao Ming saw me entering the door, she shrank into the bed and looked at me with her knees. I know that he is giving me the place, just sitting on the bed, naturally said: "This bed is too hot, I put it outside to dry the sun today, this time I can sleep comfortably."

"I know." Tan Xiaoming said slowly, his voice was a little dumb, like a thirst.

It should be that I talked with Teacher Liu for too long while I was sleeping, and said it.

"Mr. Liu also knows Xiao Ming?" I looked at Liu Sishun.

Teacher Liu’s opening was also hoarse: “I am a language teacher. When you are not taking classes, there is a time when I bring my class.”

He said, shaking his clothes, I faintly smelled a smell on his clothes, a little familiar, like...

It seems like the bad breath that Tian Bowen squirts when he opens his mouth!

To be honest, I treat students equally, and a bowl of water is flat. I am always very selfish. I really don't want to be close to Tian Bowen. He is too hygienic. In order to scare me, I dare to put the worm in my mouth. One mouth is a stench, and the worm also carries this. Stock smell.

“Does Teacher Liu have just seen Tian Bowen?” I couldn’t help but ask.

"Well, I have seen it." Liu Sishun was not very good-looking. "It was also covered by his bug."

I was very angry after listening: "Tian Bowen is too much. I am a new teacher. I am not familiar with them. He scares me and scares me. I am an old teacher, why should he do this to you! Next time. I must educate and educate him!"

When I heard that I wanted to educate Tian Bowen, Tan Xiaoming’s body shook involuntarily, probably also being bullied by Tian Bowen.

I patted Xiao Ming's knee hard and gave him the courage: "Xiao Ming is not afraid, the teacher will be able to guide Tian Bowen to the right path, I will go buy the pesticide tomorrow."

Teacher Liu also shook a bit. He said to me: "That, Teacher Shen, it doesn't matter if you educate Tian Bowen, but can you not use a notebook to fight bugs? I, I really..."

The notebook that Liu’s collection was given to me, but I opened the bug and opened it, not enough to cherish it. It was my fault.

"Mr. Liu, don't worry, today, a very handsome young man has reminded me that I will protect the notebook in the future, and I will never use it to do things that are not notebooks."

"Do not use too much protection, you can put it in the bag, don't have anything to take out the sun or something... The book is quite old, in case the paper is evaporated, then..." Teacher Liu looked bitter.

Also, I nodded hard and made a promise to Mr. Liu.

Teacher Liu and Tan Xiaoming were also very conservative in the room. Xiao Ming was still wearing a vest yesterday. Today, it is long trousers and even the palms are covered. He also had a hat on his head, and he kept talking and listened to me and talked to Teacher Liu.

"Mr. Liu, what happened to Xiao Ming? It seems a bit low." Yesterday I saw Xiao Ming not like this. Although it was maliciously naughty, it was very lively, unlike the now dead look.

"Oh, this is the case. I am persuading him to go to normal school." Teacher Liu explained, "It is not a way to continue your class. I still live in a rented house with such a bad environment. I am afraid that he will fly in the long run... I I am afraid that he can't stand up late at night."

Teacher Liu said that it makes sense. Xiao Ming really needs normal education, so staying up late is not good for his physical and mental growth.

"Mr. Liu thinks that the problem is more comprehensive," I said with emotion. "My new teacher who just started to work can only do some basic work to accompany him to sleep and comfort him, but Teacher Liu can solve the problem from the root cause. I will continue to work harder in the future and strive for an early date..."

"You should never make more efforts!" Tan Xiaoming jerked his head and slammed me. "You can do this!"

I only saw that there were many injuries on his face, which seemed to be burns.

"What's wrong with you?" I pulled open his sleeves, and the place where the clothes were blocked was burned.

"Who abused you? I want to tell him!" I said angrily. "Are you not going to see a psychiatrist today?"

Tan Xiaoming’s eyes are full of hatred. He bites his teeth: “It’s you...”

