MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2144 higher gods

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A power of heaven, helping Zi Chen to make up for his shortcomings, enabling him to be promoted to the divine position smoothly.

The rules of the God Realm are also due to the post-turmoil era. After the Spiritual Race appeared in the divine position, the Spiritual Race was re-approved, and the rules were expected to return to the age of the Immortal Dharma Realm.

Zi Chen turned into a thunderbolt, dazzling, and the breath released was terrifying to the point of suffocation.

Obviously there is no malice, but Huang Shi feels a strong crisis and has difficulty breathing.

Zi Chen snapped his fingers, and a flash of lightning sputtered from his fingertips, like a thunder blast.

Huang Shi fell to the ground with a thud, and the spiritual power in his body could not be mobilized at all, as if it had long since died.

The terrible pressure hit so hard that he couldn't stand properly.

He was horrified, everyone was a god, why was Zi Chen so strong?

Just letting out his breath made him unable to breathe.

If it was deliberately targeted, would it be worth it?

Huangshi soon discovered that this coercion not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

"This is definitely not a low **** position!"

Huang Shi roared in his heart, he didn't believe that a low-level **** would have such a powerful aura.

Zi Chen's perception is communicating with this world, and the perception range is constantly expanding.

Different from the promotion of the physical body, after the promotion of spiritual power, Zi Chen and heaven and earth had a resonance.

At this moment, he has a feeling of dominating the world.

One by one gods appeared in the perception, some of them were doubtful, some were terrified.

One by one Heavenly Dao Beasts also appeared in the perception, and they roared in the sky, as if encountering natural enemies.

Zi Chen saw the gods of the gods, and also met the gods of the spirits.

At this time, Zi Chen seemed to be a rule wandering between heaven and earth, and his perception extended for thousands of miles.

In a faint, he seemed to sense a familiar aura.

It's Geshan!

Before Zi Chen approached the aura, an unimaginable force of destruction suddenly swept in.

Facing this breath, Zi Chen's consciousness showed signs of dissipating.

"Little Spirit Clan, who has just been promoted to the rank of god, and whose aura is still unstable, dare to come here to act wild!"

is the sound of destruction.

"Geshan, you don't think that this little Spirit Race can save you?"

"Little Spirit Race? Destroyed, this time you are afraid that you have miscalculated."

"It's just a low **** position, what is it not a little Spirit Race?"

"Then let's wait and see."

Zi Chen's consciousness returned, he looked around again, and had returned to where he was before.

Huang Shi was crawling a hundred feet away, his face terrified.

Feeling that the dangerous atmosphere around him disappeared, he raised his head, "Sir, you almost killed me."

"All the Protoss obeyed the order and followed the breath just now to kill the newly promoted Spirit Clan!"

Without waiting for Zi Chen to respond, the sound of destruction spread throughout the extraterritorial space again.

When Zi Chen's breath expanded and retracted, there were traces to follow, and it was not difficult to find.

Zi Chen looked forward, where the aura of Geshan was previously.

"Let's go, let's go to the depths." Zi Chen suddenly said.

Huang Shi nodded, "Sir, what state are you in now?"

"Lower your status." Zi Chen thought for a while.

In fact, he doesn't know his current state. In the entire Dantian world, the lake of spiritual power has completely disappeared, and only one rule exists.

This is the rule of thunder, very pure.

Although it is only a rule, if you look closely, you will find that this rule contains all the thunder rules in the world.

As small as the thunder of rain, as large as the thunder of annihilation.

Like a flower and a world, it contains the avenue of heaven and earth.

"I found him, he is here, call him immediately!"

Three gods were flying forward, and one of them sent a signal to the sky.

Huangshi was on alert, and these three people were obviously bad comers.

Zi Chen looked at the three of them.

His eyes stayed for a while, about three breaths.

The three people who rushed forward suddenly lit up with thunder lights, and then there were three explosions in the sky.

Such as three groups of lightning exploded.

The three gods that rushed forward had no bones left.

"This..." Huang Shi was shocked and stunned.

Just looking at it and killing three gods, what kind of power is this?

He had never heard of such a terrifying divine position.

Zi Chen seemed to have done a trivial thing and continued to walk forward.

Huang Shi was next to him, very excited.

Just at this moment, a light of heaven flew like an arrow.

Zi Chen glanced at it again, the power of countless thunders surged, and the light of heaven exploded immediately.

Zi Chen waved his hand, and the scattered light of heaven was gathered in his hand.

This is the power of heaven.

Although it is not as good as the way that Zi Chen broke through, it is far beyond the heart of the heavenly way nurtured in the body of the heavenly way beast.

He tried refining and found that it was helpful to himself.

Huangshi was shocked again, Zi Chen is now strong enough to face the light of heaven?

A seven-person team flew from the side, all of them were gods of the gods, and they were murderous.

Each of them has their own divine position rules, which is already the most powerful force in the world.

Zi Chen didn't make a move, just looked forward.

His eyes stopped for a moment.

The rules in those gods were instantly disordered, as if shrouded in thunder, and then exploded.

boom! boom! boom! ...

The explosion continued to come, and the sky was splashed with thunder.

It's like fireworks are in full bloom, welcoming the arrival of the two.

