MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 342 Top PUAs

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  Chapter 342 Top PUA

  According to Vivienne, the last stoppage time of Z World Walker was three minutes and sixteen seconds, which was close to 200 seconds.

  200 seconds to stop, 5 seconds to cool down.

   Not sure if this is a fixed cooldown, or it will vary with the length of the stop.

   But the latter is more likely to be the latter. After all, if the cooldown is fixed, there is no need for him to stop the time-stop in advance. It is good to wait for the time-stop to end automatically every time.

   This time can be long or short. If the opponent hides far enough after deploying the attack in the stop zone, it will be difficult for the enemy to do anything to him within a five-second cooldown.

  However, if you want to hide far away, you need a lot of time. In the interval of up to 200 seconds, you must not only deploy an attack that is enough to kill the enemy, but also create a sufficient distance after the deployment. How can it be so easy?

   In addition, it is the opponent's arm.

   Mu You looked at Z Worldwalker's bleeding right arm.

  Actually, he planned to cut off the opponent's arm just now.

  Because at present, it seems that the time-pause switch should be on the opponent's right hand. If he can cut off his right hand, it may be possible to prevent the opponent from turning on time-stop once and for all.

   It failed.

  The electric arc sword was completely useless to his right arm, and the bloodstain left behind was only the guaranteed damage caused by the power of God.

   From this point of view, the arm may have been specially treated with props, making it immune to magic damage.

  It's right to think about it, the opponent knows that his weakness is in his right hand, so how can he not protect it?

   Taurus was able to restrain him on the spot that day because he was not using magic at all, but forcibly suppressing him with brute force such as aura.

  However, it was a Taurus. It was almost impossible for Mu You to subdue the opponent's fingers so that he could not move his fingers by brute force without relying on magic.

   Right now, I can only think of other ways.

   In the distance, after being silent for a few seconds, the Z-world walker took out a can of healing potion and took it. The injury in his right ear quickly recovered.

   After recovering, Z World Walker immediately rushed towards Mu You.


  Vivian reminded: "This time is an opportunity!"


   Mu You understood what she meant.

  In the process of practicing evasion just now, they have discussed a series of follow-up plans when the attack fails later, and have prepared plans for various situations.

   Among them, the easiest way to capture the opponent is to let the opponent be around him when the time stop ends.

   Now that Vivian said 'opportunity', it means that the other party's time-stop is over and has stopped around him.

  On the other side, Z Worldwalker pressed his finger when he rushed 20 meters in front of Mu You.

  The stop boundary opened, and he rushed to Mu You without stopping, and quickly launched all kinds of expected single-body attacks until the attacks surrounded Mu You.

   Immediately, Z World Walker did not leave, but stayed a few meters away, and took out a spear from the ring.

  He just now understood the principle of this person's evasion. Obviously, the heart is the key to the opponent's survival. As long as the heart is not damaged, he can maintain the recovery speed of the indestructible body.

  Since this is the case, let him be injured directly in the heart this time, and see how he recovers!

  z Jiexingzhe sneered, raised the gun with one hand, and aimed it at the opponent's heart, while maintaining a virtual grip with his right hand.

   Next, he will press his thumb at the moment when the spear point pierces the opponent's body, so that time can resume flowing.

   In this way, the opponent can withstand all attacks when the heart is injured!

   After confirming that everything was ready, Z World Walker took a deep breath, moved both hands at the same time, thrusting forward with one hand, and pressing down with the thumb of the other hand.


   As a result, the first thing that came to my ears was a crisp sound of gold and iron colliding.

  The tip of the gun pierced the opponent's chest, but failed to penetrate. Instead, it snapped instantly with the sound, and the bullet flew out.

   And under the opponent's coat, which was pierced by the spear point, a shining heart mirror was exposed.

   At this time, time has resumed flowing, and all the attacks he prepared rushed towards the opponent, drowning the opponent in the blink of an eye.

  z Worldwalker suddenly had a bad feeling, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

  However, just as he took a step back, he was knocked back to the original place by the wall behind him.

