MTL - This Text Adventure Game is Absolutely Toxic-Chapter 391 go alone

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  Chapter 391 Going to the meeting alone

   "So this is still a rare breed?"

   Mu You frowned. He had inspected at least a thousand werewolves. He had seen all kinds of strange advanced werewolves, but he hadn't seen this kind of blood wolf.

Of course, this kind of werewolf must exist, otherwise the wolf king would not have signed a contract with Teddy, but the number is very small, maybe the entire werewolf tribe is only three or two, they are strategic tool wolves, and they are usually hidden. good.

   After searching like this, you will definitely not be able to find it. Mu You didn't waste any more time, and returned to reality, making cards, refining medicine, and synthesizing equipment to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle.

   Until Friday morning, everything has been adjusted to the best state.

   "Not going back, absolutely not going back!"

  At eight in the morning, when Mu You opened the 'door' in the basement and asked Coke if he wanted to go back and have a look, Coke shook his head like a rattle: "And if you meet my master, don't say you've seen me!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his body like a cat, and quickly slipped under the table beside him, revealing a cat's head and looking at Mu You: "Go ahead, I will help you look after the house, and I guarantee that no one and the creatures on the opposite side will see this. door."

   "I'd better ask Xiao Hai to come over..."

   Mu You saw its cowardly appearance, and didn't count on it, so he decisively sent a text message to Lin Hai, asking him to come over and look after the store.

   Immediately, Mu You looked back again, Mian Mian, who was lying on the side of the 'door' and looking inside curiously.

   "What about you, are you sure you want to come with me?"

   "Of course, I'm good at fighting, and boys my age can't beat me!" The little girl patted her chest confidently.

   "This is not for fun..."


  Their most powerful combat power this time, one is Lin Xue's Grim Reaper skin, and the other is Shadow Ghost, and the Grim Reaper skin has a time limit, so it cannot be opened frequently, and normal battles have to rely on Shadow Ghost.

   "Stay in your backpack when the time comes, don't come out casually." Mu You said.

   "Got it..." The little girl had already run in behind the door to play with the snow. On the snowfield ahead, Lin Xue and Xiaoya were leading a group of babies to clean up the wild monsters around them, and seized the opportunity to level up.

  Muyou has just upgraded, but currently there is not much demand for experience, and the next upgrade to level 21 requires more than 1.3 million experience.

   After Lin Hai came over, Mu You and the others greeted and teleported to the Undercity first.

  A temporary clan meeting was secretly held among the blood clans this morning, and young and strong men from all families were required to attend to discuss the deployment of the next decisive battle with the wolf clan. The place was still in the same church as the last clan meeting.

  The blood race claims to have a population of more than 3,000, but in fact, excluding women, children, and the elderly, there are less than 1,000 young and strong male vampires who can really be used for foreign warfare.

  "The general layout is like this. Each family keeps their own combat missions in mind. If you have any questions, you can raise them now." Brand sat at the head, announced all the battle plans, and looked down at the family patriarchs.

   A group of people below looked at each other, but no one answered.

   "Since there is no doubt, then, everyone is ready to take action."

Brand nodded and said seriously: "As long as it is a battle, bloodshed and sacrifice are unavoidable, but remember, we are not fighting for others this time, but fighting for a better future for ourselves, all members , be sure to complete their respective tasks!"

   "Don't worry, my lord Duke." A marquis below said, looking at the sharp claws that popped out from his right hand, he smiled and said, "My sharp claws are already hungry and thirsty!"

   "That's right, those wolf cubs have long wanted to **** them!"

   "I have been aggrieved for so long, and I can finally take revenge once!"

  Other blood race youths also responded one after another, all gearing up, and they couldn't wait to act.

"The old, weak, women and children of each family are all transferred to the refuge in the inner city of the Undercity, so that the werewolves will not rush to retaliate. Those wounded who were previously infected with wolf's poison will not have to go to the battlefield this time, and will be transferred with the women and children." Brand also Announce.

  The inner city of the Undercity is the territory of the dark elves, no matter how rampant the werewolves are, they dare not do anything there.

   And after this battle is over, regardless of whether they win or lose, they will move their family to Sky City, and there will be no further contact with the wolf clan in the future. That is to say, today is their last chance for revenge!

