MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 28

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"It is a ground-helical missile... Only such a missile can achieve such an effect." Xiao Yan cold channel.

"What...what..." Lily was dumbfounded.

The ground-helical missile will not burst immediately when it launches the ground, but it will explode after drilling into the ground for several tens of meters. Its power is amazing.

In order to prevent such missile attacks, not only Shire, but all other research bases are reinforced with special alloys. Since then, such missiles have had limited destructive power to underground facilities, but the damage to the ground is still huge.

"Our position is above the ground." Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed.

"So we have to go to the passage to evacuate,"

Lily has been panicked.

"This is the enemy's strategy. All refuge passages are two-door design. The first door can be opened by ourselves, but once the enemy follows us to enter the first door, in order to prevent the enemy from entering the ground, it will not open the second door. So we will be killed between the two doors."

"No... no... it’s the tide of the organization,"

"The barriers have been blown up and we have lost the barrier that is isolated from the world. Who do you think is the real enemy at this moment?"

Lily stepped back and fell to the ground and replied: "Yes... zombies."

“Is there a terminal in this room?”

Xiao Yan turned down from the bed, his sense of balance has not recovered, fell to the ground, and turned around in front of him.

Lily strongly suppressed the fear in her heart and stepped forward to Xiao Yan.

"Even if... I’m afraid I’m disconnected...”

"Just looking for the wireless frequency, there is still a chance to enter the system. We must see the situation outside. Since this room is still intact, I believe we are not at the center of the ground damage."

They found the terminal, Lily just wanted to say something, Xiao Yan had put on a helmet to connect the brain.

All the data is running at a rapid speed, and Xiao Yan is persistently looking for frequencies that are still viable. Although the No. 14 base is old, thanks to the management of Shen Bing, the terminal settings inside the entire base are very complicated. The design of the key includes the depth and breadth of the function and even contains complex information in various aspects such as physics and chemistry. Finally, Xiao Yan’s thinking rushed out of the encirclement and poured into a smooth passage.

This room was successfully linked to the terminal system.

“The monitoring outside the corridor is still running.”

When Xiao Yan’s words were just said, the situation outside the door was projected on the wall.

Lily took a breath.

The passages are full of zombies, they are beating, crawling, running along the walls that have not yet collapsed, and their faces are twisted and twisted.

Anyone who has not yet taken refuge in the passage has become the target of being killed. They struggled in horror and fled.

Lily grabbed her mouth and barely cried.

If Xiao Yan didn't stop her from opening the door, she would end up with the same people.

"Now... what should we do?"

"Send a distress signal. If you are lucky... maybe someone will come to save us."

"If... bad luck... we will die in this room, right?"

Xiao Yan's lips plucked a smile.

"Lily, I haven't told you anything."


"You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

Xiao Yan said that he was very solemn, as if this was his last words.

Lily smiled bitterly.

"This is the most outdated compliment I have ever heard."

"I have sent a distress signal and hope that the other party can see it."

"Now... who else can save us?"

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and breathed a breath. "The whole base, maybe only that person can save us."

All personnel in the control center evacuated at the first time. The target of the ground guide is obviously the control center. Fortunately, Shen Bingguo ordered the attack on the aircraft, causing the missiles launched by the other party to deviate. Otherwise, their casualties will not stop there.

Shen Bing and his men were escorted by the special task force of Hai Yin, and all the way to the passage of the passage. When Shen Bing entered the safe passage, Hai Yin stopped outside the door.

"Hai Yin! Come in!"

Shen Bing looked at him inexplicably.

Hai Yin’s lips are still indifferent, and the eyes are indifferent to everything.

"I still have something."

"What?" Liv and Mark are about to rush out, but Hai Yin raises her leg and slams Mark's chest to prevent him from coming forward. It is a very strong and strong figure.

"We have forgotten that stupid rookie."

Hai Yin raised his wrist and the contact was a message from Xiao Yan.

"Wait! Colonel!"

Mark had not had time to go forward, Hai Yin kicked him in, like a domino, Liv and other men behind the mark followed down, the passage door closed.

