MTL - This Is My Primitive Tribe-v2 Chapter 277 dig a well

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Wild West.


The Great Rift Valley continues to split, the crustal activity has become more and more intense, and the entire earth is constantly shaking.


The Great Rift Valley became larger and deeper, and a large amount of sea water poured in, forming a strait. The turbulent waves continuously slapped the coast, and the soil and gravel were constantly washed away.

Looking from a high altitude, you can clearly see that the Great Rift Valley has spread to the eastern part of the Western Wilderness, spanning almost the entire Western Wilderness.

Moreover, it continues to divide, and no one knows where this Great Rift Valley will eventually spread.

This kind of crustal movement is too fast and violent, causing the environment of the entire Western Wilderness and even the Northern Wilderness to deteriorate sharply, and the living environment has become extremely harsh.

In addition to the Western Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness, the Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness have all been affected to varying degrees.

The first is the tribe that originally lived in the Western Wilderness.

These tribes could not survive in the Western Wilderness and could only be forced to migrate. Some of them entered the Eastern Wilderness and some of them entered the Southern Wilderness. They competed for resources with the aborigines in the two great wastelands, causing a **** storm.

Secondly, there are various disasters such as earthquakes, landslides and ground fissures, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and extreme weather brought about by the movement of the earth's crust.

With the passage of time, the crustal movement has become more and more intense, and more and more places are affected by these natural disasters.

The Teng tribe at the junction of the Western Wilderness and the Southern Wilderness was not spared either.

At the beginning of June, there was no rain for a month in the vicinity of the Veng tribe. Under the scorching heat of summer, the springs and streams on the ground were the first to stop flowing. The planting industry of the Veng tribe was also greatly affected.

In the business of relying on the sky to eat, the most fearful thing is to encounter these extreme weather.

"Boss, if it doesn't rain again, these fish will have to be caught and eaten."

By the pond, Big Horn looked worriedly at the pond whose water level was less than half of its usual level.

Because the stream is cut off and the pond has no running water, the farmed fish cannot get enough oxygen from the water, some of the fish have already begun to die, and the other fish can only float to the surface, breathing through their mouths and lingering on.

Jiang Xuan looked up at the dazzling scorching sun above his head, and said, "Other fish can be picked up and eaten, but those female fish who are raising seedlings must find a way to protect them."

"With the female fish, we can continue to breed in the future. If the female fish is gone, then we have to start again."

Dajiao thought for a while and said, "Now that the stream has stopped flowing, the only place where the female fish can be preserved is the artificial lake by the river."

The Teng tribe dug several artificial lakes. These artificial lakes are very deep and connected to the Feiyu River. As long as the Feiyu River continues to flow, these female fish can be guaranteed to survive.

Jiang Xuan nodded and said: "The artificial lake is fine, but the artificial lake is too big, it is easy to put the female fish in, but it is difficult to catch them out. It is best to make a cage and raise them in nets."

"Boss, what is a cage?"

"It is to make the fishing net into the shape of a box and put it in the water to raise fish. As long as the net is not broken, the fish will not easily escape. When you want to catch fish, you can directly drag the net box up."

Jiang Xuan's explanation made Dajiao's eyes light up. As the leader of the breeding team, he was very interested in various breeding techniques.

Dajiao asked Jiang Xuan about the making process of the cage in detail, and then went to try making it with great interest.

Jiang Xuan left the pond and went to the nearby crops.

Like ponds, crop fields are also severely affected by drought. Those crops cannot receive rainwater. Except for a few drought-tolerant crops, other crops need to be irrigated by hand.

When Jiang Xuan walked over, Gan Song was bringing people hard to carry water to water the crops.


Gan Song used a wooden scoop to pour a scoop of water on the root of a red crystal rice plant, and in the blink of an eye, the dry soil completely absorbed the scoop of water.

After watering, the color of a small piece of soil at the root of the red crystal rice has become darker, but this water can only temporarily quench thirst, and within two days, the soil will become extremely dry again.

"Let me do it."

Jiang Xuan walked to Gan Song's side and lifted a bucket of water with his left hand. He couldn't refuse Gan Song's rejection.

Like people, the red crystal rice was watered one by one.

Gan Song followed Jiang Xuan and was a little at a loss. After finally waiting for Jiang Xuan to finish pouring the two buckets of water, he hurriedly used a pole to pick up the bucket, saying nothing to let Jiang Xuan carry the water.

Jiang Xuan was helpless, so he had to go to the distance to get a bucket of water and follow him to fetch water.

The place where the water is drawn is at the bend of the Feiyu River. Because there are many people carrying water, a road has been trampled there.


Jiang Xuan quickly filled two buckets of water, and then helped Gan Song to fill two buckets, and then walked back together.

After walking back and forth a few times, Jiang Xuan frowned.

It's not that he is too tired, but the efficiency of carrying water and pouring the ground like this is too low.

Because the distance is relatively long and the bucket is not particularly large, each load of water can only be poured on a dozen or twenty plants of red crystal rice. With so many crops, when will it be watered?

