MTL - They Regretted it After Their Hearts Turned to Ashes-Chapter 43 guest

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Wanghai Villa quietly changed its owner.

This incident didn't make much splash. The heir of the Ren family had a mental problem, and he was forced to receive medical treatment for intentionally hurting others.

The business has been in trouble one after another, and the partners have also been cut off a lot. Under the panic, the Ren family has already packaged and sold a lot of assets.

Although the villa in Wanghai was successfully sold, no one was seen to move in immediately. Instead, it was thoroughly cleaned and remodeled from the inside out, and the garden was also hired to take care of it.

Although no one knows what's going on inside the villa, the old shop owner near the villa's private beach chats with frequent tourists, and they all feel that the beach seems to be starting to look like ten years ago again.

Ten years ago, Wanghai was specially transformed by Ren Shuangmei and wanted to give it to Luo Chi.

This villa was supposed to be Luo Chi's thirteenth birthday present, and every detail in it was hidden.

The ochre-red roof is extremely saturated. When the weather is good, it will connect with the clouds to form a burnt sunset. If the sea is foggy, you can recognize the location of the villa at a glance by the red spires.

The villa was originally a brick wall, but many walls were painted white, and there were readily available paints everywhere, allowing Luo Chi to paint anything he liked on it.

The hut where Luo Chi lived was embraced by the garden. There has always been a special person to take care of it, not only can you see the vigorous and lush vegetation from the window, but also ensure that the sun can shine in at all times.

If Aunt Ren also came to the villa, most of them could not help but drag Luo Chi to the main house of the villa - there was actually Luo Chi's room there. The room she chose for Luo Chi has a super spacious terrace, from which you can see the sea at a glance, and you can hear the soft sound of the waves at night.

The back of the villa is surrounded by reefs, and it has been walking along the reefs to the low hills. There is a pavilion in a very good position on the top. Standing in the pavilion, you can just see Luo Chi's hut.

Down the slate steps is the beach, which is sheltered from the wind and perfect for barbecues and bonfires.

These arrangements were all regarded as surprises, and they were kept strictly secret, not revealed to Luo Chi at all, and they were accidentally hidden for ten years.

In the past ten years, many unrelated people have lived in the villa, and many of the original layouts have been altered or abandoned.

Minglu led someone to completely clean up the traces of the past, and found the designer who was responsible for the renovation of the villa, and renovated it as much as possible from the inside out, and finally restored it to its original appearance.

Until this evening, the main house was finally almost cleaned up.

When Minglu walked through the garden and came to the hut, Luo Chi was picked up by Mingwei Pavilion because he successfully picked up ten shells, and placed them on the hammock in the garden.

The hammock was brought by Ming Lu, and it was only intended to be used for decoration. Luo Chi's right leg couldn't exert any force at all, and it was difficult to maintain balance. As soon as it was put on it, it shook violently.

Minglu's heart was overwhelmed, and he hurried over: "Sir—"

Ming Weiting shook his head: "It doesn't matter."

He didn't look serious when he said this, and there was even a faint smile in his eyes.

Minglu turned around to distinguish carefully, only to find that Luo Chitian was spinning and shaking, and there was still Xianxin and Yuli reaching out to greet him.

The one who is not afraid of the sky is naturally the happy Luo Chi.

Although the hammock shook violently, he always believed that he was a big flame who could do anything, so he felt stimulated, and even wanted to shake it a little more.

Ming Weiting kept watching him intently, until Luo Chi almost fell out of the hammock when he suddenly reached out his hand and stabilized him in time.

Luo Chi didn't enjoy the shaking, so Ming Weiting adjusted the ropes of the hammock again, and gently pushed and pulled him back and forth a few times.

This time the hammock was only shaking slightly, Luo Chi gradually found the trick to balance, holding the edge with his left hand, and slowly stuck his head out from inside.

Luo Chi was having a good time, his eyes were sparkling, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead: "Uncle Lu."

Ming Lu breathed a sigh of relief, followed by laughing, and walked over to greet him: "Huo Miao."

Taking advantage of Luo Chi's attention, Ming Weiting suddenly stretched out his hand and shook the hammock again.

Luo Chi was startled, and immediately felt stimulated. He was swaying around the hammock by Mingwei Pavilion, and couldn't help laughing excitedly.

It is not difficult to see that most of this game project has been carried out for several rounds.

Ming Lu actually didn't expect Ming Weiting to accompany Luo Chi to play this, but looking at the situation in front of him, he didn't seem to be surprised. Instead, after watching it for a while, even he couldn't hold back a hammock rope and swayed in the opposite direction.

Luo Chi was pinched from both sides and shook even more unsteadily. He laughed a little and coughed, and then he guessed that someone was making trouble: "Uncle Lu!"

Seeing that he was about to fall, Ming Weiting turned his back and supported Luo Chi along with the hammock.

Luo Chi's hands and legs are inconvenient, but it still does not affect his ability to find experience and balance.

