MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 179 177. Changing the tradition of the Spring Festival Gala for Wang Cheng? twins

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  Chapter 179 177. Changing the tradition of the Spring Festival Gala for Wang Cheng? Amazing twins! (seeking subscription)

   Now, the entire network is full of discussions about this performance, and the popularity has once again caught up with last week's finals performance.

  The main reason is that last week’s performance in the finals was so exciting that many young people in their teens and twenties finally saw a super high-level live performance...

  The performance video has received billions of views a week on Penguin Video, which shows how popular it is.


   Many viewers still have high expectations for this week's farewell performance.

On Weibo, the top ten most popular news are all related to this performance, and most of them are related to Wang Cheng. Celebrities are feeling the pressure.


   They are a little relieved and relaxed at this time.

   This is the farewell performance of Tomorrow's Idol. After today's performance, this season's program will officially come to an end.

   Far away in the capital!

  Spring Festival Gala program group.

  Xie Xingfeng, Ma Jian, and another CCTV producer, Zhou Xianfeng, sat in the office together to watch the live broadcast of Tomorrow's Idol!

  Wen Yixiao, who appeared on the stage, looked like a superstar with his aura and temperament on the stage. Li Xingluo, who had debuted for several years, suppressed Li Xingluo, who looked like a passer-by who was a dancer. All three were amazed.

  Zhou Xianfeng said in a low voice: "This little girl from the Wen family has such a talent in literature and art. This time she is on the right track."

   Ma Jian smiled wryly, and said, "It's just that I have a bad temper!"

   Zhou Xianfeng asked curiously: "What? You went to Nanyue last week, did you meet Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao? How did it turn out?"

   Zhou Xianfeng is also a temporary producer of CCTV, but he basically does not participate in specific affairs. He just hangs a job to gain his qualifications and accumulate capital for future promotions. He only occasionally listens to news from the program group.

  So, he only knew that Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian went to Nanyue to invite Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao last week, but he didn't know the specific process and follow-up.

  Xie Xingfeng remained silent.

  Ma Jian continued: "Wen Yixiao, this girl is pursuing Wang Cheng!"

Zhou Xianfeng raised his eyebrows. The news in this circle has spread all over the world. He, who doesn't pay much attention to the gossip in the circle, knows that the popularity of the two of them is very high. Paralyzed several social platforms.

  So Zhou Xianfeng was not surprised by this, he just asked: "And then?"

  Ma Jian: "Then, Wen Yixiao followed Wang Cheng completely. Wang Cheng promised to go to the Spring Festival Gala, and she would go. If Wang Cheng didn't agree, she wouldn't come either!"

   Zhou Xianfeng frowned slightly: "So, are they together?"

  Ma Jian shook his head: "No! Wang Cheng rejected her pursuit. In fact, Han Xiao was also pursuing Wang Cheng in the Tomorrow Idol program group, but Wang Cheng also rejected her."

   Zhou Xianfeng asked in surprise, "Han Xiao? The granddaughter of the calligraphy master Mr. Han?"

   Ma Jian nodded: "Yes!"

   Zhou Xianfeng has never heard of this gossip.

  Because the gossip of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao spread more widely, Han Xiao's influence was still lower than Wen Yixiao's by more than one level, so it didn't reach his ears.

   Zhou Xianfeng said in surprise: "Wang Cheng is so charming?"

   Ma Jian: "Did you not watch his performance last week?"

  Zhou Xianfeng nodded: "Look!"

   Ma Jian: "Then what do you think?"

   Zhou Xianfeng still recalled a trace of shock in his eyes, and said truthfully: "The last song is shameless, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the rock ceiling in the history of the Chinese music scene!"

  Ma Jian asked again: "Then what do you think of his appearance after taking off the mask?"

  Appearance level?

