MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 352 Pet shop routine

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  Chapter 352 Pet Shop Daily

  The next morning, the pet shop.

  Because Lin Xue was recovering from illness, the recent business hours have been changed to only half a day in the afternoon.

   It was a holiday in the morning, but Xiaoya came to the store early as always, and she was shining the light of evolution on the pets in the space.

   Mu You was refining potions in front of the alchemy table in the corner.

  Below the crucible stand, the small Huo Ling continued to emit steady heat, and the crucible above gradually began to emit white smoke as it simmered slowly.

Mu You stirred in the white smoke with a glass rod in his hand, keeping the white smoke in a spiral shape and pouring out slowly around. Anyone who saw the skillful movements would have to praise him for his sophistication, after all, in the past few seconds Mu You has practiced the movements thousands of times just now, and practice makes perfect.

   A moment later, under Mu You's control, the flame above Huo Ling's head gradually shrank, and a small ball of viscous liquid in the crucible finally took shape amidst the smoke.

  Mu You carefully manipulated the crucible with the floating spell, and poured the boiling potion into the ice-blue cooling test tube beside it.

   After finishing all this, he breathed a sigh of relief and checked the potion information with the Omniscient Crystal.

  【Aphasia potion (rare level): After taking it, the user will lose the ability to speak for a period of time in the future. 】

  This potion is specially prepared by Muyou for mermaids.

  The mermaid opened her throat and sang to help him suppress the Octopus King in the Sea of ​​Evil Spirits before, which caused serious damage to her throat. At that time, Mu You thought about whether she could use potions to help her recuperate.

This aphasia potion will make people lose their voice for a period of time. It seems that the effect is completely different from her illness, but in fact, this potion has a hidden benefit, that is, it will make the vocal cords stronger after the effect of the drug wears off. , and at the same time make the user's voice clearer and more pleasant.

   Therefore, many singers will take this medicine a few days before some important performances, so as to make the performance better.

After discussing with Vivian, Mu You and Vivian felt that this potion might be effective for her illness, because what the mermaid needs is not to make a sound once and get hurt again, but to restore her voice permanently, which requires fundamentally changing the vocal cords. strength.

This potion is only a third-order potion, and it is not difficult in itself, but the main ingredient is a kind of "bitter shell", which is known as the hardest shell in the world. To boil this shell into a juice state, even with the help of the fire spirit, It also takes a long time.

  Before, the longest time Muyou used his pocket watch to add the Fool's card was not up to the minimum time limit for making this potion, but now the backtracking has been upgraded to ten seconds, and the Fool's enchantment lasts for an hour, and he can finally try to refine it.

   Putting away the materials on the table, Mu You came to the lake with the aphasia potion, and whistled towards the calm lake.

   A few seconds later, the mermaid's head emerged from the middle of the lake. Mu You waved to her, and the mermaid swam towards the shore.

   "A potion for your throat."

   Mu You handed her the potion: "Remember, don't swallow it, keep it in your mouth and let it dissipate by itself."

The mermaid lay on the shore, looked suspiciously at the blue bottle in Muyou's hand, carefully reached out to take it, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, the pungent smell from it made her look disgusted, and her intuition told her , this stuff won't taste good.

  However, under the watchful eyes of Mu You, she hesitated for a moment, and then poured the potion into her mouth with her head up.


It turned out to be even worse than she imagined. The unique bitterness of the bitter shells fully radiated from her mouth. The mermaid's small face and facial features instantly wrinkled into a ball. It looked extremely painful, and subconsciously wanted to vomit. come out.

   "Don't spit, this material is very expensive." Mu You hurriedly said.

  Although the mermaid was in pain, she also knew that it was something useful to her, so she continued to raise her head, maintaining a painful expression, and persisted for about a minute before the medicine in her mouth finally dissipated.

   "Yes, a tube of potion can work for about six days, once a week, after a course of treatment, you can basically speak normally." Mu You nodded in satisfaction.

  The mermaid had no time to listen to his nagging. After drinking the potion, she quickly swam to the lake to rinse her mouth.

   Mu You didn't care, and turned to look at a big tree more than ten meters away.

  At this time, Ye Rumeng was hiding behind the big tree, showing his head, secretly observing his interaction with the mermaid.

  Looking at the bottle in Mu You's hand, the little girl's eyes flashed some curiosity.

   "Why hide so far away, come and see if you want to see." Mu You said to her.

  The little girl hurriedly shook her head and hid behind the tree.

  It took more than ten seconds for her to show her head again, and asked suspiciously, "Don't you Autobots usually drink gasoline?"

   "Still struggling with this..."

   Mu You laughed: "How do you know I didn't drink?"

   "I've searched all over, but there is no gasoline tank at home!" Ye Rumeng said solemnly.

   "Gasoline is so old, it's all powered by mana now!"

   "It's actually like this!"

  Ye Rumeng was surprised, as if she had obtained some important information, she hurriedly took out a small notebook to write and draw on it.

   Mu You smiled and ignored her, took out his phone and logged into the game.

  【You appeared in the forest of elves...】

  Last night, the cooldown of the elf horn ended, and Mu You blew the horn on time.

