MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2145 limit rule

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Zi Chen broke through, and Huang Shi became the biggest beneficiary.

When he went deep all the way, Zi Chen had killed three middle gods and countless low gods.

Under the successive traces, Huangshi's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he is expected to advance to the middle **** position.

This is definitely a great opportunity for him.

According to his talent, being able to be promoted to the low-level **** position is already in the sky, and the middle god-level has never dared to hope.

Finally, Yellowstone broke through.

The breath of the middle **** is much stronger than before, and the surrounding is full of rich soil rules.

Zi Chen felt the breath of Huangshi, and knew that the middle **** position was his limit, and even if he traced the source of the high **** position to him, he would still not be able to break through the boundary.

Yellowstone's soil rules seem to be powerful, and it is not a problem to deal with ordinary low gods.

But in Zi Chen's eyes, it is very loose, not to mention Zi Chen's use of the power of thunder, even if it is only the power of immortality, it can be easily broken.

"My lord, I'm broken! I'm the middle god!"

Huang Shi was very excited, "Now I go to the depths, I have more confidence!"

At this moment, he is ready for the big battle. In addition to his excited expression, he also sees death as home.

Zi Chen said that the situation inside might not be ideal, and going deeper would be dangerous.

Yellowstone is not afraid!

From the day he came here, he never thought of being able to leave alive, death is only a matter of time.

But he has not only survived until now, but has also become a middle god, which is enough.

Zi Chen said: "Since the situation has been broken, then go outside and stay."

Huang Shi looked at Zi Chen in amazement, as if he had hallucinations.

"If you go to the depths of a middle **** position, you will die. It's better to stay on the outermost periphery and fight those low **** positions."

Zi Chen smiled and said: "It's also a contribution, why should I die? If you stay outside, you can still destroy the throne, why not do it."

"Sir, this is not right, I have to pay for the Spirit Race!" Huang Shi said solemnly: "I'm not afraid of death! None of the Spirit Races we came together are afraid of death."

"Fear of death doesn't mean you have to die, but you can do more while you're alive. Go ahead."

Zi Chen waved his hand, and a light of thunder took Huangshi away.

In the outer area, Huang Shi looked in the direction where Zi Chen was, and clasped his fists deeply in a salute.

This goodbye, I don't know if there will be a goodbye day.

"Sir, take care!"

After sending Huangshi away, Zi Chen stared into the depths.

In his perception, the front is like a bottomless abyss, and like a giant beast, waiting for him to get in.

Zi Chen moved his muscles and bones and chuckled, "Want to stop me?"

He moved, like a thunder, straight forward.

"Sunflower water!"

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the sky.

The sky began to distort, and countless rules of water fell from the sky, as if a vast world appeared in front of Zi Chen.


Zi Chen fell into the world of Wang Yang.

The surrounding sea water is feminine, heavy, and cold, carrying a terrifying pressure.

Sunflower water is an ultimate power in the rules of water, and the one who is shooting now is a high-level god.

Countless aquatic creatures appear, they are all composed of sunflower water rules, very terrifying and powerful.

Even if it is just a small swimming fish, it is not something that Huangshi can resist.

To allow a high-level **** to set up such a battle, of course, the opponent must also exist at the same level.

Zi Chen stretched out his palm, the golden light in his palm shone, and immortal power wrapped around it.

A palm shot down.


The golden light overflowed, and all the seawater and creatures disappeared within a hundred meters of Zichen.

Zi Chen's immortal golden body has been improving all the time, and even in the face of a high-level god, it still has a good effect.

But that's about it.

Compared to the endless seawater, the annihilation of the mere 100 zhang range is really not worth mentioning.

A high-level **** who masters the rules of Sunflower Water may not be able to kill Zi Chen, but it is also very difficult for Zi Chen to punch out.

In fact, after the practice reaches the peak, death is a very difficult thing. Unless you have the strength to crush it, it is almost impossible to kill a god.

Not to mention high-level gods, the powers that can kill them in the past are very few.

Looking at the effect of the punch, Zi Chen has restrained his immortal power.

Then, lightning flashed.

In the dantian, the thunder rule that contains all things in the universe appeared, lingering around the body.

Zi Chen stretched out his hand and pointed forward.

Lightning flashes at the fingertips.

Thunder rules raged out, taking the sea as a guide, and instantly extended to all parts of the ocean.

In an instant, the entire piece of Wang Yang was releasing lightning.

The creatures in the ocean are also shining brightly.


The sky trembled, lightning exploded, and countless marine creatures disappeared.

The entire Wangyang also disintegrated.

The sky is full of water and mist, and countless lightning flashes are raging.

"Higher gods!"

An exclamation sounded from the front.

A man stood indifferently, surrounded by the rules of sunflower water.

Zi Chen looked at each other, "Are you Ma Qi?"

He and the March family are old rivals. Of course, he knows what the March family's biggest support is.

The rules of Sunflower Water are in the hands of Ma Qi, the founder of the Ma Qi family.

The high-ranking **** snorted coldly, "My name is Sunflower Water! The new generation of Sunflower Water!"

Zi Chen thought of the memory of the original search, and he suddenly understood that this guy was the second-generation Sunflower Water.