Teacher Liu quickly smashed his clothes. Tan Xiaoming just calmed down and said something in his heart: "I used to boil water, you forced me to do this!"

Why, why?

I was hit hard. Didn't I be too radical to pull Xiao Ming out of bed last night? For him, is it safer under the bed?

"No, no, no," Teacher Liu quickly comforted me. "Don Shen, don't be excited. You turned the Xiaoming's bedboard over and did not make a mistake. The sunbathing board is... Oh, no, it's me, my fault, I advise. Xiao Ming is on the right track, and he is angry with himself."

During the pull, I saw that Liu also had burns on his hand, but it was not as serious as Tan Xiaoming.

"Mr. Liu, your hand..."

Teacher Liu immediately retracted her hand and thought about it: "It's okay, it is to prevent Xiao Ming from being accidentally injured. I am old, thick and thick, and hurt lightly. It is not as shallow as a child. It is easy to get hurt when you are hot."

I am really angry and sad. I said to Tan Xiaoming: "Xiao Ming, you are angry with me. I am strong and strong. You just hit me and scratch me. I am fine. But Teacher Liu is always happy, how can Hurt him. The most important thing is that everyone is their own baby. You must love yourself first, cherish yourself, don't hurt your body because of a little setback!"

Tan Xiaoming did not speak, turned to look at the wall.

Teacher Liu took me out of the room and warmly advised: "You don't be too angry. I am persuading him not? Actually, Xiao Ming had already solved his habits last night, plus you helped him move during the day, to him. Well... well, he is willing to get on the right track. It’s still a little bit worse, I’m trying to persuade him, I believe he will be willing to go to school in two days.”

"Okay," I knew that I continued to persuade Xiao Ming that it would only be counterproductive, and I was disappointed to return to my room, even the instant noodles were not soaked.

Before leaving, I also heard Teacher Liu whispering to Tan Xiaoming: "You don't want to be impulsive, he doesn't know that you are... all this, if you know... then we..."

His voice is intermittent, I can't hear clearly, and I don't listen to other people's corners. This is not what a gentleman does.

I was so hungry and lying on the bed, took out my mobile phone and sent a message to Xiaoning: [Tan Xiaoming resisted self-mutilation, burned himself with boiling water, burned him and Liu, what should I do? I am too useless. 】

Xiaoning is also a very late night person. After receiving my message, I immediately replied: [Let Liu advise me, I believe that Tan Xiaoming will soon be able to open it. 】

The author has something to say: Mr. Liu's original words: He is pure and masculine, I don't know if we are ghosts can toss us into this, in case I really know that it is a ghost, he strokes his arm and sprays you a bed of pure yang. Blood, you will fly away directly. Listen to the teacher and persuade, learn Yuanyuan, self-excessive. Look at the ghost in the faucet. He was put on the blood for several days, and the yin was dissipated. The human form could not be maintained and he had moved.

Ning Tianshi, Liu Teacher, Tan Xiaoming: The three of us joined hands with Shen, who has ghosts in the world. It is really afraid that he is too destructive...

In the last chapter, I asked Xiao Xiaoning not to ask Mr. Shen to write on Liu’s notebook. Emma Xiaoning said that this was the feeling of Taoist exorcism during this time. It really made Mr. Shen write on Teacher Liu, and Mr. Liu directly It’s good to die. Moreover, it is like Shen’s diligence to write down every word. If you see Xiao Ning’s spell directly on Liu’s body, what can I do?

Ning Tiance: I used to write a character and tried to stick it on the ghost. I have never seen a character directly on the ghost. I am inexplicably distressed by the Republic of China. It’s Liu’s teacher. In front of it, Mr. Liu was before the founding of the People's Republic of China. Ghost ~~)

Teacher Liu: I have a problem recently. Other students can persuade them to move or reincarnate, but I am a school staff member. I am still a roommate of that person. What should I do?