   Looking up, he realized that he had been trapped in a spherical water prison at some point.

  z World Walker was horrified, how is this possible?

  In such a short period of time just now, the opponent has to dodge the attack, how can there be time to cast a spell?

  Unless...the other party has completed the spell before he stopped!

   And just after the chanting, before the water prison appeared, he just turned on the time-stop. The timing must be grasped exactly, one minute earlier, then he would have discovered the existence of the water prison in advance, and one minute later, he would have been able to withdraw directly before the water prison took shape, and it was impossible to be trapped.

   What Z World Walker couldn't understand was, how could the timing of a person's casting of a spell be so coincidental? Besides, even if the timing can be met by luck, how does the opponent grasp his current position? How could this man have so accurately arranged the water prison trap in advance where he was about to stand?


  z Jiexing quickly thought of a possibility, looked forward in surprise, and blurted out: "Can you predict the future?"

   At this time, Mu You had escaped again from the massive attack, and while recovering from his injuries, he stood in front of the water prison.

  Water prison technique, a barrier that can only be broken from the outside, lasts for one minute.

This is another excellent black magic that restricts Z-world walkers, because the duration of the water dungeon will not stop and decrease at any time. If the other party has no companions to help break the water dungeon, he can only wait for the water dungeon to dissipate on its own after a minute. Freedom, it doesn't matter how long you stay inside.

  However, Mu You spent so much effort to catch the opponent, of course it was not for the simple purpose of imprisoning him for a minute.

   Ignoring the question of the walker in the z world, the mana floating dragon around Mu You reappeared, and spit out cold air towards the water prison.

  Three ice walls appeared one after another, connected end to end, forming a triangle to surround the entire water prison in the middle.

   At the same time, the ice wall surrounding Lin Xue also disappeared one after another, and Lin Xue was free, replaced by the walker from the z world who was imprisoned in the ice wall.

   Everything just now seemed to be long, but in fact the whole process took less than a minute.

   Within a minute, Mu You had fulfilled his promise, making Z World Walker a bird in a cage, and at the same time bought Lin Xue a chance to leave.

   "Go, Xiaoxue, to complete your task." Mu You looked at Lin Xue and said.

   "Well, be careful."

   At this time, Lin Xue's life had also fully recovered. She directly tore off the broken and obstructive armor one by one, leaving only the chest, limbs and other key parts of the armor, and then took the sickle and headed towards the distant Skull Mountain.


  At this moment, Vivian's voice transmission suddenly sounded in her mind.

  Lin Xue froze, turned her head to look somewhere on the ground, and Vivian was hiding there.

   "Do you know what is the most similar thing between you and Al?" Vivienne asked.

  Lin Xue was taken aback. Al is what Vivienne called her grandma.

Vivienne did not wait for her answer after asking, and continued to transmit voice transmission: "You are all emotional, instinctive but extremely rational people, even when you are extremely confused and suffering in your heart, you can always act. The most correct choice. I confirmed this when I saw you for the first time, you and her are so similar..."

   "..." Lin Xue was surprised, and couldn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence for a while.

   "Go." Vivian's voice transmission sounded again, interrupting her thoughts.


  Now is not the time to waste time, Lin Xue nodded, put away her thoughts, turned and ran towards Skull Mountain.

   "What's the point? It's just to let her die in another place." In the ice wall, Z World Walker sneered.

   "You don't have to worry about that, she will get the death inheritance and come back safely. But now, your opponent is me." Mu You said.

  As soon as these words came out, Z World Walker immediately put away his smile, and looked at Mu You with a serious face.

   "I admit, I underestimated you. But how long can your magic last?"

  z Worldwalker glanced at the ice wall in front of him: "This thing consumes a lot of mana, right? Are you sure you can escape my attack range during the time I'm trapped?"

   Mu You glanced at him: "In this short sentence, you said two things wrong."

   "What?" Z World Walker asked.

   "First, I never thought about running away. What I've been thinking about is how to deal with you without letting you escape. After all, your ability to escape is indeed very convenient..."

   "Second... It's not that you underestimate me, but that you overestimate your own ability."