Huangshi has been unable to describe his current mood in words, because each of those thunder lights is a divine position.

Dozens of gods have died.

The two soon came to the area where Huang Shi's strength was banned, which was also the only way for Zi Chen to move forward.

"Sir, there should be a middle **** in this place."

The power of Huangshi was once again banned.

Zi Chen said: "Accurately speaking, it should be a middle **** of earth rules."

Huang Shi was just startled, and then he reacted.

When Zi Chen released his breath, all his strength could not be used, because he was suppressed by the powerful breath of death and could not be shaken.

And now this power is directly banned, which is actually different.

Looking at Zi Chen's bland expression, Huang Shi, who had no power to use, was full of confidence at this moment.

He followed Zi Chen, but fortunately it didn't affect Feikong without his strength.

Suddenly, the sky shook, and a meteorite fell.

These meteorites have a regular atmosphere, which is much stronger than that of Yellowstone.

And this is the ability of the middle **** level, and the low **** level can't stop it.

Zi Chen's pace was still stable, and when the meteorites were still a hundred feet away from the two, they exploded.

Not a single meteorite could get close to the two of them.

"Can you even hit the middle **** position?" Huang Shi was shocked.

After the meteorite, there are mountain peaks, like a mountain of gods, falling from the sky.

Or a thorn, falling like raindrops, quickly and densely.

But no matter what kind of attack, they can't get close to Zi Chen.


A roar came from the front, and a giant appeared.

It is surrounded by the rules of earth, and holds a huge stone stick in its hand.


In front of Zi Chen, the dragon roared loudly, and a thunder dragon composed entirely of the thunder of annihilation flew towards the giant.

The thunder dragon passed by, the thunder was mighty, and the sky seemed to be thunder and hail, falling on the giant.

Countless explosions came out, and the giant's body, which was completely composed of rules, began to crumble.

Thunder Dragon is indomitable, defusing all incoming attacks.

This scene made Huangshi shocked.

He is also a god, and he has experienced wars. He is also very skilled in the use of the rules of the earth, but compared to the means of the middle god, it is far worse.

However, Zi Chen's Thunder Dragon is inexorable. It is true that God blocks and kills gods, and demons block and kill demons.

Finally, Huangshi saw the middle god.

Wearing a robe, he stood in the sky, surrounded by rules that could ban Yellowstone.

"Who are you?" The middle **** looked at Zi Chen.

Zi Chen said indifferently: "Zi Chen."

I have never heard of this name in the **** position, because he was the **** position a long time ago, and the realm strength is real.

"Is it you who the Lord asked to kill?" Zhong Shenwei said again.

"it's me."

"Fine, you can die."

Countless rules fell from the sky and turned into a giant.

The giant's hands began to fold, covering Zi Chen and Huang Shi at the same time.

So far, there are no other rules around, only the rules of the earth in the middle of the gods.

The terrifying pressure made Huang Shi unable to say a word, just when he felt that he was going to be shot to death.


Zi Chen released thunder light all over his body, and the powerful thunder rules came from all directions in an instant, directly passing through the ubiquitous rules of the earth.

A light spot appeared on the giant, and then dispersed.

Countless thunders gathered in front of Zi Chen and turned into a long spear.

This long spear was made by Zi Chen's rules.

Ancient Farrell's rules.


The spear trembled and flew forward.

The middle **** shouted loudly, and a thick wall of rules appeared in front of him.

Pong! Pong! Pong! ...

The spear came straight, through wall after wall, with bang after bang.

Under the earth-shattering explosion, the spear pierced the last wall, and then pierced into the body of the goddess.


Instantly penetrates the body.

Thunder rules poured into the body of the middle god, making his whole body shine with the light of thunder.

The rules of earth in the sky dissipated, and there was only the aura of the rules of thunder between heaven and earth.

In this collision of rules, it was undoubtedly Zi Chen's rules of thunder that prevailed.

The middle **** looked at Zi Chen with a hint of disbelief in his eyes, "You have just been promoted, why do you have such pure rules?"

Between the gods, the hierarchy is strict.

Absolute level, representing absolute strength.

For example, Huangshi and him, the rules mastered by both sides are the same in the general direction, but the strict hierarchy makes Huangshi no resistance in the face of the middle god.

But he never thought that the rules of his dignified divine position would be directly defeated in a single encounter.

This can only prove that the other party's rules exceed the level of the middle god.

That can only be a high **** position.

The middle **** position is still unbelievable, a spirit race has just been promoted, and it can become a high **** position.

Thunder erupted all over the center of the **** The vitality was destroyed by the thunder, but his body did not explode, but fell backwards.

The reason why he can keep his body intact under the tyrannical thunder is because Zi Chen is to be left to Huangshi to trace the source.

Just as Zi Chen was on his way, the rules of the entire God Realm were undergoing earth-shaking changes.

A steady stream of Spirit Race rules quickly integrated into the God Realm.

In Yiqian's perception, there are more and more spirits burning with raging flames.

The rules have been completely opened to the Spiritual Race, and the Spiritual Race will inevitably bloom like a hundred flowers.

"How is this going?"

Su Mengyao appeared beside Yiqian, even she had already seen the road to the divine position at this time.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Yiqian's mouth, "Zi Chen broke through, and he was directly promoted to the high rank."

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