MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 337 can't think of a title

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  Chapter 337 Can't think of a title

  A combat robot, a combat mech designed for close combat, is equipped with a 'combat circuit', and is almost invincible in undisturbed one-on-one short combat.

  The reason why Mu You's mecha is so powerful now is because of the chaotic circuit. The chaotic circuit combined with high attack speed guns can make the entire army on the opposite side mess up.

   But the chaotic loop can only affect long-range attacks, not close combat, so at this moment Barney also made a decisive decision and dispatched fighting robots, which are not commonly used mechs.

  【You saw that all the long-range robots stopped firing, stepped back, and gave way to the battlefield. Nearly a hundred fighting robots are rushing towards you from all directions. 】

  【You hurriedly raise your gun to shoot, but the low-damage energy bombs are not effective against fighting robots. All fighting robots ignore your attack and continue to approach you. 】

  【You retreat while fighting, and quickly retreat to the wall. You jumped up, leaned on the wall-swimming mechanical foot as if walking on the ground, and continued to move upwards, trying to increase the distance. 】

  【It’s a pity that the fighting robots are also equipped with a wall-swimming device. Each fighting robot climbs up the wall like a spider, climbs and jumps between tall buildings, and keeps approaching you. 】

  【The first fighting robot approached you and launched a melee attack on you...】

  【You without a fighting circuit are obviously not an opponent of a professional fighting robot, and you will soon fall into the disadvantaged. 】

  【Another fighting robot rushed towards you from the side, your knee was deformed by the impact, and the integrity of the body: 96%】

  【You were punched through the lower rib armor by a fighting robot, the integrity of the body: 88%】

  【Your neck was broken by a fighting robot, body integrity: 67%】

  【More and more fighting robots are rushing towards you, pressing you down like an arhat, and you can't move...】


   "It really can't beat you when you're close..."

   Mu You looked helplessly at the prompt on the screen. This is the biggest shortcoming of his current outfit. The long-range strike ability is beyond the table, but the melee combat is very weak.

  Speaking of which, the fighting circuit on the opposite side is something that he had ignored before. It is so powerful in actual combat, but he can get a backup.

  【In the suppression of many fighting robots, a repelling grenade quietly detached from your body and exploded in front of you. 】

  【The repulsive force spreads, all the fighting robots are blown far away from you, and you are also squeezed into the wall by the strong repulsive force, falling into the interior of the tall building. Body integrity: 51%. 】

   "Slip away."

   This situation was obviously unbeatable, and Mu You would not hold back, and immediately chose the command 'escape' in the game.

"Catch him quickly, don't let him have a chance to breathe!" Below the tall building, Barney was still shouting loudly. As the inventor of active armor, he knew very well how strong this thing's recovery ability is. It can be revived with full blood in less time.

  Under its command, nearly a hundred fighting robots climbed up the tall building again, and rushed towards the room where the silver-white mech disappeared just now.

  But this time before they approached, TK2300 jumped out of the window and was exposed to a group of enemies. Three Eva robots threw it out.

  The little robot, shaped like a toy doll, rushed towards the three nearest fighting mechas as soon as it appeared.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Three consecutive explosions sounded in the sky, and the sky was full of smoke and dust. The three selected robots were seriously injured and fell straight down.

The other robots ignored the life and death of their teammates and continued to approach the target quickly. However, Muyou's mecha directly activated the strong magnetic attractor, but the target was not the surrounding objects, but the one that was just bombed below and was about to fall to the ground. With mecha.

Judging by the weight, Mu You's mecha was slightly lighter, so in the next moment, his mecha fell towards the ground at a faster speed, like a meteor, and quickly approached the fighting robot that was about to be scrapped. On the right arm, a two-meter-long blade popped out and slashed downward.

   Reaper Zhanjin Knife: A melee alchemy weapon with super cutting power, which can cause extra damage to metal devices.

   This knife is considered as a treasure against the mechanical body, and it is also the only melee weapon on Mu You's body. At this moment, the fighting robot below has nowhere to hide.

  【You killed the fighting robot and obtained the camouflage form: fighting robot. 】

  【You got the 'Fighting Circuit', 'Walking Mechanical Foot'...]

   With the camouflage form in hand, Mu You's mecha just landed, and an exaggerated two-handed cannon appeared in both arms.

