MTL - Thrive in Catastrophe-Chapter 70

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"You may as well kill me! Because no matter what the reason can not convince me!"

A slight sting on the arm came, what Kathy had injected him.

Xiao Yan’s eyes were dizzy, his body continued to lose strength, and Jane firmly supported him, and he hugged him when he completely lost his strength.

The line of sight is blurred, Xiao Yan tries to stay awake, but the mind is spinning and falling.

"Let's go. What about the aircraft?"

"I am waiting for us." Jerry sighed. "I thought that this time I could assassinate the president!"

Kathy glanced at Jerry with contempt. "What does it mean to assassinate the president? A president is dead, and another president will be replaced and nothing will be changed."

"What about Claire? She seems to be trapped."

"Who is her opponent?"

"Hylie Burton's subordinates - Liv, there is a big man named Mark."

Jane slightly frowns, "If they are both, Claire is either dead or shackled. We don't have time to look back, Major Wenn should have received news to get back."

"Well, if Claire is still alive, I believe she must have a way to escape."

In front of it is a large hole blown out by a bomb. Outside, you can see the flustered central square. The zombies scattered around the civilians are being cleaned up by special missions. Other armed forces are also embarrassed.

The presidential palace in the distance is collapsing. This is only an internal explosion to achieve such a thorough effect.

"Hey, what have you done?"

"I just think that it is really uncomfortable for the president to live in such a luxurious place." Jane smiled and turned back to a military ceremony for the already ruined special mission unit headquarters. "Goodbye, Charles."

He entered the aircraft with Xiao Yan, and the tower of the Shire issued instructions.

"Please return to the k92 aircraft!"

"Here is the k92 aircraft. I am the commander of the third, fourth and fifth teams of the special missions. Jane Wallis, the emergency mission leaves the city of Shire, the destination is located at the base of the 14th station, please open the route. ""

Jane smiled and answered the tower in an orderly manner.

"Task code."


"The route is open."

Jane bowed his head and stroked Xiao Yan's forehead. He leaned quietly on Jane's shoulder and slept very deeply.

"I know that you like the sea very much, this time I will give you a whole piece of sea."

Jane gently kissed Xiaoyan's head, and the aircraft rushed out of Shire and rushed to the sky.

Jerry used his elbows to top the Kathy in silence. Although his tone was smirking, his eyes were very serious. "I said Kathy, are you really willing to leave here?"

"Why not reluctant?" Casey's eyes were cold.

"He is your ideal father." Jerry still teased Casey, his palms over his head, and shattered his hair into a bird's nest. "You injected it into the body of Haiyin Burton." A needle accelerator, I am afraid that I will be chilling to Lieutenant General Aiwei. You said to Xiao Yan that you are studying accelerators. In fact, you are really studying inhibitors. Accelerators are only unintentional products, but they are Cole. The guy secretly sent the tide."

"So Jane found a chance to solve Cole." Casey coldly waved Jerry's hand and replied very hard and lowly. "I will come back, I will definitely come back, and I am standing in front of Aivil!"

Jerry sighed helplessly. "I feel that I have joined a more dangerous organization than Charles. Kathy, you are for Lieutenant General Aiwei, Jane is for the future to do whatever he wants, then I am following you. For what?"

"Because you are our 'family'."

Three hours later, the turmoil in Charles was calmed down.

Major General Gordon successfully left the headquarters of the Special Task Force through the emergency channel.

The stunned eyes in front of him made him clench his fists. There are countless armed and wounded soldiers, and the bodies of civilians can be seen everywhere. The collapsed buildings have crashed magnetic levitation vehicles, and the broken holographic advertisement screens make a loud noise.

Major Wenn and Major Ling Xiao have completed the clean-up work and returned to the ranks of Major General Gordon.

The liaison pop-up holographic screen, the Secretary of Defense's face is very ugly.

"Mr. Gordon! Do you know that the special forces who came to protect the president did not even have a commander!"

"What?" Major General Gordon showed a surprised expression. "I clearly sent Lieutenant Colonel Jane Wallis!"