  However, the sprite mission spawned this time is more hip.

  The fairies still haven't appeared, and the forest elves are still on the task of Utopia. Now that Mengdie hasn't started, this task can only be watched.

On the side of the Sunlight Elf, there was a mission to **** the messenger to the realm of the undead before. Muyou planned to do this this week, but he didn't come out this week. According to Sarina, it seems that something happened on the undead side , the city of the undead is relatively active these days, so the mission is temporarily postponed until it stabilizes.

   Unable to complete the tasks of the three clans, Mu You could only look at the last one.

The task of the dark elves this week is to 'repair the damaged temple'. Help them find several important repair materials. Relatively ordinary, prestige plus a fixed property in the Undercity.

This task is actually dispensable, but with the previous experience of the Sunlight Elf Clan, Mu You estimates that every clan will have a similar quest to earn reputation. advanced tasks.

  So Mu You still took this task, and he is currently running the task.

  Besides the missions, the rest of the time is relatively easy. Currently, the focus of the strategy in the game is the dungeon, and the dungeon is only explored for three hours a day. The rest of the time, Muyou will take the characters to the academy to learn magic.


   Mu You was busy completing tasks when he suddenly heard Xiaoya's exclamation from a distance.

   "Boss, your egg is about to break!"


  Mu You looked confused, and hurriedly got up to take a look, only to realize that she was talking about pet eggs.

  At this moment, Xiaoya is sitting among the pile of animals, the evolution scepter in her hand is still emitting a soft radiance, and all kinds of animals are covering her body.

   And on the grass in front of her, there were two dragon eggs.

   These are the two Chimera eggs brought back by Muyou before. After getting the dragon-training stone, he asked Xiaoya to take care of the two eggs every day when she shines on the light of evolution.

At this time, one of the eggs remained motionless, while layers of cracks appeared on the surface of the other, and it was still trembling slightly. There were knocking sounds from inside from time to time, and it was obvious that there was a little life inside trying hard to get it. out of shell.

   Mu You's eyes lit up, the light of evolution has been shining for so many days, and the Chimera is finally about to be born!

   Under the gaze of the two, the dragon egg shook more and more violently, and there were more and more cracks on the surface.

   At this time, the other animals that were enjoying the light seemed to have a premonition, and they all shivered. Many small animals actually gave up the light and ran away.

After the dragon egg was shaken for dozens of seconds, finally, the top of the eggshell was completely broken, and a small dragon head popped out from the top of the shell. It scanned the surroundings with half-opened and half-closed eyes, and then struggled violently. Soon another head was squeezed out, followed by the dragon body, dragon wings, dragon tail...

After a while, a soft sphere rolled down on the grass. It was round and hairless. The pair of fleshy wings on the back were still glued together by the mucous membrane and had not opened yet. Only one of the two heads was awake, the other was awake. With its eyes closed, it drooped lazily on its belly, breathing evenly, and seemed to be in a deep sleep.

  The sober head was looking around vigilantly at the moment.

Finding that the surroundings were full of unknown creatures, the little dragon immediately opened his mouth, and let out a childish dragon roar towards the surroundings, as if threatening them not to approach. Come out on fire.

  Even without the breath of the dragon, the natural suppression from the dragons had scared the surrounding animals who hadn't run away. They all ran away with their tails between their legs, and quickly moved away from the vicinity.

  Of course, there are also animals that are not afraid of Longwei, such as little spiders.

  It is also a high-level monster, it will not be suppressed by the blood of dragons, not to mention that Chimera is only a sub-dragon.

At this time, the little spider dared to act so viciously when he saw the young dragon that had just hatched, and drove away other animals one after another, enjoying the light of evolution to himself. A ball of spider silk.

  The spider silk automatically unfolded in mid-air, enveloping the young dragon. At this time, the two-headed dragon also sensed the danger, and raised its head and sprayed it. The dragon's breath, which had been unable to be fired before, finally emerged in the crisis this time.

  A group of small flames spewed out, hitting the flying spider web, instantly burning the spider web completely.

Dragon's breath is another kind of thing that can defeat spider silk, but the little spider is much more agile than the two-headed dragon. When the young dragon breathed fire, the little spider had already circled behind like lightning and bit the two-headed dragon. on the ass.

   But its sharp fangs didn't even bite the dragon's skin.

  The little spider took a few mouthfuls and didn't even see any blood.

  The two-headed dragon just stretched out its claws blankly and scratched the bitten place, as if it had been bitten by a mosquito a few times.

   "As expected of Dragon Skin..."

   Mu You was stunned. At this time, the Omniscient Crystal had fed back the information of this little guy.

  【Chimera larvae (level 7): attack power 24-30, defense power 470, health value 12000, mana value 3000, abilities: dragon breath breath, resistant skin, dragon coercion. 】

  Birth is level 7, not very outstanding in terms of attack, what is outrageous is the defense.

  With a defense power close to 500, ordinary physical attacks are almost useless against it. In addition, there is a passive ability of resistant skin, which is quite resistant to many magics.