"Hai Yin! You bastard!" Shen Bing wants to open the access door, the alarm sounds locked, and the secretary and the liaison officer pull him away.

"Colonel! You are our commander! You can't go out!"

Mark and Liv slammed hard, but the door did not move.

"Damn! Open the door!"

Hai Yin turned back and stared indifferently at the zombies that had rushed to the rush. The sharp blades in the hands waved and the world was divided into two.

Xiao Yan and Lily trapped in the room are very nervous every minute.

Lily walked around the room with a dozen or so laps. "Even if someone comes to save us, there will be more and more zombies entering the base. How can we break through to the refuge channel?"

“So try to close unnecessary passages and form a closed road where we pass.”

"Is this possible?"

"I have a try... I am afraid some channels are already difficult to close."

After more than half an hour, Lily sat on the floor and leaned on Xiao Yan's knee.

"Hey... is anyone coming to save us?"

Xiao Yan did not answer.

He constantly mobilized the monitoring that can be used to observe the situation of each channel.

Finally, in a certain monitoring, a sly and unscrupulous figure is reflected in his mind.

The left and right double-blade speeding, the zombie's body was broken and cracked, the yellow-brown pus splashed, and Xiao Yan first understood what it meant to be invincible.

But in such a narrow place, his skills can not be carried out, but the influx of zombies is endless.

Xiao Yan called up the floor plan of the upper base, analyzed it, invaded all channel frequencies, and turned them off one by one.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer zombies in front of Hai Yin, and he looked up and put his cold eyes on the monitor.

"Lilly, get ready, he is coming."


Xiao Yan took off his helmet and came to the door and suddenly pressed the open button.

"Xiao Yan!" Lily stood up in horror.

The head of a zombie stretched in, opened his mouth, and had disgusting saliva between his teeth.

In the next moment, its head was cut and it fell to the ground.

The ice-blue scorpion instantly captured all the Xiao Yan's illusions. In general, he saw an impulse to crush the world in the other's eyes.

"Let's go, stupid rookie." The cool voice blew through all the chaos and went straight into Xiao Yan's mind.

The man in front of him is still beautiful, the golden brown hair is falling down quietly, and the other between the lips and teeth is like a world that has been accurately calculated. His hand reached over, Xiao Yan's head was pressed into the other's arms, Hai Yinli lifted his legs and opened the zombies trying to approach Xiao Yan. Despite a brief moment, the man's arms have an indescribable familiarity.

Hai Yin’s palm slid down the back of Xiao Yan’s back and buckled his wrist. The coldness and firmness in the man’s eyes made Xiao Yan suddenly relieved. “Don’t waste time!”

Xiao Yan turned back and held Lily very seriously: "She must go with us!"

Lily was afraid to see the zombies that were approaching being smashed by the sea, completely losing the strength of standing.

Hai Yin’s eyes fell on Lily’s body. “You have to learn to let go.”

"Colonel, will you let your comrades go?"

Seeing more and more zombies, Hai Yin turned and went. "I let you run, you will run. Let you kneel, you will kneel down. In short, let you do what, do whatever. No matter who dragged me On the hind legs, I will kill him by hand."

Sure enough, it was the order of Haiyin Burton, and Xiao Yan felt lucky at the moment.

In front of the passage, there were more than a dozen zombies running towards them.

Lily whimpered and slammed back into the room.

"Don't be afraid! Lily! Dead or go, what do you choose?" Xiao Yan looked at Lily.

Hai Yin has already rushed up without saying anything, "Run -"

"If you are afraid, close your eyes!" Xiao Yan picked up Lily and ran behind Hai Yin.

The sound of the blood splattered by the muscles in the ear, and the zombies that had been cut off were rolling around them.

Lily subconsciously wants to bow, and the zombies who have only the upper body are moving, trying to catch them.

"Don't look down!"

The cold and low voice sounded, Xiao Yan forced himself to raise his eyes.

Hai Yin’s gaze always looked ahead, and Xiao Yan’s gaze hit his back. At that moment, all the scary zombies became a glimpse.

The sharp blade in the hand did not stop killing for a moment, and Hai Yin was not tired of what it was, like a never-ending killing machine.