"You should check out the record of entering and leaving Shire. Lieutenant Colonel Jane Wallis left the Shire for three hours before the mission!"

"This is impossible! He has no tasks at all!"

"Mr. Gordon, you should be glad that the President is safe and sound, otherwise I will definitely propose to dismiss you with General Sharif!"

At this moment, Major Gordon’s face was pale, and he suddenly realized what he was, and the liaison officer, Jessica, who was squatting by the side, “I ask you, Xiao Yan’s lieutenant! You are not saying that Colonel Burton will protect him. Are you evacuating? They are people!"

Jessica swallowed. "Report, Major General... I tried to call Colonel Burton many times, but I didn't respond..."

"Why don't you report it!"

Ma Ya, who has been staying with Major General Gordon, replied: "I told Jessica to report to you, in order not to delay your withdrawal."

Major Gordon bites his alveolar and scorns Maya. This part of the department is somewhat less serious, but he is accidentally attached to the task.

At this time, Maya's eyebrows were shaking slightly. He put the safety of Major General Gordon in the first place and was worried about Xiao Yan.

Major Gordon will push the liaison officer away and almost yell at the underground command: "Wen! Ling Xiao! You should go to Xiao Yan immediately! Even if you turn the whole earth over, you must find him!"

Wenn heard that Xiao Yan and Hai Yin had lost contact, and Ling Xiao looked at Wen En, and seemed to be puzzled.

"Xiao Yan has synthesized x-2! He has been at the headquarters for protection before this attack."

"What!" Ling Xiao suddenly understood. "That is to say, the influx of Shire in such a large-scale invasion of Shire is actually to remove us from the headquarters! Their goal is not the president but the researcher!"

At this time, Mark and Liv took a woman to the front of Major Gordon. Her wrists were locked by high-density titanium, and her face was still disdainful and proud.

"Hello! This is the sorceress Claire of the tidal organization!" Mark pushed Claire with mercy.

Claire twitched his lips. "Hey, Major General. Are you still looking forward to the midst of the heart, can Hein Burton escape with the cute researcher?"

"What do you mean? How can Colonel Burton lose contact? Where is Shao Yan?"

Major General Gordon did not have a pity for this seemingly stunned woman. She picked her up and pulled the hair behind her head, forcing her to look at herself.

"Did you always think that Casey is studying x-2 for you? In fact, he has borrowed your resources from Charles to enjoy your research and synthesizes something interesting. It can accelerate the activity of x virus in special forces. The energy consumption of the special forces is hundreds of times, and the metabolism of the new city is also a hundred times increase, which means that the muscles, bones and organs of the body are rapidly declining. I bet that when you find Haiyin Burton, he is already a dead body. ""

"What... Kathy..."

"Yes, he has always been regarded as an irreplaceable brain resource for you. This guy is very arrogant. It is very hard for him to stay in the military for so many years. I urge you to find it quickly, maybe with Hai Yin." Burton said goodbye."

Liv stepped forward and punched Claire's face. "Where is Colonel Burton?"

Claire swayed to Liv's ear, and a slow voice slid across her ear. "You should ask, where is his body?"

Wenn no longer wastes time, "The first team! Go back to the headquarters to search with me! The second team drives the aircraft for wall search! All aircraft including our own aircraft must be ordered to return! If you refuse to return, shoot it down!"

"Mr. Wenn!" Liv grabbed Wenn and was puzzled by what he called "shoot down."

"The other party has hijacked Xiao Yan! I would rather die than to let his brain fall on the hands of the tide organization." Wenn pulled out a bitter smile. "This guy doesn't look very hard, actually lazy... want him. Thinking about what you hate endlessly is the same as asking for his life!"

Claire pulled his lips. "It's too late. The head has already left Charles with his little pet. You can't catch up."

"Are your head Jane Wallis or Casey?"

"What do you say? Haha!"

Wenn had already taken people along the channel, and Wenn snorted before they came to the bodies of the twins.