Luo Chi held the rope with his left hand and immediately emerged from the hammock.

His speed was faster than the last time, and Ming Lu didn't even have time to retract the hand holding the rope.

Ming Lu coughed lightly and raised his hand to surrender.

Luo Chi sat majestically in the hammock.

Ming Weiting also had a smile in his eyes, he stretched out his hand and hugged Luo Chi out: "Uncle Lu, is the main house cleaned up?"

"Yes." Minglu, "Sir, do you want to stay tonight?"

Ming Weiting looked down at Luo Chi: "Sleeping in the villa?"

Since his right hand has improved, Luo Chi has refused to let anyone help with too many things. He is leaning on Ming Wei Ting's shoulder, and concentrates on holding a few tissues to wipe his sweat.

I played too much just now, and my heart is still beating so fast that the voices in my ears are almost drowned out.

When he noticed the shadow beside him falling down, he realized that the other party was talking to him, raised his eyes, and met Mingwei Pavilion's sight.

"Do you like it here?" Ming Weiting stroked his hair, "Would you like to stay?"

Luo Chi recognized the content and blinked slightly.

Before that, Luo Chi had been resting on the cruise. It has been adjusted for comfort, but the cruise ships are moored at the pier, some distance from the real water and sand.

The happy Luo Chi was naturally satisfied with everything—in fact, most of the time, Luo Chi didn't pay much attention to where he was.

As long as Mr. Shadow was by his side, Luo Chi immersed himself in exercising his right hand. In addition to the intensity of the recent project, another control was added. Ming Weiting put the shell in his hand, and stood a few steps away for Luo Chi to reach for it, which was a lot more difficult than before.

Luo Chi, who was concentrating on overcoming difficulties, was the same everywhere. As long as he wasn't in the hospital, or trapped in bed with sedatives and unable to move, he felt very satisfied.

When he was only half asleep, occasionally he couldn't suppress the part of himself in the fog because of tiredness. The Luo Chi who woke up briefly would look at the distant sea outside the window in a trance.

After thinking about the conch, Luo Chi would often be so ecstatic.

He has straightened out the memory from Luo's family to Wanghai, but more parts of the fog are still chaotic and fuzzy.

So far, Luo Chi has not been able to fully figure out what happened to him.

Why did Mr. Shadow suddenly appear, and why did he take so many medicines just because he broke his leg.

Why have you arrived at the seaside, but not in the villa, nor did you see Aunt Ren.

"You can sleep here, or in the main house."

Ming Weiting slowly told him the options: "You can also go back to the cruise and come back tomorrow."

Luo Chi hesitated: "Is Aunt Ren coming?"

"I can't come for the time being." Ming Weiting said, "I want the fire to recuperate."

It was not the first time he had answered Luo Chi's question.

The last time Luo Chi remembered about the conch, he had a headache until he lost consciousness. Later, he finally fell asleep in a coma and slept like that for a day and a night.

Because he slept too long, Ming Weiting had planned to take him for a checkup early the next morning, and Luo Chi just woke up at that time.

Luo Chi, who woke up, seemed to have straightened out more content than before, but because of this part of the content, he subconsciously thought that he had broken his leg to recover from his injury, so he had been waiting for Aunt Ren.

Luo Chi got the answer and nodded slowly.

He looked at the path in the garden, with a carefree look for many days, as if he had unknowingly had a little more on his mind.

This little thing won't exist in the consciousness outside for long, and when he wakes up, he will be taken back into the fog again.

It was getting late, and the moonlight gradually became obvious, leaking through the lush leaves of the climbing vines.

The weather was fine all day today and there was no wind at night. Ming Weiting didn't have to worry about him catching a cold, so he was not in a hurry, just waited patiently for Luo Chi.

"...The main house." Luo Chi finally made a decision, "To be a guest."

The details have been specially restored. Luo Chi should not feel unfamiliar with Wanghai Villa, Ming Lu was stunned: "Who is going to be a guest?"

Ming Weiting was pulled by Luo Chi's shirt, and answered actively, "Me."

Minglu was still a little stunned. He watched Luo Chi being carefully put into a wheelchair by Mingweiting, his body was limp and leaning to one side, he wanted to help him subconsciously, but Mingweiting raised his hand to stop him.

Luo Chi's expression was very serious.

He was not disturbed at all because his condition was too bad, and he didn't ask a word, just concentrated on trying to adjust his strength and regain control of his body.

Today's physical strength is almost exhausted, and Luo Chi's forehead is slowly breaking out with thin sweat. Little by little, he found the trick to exert his strength, supported his body and managed to sit firmly at once, finally straightened his shoulders, and heaved a sigh of relief with satisfaction.

In the morning, I can only rely on Mr. Shadow for help. After a whole day, with the experience of sitting up in the hammock just now, I can successfully find the corresponding skills and tricks.

Today's exercise was so successful that Luo Chi couldn't help but feel happy, and the corners of his pursed lips couldn't help but lift.