As a behind-the-scenes person in the system, Zhou Xianfeng didn't pay much attention to his appearance. At that time, he only felt that the atmosphere of the scene was too shocking. However, he recalled the reaction of his daughter and son. He almost jumped up and screamed at that time, and said: " Excellent…”

Ma Jian: "This week, I have repeatedly watched Wang Cheng's performance videos and comments on the Internet. Zhou Chu, he can be said to be the ceiling of the Chinese music scene! Moreover, several of his performances are very suitable for us. The core purpose of promoting traditional culture and establishing cultural self-confidence advocated in recent years."

Zhou Xianfeng looked serious, nodded and said: "That's right, the official media has named and praised him twice. We are preparing a program to promote classical culture in our station. We also plan to invite him to perform a show, and we have already sent an announcement to Rubik's Cube Entertainment. The invitation has not yet been responded to."

  Ma Jian nodded: "So, if Wang Cheng can be invited to perform, together with Wen Yixiao, our Spring Festival Gala this year will definitely be the most exciting year in the past ten years, and it can perfectly fit the current policy."

  Zhou Xianfeng was thoughtful, then frowned and said, "But, if he doesn't come, what should we do? Where did he learn about his strange schedule?"

   Ma Jian was also silent about this, unable to speak.

Xie Xingfeng looked at the lively atmosphere of the live performance on the TV screen, and suddenly said: "Zhou Chu, Ma Chu! You said, we will add an hour to warm up the performance between 6:00 and 7:00, and after 7:00 Is it possible that the news and the live broadcast of the official evening at 8 o'clock will continue as usual?"

   This is the only feasible solution that Xie Xingfeng came up with after a week of constant thinking.

  It does not conflict with Wang Cheng's work and rest time, and it does not affect the plan of CCTV's normal live broadcast sequence on New Year's Eve...

  Zhou Xianfeng and Ma Jian looked at Xie Xingfeng in surprise at the same time.

As the leaders of the CCTV system, the two have always believed in the principle of doing less and making fewer mistakes. If it can remain unchanged, it will remain unchanged. They are blamed for the declining ratings of the Spring Festival Gala year after year.

  So, when they heard Xie Xingfeng's plan, they immediately resisted it.

The last time Ma Jian heard Xie Xingfeng mention it once, he refuted it back then, and said directly at this time: "Director Xie, this is a live broadcast! We broadcast live one hour in advance, and then stopped for an hour in the middle, what happened to the live broadcast?" deal with?"

  Zhou Xianfeng frowned slightly, and said: "This change is too big. It's not worth taking such a big risk just for Wang Cheng alone!"

Changing the format of the program, changing the style of the stage, etc., have tried over the years, but even such a change is the result of the hard work of many people. It was proposed, and it was finally implemented after several years of weighing, and the person who made the opinion is no longer in the program group...

  The change proposed by Xie Xingfeng is really too big.

Xie Xingfeng nodded, and said seriously: "I know, but if you don't change, how can you break through? This is not for Wang Cheng alone, but for hundreds of millions of people who support Wang Cheng! Have you seen the public opinion on the Internet recently? Hundreds of millions People participated in the discussion of Wang Cheng alone, and hundreds of millions of people discussed Wen Yixiao. Last week, the video of the show he and Wen Yixiao performed has now reached more than five or six billion views..."

"We have invited Wang Cheng, which means we have invited Wen Yixiao. We can broadcast the performance of the two of them during the hour from six o'clock to seven o'clock, and make a single live broadcast of the two of them. The show! Don’t put it in the official stage studio of our Spring Festival Gala, put it outside, and do the first live broadcast, just like the farewell performance of tomorrow’s idol.”

   "In this way, we are tantamount to copying the final match between Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao last week!"

"Do you know what their ratings were last week? The peak was 5.2, and the average rating was 4.3. This is a miraculous rating! If such a performance were put on our Spring Festival Gala stage, how many ratings would it have? I dare not say recovery The audience rating was over 50% twenty years ago, but there is a chance to return to over 20%!"

  The office fell silent.