"Continue to move forward!"

"Major! There is a laboratory locked up here! But from the door and window, there is no such thing as Colonel Burton and Shao Yan!"

Wenn narrowed his eyes. "There must be something inside!"

He opened the contact and issued an order to "restore the research system of the No. 2 laboratory!

The green light was on, the sliding door opened, and Wenn entered with two special forces, and the rest continued to search.

Winn entered the code, scanned the entire lab, and finally detected * in an unactivated reaction unit.

The reaction device slowly rose and they finally saw the sea worm that had completely lost consciousness by the glass.

He looked very stunned, and his clenched fist did not loosen even in a coma.

"Get him out!"

The medical force rushed to the emergency rescue of Hai Yin.

"He is still alive! He is still alive! I just touched his pulse!" Wenn's eyes burned hope.

Hai Yin’s face is not so bloody, her body is weak, she is getting hot, and her body is sweaty.

"The heart rate is slow! The heart rate drops to a dangerous value!"

"High heat temperature 42.85!"

"Atrial fibrillation!"

"You want to save him!" Wenn nervously held the head of the medical unit. "He is irreplaceable for our special mission forces!"

"I know, please calm down! Major!"

Hai Yin was sent to a special rescue device and went to the military medical institution via the aircraft.

A few minutes later, Major General Gordon and Lieutenant General Aivil arrived at the scene.

"How is the situation of Colonel Burton!"

"His physical condition is very dangerous. No matter whether the heartbeat, the pulse or even the brain reaction is in a very chaotic state. We try to stabilize his physical function, but all efforts are in vain. If this continues... he can't keep it for an hour. ”

"But he has been in the reaction device for three hours! If he really dies, he will die long! Report his blood test results."

Lieutenant General Aivil looked calm and calm compared to the confusion of others.

"Blood tests have shown that the activity of x virus in Colonel Burton is rising! But the viral base is declining!"

Ai Wei reveals the expression of thinking. "Claire said that Casey synthesized a virus accelerator. If Haiyin was injected with this accelerator, it is not surprising that x virus activity is rising. They consume the body's physical fitness. He The signs should be that the body temperature is declining and the internal organs are inactive. The heartbeat and pulse of the seaweed are confusing, but it is never below 30 per minute. The decline in the viral base is even more puzzling."

"Lieutenant... you mean..."

"I need to observe the blood samples of Haiyan in real time."

Lieutenant General Aiwei personally tested the blood samples of Haiyan, and every five minutes, he would follow up and test the x virus in the sea worm.

The medical force originally stated that Hai Yin could not last for an hour under such signs, but he had been in the isolator for three hours.

Lieutenant General Aiwei suddenly walked out of the examination room with an unbelievable expression on his face. "Prepare high-concentration nutrient solution! He needs nutrition to get through! You must keep 30 mg per minute! He does not need any medical care! He needs energy!"

Major General Gordon looked at Aiwei, he knew what the other party must have found!

"Gordon! You listen! I believe that in addition to Casey's accelerator, Haiyin has been injected with another virus!"

"What virus?"

"X-2! Xiao Yan Shao Yan must have completed his research!" Lieutenant General Ai Weier's eyes sparkled with the burning world. "This is incredible! The x virus in the sea body is affected by the accelerator and is constantly copied." However, the x-2 virus injected into his body helps Hai Yin's body resist the invasion of x virus and builds a special immune defense line! This is like a war that occurs in the sea body! Hai Yin needs energy to survive this war. !"

"But if the x virus doesn't work, Haiyin loses its fighting ability... but as long as it can survive, it doesn't matter."

Major General Gordon closed his eyes and exhaled.

"What are you talking about? x-2 will replace the x virus to provide energy for the sea! The x-2 will store energy through daily nutrient intake, even through the sun like a zombie! When the sea sleeps and When a person talks, the virus does not consume his physical energy endlessly like the x virus. It is like an energy storage device. The most important thing is that it is synchronized with the gene of the sea, and it will become part of the body of the sea. !"