   "The meeting is adjourned!" After all the arrangements were made, Brand announced the adjournment of the meeting.

   A group of vampires also dispersed, and went back to deliver news to their family members.


  Mu You left the church and caught up with Jonas who was attending the meeting on behalf of the Rhine family.

At this time, Jonas was at the door, preparing to **** his wife and children to the Undercity. As a wounded person, he was also excluded from the battle plan and did not need to participate in today's operation. At the same time, the family had already packed all their luggage. After all, I will be moving to a new home after tonight.

   "Liston?" Jonas looked back at Mu You, and said with a smile, "What's wrong?"

   Immediately seeing Mu You hesitated to speak, Jonas understood what was happening, turned back to Elsa and Mai and said, "You guys go first, I'll be there later."

   After speaking, Jonas followed Mu You to a deserted place on the side of the street.

   "What's wrong? Is there anything else I need to do?" Jonas asked in a low voice.

"There is something, but it has nothing to do with this mission. It is my personal matter. I don't have time to come out today, and there are not many people I can trust in the clan. After thinking about it, I can only ask you to go." .” Mu You said.

   "Oh? It's okay, just say it!" Jonas nodded gently and smiled.

   Mu You nodded, took out a map, and handed it to Venus.

  Venus took a look and wondered, "Here...seems like a mess of graves?"


Mu You looked around and said in a low voice: "This time the fools are fighting for Eternal Night City. In fact, there is a third party. The snipe and the clam are fighting, but today, if there is no accident, the other party will appear."

   "So who is it?" Jonas asked curiously.

   "It's a woman in red, one of my enemies. Even though she is only one person, she is very skilled, and she holds some very important things in her hands..." Mu You said.

   "There is only one person?" Jonas was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the map in his hand, and pondered: "So the person you mentioned will appear on the map?"

   "It's just possible, I'm not sure, but if I'm nearby, she will definitely not show up, so I can only arrange for unrelated people to watch for me nearby." Mu You said.

   "Understood, all I have to do is wait here for the other party to show up, right?" Jonas asked.

"Yes, but remember, this woman is very dangerous, the kind that can kill you instantly when you meet her, so never think about shooting her. When you find her trace, immediately send a letter to notify me, and then quietly follow her , see where she is going..." Mu You said seriously, then took a magic communication item from his body and handed it to Jonas.

   "Okay." Jonas took the props and said with a smile: "Don't worry, although I'm injured and unable to fight, it's not a problem to hide and be a sentry!"


  Mu You nodded.

   Then Jonas went back and briefly told his wife that there was something to deal with, and then left in a hurry.

   After Jonas walked away, Mai hurried over from a distance.

   "Brother, what about me? What do I need to do next?" Mai Yi looked at Mu You expectantly.

  As a female family member, she was also arranged to take refuge in the inner city, but she thinks that her strength is not bad, and she has just been promoted to the earl.

  Just now when she saw that her brother had arranged a secret mission for her uncle, she couldn't sit still any longer, and rushed to ask.

   Mu You glanced at her and shook his head: "You don't need to participate in today's battle."

   "Why?" Mai Yi was a little anxious when she heard it: "I'm not injured, and I can fight!" In her opinion, even a seriously injured uncle can participate in the operation, so there is no reason why she can't.

   "Don't worry."

   Mu You shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't need to fight, but you have a more important task."


   "Catch the ghost!"

   "The ghost?!" Mai Yi was shocked when he heard this.

   "Yes, relying on your super sensory talent, it's not difficult to do..." Mu You nodded and whispered something to her.

  Mai's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he nodded hurriedly: "Okay, don't worry, brother, I will definitely get it done!"


   After watching Mai also leave, Mu You found a place where no one was there, put down the teleportation array, and teleported to Dawn City.

  It was almost noon at this time, and in Liming City, the people who had made an appointment with Mu You to participate in this operation had already gathered.

  In addition to Xiao Yalinxue and the members of the Mystic Arts Association, Mu You also specially invited a person to help: Xia Chong Yu Bing.

  Her honesty coin is definitely one of the most practical items in the sky city competition.

  Through the guidance of coins, you can still find out the forward route relatively quickly and accurately without a map, but it is not as convenient as a map.