  Both Ma Jian and Zhou Xianfeng are thinking.

  They were only interested in the viewership rate of more than 20% that Xie Xingfeng said, other content was automatically ignored!

This is the ratings level of the Spring Festival Gala five or six years ago. Since it dropped to below 20% six years ago, it has stabilized at below 20% in the past few years, and it is still declining slowly. Last year it was only 16%. Dot around the ratings!

  This process is almost irreversible.

  Because, they also know that young people nowadays are not very interested in TV programs, and they don’t have the habit of watching the Spring Festival Gala of the older generation. Wouldn’t it be nice to have that time to watch videos, read novels, and play games?

  The ratings of the Spring Festival Gala in the future can only decrease year by year.


They can bring the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala back to the level of six years ago this year, going against the current, it is definitely a huge achievement for them, it will be of great benefit to their future promotion, and it is a great proof their abilities.

   Ma Jian didn't speak, but looked at Zhou Xianfeng. Although both of them were at the department level, Zhou Xianfeng had greater real power and a higher status in the stage.

Zhou Xianfeng looked at Wen Yixiao who had finished the performance, thought for more than two minutes, and then said: "Director Xie, this is very difficult! I heard that Wang Cheng, a young man, is very difficult to get along with. He was only 19 years old. It's spreading all over the country, and it's very defiant, will you be able to handle it by then?"

Xie Xingfeng recalled the cooperation between Wang Cheng and Tomorrow's Idol, and said, "Zhou Chu, Wang Cheng is not arrogant, but just withdrawn and doesn't like to deal with people! However, as long as you can adjust the live broadcast time, it will be fine if you don't conflict with him. He is very serious about his work and has a strong ability to work. In this regard, you can leave it to me."

   Zhou Xianfeng still frowned, and said softly: "The program group has just been preparing for the program, and the program selection is still in progress. Regarding the matter of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, we are not in a hurry. Let's watch the programs prepared by other people first..."

  Xie Xingfeng nodded and sighed inwardly.

  He knows that these two leaders in the system still dare not take such a risky behavior lightly.

  If the program selection goes well and the programs prepared by other actors and artists are brilliant enough to compare with Wang Cheng's previous classic performances, then Zhou Xianfeng may not agree to this matter.

  However, if the performances prepared by other actors and artists can't compare with Wang Cheng's performance on Tomorrow Idol!

  Then, Xie Xingfeng is sure to convince Zhou Xianfeng.

after all…

   CCTV Spring Festival Gala still has its own pride.

  If this year's Spring Festival Gala performance is not as exciting as a traffic talent show variety show, it will really be a failure, and everyone from top to bottom will be questioned about their ability to work.

   Plus the temptation of more than 20% ratings!

  Xie Xingfeng felt that the success rate would be very high.


  The show site.

  Wen Yixiao's performance has ended.

  Sitting in the second row of the auditorium, Liu Shengjie said with some regret: "It will be difficult to find a genius like Wen Yixiao in the future."

  He thought that the cooperation between himself and Wen Yixiao was over, and he felt a little regretful and reluctant.

  Proficient singers are eager to cooperate with top gold medal producers, but top gold medal producers are also eager to cooperate with truly capable and talented people.

  The two sides complement each other and achieve each other.

  Liang Xi said with a smile: "If you don't want to part with it, continue to cooperate. Didn't Penguin Entertainment already send out an invitation? I have already accepted, and the contract will be signed in two days."

  Penguin Entertainment has issued a new cooperation contract with Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi, and will create a solo album for Wen Yixiao, which is also Wen Yixiao's first debut album.

  Penguin Entertainment will spare no expense for this. Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi, the two gold medal producers and top creators who have been cooperating with Wen Yixiao, are in the ranks of invitations, and they all give the top quotations.

  At the same time, they also invited the other two creators and the top mv team, trying to make Wen Yixiao's debut album a classic.