The two sides had nothing to talk about, and Zi Chen rushed forward in an instant. This time, he did not invoke the power of immortality, but the power of thunder.

The thunder of the high-level gods surged out.

"Everyone is a high-level god, how could I be afraid of you?"

Seeing Zi Chen approaching aggressively, the second generation of sunflower water drank heavily, and the rules of sunflower water reappeared, instantly occupying this world.

Thunder erupted all over Zi Chen, and the rules of thunder were also raging.

The power of the two rules began to clash in the sky, sometimes turning into all living beings, and sometimes turning into terrifying spells.

For a time, the heaven and the earth shook, and the space was distorted.

The earth with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles was rolling like a bull, bringing huge movements.

Within this range, all the gods and heavenly beasts fled in panic.

Even the light of the heavens does not flicker in this area.

An hour later, the thunder in the sky dissipated, leaving only Kuishui alone, and Zi Chen was nowhere to be seen.


Kwai Shui's face was gloomy, and his figure disappeared from the spot.

After Zi Chen got rid of Kuishui, he continued to go deeper.

This is the first time that Zi Chen has faced the same situation since the war, and failed to decide the winner.

This is because both parties have the ultimate power of rules, and Zi Chen has no advantage at this time.

Although his thunder power is powerful, Sunflower Water is also one of the strongest power rules in the world.

After Sunflower Water, Zichen met Jiamu, which is the strongest rule of wood in the world, and also divides Yin and Yang.

The two sides fought a battle, and the other side transformed into endless trees, and even a world tree that supported the world.

Zi Chen smashed it with a mighty thunder, and then moved on.

Immediately after the appearance of the high gods of Yimu, Zi Chen also fought with thunder.

When Jiamu and Yimu joined forces, it was like yin and yang were compatible, which made Zi Chen feel a strong threat.

He used the ancient method to travel through space and left.

The next few times of containment failed to stop Zi Chen.

Zi Chen came to the depths smoothly and saw Geshan.

Ge Shan and the three Spirit Race powerhouses are sitting cross-legged on the mountain peak.

There is a distorted space around the mountain, and sometimes the power of rules emerges, trying to enter the mountain.

At this time, a light will fly out of the mountain, shattering the power of the rules.

Zi Chen stood in the air, looking at the mountain below.

It felt familiar.

After careful investigation, Zi Chen's face couldn't help changing, "This is Laoyin Mountain!"

This mountain is almost identical to Laoyin Mountain.

As Zi Chen appeared, the four people who were sitting cross-legged got up one after another.

Zi Chen fell from above and saluted the four of them, "Zi Chen has seen several seniors."

Among the four, Zi Chen only knew Ge Shan, and the other three had never met.

"Zi Chen, you are now a high-ranking god, so you don't need to be so polite." Ge Shan smiled.

"That's right, on the way to practice, it's all about strength, not years." An old man next to him said.

The other two also nodded, Zi Chen's ability to come here is enough to prove his strength.

Geshan immediately introduced the three, Liu Chenshan was the old man, a high-ranking god.

Mo Xiaoyu, who looked like a young man, was actually a figure before the turmoil, and waved at Zi Chen, a high-level god.

Liu Zhan, a burly man, didn't talk much, just patted Zi Chen on the shoulder.

"What's going on now?" Zi Chen looked around.

"We originally thought of leaving, but there were some problems in the middle, and now we are trapped." Geshan said.

"Leave?" Zi Chen was startled, "Do you want to leave the extraterritorial time and space?"

"Yes, let's leave and leave them behind. We just happened to go back to the spirit world to kill the Quartet." Ge Shan said: "But there are some problems now, so you shouldn't be able to leave. Are you not in the **** world, why are you here? Did you come in with Destruction?"

Zi Chen shook his head, and then detailed the process of entering.

Hearing this, the faces of the four people changed, and they secretly shouted that they were dangerous.

If the passage was discovered by the Protoss, it would be the biggest oolong in the world.

They will be trapped in this.

"What is the current situation of the God Realm?" Ge Shan asked again, "What is the situation of the Spiritual Race?"

Zi Chen first informed about the appearance of the chaos space and the powerful resources in it. Who knew that the four of them not only did not feel relieved, but their expressions were extremely solemn.

"Any questions?"

"That guy is the **** of disorder. He is a neutral he has always been. This time he suddenly intervenes, and I don't know if it is good or bad." Geshan said with a serious face.

Zi Chen continued to talk about the battlefield of the gods, telling the situation of the creatures in the battlefield.

The four of them were dumbfounded, apparently unaware of this battlefield.

"The leader there is the remainder, you should know each other, right?" Zi Chen said again.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the four of them changed again. Their expressions were melancholy, and it took a long time for them to recover.

"I see!"

Ge Shan sighed, "I never found them back then, I didn't expect them to fall in this way. Sigh..."

"The identity of the remainder should not be low, right? Don't you two communicate?" Zi Chen asked curiously.

Ge Shan smiled bitterly, "Back then, the Protoss suddenly killed the Spirit Race, and there were countless casualties among the Spirit Race. We didn't have a chance to discuss at all. We could only fight each other and try our best to protect the Spirit Race."

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