  Before the battle between Sunset City and Twilight City, Xia Chong Yubing also participated, and played an important role in it.

   And this kind of talent with strategic value is naturally fully protected by both the business alliance and the country. It is impossible to let her take risks in real life. This time, only Xia Chong Yu Bing's game character came to help.

   And her task is also very simple: there is no need to fight in the whole process, just act as a good guide.

  As for the members of the Mystic Arts Association, all of them came except the Taurus. Among them, the Lion and the Virgo were personally present, and the others were also game characters.

   "Hahaha, I finally see you all. Sure enough, everyone is handsome and beautiful!" The lion laughed.

  The lion is different from everyone's impression. It is the image of a burly bearded man. Of course, it is just a skin image.

  However, what is more noticeable than the appearance of the lion's skin is the Virgo.

   "Wow, real cat girl!" The lion exclaimed first after looking around.

  Virgo is also making her first appearance, dressed in a tight black dress, with a pair of cat ears on her head, a long tail behind her, and a white fox-face mask slanted on her head like a hair accessory.

   This skin is a race that is a hundred times rarer than werewolves and vampires: cat people!

"Are you a cosplay or a skin? These ears are so real that they vibrate. They really are skins, right? Oh beauty, where did you get them? Give me one if you have time..." The lion immediately surrounded him like a curious baby Various questions.

  However, he forgot his own image. A tall, bearded man scrutinized a petite cat girl unscrupulously. The scene was just two words: wretched!

  The Virgo glanced at the lion expressionlessly, took out a cardboard, waved it quickly, and flipped the cardboard over after a few seconds.

   But there were no words on the cardboard, but a stick figure similar to an emoji. It showed an angry catgirl girl slapping one person by the neckline, while the other person was slapped with red and swollen mouth spitting blood.

   "Uh..." Even the lion was speechless for a moment.

   Virgo ignores the lion, bows her head to write again, then looks at Mu You, and holds up the cardboard.

   This time it's text: "What's next?"

   "Next, the plan is this..."

   Mu You exhaled, and explained to everyone the next action in detail.


  It was almost noon, in the underground world, more than ten miles due north of the Undercity, an abandoned old castle stood alone in this wilderness.

  But today, this ancient castle that has been neglected for a long time is full of vitality and murderous aura.

  Thousands of werewolves gathered around the castle, hiding in every corner of the castle, scanning their surroundings vigilantly.

   And in front of the main entrance of the castle, there are more than two hundred werewolves lined up in groups, gathering here.

  The werewolves at the main entrance are all elite players of Blood Dawn, and they are also the backbone of Blood Dawn.

   "It's already 11:58, and there's not even a shadow. Is this guy planning to miss the appointment?" One of the werewolves looked at the time on the watch and paced around impatiently.

"calm down."

  The Caucasian youth wearing sunglasses shook his head helplessly, picked up the communication device in his hand and asked, "How about Xiao Wu, did you find anything?"

   "Not yet..." The boy's slightly immature voice came from the communicator.

  Hearing this, the white youth couldn't help but frowned: "Could it be that the other party didn't plan to come from the beginning?"

   "It's not time yet." The bald black man sitting in the middle seat folded his arms, and the expression on his face didn't change.

  However, from the way he looks at the clock on the table beside him from time to time, it can be seen that he also cares about time.

  Amidst the anxiety of the crowd, the second hand turned around again soon.

"This guy really doesn't intend to come! It's too much, and we are here to let a group of us blow the wind!" The werewolf youth just now saw that there was only half a second hand left on the clock before 12 o'clock, and couldn't help but said angrily. : "Wait another half a minute, if he still doesn't come, I will..."

   "What's the matter?" Others looked at him one after another.

   "I'll just... send a private message to scold him!" the young man said angrily.

   There was a booing from behind.

   "Huh? Here we come!"

  At this moment, the boy's voice suddenly sounded through the communicator.

  The noise at the scene was instantly quiet, and everyone was refreshed, tense up instantly, and everyone was ready to fight as if they were facing a big enemy.

   Even the tyrant who had been keeping his eyes closed on the first seat immediately opened his eyes.

   "How many people came?"

   "Here comes, uh... alone." The boy's voice in the communicator was also full of uncertainty.

   "One person? Are you sure?" Everyone was stunned.

