MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 388 Ancestor's Urn

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  Chapter 388 The urn of the ancestor

  【Under Teddy’s horrified and desperate eyes, you opened your **** mouth and pounced forward, biting the opponent’s body. 】

  【Lycanthus venom is automatically injected into Teddy’s body, making the opponent lose the ability to revive...】

  【Bruch Teddy was bitten to death by you! 】

  【You killed Bruch Teddy, experience value +20, life span +1. 】

   "Sure enough, the life span is only +1... It's a pity..."

  Mu You sighed, not surprisingly, the effect of Wolfsbane is to prevent resurrection, instead of directly deducting all lifespan like Breaking Poison Spring, so the lifespan fed back to the killer is only the basic kill lifespan.

   Mu You didn't care, and continued to look at the spoils.

  【You searched the place where Bruchtedi died, and found 'Vampire Count Skin'*1, 'Signed Blood Pact'*1, 'Blood Niche'*1...】

   Once this person died, a dozen or so things were revealed, but only the first three were useful, and the rest were ordinary sundries.

   Mu You looked at them in turn.

  【Vampire Earl Skin: The skin left after Bruch Teddy's death, inherited part of Teddy's talent, but also inherited part of the curse he had suffered.


Activation: The blood of your heart has a wider range of adaptability. After a non-blood creature (or skin) swallows it, it will also get a promotion effect, which will automatically activate a hidden talent for the creature (or skin), which is most suitable for non-blood creatures Take effect once.

   Comes with curses: thirst for blood, scorching sun. 】


  Mu You carefully read the description of the skin twice, mainly to 'activate' the talent.

  According to the text, this talent means that the blood of his heart can make all creatures advance and get new talents, not just limited to vampires.

   Of course, the price of promotion is that the creature will become his blood slave. Generally, creatures who understand this fact will definitely not drink the blood of the heart. After all, who would completely become the slave of others for an unknown talent?

  So this talent looks relatively useless on the surface. At best, it can improve the strength of blood servants when making blood servants.

  However, once this ability is in the player's hands, it will be different, because the player has a skin system!

  As long as you feed the blood of the heart to a certain skin, you can upgrade this skin!

  【Your skin quantity is full, do you want to fuse this skin with the Vampire Marquis skin? 】


   Mu You was not in a hurry to merge, and continued to check the spoils first.

  【Signed blood contract: This is a blood contract scroll that has been signed and pledged by both parties. The content is as follows. 】

  【Both parties to the contract: Scarlet Dawn Tyrant, Bruch Family Bruch Teddy.

  Content of contract:

  1, Bruch Teddy helps Scarlet Dawn reach an alliance with the blood clan.

  2, Bruch Teddy tried his best to help the tyrant get the City of Eternal Night.

  3, Scarlet Dawn helped Bruch Teddy win three drops of the blood of the ancestors.

  4, after Bruch Teddy was promoted to Marquis, he gave three drops of his heart blood to the tyrant.

  5. After taking Sky City, Blood Dawn needs to present a 'Blood Wolf' to Bruchtedi as a follower. 】

  As soon as Mu You saw this contract, Mu You knew that it was safe. This wave really caught the wrong person. Teddy is really an insider!

   And judging from the content of the contract, Scarlet Dawn seems to be interested in Teddy's 'activation' talent, probably intending to use his blood to evolve their werewolf skin.

Although taking the blood of Teddy's heart will automatically establish a blood bond and become a blood servant, but this is not a problem for the player, even the blood bond is limited to the skin that takes the heart blood, just switch to another skin skin, you can get rid of the effect of blood binding.

   What's more, Mu You estimated that these werewolf players would not tolerate being bound by human blood for a long time, even if it was just a skin. They will probably find a way to kill Teddy after the contract is fulfilled, so as to permanently release the blood bondage.

  Of course, Teddy should also be prepared in this regard, so as not to foolishly deliver the Werewolf Knife to the door. Mu You doesn't know exactly what the other party intends.

  Mu You thought that the matter should be over here, but when he continued to browse the contract and saw the signing time of the contract below, he was stunned.

  The contract was signed on September 1, the beginning of this month?

   Mu You frowned. According to the information he now knows, Wolfsbane appeared half a year ago, but Teddy signed the contract with the other party less than a month ago...