It was not the first time for him to sit in a wheelchair. He still remembered how to control it, and skillfully made the electric wheelchair turn around and turned into facing Mingwei Pavilion.

Luo Chi's eyes are super bright: "Who is going to be a guest?"

Ming Weiting saw him and Aunt Ren playing this question-and-answer game, then smiled and squatted down: "Me."

Luo Chi immediately pursed the corners of his mouth, and immediately suppressed his smile, super serious: "Who is going to be a guest?"

Ming Weiting was also serious, tidying up his collar: "I."

"Lucky fans of Huo Miao, go to Huo Miao's house as a guest."

Ming Weiting answered him solemnly, and made an objective comment on the matter according to the tone he learned from the Internet: "Why are lucky fans so excessive? They didn't even bring gifts."

Luo Chi really couldn't hold back his laughter now, he didn't know what he was happy about, but he couldn't stop laughing. It wasn't until I wanted to raise my hand to wipe my tears that I finally remembered that my left hand had to support my body, and my right hand was too tired to move.

If you can't move, you can't move, let him be.

Anyway, it will be fine in the future, Mr. Shadow said that it will be fine in the future.

Now that he can get better in the future, what he has to do now is to try his best to keep his body from getting worse, and make sure that when he recovers, he will be able to play the guitar, drive and surf by jumping in place.

Ming Weiting raised his hand, bent his index finger and tapped on the wet eyelashes.

He seemed to know what Luo Chi was thinking, and reminded him, "There is still debt to be paid."

Luo Chi coughed with laughter, and had no choice but to nod: "Pay back the debt."

How can there be such a lucky fan? They all went back to the villa with him as a guest, and only knew that he was required to repay the debt.

He doesn't break his bills, he never breaks his bills.

This thought came to him, and he pretended to be so happy, almost as if his heart was lazily soaking in the sea warmed by the sun, but suddenly it seemed as if he had been knocked twice by some particularly familiar force. .

The place where he was knocked suddenly felt pain, not the kind of sad pain, but more like relieving from the numbness that had been frozen for a long time, and finally a guilty conscience of knowing that was wrong. did he not break the bill?

He made so many promises, but none of them were fulfilled.

He promised Aunt Ren a lot of things, and he made a lot of promises... He held the conch in his hands, and was knocked on the head by Aunt Ren on the hospital bed.

"Looking for a favorite person." Aunt Ren knocked on him, "bring it back to my aunt to see."

Aunt Ren knocked him: "I want to bring it back as a guest."

Because of some very boring people and very boring things, he did not complete any of the agreements with the most important people... Such a serious mistake made him unwilling to end like this. He still wants to live.

He still wants to live.

He still wants to live.

Luo Chi's chest seemed to be suddenly knocked open by these words, and a cool wind suddenly poured in. He subconsciously held onto the armrest of the wheelchair.

It's not any one of so many kinds of pain... It's a very long-lost feeling.

He remembered the leg he broke. When the injury started to heal, it was itchy, a special kind of pain and tingling that ran along the nerves and kept him awake.

Aunt Ren held him, not allowing him to move and damage the wound, and chatted with him all night.

They talk about places they want to go, things they want to do, and the most important people they will meet in the future.

Talk about all the things that take a long time to do.

For some reason, the heart in my chest suddenly began to thump, as if I was on an appointment that I couldn't fulfill for too long.

Luo Chi recovered from a heart palpitation, and the palm of the cold sweat was covered by the other hand.

The owner of the hand held his hand, raised the other hand, and carefully wiped the water vapor from his eyelashes: "Why are you crying?"

Luo Chi didn't answer, didn't hide or move, his eyelashes trembled slightly under his touch.

Ming Weiting was slightly startled, he held Luo Chi's hand and looked into those eyes carefully.

There was mist in those eyes, the first time he saw this when Luo Chi was fully awake.

Luo Chi, who woke up, was also at a loss. He also seemed to have no idea what was going on, and just looked around slowly in confusion.

For the first time, the thick fog was blown in by the wind.

Trapped in the fog, the figure that was about to melt into the fog suddenly struggled silently, and that struggle seemed to crack open a gap quietly.

In the thick fog where there was nothing, a young leaf broke out dazedly, looking at the figure in front of him.

"Recover well." Luo Chi suddenly said.

He found the word, and went on to find the next one.

There is one very important thing to ask.

Ming Weiting squatted down and looked into Luo Chi's eyes.

Luo Chi looked at him, as if to ask a very important question, but he was a little afraid to speak.

Ming Weiting repeated in a low voice, "Recover well."

Luo Chi nodded.

He slowly clenched his palms.

He has been in this fog for a long time, and it has been a long time since he thought about one thing so seriously and so hard.

He hadn't thought about it for a long time, and just thinking about it for a long time suddenly overflowed with a desire that even he himself had never noticed.

Luo Chi's throat moved slightly.

He clenched his fists and asked softly with extra care, "Okay, can you live for a long time?"