   Immediately, the mecha turned around and held the hand cannon to face the sky. The fast-falling fighting mechs gathered energy rapidly in the wide muzzles, and the dazzling light flickered wantonly.

  The next second, the cannon was fired, and the beam of light hit the tall building above the head.

  Legendary level weapons, even without charging, are surprisingly powerful.

  Amidst the roaring sound, the entire high-rise building disintegrated instantly, and countless gravel and metal collapsed, covering all the fighting robots.

  The ground at the site of the collapse was shaking and dust was flying, and the surrounding goblins subconsciously retreated.

   When everything calmed down, everyone looked again.

  At the collapsed building, fighting robots continued to prop up the falling rocks and jumped out of the ruins. Of course, this kind of defense-specialized melee robot would not be damaged by this level of burial.

  However, with all the fighting robots appearing, all the robots put up their fighting postures, vigilantly sweeping around to search for enemies, but they are all at a loss, because there are all teammates around at the moment, where are the enemies?

   "What about people?"

  The goblins were also at a loss. They surrounded this place with many people and mecha troops, could they still let the enemy fly under their noses?

   "All fighting robots, stop immediately!"

  Old goblin Barney suddenly shouted this order.

  Others don't know what this person is doing, but it knows it very well. This is the ability it fears the most: disguise.

   This person just deliberately killed a fighting robot and caused chaos, obviously in order to disguise himself as a member of the fighting robot!

  Following its command, all the fighting robots in the distance immediately put away their weapons, and stood in place with a standard charging posture, motionless, like stone sculptures.

  Sweeping around the robot, Barney gave the order with cold eyes: "Fire and destroy them all!"


   "Elder, this..."

  The goblin commanders in front were all taken aback, thinking they heard it wrong, they looked at Barney in disbelief.

   Fighting robots are high-level robots. Each one is quite expensive to build, and there are nearly a hundred fighting robots on the scene. If they are all destroyed, their losses will be immeasurable!

   Facing everyone's doubts, Barney's eyes flashed with pain, but he still said firmly: "Destroy them all, now, fire immediately!"

  These surrounding robots no longer have any doubts, all the long-range mechas raised their guns together, and launched an attack on the hundred fighting mechas standing still in the middle.

   In the face of the hail of bullets, no matter how strong the defense of the fighting mech was, it was impossible to hold it. It was quickly distorted and damaged, and was submerged in the flames.

A few minutes later, the sound of gunfire stopped. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, there was not a single mecha standing on the spot, not even a single complete mech, but all turned into wreckage of broken arms and metal fragments, scattered all over the scorched black space. on the land.

   All the goblins looked at each other, and then looked back at Barney.

   "Elder, this is..."

  The elders' orders, they followed, but what about the enemy?

  At this moment, Barney was already dumbfounded. This script is wrong. Shouldn't they immediately expose the other party as soon as they open fire? What about people?

   Could it be that the other party had no intention of mixing into the fighting mecha from the very beginning, and everything they did just now was all for the purpose of misleading?

   Just as the goblins were killing each other, Mu You's mecha had already disguised itself as an inconspicuous sweeping robot and left the battlefield, heading straight for the clock tower in the center of the city.

  【You have come to the bottom of the Clockwork Clock Tower. 】

  【You stop at a blind corner of the street 100 meters away from the clock tower, load the charged cannon, and aim the muzzle at the top of the clock tower ahead. 】

  【Energy storage, end in 59 seconds...】

   Clockwork Clock Tower, as one of the most important buildings in Clockwork City, its defensive layout is definitely not simple, and it is almost impossible to destroy it with ordinary attacks.

   Mu You didn't have the time to prepare carefully. He directly activated the strongest weapon on his body, the fully charged attack of the cannon, and the power of one shot was enough to open mountains and crack the ground. If it still couldn't blow through the bell tower... then another shot!

   When Muyou just entered the state of charging, Barney and others in the distance immediately received a warning.

   "Warning, high-energy energy is detected near the clock tower, and the clock tower's defensive barrier is automatically activated..."

  The sound of warning that sounded throughout the city surprised everyone present.

  Barney was also stunned for a moment, and then he was shocked: "No, go to the clock tower!"

  It originally thought that the opponent's purpose must be the eternal power furnace, but the eternal power furnace is hidden very well, and it is definitely not something that the other party can find in a short time. They have enough time to find someone.

