MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 34 progress

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Seeing Lan Duo ’s response, Flander reviewed himself a little, and he was so anxious that he hurried over after getting the news from other magicians on the road. Without thinking about it, Lang Duo left Hall It should have been a while in the Umm region, and it is impossible to get information earlier than a well-informed self.

"What happened?" Fernando quickly realized that new information had been sent to Luntat in Holm, so he lowered his voice and asked with concern-the communication between the legendary lords is more convenient than that of ordinary magicians. Too much, for example, the two lords of "Palmela's Hut" will report each other basically every day.

Flan put his right hand on the foggy window of the "Nightmare Carriage" and thought about it, and felt that he could get more detailed information from Landau, so he smiled and said, "Just a while ago, His Excellency the Lord of Death was in the glory The church killed 'Angel Angel' Franz and destroyed the teleportation team. This kind of result is frightening. Many people suspect that he has restored the strength of the legendary peak, so everyone in the epic knight in the Greater Holm area is in danger. Unable to stand still, the new Pope Gregory had to let Hofenberg the Sword of Truth return and sent two saints. "

She paused: "In this way, we are under a lot less pressure, and we have the upper hand of the war when Gregory can't show Lance."

"What? Kill the" Angel of Angels "directly in the Cathedral of Radiance?" Even before Fernando spoke, Anteke was surprised. With the support of the Cathedral Divine Array, Saint Franz was enough to resist the legend Peak for a while. After the "Death Lord" was resurrected, his strength went further. Is Infinite Close to God-like? Even if he didn't, he should have returned to the peak of the past, right?

Fernando was also a little hard to believe. He had been away for more than half a month. How could the situation change so quickly? It was only because of the siege of Tonya that killed Alfonso that the organization was hidden deep. Why did the church's host in the Big Holm area suddenly fall?

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized that the siege of Tonya had been before. What secret agreement must have been reached. In addition to controlling the "heart of time" of the pro-church, the purpose of the death lord and the old fox is directly to the "angel of angels", which is intended to cause confusion and "link" with this side.

Noting Fernando's changing expressions, Furan's heart moved: "You see what's going on?"

"I don't know. I left Lentat for more than half a month. At that time, 'Angel of Angels' was still alive and well." Fernando did not say his guess.

Flan didn't feel that a high-ranking mage with no background in the Seven Rings could know about this, so she gave her a soft head and said, "So, have you heard anything else about the Lord Lord of Death?"

"Previously, our union and the Lord Lord of Death joined forces to besiege the Heart of Time." Fernando felt that it was still necessary to throw out some valuable information so as not to be taken seriously and affect the affairs of attracting magicians.

Furan grinned and said, "Isn't it the Lord Witch of the Ice and the Lord the Cursed Eye?"

Do n’t overstate your credit for the broken organization that you do n’t even have.

"I was on the scene at the time." Fernando had a bad temper and was straightforward.

"What?" Antec was startled more than Furan.

The surprise in Furan's heart was called out by Antec, but she did not lose her voice. Laughing thoughtfully: "Landor, can you tell me the details?"

Her black eyes were so wet and wet, she could not talk about the endless tenderness and temptation. Although the Lord of the Deep Cold would inform the legendary strongmen of the coalition, he and the Star Teacher were alienated from each other. Obviously, it is impossible to tell the other party the detailed situation.

Fernando didn't intend to conceal anything, and told the general story again: "... The lord of the 'Death Lord' at that time should have only the legendary third order. Otherwise, Ketonia will not escape."

He didn't know if the "Death Lord" had concealed it.

Flan listened quietly, from time to time asking for some details, and finally nodded: "Your intelligence is valuable ..."

Suddenly, her expression was stiff, and her voice was old: "Little girl, we are interested in what you are talking about. I hope you can come to my half plane."

"... Yes, Your Excellency." Fernando froze first, and then guessed who this mysterious person who suddenly controlled Furan's body, in Aalto, only the "Star Teacher" would not cause conflict.

Furan shuddered and looked around blankly, then rubbed her head and said, "My teacher invited you just now?"

"Well." Fernando had only the respect of the legend and the fear of his strength, and did not tremble from his heart. It seemed quite calm.

Furan smiled, like the quiet moonlight at night, which was completely different from her usual. Not only did the baby bird Antec lost her eyes, but even Fernando felt quite amazing.

"For the teacher, for us, the‘ Death Lord ’thing is one of the most important things.” Furan smiled.

