MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 63

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Hai Yin's simple phrase "I know" instantly flooded into Xiao Yan's thinking, like a certain orientation and a certain direction. Xiao Yan clearly understood the meaning of his existence for the first time.

His life was once again under the supervision of special task forces, but Xiao Yan no longer yearned for a rich and colorful life, which made Maya feel sad.

For example, today, sitting at the table, Maya vividly described to him how luxurious the newly opened bar in the city of Shire, "Hey, you can't imagine it - this is a veritable crystal bar! The bar is also Rotary! Customers can enjoy a variety of bartending processes at 360 degrees! There are even dozens of bartenders performing together!"

"Oh, um." Xiao Yan nodded. It was obvious that he did not listen to what Maya said.

Maya raised the voice very dissatisfied: "There is also a band's aerial performance! The difficulty coefficient of the action may not even be possible with our special forces! When your supervision period is over, I will take you out to play! What is blue?" The tulip is much more luxurious!"

"Yeah." Xiao Yan lowered his head and the things in his mouth had been chewed for at least five or six minutes.

Maya couldn't help but move his plate away, and Xiao Yan didn't notice it all. The fork smashed around the table.

After ten seconds, he finally came back, "Hey... my plate?"

At this time, he noticed that the opposite Maya was very dissatisfied with his arms.

"That... Maya... What did you say?"

"I said, your concurrent Lili, she passed the assessment to become the alternate liaison officer of Lieutenant General Aiwei!"

"Oh, then congratulations to her!" Xiao Yan showed a few happy expressions.

"Just congratulations to her? Just like this?" Maya's head stretched out.

Xiao Yan showed a blank expression, except congratulations... What else can he do?

Maya groaned and then sighed and sighed. "In your guy's head, apart from research, are there any other things?"

Xiao Yan just smiled apologetically, his brain thinking about his own research all the time.

He has never been so eager to pursue an answer.

When Xiao Yan quickly processed all the data in the research room, Major Gordon and a middle-aged man looked at everything in front of the observation room in the high place.

"In fact, you have been paying attention to him. The first person who agrees with his research report is you." Gordon's hand squatted in the pocket of the military pants, facing his face and looking at the lieutenant.

"Now, your decision is more sensible than the head of the Central Academy of Sciences. He is indeed the best person to be sent to the South Pole." Lieutenant General Aiweier gently pointed his finger on the glass.

"You are not unwise, but there is no courage to take risks. So I sent Haiyin Burton to protect him. So far, Hai Yin has not lost." When he mentioned his subordinates, Major Gordon gave a smug smile.

"It is not difficult for Xiao Yan to understand the comet virus. How can he guarantee his safety in the future? How can we protect his brain? We have no absolute grasp."

Major Gordon walked up to Ai Weier in a hurry and held his hand on the glass in his ear. He leaned closer and pulled closer to Ai Weier. "Hello, worrying too much will make you look down." Clear direction. Don't underestimate my special mission forces, and don't underestimate Xiao Yan."

Aiwei chuckled, "I will wait and see."

A few days later, Xiao Yan synthesized a new type of virus. According to his study on the stability of the comet virus, he applied the same mechanism to the virus, and repeated tests and system simulation experiments on the newly synthesized virus. If successful, this will be the longest duration of the body, x-2, which can be used by ordinary armed soldiers to deal with small-scale zombies.

Picking up the lips, Xiao Yan felt for the first time that he was further from the answers pursued by countless sophisticated researchers. He pushed the potion into the injection gun and walked to the door of the laboratory.

At this time, the alarm sounded.

Xiao Yan had to stop the research lock data immediately. He entered the monitoring system. He was shocked by the situation he saw. There were countless zombies coming in the corridor. The two special soldiers guarding the door were killing, but the more they killed, The more zombies that are pouring in!

What's the matter!

Xiao Yan read the situation inside the building, only to find that the zombie storage equipment used for research and training in the whole building was completely unlocked. The headquarters of the special mission unit was in a mess, and all the special forces waiting at the headquarters were busy cleaning up. .

Intuition tells Xiao Yan that someone must have invaded the building's internal control system to create such confusion. In addition to the Central Academy of Sciences, the most rigorous terminal protection is the special mission force. The other party can control the system here. There is only one possibility. This guy is in the headquarters, and the level is not low, so that it can be manufactured beyond the security settings. situation. Just... what is the purpose of the other party?

Is it a mess to take away a researcher's brain?