In front of it was a 90-degree turn node. Hai Yin’s posture suddenly stopped. He pressed him against the shoulder of Xiao Yan and pressed him to the wall. Lily fell to the ground and Hai Yin picked her up. Three people posted Wall. Hai Yin warned Lily that no sound was allowed. One of his arms was in front of Xiao Yan, forcing him to stick to the cold wall. Hai Yin’s side face leaned toward Xiao Yan, his ear was almost attached to Xiao Yan’s cheek, and his heart trembled fiercely. Xiao Yan swallowed her mouth, and the skin of Hai Yin attracted him to subconsciously close, but he knew what the result would be. At the other end of the node, what is approaching, the moment of lightning and lightning, the sea blade pulls out the sharp edge, and it is almost impossible to see the flash. At the same time, three or four zombies fall down.

"Run." Hai Yin gave a command, Xiao Yan picked up Lily and wolfly followed. A large number of zombies chased them up.

But Xiao Yan and Lily's physical strength is limited. Especially Lily, she can't run, panting.

Xiao Yan’s heart jumped as if it had to burst out of the chest, but could not stop! He knows that Hai Yin will not slow down for them, and a slight pause means that more zombies will be faced.

Just as they passed a corner, Hai Yin suddenly turned back and took Xiao Yan to his shoulder.

"Hai Yin!"

"I can't take the two of you together."

Hai Yin’s words were sharp and cold, and Xiao Yan looked at Lily and looked at them with pleading eyes.

"Don't leave me - don't leave me -"

Even with only one hand, Hai Yin still quickly cut the way forward.

"Hai Yin! Let me down!"

Hai Yin’s expression did not waver.

"Let me down! I am accompanying Lily! You are quickly rushing to the refuge channel and still have time!"

In the meantime, Hai Yin threw Xiao Yan on the ground. When he collided with the ground, Xiao Yan’s bones almost split, and he could feel the strong anger from Hai Yin.

Hai Yin raised his chin, and the blade in his hand was just arbitrarily slashed. The losers who couldn't get close to him flocked to Xiao Yan. One opened his mouth and slammed it to his shoulder. One pulled his leg and he was torn open.

Xiao Yan clenched his fist and closed his eyes.

The next moment, thick pus splashed on his face, emitting a stench.

Xiao Yan opened his eyes, and the zombies around him had no prototypes. Hai Yin was eye-catching and there was a contemptuous look between the eyes.

"Are you sure you want to stay here?"

Xiao Yan swallowed his mouth and his heart beat like a drum. He seemed to have concentrated on this moment of choice. His voice was unexpectedly clear: "I am sure, and that accident... You didn't always want to kill me? ?"

"I can take you away."

This is completely an unexpected answer by Xiao Yan. He saw a pain-like emotion in the eyes of Heyin Burton, and the man was hurt.

"I know, but I am just a class b student. I know that my value is not enough to make you take risks. Not to mention that I am a man - I can be awesome, but I can't die."

Xiao Yan stood up and Hai Yin buckled his wrist.

"You can't save everyone, and you don't have to sacrifice for irrelevant people."

Xiao Yan can clearly feel the feeling of Hai Yin’s fingers and his own blood flowing under his fingertips. At that moment, he suddenly realized that he was so fascinated by Hai Yin Burton’s every touch, perhaps It is because of his embarrassment to him, or the worship of the strong, but it does not matter. Hai Yin couldn't take them away, he wouldn't drag him down.

"Colonel, you said... you have to learn to let go." Xiao Yan turned to his own lips, and he faintly saw what was spreading on the man's indifferent eyes.

The moment of loss, Xiao Yan broke away from Hai Yin, the other hand is still empty.

He knows that the most real reason for his heart is that he does not want his weakness to drag the strength of Hein Burton.

The author has something to say: fat winter melon: Hai Yin kiss, I know your heart.

Hai Yin: ...

Fat winter melon: In fact, Xiao Yan just doesn't want to drag you down...

Hai Yin: I want to die.

Fat winter melon: This is what everyone likes to hear, but Xiao Yan can't die so fast, there is no drama when he dies... Don't do anything to die, you will do it forever, be bored... 2k