X! How well does this chick combine illusion and divination with his looks and temperament? Fernando pulled away Fran's face with a difficult look, secretly judging that the other party had used illusions, and at the same time, smiled, "I know, Prince Dracula, Archaeological Dragon, Elf Queen, Mother Earth, Lord of Endless Oceans, None are magicians. "

Therefore, the legendary many magicians are in a supporting role in this battle, and it is difficult to determine their own destiny. At this time, a restored "lord of death" is like a gift from "lucky goddess" !!

Flan froze for a while. I did not expect that Lan Duo could not be influenced by himself, still can soberly think and smile brightly. This is much better than the group of pretentious guys. The potential of this country girl is very good! Maybe not so simple!

Just moments later, after "possessing the flesh", she gained a new understanding and deeper interest in Landau.

"You're so smart." Furan touched Fernando's face with her right hand. "Then let's rush to half of my teacher."

After the two gradually merged into the mist. Antec then looked back and sighed, "Fran actually only likes girls. Hey, should I borrow Fernando's waistband to make it useful? No, she knows I was originally a man."

He turned his eyes to the mist, enviously: "Fernando has also participated in such an important event, much better than me who can only help maintain dreams in Aalto ..."


In the half-plane of "Xinghai", several legendary magicians did not show their true features, but each affected the space. Exhibiting a vision, for example, Fernando is a fiery ball of fire in front of the left, like the sun falling into the starry sky, and in front of the right is a strange pattern composed of the four elements of earth, fire, and feng shui.

In their eyes, Fernando, who was not even a Master Magi, was simply not qualified to meet with himself and others, if it was not for a detailed inquiry about the situation of the "Dead Lord". They would never ignore him-this is the pride of the legend of the magic empire.

"... I know this is the case." Fernando described the matter in more detail than just now, emphasizing the role of the old fox, but did not mention why Douglas and his current research.

Right in front of him, the dazzling stars are constantly spinning, forming a fate-like nebula. Within the nebula, an old but clear voice said, "It's more valuable than I thought."

"Star Mentor" is much more polite than other legends, but does not mention the specific value.

"I know the purpose of your visit to Aalto. We will not prevent you from drawing the magician away. There are indeed too many people here." "Teacher of the Star" made a statement on behalf of others.

Fernando breathed a sigh of relief. This is the purpose of his intentional disclosure of secrets, although it is a trivial matter to attract potential magicians to leave. But one of them was upset one day, and for this reason he turned himself into experimental material, and now with the endorsement of legendary lords such as the "Teacher of the Stars", everything is no problem-the result of his divination told him, As long as you ask for such a small matter, the "Star Teacher" will definitely agree, but he did not expect that he mentioned it.

Although irritable and eager, his mouth was insignificant, but Fernando was not a reckless person, and he could think of and perfect the details that should be thought of.

When Fernando left, Nebula asked, "Did you see anything?"

The abyss is looming in this darkness.

"She shows signs of physical transformation and lacks something unique to women." "Abyss Lord" Natravos is one of the best in the field of physical transformation, only more than the "Disaster King" who stood at the forefront of the entire field. Viken was almost there.

"That is to say, she might not be a woman?" "Star Teacher" said to herself.

"Just maybe." Natravos sneered. "If you don't mind, I can try. This kind of violent girl is very good for my appetite."

"Forget it, don't be surprised at this time, she is also the red-eye aristocratic bloodline of the Arthur Empire, and may have something to do with the death lord." "Teacher of the Star" shook his head and thought of his student at the same time, but this trivial matter, he Where can I put it in my heart and soon forget it.

"Sun King" said loudly, "Does she need attention? Are you too busy? There are so many important things to do!"

As a result, the thousand-year-old quietness in Xinghai has been restored ~ ~ The legends' minds are constantly communicating and colliding, giving off "sparks".


In the next few days, Fernando and Furan were entangled in the bed, and they had a passionate relationship. With her and Anteke's introduction, she met many magicians who had the potential but could not quickly rise in cities such as Aalto. Especially the few female magicians introduced by Furan are the best.

These magicians were not very willing to leave at first, after all, there were so many companions here to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, as was the case with Antivre, but they knew that the "death lord" had "recovered" their strength, and after doing a major event, they Gradually I felt that the Holm area was still very promising, and one by one changed its mind.

On this day, Furan told Fernando that in the city of Holsava, north of Aalto, there was an unbelievable elemental magician called "Tuke". His talent was not bad, but he was excluded because he offended Beto. Isolated and had to leave Aalto to live in the nearby mineral-rich city of Korsava.

Fernando rushed immediately, but Furan was delayed because of other things, and he was rare to be unaccompanied these days. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)