  So, Teddy wasn't the one who provided Wolfsbane, and there are other ghosts in the Blood Race?

  【Your skin quantity is full, do you want to fuse this skin with the Vampire Marquis skin? 】

   At this time, the prompt pops up again in the game.

   Mu You came back to his senses, thought about it, and chose 'Yes'.

Originally, he thought that Teddy was the blood donor of Wolfsbane, and after he was going to kill him, he took his heart to make an antidote, but it turned out that the other party was not a blood donor, so it would be useless to keep his body, and just fuse it directly It's gone.

  【You have integrated the vampire count skin, and your vampire marquis skin has acquired a new talent 'activation'. 】

  【The Fusion Curse is random... You have acquired the curse 'high myopia', and the scenery three meters away is blurry to you. You'd better get a pair of glasses as soon as possible. 】


   Mu You was taken aback for a moment, the curse of 'high myopia' appeared once before when the talent of 'survival of the fittest' was integrated.

  But now the curse has been lowered by one level, that is to say, the actual level of this 'activation' talent is one level higher than survival of the fittest.


   Mu You refreshes according to the table, and the next ones are indeed curses that interfere with the battle.

  After swiping more than a dozen times, I finally came across a curse with an acceptable effect.

  【You have obtained the curse 'inexplicable failure': when you use talents or magic that need to be released actively, there is a 20% chance of inexplicable failure. 】

   This curse is actually very strong. All active talents and magic have a one-fifth chance of becoming invalid. Magic is okay, if it expires, just try it again, but some talents have a limit on the number of times.

For example, the newly obtained activation needs to drink the heart blood to take effect, and a vampire can extract only a few drops of heart blood, and every failure is a huge loss. Things, a little darker face is enough to make people want to die.

   But for Mu You, this side effect can be ignored, and if it fails, just follow the table again.

  【Because you have fused a complete heart of a vampire, the recovery time of your heart blood will automatically reset to zero, and you can extract the next drop of heart blood at any time. Do you want to extract it immediately? 】


  There is nothing to hesitate about this thing, the sooner it can be extracted, the better.

  【Extraction is successful, your HP limit has been reduced by 1000 points, and you have obtained Liston's Heart Blood*1. 】

  【You choose to use this drop of hard work for? 】

  Seven options pop up below: [Watcher], [Herb Gatherer], [Divist], [Mysterious Man], [Phantom Thief], [Moon Wolf], [Other Creatures]

   Mu You took a look, he saw six of his seven skins except for vampires, and the only one that didn't appear was the mecha skin. Sure enough, mechas without flesh and blood can't use the blood of the heart.

   Heart blood is very precious, and it needs careful consideration here. Mu You held the pocket watch, and first looked at the upgrade effects of several skins in turn.

  【You switched to a human skin and took the blood of your heart. 】

[Your skin of a watchman has been upgraded to the skin of a 'player officer', and he has acquired the talent of 'punctual timekeeping': whenever the time is punctual, you can send a timekeeping reminder to everyone in your area (regardless of friends or foes), Your reminder will ring directly in everyone's ears, and everyone, including you, will temporarily stop their actions during the transmission process to listen to your timekeeping, which lasts up to ten seconds. 】


  Mu You looked weird. This ability is equivalent to waking up everyone in the middle of the night and forcing others to listen to the news? Will you not be beaten if you really use it?

Of course, this ability also has more practical uses, such as being used for sound transmission throughout the city, and during battles, once this ability is used, it is equivalent to a ten-second group control. Of course, the time is too difficult to grasp. It has to be on point.

   Shaking his head, Mu You went back in time and tried to drink Heart Blood once again with a beater.

   As a result, the talent that appeared this time is still 'punctual timekeeping'.

   It seems that the activation talent of each skin should be fixed. It has been determined at the moment the skin is obtained and cannot be changed.

   Mu You had no choice but to continue to try other things.

  【You switched to the skin of a herb picker and took the blood of your heart. 】

  【Your skin of the herb picker is upgraded to the skin of the 'Pharmaceutical Man', and you will get the talent 'Pharmaceutical Mastery': the quality of the potion you make by yourself will automatically increase by one level, and the highest level will not exceed the legendary level. 】

   Once Mu You raised his eyebrows, the ability of the herb picker would be much more useful. It would directly improve the level of the potion. I don’t know how many potion masters dream of it!