"The reason why your Shi Ting can win all battles is not because it is so powerful, but because you have hidden it well before. When others first saw your ability, they did not understand your ability, so they fell into your way. In other words, Those people you killed were all killed by you in a sneak attack! And once others have mastered the details of your abilities and are fully prepared, there are plenty of ways to restrain you!" Mu You said.

  z Jiexingzhe laughed angrily after hearing this: "Is there any way to restrain me? Okay, then come and restrain me!"

   "Don't worry, we have plenty of time."

   Mu You ignored him, sat down cross-legged after speaking, and began to eat to recover his strength. After the vampire skin got the curse of the big stomach king, its stamina was depleted quite quickly, especially when the butcher wolf's ability was activated to restore, the satiety rate dropped even more visible to the naked eye.

  z Jiexingzhe looked at Mu You's leisurely appearance, clenched his fists, and his heart was already burning with anger. Since he gained the ability, it was the first time that he was underestimated so much.

   Mu You didn't stand up again until he was full of food and drink, his state recovered completely, and Lin Xue had left far enough in the distance.

   "So, it's time to put your problems to rest."

   As Mu You spoke, he waved his hand forward.

  The ice wall that surrounded the walkers in the Z world in front of them disappeared automatically.

  The moment he regained his freedom, Z World Walker pressed his thumb without hesitation.

  Having been locked up like a prisoner for so long, he was already furious. It was the first time in his life that he couldn't wait to get rid of someone!

  As soon as the Zhijie came out, the z-world walker rushed to Mu You immediately, and then skillfully arranged various attacks around him.

  Now he has understood this person's ability and weakness: the ability is the prophet, and the weakness is the heart.

  However, if the other party thinks that he can restrain his time-stop because he can predict the future, that would be naive.

  In the realm of stop, he has a lot of ways to block all the way out, so that even if he sees the future, he can't change it.

So this time, Z World Walker's attack layout is extra serious. Every attack is aimed at the opponent's heart, and he must get as close to the opponent as possible, and seal all the gaps around the opponent's body so that he can avoid it. inevitable...

  Three minutes later, Z World Walker finally completed a dense attack formation.

  Looking at the finished work, he couldn't help but secretly praise it for perfection. This is definitely the most perfect killing formation he has arranged since he acquired the time-stop ability.

  He guarantees that even if the opponent can look into the future, he will never avoid it!

  In the last ten seconds or so, Z Worldwalker hurried to tens of meters away, and then pressed his thumb.


  Time passed, and the scene was suddenly full of flames.

  Z Worldwalker saw clearly this time, Captain Ghost didn't even have time to move this time, his heart was definitely hit by the attack, and then he suffered all other attacks.

  But before he could be overjoyed, he found that even so, the other party was still alive!

  In the stormy killing array, this man kept the last bit of life, and he never fell down.

   Immediately following, the opponent's body flashed with brilliance, all injuries disappeared instantly, and he became full of life again.

  z Worldwalker almost thought he saw a hallucination.

   Before he had time to think about it, the next moment, there was another wave in the space beside him, and the ghost captain had already teleported to him.

   Fortunately, Z World Walker has already had experience in this situation, and this time he dodged a lot more calmly.

   During the short five-second cooling period, it is not so easy for the opponent to subdue him.

  z Jiexingzhe fought and retreated, quickly persisted for five seconds, and hurriedly pressed his thumb again.

  Everything was still, this time Captain Ghost stopped not far in front of him, still maintaining an attacking posture.

  Although the attack just now was dodged by the opponent with some unbelievable ability, he did not believe that this level of means could be used continuously.

  z Jiexingzhe backed up a little immediately, wanting to arrange the killing array just now again.

  However, this time he just threw the first blasting marbles, but found that all the marbles stopped two meters away from the ghost captain, as if blocked by something.

The z-world walker was stunned, and hurriedly stepped forward to check, only to find that there is an invisible repulsive force around the opponent's body at this moment, which is radiating outward from the opponent's center, and the marbles he throws are blocked by this layer of repulsive force , it is impossible to continue to approach.