Many crops have not been watered in time, and some of the leaves have begun to dry up.

"Gan Song, it's not good to water like this, the road is too long."

"But now there is only water in the river."

"Who said there is water in the river? We also have water under our feet, but it's hidden deeper. We can dig a well to get water."

"Drilling a well?"

Gan Song looked at Jiang Xuan blankly, not knowing what this meant.

In the past, the water resources in Nanhuang were very rich. Streams, springs, lakes and rivers could be seen everywhere. Most of the tribesmen in Nanhuang had never experienced drought at all, so naturally they never thought of drilling wells to get water.

Jiang Xuandao: "It's just digging a hole in the ground. As long as you dig deep enough, water will definitely come out."

"After we have water, we just need to tie a rope to the barrel, throw it into the well, fill it with water, and then pull the barrel up."

Digging a well to fetch water saves a lot of time than fetching water from a river, and people are not so tired, so the efficiency will be much improved.

"Then I'll find someone to dig a well right away."

Gan Song trusts Jiang Xuan very much. Since the leader said that there is water in the ground, it must be there.

Gan Song found three members of the planting team, and asked them to take tools such as bone scorpions, stone hoes, bronze shovels, etc., and under Jiang Xuan's guidance, they found a low-lying place, and then began to dig a well.

The tribe was strong and strong, and with sharp bronze tools, soon, a big pit appeared on the ground.

The cropland of the Veng tribe was originally by the river. Although it has been dry for more than a month, the groundwater resources are still relatively abundant.

The more they dug down, the wetter the soil became, and when they dug to a depth of almost a meter, a small amount of water began to seep out of the soil.

When they dug to a depth of two meters, a large amount of groundwater suddenly poured out, like a fountain, and the three hurriedly climbed out of the deep pit.

"The water is out, the water is really out, great!"

Gan Song shouted excitedly, and the members of the nearby planting team also came to watch, and then cheered together.

A smile appeared on Jiang Xuan's face.

With the well, the planting team can get water nearby, and the crops can be better watered.

Moreover, wells are not disposable consumables. As long as they are repaired frequently, these wells can be used for a long time. In the future, when the weather is dry, the planting team can go to the wells to fetch water, and there is no need to go all the way to the river to pick it up.

However, the speed of drilling wells by hand is a bit slow. Now that the drought is severe, it is best to drill enough deep wells as soon as possible to supply the needs of watering crops.

Can you find a faster way to drill wells?

Jiang Xuan pondered for a long time, and it happened that at this time, Shi Sho, the new leader of the Giant Claw Tribe, came to do a deal with some gold and goods.

Since becoming a subsidiary tribe of the Vine tribe, the range of activities of the giant claw beast has gradually broadened. In addition to sending some gold to the Vine tribe on time, they will also bring some goods to the trading area in exchange for some things they need.

Jiang Xuan immediately stared at the giant claw beast he was riding, and his eyes lit up.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan's eyes were not quite right, Shi Zhan thought he was going to eat a giant-clawed beast, so he hurriedly said: "Boss Xuan, the meat of a giant-clawed beast is not delicious..."

Jiang Xuan knew Shi Sho had misunderstood as soon as he heard it, so he smiled and said, "Don't worry,

I won't eat your megaclaw, but I need you and your tribe's warriors to do me a favor with the megaclaw. "

Hearing that it was just to help, Shi Zhan was obviously relieved: "What do you need us to do, Chief Xuan, just say it."

"The weather has been dry recently, and I need you to help the Vine tribe dig some wells."


"It's a very deep pit, just dig out the water."

"This is simple, leave it to us."

The stone shovel agreed directly.

Other tribes may not know that there is water underground, but the giant claw tribe does, because their giant claw beasts often dig holes in the ground, and it is common to dig out water.

Soon, more than a dozen giant claw beasts entered the crops of the Vine Tribe under the leadership of the stone shovel and their soldiers.

With the help of these giant claw beasts, one well after another appeared in the crops.

With these wells, the members of the planting team do not have to go to the river to fetch The watering efficiency is greatly improved, and more crops can be preserved in the drought.

A few days later, Jiang Xuan found that it was too difficult for people to pull the rope directly from the well, so he asked the craftsmen of the wood workshop to make a batch of reels according to the memory of his previous life.

The so-called reel is the most primitive lifting device.

It is only necessary to install two brackets above the well, and then put a wooden shaft with a handle on the bracket. When the person shakes the handle, the rolling wooden shaft will roll up or loosen the rope, and the wooden shaft that holds the water will roll up or loosen. The bucket can move up and down with the rope.

With the reel, the planting team doesn't have to work so hard to fetch water, and the efficiency of fetching water and irrigating crops has been improved again.

However, artificial watering can only save the lives of most crops. If you want to get a better harvest, you can only wait for the rain in the sky.

This drought not only affected the crops of the Vine tribe, but also had other far-reaching and worse effects!

Chapter two hundred and seventy seventh well drilling