   "Yes, there are no invisible people following, and I haven't sensed the breath of other blood races..."


  At this moment, hundreds of meters away in front of the castle, Mu You stepped out of the dense jungle alone and walked along the bluestone path.

   "Ghost, Captain Ghost?"

  A childish voice suddenly sounded not far away.

  Mu You turned his head to look, and saw a young man with a wolf's head, clinging to the trunk of a big tree more than ten meters away with one hand, his figure was hidden among the branches, and he was scanning him vigilantly through the gaps in the bushes.

"it's me."

   Mu You nodded, and subconsciously used the Omniscient Crystal towards the boy.

  The feedback information made him stunned.

  【Bloodthirsty Bailey (not evolved at level 20): Strength 46, Dexterity 66, Intelligence 43, Constitution 62, HP 11200...Current skin: Boiling Blood Wolf. 】


   Mu You's eyes lit up, the blood-boiling wolf!

  I searched for a skin that I couldn't find for a long time before, but it was delivered here on my own initiative.

   "Why, what's wrong?"

  The sudden change in Mu You's eyes made the young man instinctively feel the hairs on his back stand on end. It was clearly a sense of crisis that the prey was being targeted by the hunter. The young man trembled in fright and almost fell from the tree.

   Fortunately, this feeling is fleeting.

   "Cough, nothing."

  Mu You resisted not to do anything directly, exhaled, looked at the other party and smiled, "What? You came all this way to meet me."

   "Ah, no..."

  The young man scratched his head in embarrassment, blushed and said, "Well, I'm sorry, because I need to have a close contact to confirm that there are no other vampires hidden in your backpack..."

  The young man is very honest, and Mu You is no surprise, the skin of the Boiling Blood Wolf is specialized in perception, especially for vampires, even through the backpack, they can smell the blood hidden inside.

   "Are you done confirming now?"

   "It's over..." the boy said.

   "Don't worry, I came alone. It's you guys who just met and made such a big fight, you really think highly of me!" Mu You looked at the groups of werewolves in the castle ahead and sneered.


  The boy is ashamed. The actions of the two sides before are equivalent to a public fight. Normally, they will be ready to bring everyone over to start a fight, right? Who would have thought that someone would actually choose to go to the meeting alone...

  Going to the meeting alone, do you want the bosses of both sides to fight each other? There are no such rules in the underworld...

  The young man didn't know how to answer the conversation for a while, so he just kept silent and led Mu You towards the castle silently.

   Soon the two came to the castle.

   A group of werewolves in front of them were full of murderous intent. They had been sharpening their claws for a long time. Looking at the lone figure approaching from the opposite side, they were short-circuited for a while: In this situation, should we still fight or not?

   At this time, Tyrant, the leader of a group of werewolves, did not show any abnormality. He stood up and looked at Mu You and said, "Although it's a little bit overtime, it's still acceptable."

   "So, did you bring the map?" The tyrant said, looking at Mu You's hands.


   Mu You took out a cloth bag with a girdle from his body, and shook it at the other party: "It's all inside... where's yours?"

  The tyrant looked at the person behind him, who immediately handed over a map fragment.

  The tyrant took a look and saw that the arrow on the fragment was indeed pointing in the direction of Mu You, so he nodded and looked at the other person.

   This person is obviously a game character. After standing there for a few seconds, three map fragments appeared out of thin air in his hand.

  However, as soon as the three maps appeared, the werewolves frowned in unison.

  The tyrant immediately looked at Mu You, and glanced past the cloth bag in his hand: "You said that the pieces are all in the bag, but it shouldn't be all there?"

  If all the fragments were already present, then they should have received a reminder that the entrance to the sky city was opened just now.

   "It seems that you only took out four pieces." Mu You said. Scarlet Dawn held five fragments, only four were taken out on the spot at this moment.

   "Yes, but I can guarantee that the other one is nearby and not hidden, so you must be the problem!" said the tyrant.

   "That's it... that's easy, let's hang all the pieces to dry, and wait." Mu You said, he actually took a chair out of his backpack and sat down directly opposite.

   "What are you waiting for?" The werewolves on the opposite side looked confused.

   "The last fragment is actually in the hands of someone else, and it hasn't been online yet, but it should be soon." Mu You looked at the time and said.

  (end of this chapter)