"You mean..." The second half of Gordon’s second half of the sentence was in the throat and did not know how to express it.

"I mean... I can't estimate how much combat capacity he can maintain after he has survived, but... the so-called "decade" limit of the special forces has not existed in Haiyin."

"This is real?"

Gordon and Avil Qiqi turned and smiled at Wenn, Mark and Liv.

"If... Hai Yin can wake up, it's all true."

Everyone looked at the isolator, and they couldn't do anything but wait.

Lieutenant General Aiwei, who has been studying for more than a dozen hours, is already exhausted. He closes his eyes and breathes a deep breath. Someone removed his terminal connector.

Ai Wei slowly opened his eyes and saw the position of the high-handed general with one hand on his back. The other side is close, but this posture does not make Aivil feel any oppression.

"Kathy injected the accelerator into the sea, and you must save the sea to correct his mistake."

"Kathy will not make mistakes." Aiwei looked at Gordon's eyes hard and did not shake it. "The accelerator he injected into Haiyin was carefully calculated, so Haiyan must not die."

Gordon nodded helplessly, "Avil, I know that when your wife and son Alex died because of Reynolds's betrayal, you are very painful, so you see that Casey, who looks similar to Alex, is right. He has uncontrollable trust. But he is not Alex! The tide is taking his dna to cultivate Kathy just to make you take it lightly!"

"He will come back, Gordon."

"Ai Weier, there are no two leaves in the world that are exactly the same! So Kathy is never Alex!"

"I know, so what I am saying is that Casey will definitely come back."

"You will be tried by a military court, Ai Weier."

"Do you want to tell me?" Aivil looked up.

"That person can never be me." Gordon closed his eyes and turned away.

Like a long journey in the dark, accompanied by severe headaches, Xiao Yan opened his eyes, soft light formed a beautiful vision, Xiao Yan felt the softness under his body, and the nose was a touch of grass.

"This feeling, you can sleep for a long time."

The lazy voice has lengthened the sound line, and the beautiful face is reflected in Xiao Yan's eyes.

When the narrow and full of charm eyes became clearer, Xiao Yan woke up instantly.

He slammed up and shook his fist, "Jane Wallis -"

The fist was easily held, Xiao Yan pulled back his hand hard, and the other side grabbed him with almost no effort. He easily opened his finger one by one, slowly placed his lips and kissed him. Back of the hand.

"Don't be so angry, dear. I paid you so much to bring you out, you should enjoy everything here."

Jane’s eyes are deep and deep, as if to **** Xiao Yan into it.

Looking around, Xiao Yan discovered that it was a huge glass house. The outside of the room was a dense forest. The sun was patchwork. Under the shade, several lizards were quietly squatting. Looking up, the blue sky seems to have to rush down from the heights, and instantly immerse Xiao Yan's gaze.

"Dear, take a breath." Jane's finger swept over Xiao Yan's brow bone and slowly approached.

Xiao Yan subconsciously supported the body to retreat, but was caught by Jane.

The air is the fragrance of the leaves, it is refreshing. Xiao Yan remembered that for the first time, she picked up the taste of the leaves covering the tip of the nose.

“The smell here is completely different from that of Charles. I know you, Xiao Yan. You are never willing to be a captive lamb. You love all things that are boundless and free.”

The heart trembled slightly and Xiao Yan slowly clenched his fist.

"I will give you everything you love."

Jane’s arms were tight, but the control did not make Xiao Yan feel oppressed.

"who are you."

"I am Jane Wallis."

"You know that I am not asking this."

Jane chuckled, sitting sideways on Xiaoyan's side and slamming his shoulder. "This question is not romantic at all."

"What is your relationship with the surge organization?"

"Before you ask this question, let me answer a question first. What is the tide in your heart?"

"Terrorist organization, the public enemy of the human race. It was the tide bomb that attacked the Crimson Venom Virus Management Committee that stored the comet virus, which led to the end of the catastrophe!"