   As a result, I didn't expect the other party's goal to be the clock tower, or more precisely, the golden gear in the clock tower!

  Barney hurriedly ordered all the mechas in the city to rush to the clock tower for rescue as quickly as possible.

   However, it is still a step late.

Before anyone could find the other party, a bang sounded in the city, and the intense light illuminated the whole city like a scorching sun. Under that light beam, the protective shield raised around the clock tower had no effect at all, and the entire upper part of the clock tower Responding to the sound, it fell apart, and countless metal parts and gears were turned into powder in the beam of light, falling down like raindrops.

   And in the smoke and dust that filled the sky, a small golden light and shadow stood out.

  The golden gear with eternal characteristics, even under the attack of legendary weapons, is still intact, becoming the only surviving accessory on the clock tower.

   "Quick, grab it..."

Many people saw the golden light falling from a high place, and Barney yelled subconsciously, but before it finished speaking, the golden gear was attracted by a force, and suddenly flew to a certain direction below, Disappear.

   "Seal the walls of the whole city and the sky, not a single fly can be let out!"

  Barney watched another top-quality item being stolen, his eyes were bloodshot, and the goblins around him trembled in fright.

   "Everyone, find him, find him!" Barney hopped.

   "But, elder, how can I find it?" The goblin commander next to him hesitated.

  They have already understood the camouflage ability of the other party, and they can disguise themselves as any mecha shape. This is the most troublesome part. Just now, they have lost hundreds of high-level mechas in order to find each other, but they still haven't found it.

what's next? Do you want to destroy all the mechs in the city just to find him?


  Barney was also silenced by this question. After thinking for tens of seconds, he raised his head: "Use a weighing robot!"

  The other party's camouflage ability is impeccable in appearance, enough to make it look like the real one, but there is one thing that the other party cannot fake, and that is the weight.

All the mechas in the city are manufactured under uniform specifications, and each mecha has its own standard weight, but the opponent's weight cannot be changed no matter how the shape is changed, so the best way to see through the opponent is to 'go up Said', whoever has the wrong weight is a fake!

   Soon, all the mechas in the city received an order: Except for the guard mechas near the city wall, all the mechas immediately stopped running on the spot and underwent a weight check.

Weighing robots were dispatched one by one, and after first verifying their weights with each other, they were scattered into the city under the protection of the mech army, scanning the weights of all the surrounding machines on a large scale, and comparing them with the weights in the database. Compared.

  The entire verification work lasted for five hours before it was completed.

  However, until the last mech in the city was inspected, nothing abnormal was found, and the weight of all the mechas was actually correct!

  At this moment, all the goblins are going crazy, the whole city has been shut down, and so much manpower and material resources have been wasted, and the conclusion of 'everything is normal'?

"How can it be?"

  Barney was equally puzzled.

Obviously, the exits of the whole city, high altitude, and even underground, have been completely blocked, and the space transmission has also been blocked. The entire city has been sealed into an airtight cage, and the other party has absolutely no chance of escaping, but Why, why can't I find it?

   While the goblins were going crazy, Mu You had already had breakfast leisurely at home.

   It's normal for the goblins to find him because he's offline.

  Offline escape, this is the player's most rogue ability to face the natives of another world.

   As for how to escape? This is not in a hurry, he doesn't believe that the space shielding devices of the goblins can be turned on all day long. This thing wears a lot, so he goes online every once in a while to check when it is turned off and when to leave.

  Besides, he also has other things to deal with today, so he has no time to play.

   Today is Friday, and it is time for Xue Lin to pass on the task, so they have to go in.

  At seven o'clock in the morning, Lin Xuexiaoya came to the store on time.

   After packing up the things he was going to bring, Mu You went to the basement and opened the door.

   But when he looked back and saw Lin Xue who was also fully prepared, he was still speechless.

   "You... really plan to wear this outfit?" Mu You looked at Lin Xue in front of him with a strange expression.

  At this moment, Lin Xue is wrapped in a layer of iron armor, like the armored knights in ancient Europe, the kind where you can't even see your face.

  They discussed how to deal with the red sleeve's chains before, and guessed that the hard armor might be effective, but she actually made an iron bucket to equip it...

   "Well, be prepared..." Lin Xue's elongated voice leaked through the gap in the helmet.

   "Okay..." Mu You didn't intervene, the task is mainly for her to do, she can do whatever she thinks is appropriate.

  (end of this chapter)