Xiao Yan’s fingers trembled. He suddenly realized that there were two training rooms on the same floor. The zombies in the area had all escaped, and the closed passages formed a closed loop. These zombies could not go anywhere but fell straight. At the end of the passage, Xiao Yan is in the research room!

It’s simply deliberately designed to make it impossible for zombies to choose!

At that moment, the door of the laboratory suddenly slipped open, and numerous zombies came in. Two special forces tried to enter the research room to protect Xiaoyan, but the number of zombies was too much. Just when they finally got out of trouble, the research room door suddenly tightened. close.

Xiao Yan took the button and the door did not slide open.

He is stupid and finally understands that it is no coincidence that their goal is to be yourself!

Without any thoughts, Xiao Yan raised the injection gun and injected the virus into his body.

The zombies have come to him, they have to tear his body to eat his flesh and blood!

The agent spreads in the blood and invades every cell of Xiaoyan. His ability to visually capture the movement is greatly increased. The movements of the zombies seem to be played in slow motion in his eyes. The sound of the bones is clear when they move.

Xiao Yan raised his hand and crushed the throat of a zombie. Then he lifted his leg and slammed it. A zombie flew like a cannonball and slammed into the cold wall, like a mud.

The mind of Haiyin Burton was unconsciously in his mind, and his body followed the movement of the figure. Xiao Yan’s elbow cracked the sternum of a zombie, and he did not need to turn back, and his head turned his head back.

There are still three zombies left, although all of them close to Xiao Yan have become a pile of rotten corpses, but they do not understand what fears, rushing in three directions.

Suddenly low, Xiao Yan slammed on the chin of the zombie, the bones were cracked very loudly, and the other foot swelled on the knee of another zombie, punching the back of the third zombie. .

The remaining two zombies swayed and went forward.

Xiao Yan snorted and smashed them together, instantly twisting their neck bones.

The entire lab was quiet.

Two special forces on the glass window of the laboratory patted the door to indicate Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan pressed the button and the door was still locked.

Major Gordon frowned and heard the alarm sound.

"All personnel please note that the i-level control system fails, the j-layer isolation system fails, the training zombies are completely out of control, all personnel enter the combat state and begin to clean up!"

The alarm was still repeated. Hai Yin, standing next to the high-ranking general, suddenly left sideways, because the door of the high-ranking general was temporarily closed. Hai Yin looked back at the major general, "Open the door!"

"You have to go out to clean up the zombies?"

“Xiao Yan’s research room is on the i level!”

Gao Deng’s shoulders suddenly became tense. “Jessica! Immediately dispatched the staff to Xiao Yan’s research room!”

Just as Gordon Gordon pressed the button to open the sliding door, Hai Yin had already rushed out.

Major General Gordon, who is still in the middle of the squad, continues to urge the liaison officer, "I will immediately report the situation of the Xiaoyan Research Office in the i-level!"

“A large number of zombies have flocked to the research room, but they have all been cleaned up! At present, all the passages leading to the Xiaoyan Research Office are closed, the isolation system is out of control, and the research room door cannot be opened!”

On the holographic picture, two special forces were trying to open the door of the research room. The study room was in a mess, and the zombies fell to the ground. The entire research room was only Xiao Yan, and no one except him could kill the zombies.

In terms of the number of these zombies, ordinary people, even armed fighters with rich operational experience, are unlikely to be completely destroyed... Major Gordon guessed that Xiao Yan must have injected himself x-2! The extent to which this young man’s research has progressed has made the enemy unscrupulous to this point!

Major Gordon gnawed his head and immediately ordered: "No matter what the price! You must guarantee the safety of Shao Yan's ensign!"

At this time, Xiao Yan thought about the situation at hand. It is obvious that the system of the special mission force headquarters was invaded by the tide organization, and the door of the research room was also deliberately locked, indicating that the tide is intentionally closing itself here! The lab is connected to a variety of drug configurations, and if an intruder opens a toxic agent, he will die in this confined space! Even if you open the door and encounter a zombie, the special forces outside the door are experts in cleaning up the zombies. Only by trying to open the research room door and stay with the special forces is it safe.

Xiao Yan put on the terminal connection device and entered the system, ready to open his own research room door. At that moment, he felt a force invading his mind and constantly ingesting the information in his brain. At that moment, Xiao Yan suddenly realized that he had encountered a "blocker"! But this time it is different from the blockers encountered by your own flying aircraft. The former is to destroy his mind to deprive him of the ability to fly the aircraft, while the latter is to steal information from his mind!

Xiao Yan was so helpless that he could not build a barrier to thinking, so putting the other person into his own thinking was tantamount to sending a huge cake to the other side.