   Seeing that the young dragon was still rebellious and ready to bite anyone, Mu You took out the dragon taming stone, cut a hole in the palm of his hand, and dripped blood on it.

  As soon as the dragon-training stone was taken out, the young dragon looked over with fiery eyes, and the corners of his mouth drooled, as if he had seen something delicious.

   Mu You tried to throw the Dragon Training Stone at it.

  The two-headed dragon jumped up in a hurry, took the dragon-training stone, hugged it in its arms, and chewed happily, and soon swallowed a stone completely.


The two-headed dragon who had eaten the dragon-training stone looked at Mu You completely differently. He ran up to Mu You shaking his buttocks, pressed Mu You's leg with his thick and short dragon claws, and then flipped over. With four claws tucked in and her belly exposed, she looked flattering.

   Mu You picked up the chubby little guy with one hand, and the two-headed dragon immediately stuck out its tongue, rubbing its head against his fingers, making cute movements.

   "It's so cute!" Xiaoya was captured instantly, the cute creature in front of her was completely different from the evil dragon that grinned all over the place just now.

Before Mu You said anything, the little spider suddenly climbed onto his palm along his right hand, and knocked the two-headed dragon down with a jumping charge. The young dragon, who is still in a daze, seems to be declaring that this is its exclusive place.

  Mu You looked amused and helpless, the little spider's instinct to fight for favor seemed particularly strong.

  Before, it was a fight with Little Phoenix. The two little guys were always intriguing, each with 800 minds, and neither one would accept the other.

  So when Mu You came back from behind the door last time, he had already left Little Phoenix in the Star Spirit Realm.

  Little Phoenix has no concept of lifespan, and will not be affected by doors. In the Astral World, it can grow faster as the game characters spawn monsters.

   As a result, the little spider finally survived until the little phoenix left, and the two-headed dragon came again, and this time it was more ruthless, with rough skin and thick flesh, and two heads, which is equal to buy one get one free.

  Mu You can already imagine how lively the home will be in the future.


  Two days later, in a residential building in K City.

  There are three monitors placed in the dark room, and different surveillance images are played at double speed.

  The young man in blue sat in front of the sofa, scanning the screen from time to time, but his main focus was still on the stack of documents in his hand.

   "Young master, take a break..." The middle-aged man next to him glanced at the time and couldn't help persuading him.

  Before, he thought that what the young man said about looking up information was just talking, and a simple spot check would turn this matter over.

  However, he soon found out that he was wrong.

  In the past two days, the young master of Fengleimen was really like a robot. He didn't take a break for a minute, and he was looking up information efficiently throughout the whole process, even when he was eating and drinking.

   Sometimes the attitude of the other party's workaholic monster will make him feel a little scared: Is this person really a human?

   "Where's the news on the 14th?" the young man asked without looking up.

   "It hasn't been found yet. There is no abnormality reported from the Dragon Group so far. No. 14 should not have fallen into their hands." The middle-aged man said.

   "Even if you get the number 14, the official people of the Celestial Dynasty will not let you see anything abnormal." The young man said.

The middle-aged man was stunned: "However, if No. 14 has been found by the Longzu people, those people will definitely move her to a safe place, and it is even more impossible for her to be in K City. Why are we still here... "

  The youth did not continue to argue with him, but suddenly looked at one of the screens.

   "What does this store do?"

  The middle-aged man heard the words and looked around, and found that the two people locked in the surveillance suddenly turned into a shop on the street while they were on their way.

   "Oh, this is the pet shop that has been very popular recently." The middle-aged man said.

   "The pet shop... is famous?" the young man asked with a frown.

   "Very famous, it is basically the most popular pet store in China, and it is what brought about the recent trend of magic pets." The middle-aged man said, searched some news from his mobile phone, and showed it to the young man.

  The young man took the phone and looked at it carefully.

   "According to the news, this store has a time-limited ticket system, and each round of tour time is two hours, but these two people only went in for more than ten minutes and left..."

   "Uh, this... Maybe it's because they had a mission at the time and didn't have much time to hang out. They just passed by here and went in for a walk."

The middle-aged man was a little helpless. He felt that it was a bit nitpicking to use such a trivial matter as the truth. He had always paid attention to this store. go. Therefore, during the monitoring, the two people were on a mission, and he passed by this store curiously and went in for a walk, which is completely understandable for him.

   "We have also studied the follow-up of this part of the monitoring, and there is no problem." The middle-aged man added.

   "There are many things that cannot be seen from the video... Let's go and see for ourselves."

  The young man stood up and picked up his coat as he spoke.

   "Huh?" The middle-aged man was taken aback.

   "What?" The young man immediately saw the hesitation of the middle-aged man.

   "Young master, I heard that the owner of this store has an official background in China, it's better not to contact him..." the middle-aged man said awkwardly. It's too late for them to keep a low profile, and they take the initiative to meet with the officials of the Celestial Dynasty... It's like a thief who is about to steal but wants to hang around in front of the police on purpose.

   "Hehe, we are tourists and he is the boss. There is no reason for a shop to not accept tourists." The young man quickly packed his clothes and went out on his own.

  (end of this chapter)