   Mu You was not in a hurry to choose, so he continued to try.

  The next fortune-teller, after activation, will be advanced to 'Master Divination', whose talent is to greatly increase the success rate and number of times of fortune-telling every day.

The skin of a mysterious person, after advanced, it becomes a 'master of imitation', the talent is 'combat comprehension', whenever someone releases a certain magic on you, you will increase the comprehension of the magic to a certain extent, as long as you comprehend enough times , you can learn this magic directly in battle.

  The moon wolf skin, after advanced, becomes a 'rigid back wolf', and all attacks that hit the back are invalid.

  The advanced effects of these three skins are quite practical, and they all fit the characteristics of their respective professions.

  However, Mu You's most eye-catching thing is the promotion of the last phantom thief skin.

  【You switched to the Phantom Thief skin and took the heart blood. 】

[Your phantom thief skin is advanced to 'Unintentional Phantom Thief' and has the talent 'Deep Stealing': when you kill a target with an advanced skin, there is a chance that the corresponding advanced skin fragments will explode, and the burst rate depends on the quality of the target's skin depends. 】

  Under normal circumstances, when a player kills a target, he will only get a low-level skin fragment. Advanced skins can only be obtained by directly killing the target permanently.

The power of the new ability of the strange thief is that it can directly explode the advanced skin. Of course, there is also a problem of the explosion rate. The specific probability is not mentioned here. It is estimated that it will definitely not be too high, 1% or even lower. possible.

   But with a pocket watch, the probability problem is not a problem for Mu You, that is to say, as long as he chases and kills a person ten times in a row, he can definitely synthesize the advanced skin of the other person.

   This is a magical skill to produce skin with skin!

   Having seen all the skin upgrade effects, Mu You didn't need to hesitate, and directly chose to upgrade the monster thief skin.

   After upgrading the skin, Mu You continued to look at the last trophy.

[Blood Niche: It was originally an urn prepared by the ancestor of the blood clan for himself, but before his death, the ancestor of the blood clan thought that this object was an ominous existence, which might arouse the greed of the clansmen, leading to the excavation of the corpses of the dukes who died in history, making those souls of the same clan He could not rest in peace, so he ordered his blood servants to destroy it. However, the blood servant exchanged things out of selfishness and destroyed a fake product, while the real product was kept secretly until the end of his life, and he brought it into his tomb. After some twists and turns, Bruchtedi accidentally discovered this secret and dug up the blood servant's tomb, and only then did the Blood Shrine be seen again.

  Special bloodline treasures, placed on the remains of the Duke of Blood, can absorb the remains and turn them into a drop of ancestor blood. 】

   "This thing..."

   Mu You was surprised, there is actually something that can directly transform the blood of the ancestors!

  However, this thing is similar to the previous troll coffin. It needs to dig other people's ancestral graves. It is a relatively insidious thing. It is no wonder that the ancestor of the blood race wants to destroy this thing.

   This thing is obtained by most vampires, I am afraid they will not be able to resist the temptation to dig up ancestors' graves to get blood.

  However, vampires are very concerned about their own corpses. Generally, when vampires die, they seem to hide their graves very deeply, and even their clansmen will not tell them. For example, his Vampire Earl's skin was obtained with the help of Shadow Ghost after a lot of effort. Even the earl is hidden so deeply, let alone those historical dukes.

  Then how is Teddy planning to find these tombs?

  Thinking of this, Mu You suddenly looked back at the blood contract above.

  Article 5 of the Blood Pact: After taking Sky City, Blood Dawn needs to present a 'Boiling Blood Wolf' to Bruch Teddy as a follower.

   Mu You didn't pay much attention to this item when he read it just now, thinking it was just an ordinary additional clause, Teddy wanted to add a wolf blood slave to himself or something.

   Looking at it again at this time, I immediately noticed the abnormality.

  【Boiling Blood Wolf: An advanced moon wolf skin with extraordinary sensitivity to blood. Every injured person around will make it stronger.