That power is going deeper, Xiao Yan's all thoughts, the analysis of the data for the research is being dragged and taken away by the copy. Xiao Yan suddenly pressed the button to interrupt the contact, but he found his limbs in amazement. Can't move!

bad! The other party must have hindered the transmission of their own thinking!

Xiao Yan shunned in a panic, splitting everything about x-2 in his mind and delaying the time for the other party to get all the information.

No matter who is it! Hurry and find him!

Xiao Yan's heart is tight on the front line, and the brain is running at speed, as if the centrifuge is trying to get rid of each other. And the speed of the other party is amazing!

Xiaoyan can't keep going. Xiao Yan keeps hiding his only analysis of Haiyin Burton's blood samples and the study of comet virus. In any case, these can't be taken away!

At this point, the multi-level access door was opened, and the special mission unit resumed its internal control over the headquarters. Hai Yin flew across the control gate and finally came to the door of the research room.

"Colonel! The door is locked!" The two special forces rushed to report.

Hai Yin saw Xiao Yan wearing a terminal connector through the glass on the door, and the pupil was shocked. He couldn't help but say that he had a gun with his waist.

"Colonel! What are you going to do! You can't open the door with a gun!"

"Step aside!"

Hai Yin could not help but say that he shot a shot at the door. Sure enough, there was a depression between the door and the wall, and the door did not move. Hai Yin pulled out the sharp edge on the back, between the top entry and the gap between the walls.

The two special forces finally understood the intention of Hai Yin. This sliding door fits perfectly into the wall for a seamless fit. The shot just made a depression, creating a fulcrum for the sharp edge of the door.

Hai Yin pressed the blade handle, one leg stepped on the wall, and the whole body was attached to the blade. He bit his teeth, the blade slowly bent under his power, and the door of the study room had a wide gap of thumb.


The two special forces quickly put their blades in. When the door was smashed to reach into the arm, Hai Yin did not hesitate to reach out and hold the door.

After the low boring, he pushed the door open just enough for a person to squeeze in, "Let go!"

"Colonel!" The two special forces did not dare to let go, once the sliding door will quickly return to its original position, if the sea is not passed at this moment, it will be crushed by the sliding door.

"There is no time!" Hai Yinyu told them.

Just as they pulled back the blade, Hai Yin squeezed it, and it was too late to be unexpected. The door was again heavy and closed, and the special forces outside the door saw the sea in the glass and walked quickly toward the back of Xiao Yan.

Haiyin was in front of Xiao Yan and touched Xiao Yan's fingertips. He couldn't help but take another terminal connector.

Suddenly, the wolf squatting to hide his own Xiao Yan felt a powerful force pouring into his brain, and the thoughts of the intruder were cut off, and Xiao Yan was wrapped up, and it was not easy to penetrate the wind. Suo, the other party could not help but quickly withdraw from Xiao Yan's brain under such a strong counterattack.

Xiao Yan was still scared, but at that moment, the power wrapped around himself disappeared, and the terminal was removed from his head. He took a deep breath and was dizzy.

When the cold face of Hai Yin was finally recognized, Xiao Yan’s heart finally fell back to his chest.

"Hai Yin..."

"Oh... look at me and adjust your breathing."

Hai Yin’s voice was very calm and brought Xiao Yan’s chaotic thought back to reality. His fingers swept over Xiao Yan’s sweaty front, and his eyes were soft and firm.

"I... my body can't move..."

"You can move, imagine your thinking from the brain, it is now flowing in your arm, flowing to your wrist and into your fingertips."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and imagined the flow of thought.

"The fingertips of a move."

Hai Yin’s voice is cold and sensible, but the tone is unexpectedly patient.

Xiao Yan's fingers slowly gathered. At that moment, all the senses of the body quickly poured into the brain. At that moment, he took back control of his body. The first thing he did was to hold Hai Yin's wrist.

"Now stand up with me."

Xiao Yan swayed and the balance gradually recovered.

He gasped heavily and looked at the sea. The other's fingers pressed gently against his forehead to help him relax.

The zombies rushed out of the door and tried to pour them in. They cut them open with a cold blade, and the sensitive posture jumped up through the passage wall, and all the zombies were cleaned up.

"Lieutenant Colonel Wallis..." The special forces responsible for protecting Xiao Yan were shocked by the other's skills.

Jane’s gaze swept through them, and said quietly: “Are you protecting him like this?”

After that, Jane entered the research room of Xiao Yan, and the picture of Xiao Yan’s forehead was sweating almost in the arms of Hai Yin.