   "Could it be..."

  z Jiexingzhe thought of a possibility, and hurriedly threw a few fireballs around, and then retreated a hundred meters away.

   He didn't release the time stop until he confirmed that his distance was safe enough.


  As soon as the time resumed, there was a sudden surge of air ahead.

  z Jiexingzhe looked carefully, and sure enough, at the moment when the time stop ended, a gust of strong wind automatically condensed around the ghost captain's body, washing away all the marbles and fireballs around him, and he did not suffer any damage.

Mu You didn't chase after him this time, but looked at Z World Walker from a distance and said indifferently: "See, this very common repelling ability is one of your nemesis, and this spell is among the players. The retention rate is quite a lot.”

   "This is only you who can do it!"

  z Jiexing almost vomited blood.

  Of course he recognizes this spell. Strong wind is a relatively common high-level spell. The effect is that it can blow away surrounding creatures and various attacks.

And because he can't use restricted magic in the limit, he can only use offensive magic, and pure offensive magic is basically within the repelling range of strong winds, so this spell, in theory, is indeed a kind of perfect restraint. magic…

  However, that is only in theory. In actual combat, who can guarantee that the spell will be released at the moment when it turns on and stops? Unless everyone has the ability to predict the future like this person...

   After confirming the opponent's defensive means, Z Worldwalker did not hesitate, and rushed up again decisively.

  Strong wind blowing, this spell can indeed defeat him, but the CD of this high-level spell is not short, so it can only be used as a one-time countermeasure.

   "I still don't give up... Then let you watch something more desperate!" Seeing the other party rushing, Mu You sneered, and directly switched the skin of the monster thief, and then four dead ghost clones appeared around him instantly.

   This is not over yet. While switching skins, Mu You released the normal version and the black magic version of the wooden avatars respectively.

  Therefore, eleven strange thieves with the same appearance appeared on the scene at once, and after a dazzling staggered in place, they scattered around in an instant.

   And when Z World Walker turned on and stopped next, what he saw was this scene that made him a little dumbfounded.

  Eleven figures surrounded him, standing in all directions, all with the same appearance, which one is real? He really couldn't see it, because everything in the Zhijie was still, and he couldn't attack directly, and he couldn't use the method of identifying clones through damage.

Z World Walker was a little startled, and only then did he realize that this person wasn't trying to scare people, the avatar technique is another way to restrain him, because his time stop is best used in one-on-one, And the other party is now equivalent to artificially creating a one-to-many situation.

  Of course he had encountered many one-to-many situations before, but at that time there were Hongxiu on the scene, relying on Hongxiu's ability, they could kill one by one, naturally there would be no embarrassment of being unable to kill them. But now, with only him, this problem was immediately exposed.

  If his attack is distributed to eleven people, and it is guaranteed that none of them can be killed, the defense ability of this person is extremely abnormal. In three minutes, it is too late to kill one with all his strength, let alone the attack is divided into eleven.

   Or, take a gamble?

  One-eleventh probability, if you guess the real body of the opponent...

  z Jiexingzhe just had this idea in his mind, and soon he smiled wryly again.

  The other party can predict the future. If you gamble with a person who can see the future, isn’t that looking for a loser?

  Unless, he knocked out all the clones of the opponent one after another, leaving only the main body.

However, not to mention how much mana and props he will consume on the way, the key is that after such a toss, the opponent's spell cooldown should have run out long ago, and when he waved his hand, a large number of clones would come out, and he would vomit blood on the spot .

  Thinking over and over again, Z World Walker suddenly discovered that facing the situation in front of him, he seemed to have no choice...

  It wasn't until the stop time ended automatically, and everything resumed to flow, that Z World Walker realized that he had been in a daze for more than three minutes!

At this time, Mu You's brainwashing voice floated from far away from all directions, and the eleventh ensemble played in a surround sound loop: "How about it, you should understand this time, as long as people know the essence of your ability, restrain you The means, as many as you want!"

   "Your ability can only be used to escape..."

  (end of this chapter)