  Liu Shengjie remained silent. He didn't want to tie himself to Penguin Entertainment. He always liked freedom. He could cooperate with whoever he wanted, and he would not serve a company alone.

Kong Changxing next to    said: "I'm already collecting works for Du Wei, and I expect to start making a new album in a week, and release the album within half a year!"

  Release an album within half a year, which is already fast in the current Chinese music scene.

  General singers may not be able to release an album in a year or two, but it would be good to release a song in half a year...

   It took so long to make an album, and people have run two or three variety shows, earning far more money than an album.


  Now that the Chinese music market is exploding, the income from releasing new songs and albums has greatly increased, and more people will release songs and albums in the future!

  Liu Shengjie looked at Kong Changxing, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Then we will release the album at the same time!"

  Kong Changxing smiled slightly: "Okay."

  Both of them have a sense of rivalry in their hearts, wanting to prove themselves in terms of album sales, to prove that they are better in music, and to prove that they can reach the pinnacle in the new era.


   Liang Xi said in a low voice: "I don't know, will Wang Cheng make a new album then? According to his speed, how long will it take to complete an album?"

  Both Liu Shengjie and Kong Changxing were shocked, and then fell silent. Thinking of the nineteen-year-old boy, they immediately felt that the rivalry between the two was a bit boring.

  It's like chickens pecking at each other.

  Several performances ended one after another, but the atmosphere at the scene was a little quiet, not as good as the atmosphere at the beginning.

  Although the subsequent performances of several teams and guests were also very exciting, they could be the finale performances on other variety shows, but they were still a level lower than Wen Yixiao in the opening show.

  Whether it was the audience or the audience in front of many TVs, they were all raised by Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao's performances, and ordinary performances could not attract them.


  The Pink Times girl group appeared on the stage, rekindling the atmosphere of the scene.

As soon as Pei Zhuyan, Lisa, Ginny, and Lin Xi appeared on the stage, the atmosphere on the stage changed. After all, the four are a world-class girl group with rich performance experience on the big stage, and their accumulated stage aura is also extremely strong. Everyone can't understand the English songs, but the rhythm of the songs and the **** and hot dance of the four people make everyone like it very much.

  Many spectators stood up and waved the light sticks in their hands, and enthusiastic shouts followed one after another.

   Afterwards, Ma Yunfei and Yu Huaying's performance was a bit ordinary compared to the previous pink era, which once again made the atmosphere of the scene slightly cooler.

After the performance, Yu Huaying and Ma Yunfei didn't look very good. Although they got a huge exposure on the stage, they performed after the Pink Era, and following their appearance was Du only.

  Comparing this before and after, Yu Huaying and Ma Yunfei seemed to have become cannon fodder, and had no effect on the scene. Maybe everyone can't remember their performance.

   Sure enough...

   Then Du Wei's appearance made the atmosphere of the scene heated up again.

  Because, what Du Wei sang this time turned out to be a rock song, and he played it skillfully with a guitar on his back. The high-pitched singing made many people stand up and shout excitedly.

  Liu Ziyu and Zhu Ziqi sat together, shouting along with everyone.

   Liu Ziyu said loudly: "Tonight's performance is the most lively performance I have seen in recent years. However, it is still not as exciting as Wang Cheng's performance last week."

Zhu Ziqi stared at Du Wei. She also longed for such an opportunity to perform on a big stage, and she was rocking and rolling on it. Unfortunately, she lost to Wen Yixiao and missed it. If she had known that tomorrow's idol stage would be such a huge opportunity, would she still be able to do so? If she met Wang Cheng, then she would try her best to fight for Wen Yixiao.

  Up to now, Zhu Ziqi still believes that if she exerts her full strength, she has a chance to win Wen Yixiao.

  After Du Wei is over, it will be Nanyang Ocean Girls.

  Li Canghai and Li Qiushui.

  Zhu Ziqi looked closely at the two of them. She also knew that Wang Cheng had signed the show for the twins, so she was very curious and envious of the two.