"Charles taught you very well." Jane suddenly kissed Xiao Yan's cheek loudly. "Just they didn't tell you. At that time, the government also discovered the other side of the comet virus's lethality but hope. They want to monopolize the virus for immortality research."

"And in order to break this monopoly, do you let the comet virus spread to all mankind?"

Xiao Yan did not dodge, his body x-2 has long been metabolized, and now he can only let the other side be at the mercy, any resistance is meaningless.

He still remembers how Hai Yin taught himself. When the situation is out of control, wait patiently until the opportunity comes.

What he needs now is an opportunity. The opportunity is based on a complete understanding of the situation.

"Well, it is futile to reverse your opinion in a short time, but I believe that your smart head will make a rational judgment."

Jane turned his face, it was a very romantic posture, Xiao Yan did not go too far, the other's lips licked his cheek. Jane is not angry, he enjoys this kind of contact with Xiao Yan almost no distance.

"Come on, I will take you around to see. Let you know how hard I am to please you."

Jane pulled Xiao Yan up and looked mysterious.

This coincides with Xiao Yan's wish, he needs to know where he is.

In front of the glass door, the sliding door senses that the presence of Jane automatically opens.

Xiao Yan’s feet were on the sand, and the small blades of grass fell to his feet. Xiao Yan subconsciously looked up and there were birds passing by the sky. His hand plucked the leaves, and he smiled and turned, his fingers stretched out, and his fingertips were the halo of the sun.

Xiao Yan subconsciously retreated, but was pulled hard by the other side. He took a green worm from his hair.

Reaching out, Xiao Yan caught the obese insect, it was very soft, the body with a hint of coolness, slowly squirming, the strange touch with the skin into the brain. There are almost no insects in Charles.

"It will spit and grow, and grow wings to become a moth. It's very strange, the same creature has two very different forms."

Jane pulled Xiaoyan and continued to move forward, and Xiao Yan carefully carried the worm until it passed a low grove, and Xiao Yan placed it on a leaf.

"Your expression is really sincere."

Xiao Yan ignored him.

"Let's go, we haven't even finished one-third of the journey."

Xiao Yan followed Jane's body, gradually the air was moist, with a slight salty taste, the memory was touched, Xiao Yan remembered that a team with Hai Yin passed the sea when performing tasks...

They walked out of the woods and saw a whole piece of delicate white sand. The blue water was in front of Xiao Yan and blended into the sky. It was wide enough to be seen.

Xiao Yan showed a blank expression, step by step slowly forward, the transparent sea water did not pass his instep, the broken shell of the conch was at his feet, he kneel down, his hands did not enter the sea.

Jane squats beside him, and the sound flows into his ear with the sea breeze. "I know that you like the sea, so I bring you here."

Suddenly aware of what, Xiao Yan stood up fiercely.

He stumbled and ran along the beach.

Why is the sea?

Why is the sea!

A series of footprints are left on the beach.

Jane's hands are in their pockets and they are moving forward along Xiaoyan's footsteps.

Finally came to the end of the beach, Xiao Yan is a reef in front of the eyes, the waves are slaps repeatedly, and the distance is still endless blue.

Xiao Yan stands on the side of the rock, and the body loses weight and generally dumps forward.

"what are you doing!"

Jane took him back and grabbed his waist tightly and returned step by step.

"This is an is an island..."

"Yes, this is an island."

Xiao Yan closed his eyes tightly.

Jane’s cheeks crossed Xiao Yan and kissed his lips. “So you can’t go anywhere.”

"let me go."

"I can let go of you, but if you do what you just did, I won't give you another chance to leave the room, I will endlessly let you feel my presence."

Xiao Yan understands what the other party's so-called induction exists, and similar threats have already numbed him.

The author has something to say: Jane Wallis: I will bring the world to you, and you will not be tempted.

Xiao Yan: Because I only have Hai Yin in my heart.

Jane: Fat winter melon, you won.

Fat winter melon: Take a thousand dollars! Hahaha!

Xiao Yan: I am your son, you are so fierce to take my bet! 2k novel reading network