At the same time, because of its sensitivity to blood, the Boiling Blood Wolf has a natural ability to perceive the blood race, especially on the night of the full moon, its perception of the blood race will reach its peak, and it can even be separated by hundreds of kilometers. Perceive those vampire tombs buried deep in the ground! 】

  After reading the description of this werewolf, combined with the description of the Blood Shrine, the cause and effect of this incident will become clear.

  Tai Di is really ambitious, and getting the Blood Shrine is not enough, and he plans to use this opportunity of cooperating with werewolves to get a blood wolf as a blood slave to help him find the remains of the ancestor duke.

   If he really completes this plan, he will be able to collect a lot of blood of the ancestors in just a few years, and thus be promoted all the way to the Duke, and even above the Duke...

And this matter must not be made public within the blood clan, otherwise it will definitely be opposed, and most of the things will be confiscated. reached a cooperation.

   Mu You exhaled, looking at the **** urn in his hand.

  No matter what, this thing has gone through several twists and turns, and now it has fallen into his hands. It is impossible to say that he is not interested in the blood of the ancestors.

   Teddy also needs to cooperate with werewolves to obtain a blood-boiling wolf. As a player, Mu You doesn't need to be so troublesome. Next, go directly to the wolf clan to find this advanced werewolf and get a set of skins.

   Shaking his head, Mu You put away the urn, and was about to go back to Brand to explain the situation of the ghost.

  At this time, he suddenly received a friend request in the game.

   Click to open it, and the applicant turned out to be a 'tyrant'.

   Mu You frowned, the tyrant actually contacted him, and just after he killed Teddy...

   It seems that when he killed Teddy, the other side should have gotten a reminder through the blood contract scroll. In such a situation where the contractor dies prematurely, the blood contract will be immediately voided.

   Mu You clicked to agree.

  【Tyrant: Captain Ghost, I have long admired my name! I didn't expect that one day a little person like me would be able to add you as a friend. 】

  【Captain Ghost: Hehe, you’re welcome, what’s the matter? 】

  【Tyrant: I don’t like to beat around the bush, so I’ll just say it straight. I need to confirm that the fragments are all in your hands, right? 】

  【Captain Ghost: Yes. 】

  【Tyrant: Very good, the remaining five are in my hands, that is to say, our two families have already mastered all the fragments, and no fragments have fallen into the hands of third parties. 】

  【Captain Ghost: So? 】

  【Tyrant: So, things are simple. You don't want the birth of Eternal Night City to be delayed for another month, do you? There will be a battle between us sooner or later, instead of procrastinating, it is better to decide the winner early. 】

  【Captain Ghost: Exactly what I mean. 】

  【Tyrant: Alright, then, you set the time, I set the place, we both bring all the fragments to meet, at least open the entrance first, and then each according to his own ability, how about it? 】

  【Captain Ghost: Let me tell you about the location you chose? 】

  【Tyrant: Thirteen miles north of the Dark City, there is an abandoned manor castle. 】

Mu You found the map of the Undercity and looked at it. Combined with the location of the No. 9 entrance shown on the map he had spelled out, after comparing it, the reason why the other party chose this place became clear: this is probably the Location near Entrance 1!

The other party obviously took a short cut, waited for the fragments to gather and the entrance opened, and led people directly into the No. 1 entrance. Whether Mu You detoured to No. 9 or followed them into the No. 1 entrance, he had the advantage In the opponent's hand, after all, the opponent has already collected a whole route.

   Mu You thought about it, but he didn't ask the other party to change the location, and agreed directly.

  【Captain Ghost: Yes. 】

  【Tyrant: Where is the time? 】

  【Captain Ghost: Twelve noon the day after tomorrow, Undercity time. 】

The day after tomorrow is Friday, and after nightfall on Friday is the night of the full moon, Eternal Night City will only open on the night of the full moon, and at the same time, this group of werewolves can get extremely high bonuses on the night of the full moon, so Mu You The time was set a few hours before the start of the full moon night, which not only prevented the werewolves from gaining bonuses in the decisive battle, but also ensured that they could catch up with the opening time of Eternal Night City after entering the city.

  【Tyrant: Alright, cool! Then, at 12:00 noon the day after tomorrow, please show up at the abandoned castle. 】

  (end of this chapter)