Li Canghai and Li Qiushui are not as **** and hot as in the pink era, but they are as quiet as water. The elder sister Li Canghai is wearing a blue dress, and the younger sister Li Qiushui is wearing a white dress. They don't dance much, they just stand on the stage holding hands and sing Song…

  However, the water-like singing made everyone's eyes shine.

  Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Liang Xi all stared at the two on the stage with wide eyes.

  Kong Changxing murmured in a low voice: "These two sisters are popular all over Nanyang, and they really have some reason. Their voice talent is no less than that of Wen Yixiao."

  Both Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi nodded in agreement!

Wang Cheng, who was reading a book in the background, also looked up at the live broadcast screen. Looking at the faces of the two Qingxia sisters, the singing voice and temperament style were very similar to the group in Hong Kong Island that was not twins but called twins in memory. No, the voice and The singing skills are still higher than that of the twins, basically not losing to Wen Yixiao.

   Not far away, Wen Yixiao saw Wang Cheng, who had been reading all the time, suddenly look up at the performance of the Ocean Girls Group. A trace of envy emerged in her heart again, and she also looked at the live broadcast screen, frowning slightly!

  The gossip teammate whispered: "The old cadres really pay attention to Li Canghai and the others!"

  Song Xue covered her mouth to calm her down.


  Han Xiao asked Wang Cheng directly: "Wang Cheng, what do you think of them?"

  Wang Cheng did not hesitate, and said directly: "Very good, with great potential!"

  With the beauty and temperament of sister Qingxia, and the blessing of real twins, coupled with top-level singing ability and talent, especially because they are Chinese and sing Chinese songs, it is hard not to be popular in China.

  Probably, they will be the most successful of the three major girl groups that came to China this time.

  However, after Wang Cheng finished speaking, he stopped reading and continued to look at the book in his hand.

   After a while, Li Canghai and Li Qiushui walked in excitedly, their faces flushed with excitement, and there were endless shouts and screams of excitement outside, which were all their trophies.

  They did not expect that their performance would get such a big response.

When the two walked in, they immediately glanced at Wang Cheng. They really wanted to go up and talk to Wang Cheng and ask him how he thought of the two of them, but there were too many people here, and they were afraid of being rejected by Wang Cheng, so the two of them forced their way. Hold back.

   Then, after two other performances by other teams, Flame Youth, the number one girl group in the island nation, performed on stage.

Haruko Nakamori, Chiyuki Amuro, Shizuka Hanazawa, and Maju Ishihara also carefully prepared for this performance, bringing out their best performance styles. Each cosplays a popular anime image from an island country to match the needs of many people. The familiar animation music and the dance choreographed by the four of them immediately ignited the atmosphere of the scene...

  Many anime fans in the auditorium sang along.

  After the performance of the four of them, they walked in to look at Wang Cheng, and seeing that Wang Cheng didn't look at them, the faces of the four of them were obviously disappointed!

  Hanazawa Shizuka murmured in a low voice: "Did Wang Chengjun watch our performance?"

  The other three also wanted to know, but no one could answer them, and it was impossible for them to ask other people present this question...

  After another performance by a team that few people paid attention to, the atmosphere outside suddenly became lively!

  Because, tonight's performance has come to an end.

   Finally it was Wang Cheng's turn to perform.

  Wang Cheng put down the book, took a sip of water from the thermos, and then stood up slowly.

  Han Xiao, Huang Bin, and Mo Bailin also hurriedly stood up together.

  All the other trainees and guests looked at Wang Cheng with complicated expressions, envy and anticipation!

  Wang Cheng didn't care about their gazes, put on the mask on his own, and then walked out first, Han Xiao and Huang Bin followed closely.

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui in the back office finally breathed a sigh of relief, their eyes full of anticipation.

  The ups and downs on the ratings report just now put a lot of pressure on their hearts.

  Now, they are counting on Wang Cheng's performance to heal their psychological anxiety...

  (end of this chapter)