"You almost need a brain to rehabilitate. How do you dare to rush into the terminal when you know that the flood has invaded the main control system?"

"Jane..." Xiao Yan called out the other's name. The thinking invasion was too strong, and his language function seemed to be affected.

"Coloton Burton, I don't think you can protect him with one person."

Jane's eyes have no temperature.

When Haiyin passed by Jane, the other side grabbed him and lowered his voice. "Lieutenant Aivil is questioning Major General Gordon about everything that happened today."

"Even if this is the case, Xiao Yan is not likely to return to the Central Academy of Sciences."

Mark and Liv have already come to the door. "Hey, Ai Weier is in the future, he wants to see Xiao Yan."

"Lieutenant Ai Weier..." Xiao Yan looked at Hai Yin. He did not think that a young man who had just graduated would have to meet the highest person in charge of the Central Academy of Sciences!

Hai Yin did not look back, "Go."

Xiao Yan quickly followed him, but his heart was uneasy.

But no matter who he is facing, Xiao Yan has nothing to worry about. He closed his eyes and cheered up his mind.

At this moment, all the channels are being cleaned up.

A zombie has only half of the sternum and one arm left, but still refuses to give up climbing to Xiaoyan.

Hai Yin lowered her eyes and the movement on her feet was so incredible that the zombies were kicked into the clearing device.

They came to the office of Major General Gordon and the liaison officer was at the door.

Hai Yin turned and his face was quiet. When his elegant and slender fingers reached for himself, Xiao Yan’s heartbeat missed half a beat.

His fingers tidy up Xiao Yan's collar and smooth the folds on his shoulders.

So close to the distance, Xiao Yan, the other person's eyes, can see it as long as he raises his eyes.


"Yes, Colonel." At that moment, all hesitations and sudden withdrawals, no matter who stood in front of him, Xiao Yan would face it calmly.

The liaison officer opened the door and Xiao Yan walked in.

In front of him is a simple desk, sitting in front of the table is the high-ranking Major General, his expression is serious, without a smile.

"Little will!"

Xiao Yan stood up and carried out a military ceremony with great force.

Major General Gordon turned his head, and Xiao Yan looked at him with his eyes and saw a gray-haired man dressed in military uniform.

"Hello, Xiao Yan is less."

The slow and mellow voice sounded, the man's lips showed a smile, the smile of the corners of the eyes was mature and charming, and the brown eyes showed a wise look.

"Your!" Xiao Yan turned to the direction of the man and gave another ceremony.

This is Lieutenant General Aiwei. He is responsible for the management of the entire Central Academy of Sciences, leading the most high-tech core of Charles and even human beings.

He is much younger than Xiao Yan's imagination, and his eyes reveal the pursuit of rigorous oppression, but it does not want to escape.

"You are Xiao Yan."

Here is the office of Major General Gordon. Although the rank of Lieutenant General Aiwei is above the rank of Major General Gordon, he is only a visitor. Since Xiao Yan entered this office, Lieutenant General Aiwei quietly sat on the conference sofa, completely Concealed his sense of existence, but at the moment when Xiao Yan and him looked at each other, the other party brought him a non-negligible air pressure.

"Yes, sir!"

Lieutenant General Aiwei laughed, and his back leaned back on the sofa to reveal a casual expression. "The last time you researched an antidote against the tidal tissue chemical weapons, I began to pay attention to you. I heard that you solved the x-2 virus. The problem of being metabolized by the human body at high speed."

"Reporting, I have not completely solved this problem for the time being, but extended the staying time of the x-2 virus in the human body to 21 minutes and 24 seconds."

Lieutenant General Avile laughed, and Zall’s extraordinary style made it impossible to look away.

"Twenty-one twenty-four seconds has been a revolutionary advancement. However, the duration of the virus in the human body, in addition to the attenuation of the virus itself, includes whether the body's own immune system accepts it." With one hand on the chin and looking at Xiao Yan, the inspiring squint made Xiao Yan feel the fall. "It is not to destroy the body's immunity, but to let our body think that this virus is part of itself, so... can use the virus to transform the genes of the human body without any scruples, and make the effectiveness of x-2 permanent."

Xiao Yan looked at Lieutenant General Aiwei and couldn't return to God for a long time.

Until Major General Gordon left the seat and came to them, "Well, Ivy, I know that you are the smartest person on earth. But you are not here to guide Xiao Yan's research direction."

The author has something to say: Hurry up in February... Xiaohonghua took a lot of hard work... I want to break more and want to play around... 2k